
Jordis Valden's page

35 posts. Alias of DM Ragnarok.

Full Name

Jordis Valden


Force Power Suite:
Move Object, Mind Trick, Surge, Vital Transfer


Female Mirialan Jedi 1 | HP 32 FP 4/5 | Ref 15 Fort 14 Will 15 Threshold 14 | Acrobatics +8 Initiative +8 Perception +8 Pilot +8 Use the Force +8


Basic, Mirialan, Shyriiwook, Rodese

Strength 8
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 16

About Jordis Valden

Jordis Valden
Mirialan Jedi 1
Init +8; Perception +8
HP 32
Defenses Ref 15 Fort 14 Will 15
Damage Threshold 14

Speed 6 sq
Melee Lightsaber +4 (2d8-1)
Snap baton +4 (2d4-1)
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +1
Force Points- 5/5
Destiny- Education
Feats Weapon Proficiency: Lightsabers, Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Weapon Finesse
Talents Dampen Presence
Skills Acrobatics +8, Initiative +8, Perception +8, Pilot +8, Use the Force +8
Languages Basic, Mirialan, Shyriiwook, Rodese
Other Gear Lightsaber, Utility Belt (500), All-temperature cloak (100), Snap baton (100)
550 credits remaining

Special Abilities

Force Powers- Move Object, Mind Trick, Surge, Vital Transfer

Jordis Valden was looking forward to a bright future. She was gifted in the use of the Force, as were many of her people. She had been brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and after proving her abilities, she was chosen as a Padawan by the renowned Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.

That was all before Order 66.

Jordis had been a happy, precocious person before then. Rather than focusing on combat, as many Jedi had during the conflict with the Separatist, Jordis focused on her own, personal connection with the Force. As a Mirialan, she had a natural connection to her surroundings, and the more common Force powers came quite easily to her. Her future in the Order looked bright, indeed.

Jordis trained under Luminara for a year, and her powers developed. Luminara taught Jordis patience, and that mastery of the basics was they key to stability and success, and Jordis took to this lesson eagerly, hoping to emulate her venerated Master in as many ways as possible.

As the conflict with the Separatists intensified, Luminara found herself drawn away from her Padawn, to Kashyyyk, where she was serving alongside former Grand Master Yoda. Jordis never knew what happened to her Master, but through their connection in the Force, she heard one word, understood one dire plea;

She gathered her meager possessions; some supplies, a baton, her cloak and her training lightsaber. And without a word to anyone, trusting her master, she was gone.

Barely a day later, the HoloNet broke the news of the destruction of the Jedi Temple.

Jordis heard it all; how the Jedi had been traitors to the Republic. How only through Chancellor Palpatine's wisdom and foresight had the Republic been saved from a coup.

The anger that fostered in her drove Jordis perilously close to the Dark Side.

Jordis retreated to the Outer Rim. She spent time on Tattooine, Taris and Belsavis. Jordis spent months concealing her presence, using the Force to erase memory of her existence from those few sentients she interacted with. She spent time, meditating on what had happened, attempting to center herself so that, when she returned to the core systems, she could act not from anger or hatred, but from a place of serenity.

She spent an entire year learning to move on.

During that time, she knew what her true goal was; there were still people in the Galaxy that would oppose the Empire. But those that would would need hope. They would need someone to preserve the knowledge of the Jedi for a new generation of Force users, and guide their path through the lens of justice, not wrath.

Jordis felt, deep within her, that it was time to return to the Core, and her path has led her near the planet Brentaal...

Jordis is a beautiful young woman, looking older than her solar years. Her figure is athletic, and she's of average height. Her skin is of course green, like most Mirialans. Her facial tattooes were of a diamond on her fore head and two vertical bars extending from right below her eyes to the bottom of her jaw. Her lightsaber possesses a green blade.

Jordis is a calm, very thoughtful young woman. Her years of near isolation have given her a preternatural calm and a predisposition to remove her emotions from a situation, acting from a place of harmony. This is not to say that she is without feelings; she feels deeply and keenly. She simply attempts, most of the time with success, to not allow them to affect her actions or judgment.

Jordis is driven to discover more knowledge of the Jedi Order. She was young when it fell, and many of it's deeper secrets were unknown to her. More than their secrets, she wishes to let it be known that the Jedi were not traitorous magicians with dark powers, as the Empire's proganda seems to indicate. She fights that misinformation (as subtly as possible) wherever she can.

Jordis was a prodigy with great things ahead of her, but she does not lament that lost destiny. She spent a year doing nothing but dealing with her trauma and learning to use her abilities in ways that would not corrupt her. She is returning to Core space intent on resisting the tyrannical Empire in ways that would make her Master proud.