About Draylin ThulStatistics:
Draylin Thul
Human Jedi 1 Init +7; Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- HP 31 Defenses Ref 14 Fort 13 Will 14 Damage Threshold 13 --------------------
Force Powers- Move Object, Battle Strike, Rebuke Background:
Draylin Thul knows just how good he has it.
His father, Istian Thul, was a renowned hero of the Rebel Alliance. He had worked in secret with Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and others in the fledgling days of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. After the destruction of Alderaan at the hands of the Empire, Istian, one of the few survivors of Alderaan, openly campaigned against the Empire. Istian became something of a legend and was quite highly ranked in the Alliance Navy; his skill as a pilot, mechanic and starship designer was extremely valued. Eventually, though, war gave way to attempts at peace, and Istian, having fallen for one of his companions throughout the war, decided to retire from the galactic stage and start a family. Istian's reputation had won him many friends and admirers throughout the galaxy, but especially on Corellia. Lacking a planet to return home to, Istian decided to settle there, buying a large home in Coronet City. Istian had designed several advancements to starships over the years and owned some lucrative patents, along with shares in his cousin Bornan's shipping business; wealth was easily attainable. Two years after moving to Corellia, Istian's wife Savrina gave birth to their son, Draylin. Draylin couldn't have been much more different from his father. Where Istian was quiet, reserved, brilliant, eccentric and somewhat frail, Draylin was vivacious, outgoing, and strong as a bantha. He did not share his father's intellect or predilection for starships and mechanics, but he was gifted with something incredible; a powerful connection to the Force. This connection manifested early, in small ways; the cookies on top of their refrigerator suddenly and inexplicably being where small hands could get to them, or Draylin's uncanny knack for always knowing exactly what room his parents were in. Istian and Savrina knew that the boy would be destined for the Jedi Order, but didn't send him off right away. Istian had left his home as a fugitive from the Empire when he was a teenager, and wanted to give Draylin some semblance of a normal childhood. Draylin had that, and now is immensely grateful for it. He was aware from a very early age of how privileged he was. He came from a family of heroes, and had immense wealth, resources and opportunity. His parents, however, insisted he do chores and work around the house for an allowance, and also brought Draylin with them whenever they volunteered to help the less fortunate, which was often. Draylin remembers this time fondly; he met all sorts of people and made many friends. He developed a fondness for swoop-racing and hutt-ball (which he was particularly good at). More than anything, he remembers the nights, after a day of schooling or sports, where he would sit with his father and mother. They would watch the vintage HoloDrama series, "Corellian Sunset", about a group of Corellians that were both Jedi and CorSec officers, trying to balance their duty to the Jedi Order with their duty to Corellia. Like most media involving Jedi, most copies of "Corellian Sunset" had been purged, but Istian had loved the series and kept datadisks of every season. It made an impression on Draylin, and, like many before him, he romanticized the Jedi. When Draylin reached the age of fifteen, Istian knew he couldn't wait any longer. Having met Luke Skywalker over the course of the Rebellion, Istian sent word to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, and the Grandmaster was only too happy to receive the boy. Draylin has taken to his training like a Gungan to water. While many Jedi are most centered while meditating, Draylin finds his balance when moving. He has channeled his seemingly boundless energy into learning lightsaber forms, and the instructors of the Academy highly regard his potential skill. Draylin still gets visits from his parents regularly, and occasionally returns to Corellia to see them. The longer he stays at the Praxeum, though, the more he loses any connection to the planet of his birth. His time at the Praxeum has done nothing to disabuse Draylin's romantic notions of the Jedi. He's not a fool; he knows they're not invincible. But he does believe that they are meant to uphold peace and justice, and strives with all of his effort to be an exemplar of that ideal. Recently, Draylin's younger cousin, Raynar, has come to train at the Academy. At first, Draylin was glad to see him, but it turns out...Raynar is kind of a tool. He constantly interrupted Master Skywalker during lessons with inane questions, wore garish robes and shamelessly flaunted his wealth, and generally proclaimed his superior power in the Force over other students. Draylin has, more than once, had to mention that though they're family, they're not that closely related. Still, Draylin is happy and looking towards the future. He has recently been selected as a personal apprentice by one of the Jedi Knights, and cannot wait to continue his training and be a force for good in the Galaxy and make his father proud. Appearance:
Draylin is a tall, handsome young man with a winning smile and arms the size of a Wookie's (well...a small Wookie). He has straight, shoulder length hair that somehow always looks styled. His hair is a brown so dark it might as well be black, and his eyes match. He has taken to wearing the simple loose,
flowing garments of the Jedi order, with the traditional light colored tunic and pants and brown robe. Draylin utilizes a lightsaber given to him by his master. It is a common, though well-made, weapon that produces a blue blade. He stands at 1.97 meters tall, and is heavily muscled for such a young man. Personality:
Draylin is a pretty damn good kid. He's young,
and he has a lot to learn, but thankfully there's not much darkness in him. He loves physical competition, but exults merely in the thrill of the act itself, not in winning or physically dominating other people. Draylin comes from an extremely wealthy and well-regarded family,
Draylin has an extreme weakness for HoloDramas. Some of his fondest memories revolve around watching a Jedi-centric action drama with his parents, and if given half the chance, will rope his fellow students into viewing parties for "Corellian Sunset". Draylin does have a notorious sweet tooth. His parents and instructors have said (and are only half joking) that if he wasn't so active, he'd give a Hutt a run for their money. This fondness for sweets led to Draylin loving all sorts of food. When he was a young teenager, he decided to learn how to cook, and has spent the last four years becoming quite proficient. To him, cooking has become an act of love and appreciation, and he will often make meals for his friends. |