DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

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"The town of Sandpoint needs you!"

This is the recruitment thread for a game Rise of the Runelords that I am planning on running. I am looking for a well balanced party, both in terms of abilities and backgrounds, of exactly four players. A note would be that I will be much more likely to pick an application if its background is interesting, ties in well with the campaign setting (Varisia and the town of Sandpoint), and shows good roleplaying ability.

Players should read the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide for information about the immediate setting and coming up with characters that tie in well. The guidebook Varisa Birthplace of Legends also has a lot to offer in the way of information and ideas for characters and backstories, although this resource is completely optional. I've linked to pdfs of both down below for convenience.

In this game I am very exciting to put a heavy emphasis on roleplaying and exploring the setting and personal story arcs than on just bashing through the AP. This means that the pace might be more relaxed, but I think more fun, in depth, and rewarding.

I would like to maintain a posting requirement of at least one substantial post per day, although maybe not as heavily on the weekends. It completely fine if you need to not post for a stretch of time, but as long as you can be communicative about your availability.

I'm super psyched to get this game off the ground and to looking at all of your applications. Feel free to ask me any questions, and have great time and good luck with your applications!

Character Creation:

-1st Level

-20 Point Buy

-Average Starting Gold

-Max HP

-Races: Anything from the CRB. If you are a human, please specify your ethnicity (typically, inhabitants of Varisia will be other either of Chelaxian, Varisian, or Shoanti descent, and will have an easier time weaving a background story into the campaign setting). As described in the Inner Sea World Guide, your ethnicity choice might grant you an additional starting language; for example, Varisians all automatically speak Varisian as well as Common.

-Classes: All core and base classes, except for the Summoner, Gunslinger, Ninja, or Samurai.

-2 Traits + 1 Campaign Trait. Players should each select one campaign trait from the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide or from pages 330-331 of the APG to tie their stories into their recent (or not so recent) arrival in Sandpoint. They should then select two other traits of their choice like normal from the APG or as an additional option from Varisia Birthplace of Legends.

Moderator Note: Removed Links

I won't lie I am interested in playing in a RotRL campaign, I have two things I'd like to get cleared up though.

First, since you did not mention the hybrid classes, I am assuming they are off the table....while that is slightly troubling to me as I am using the slayer class for the character I have in mind. I can rework him into a fighter with an appropriate archetype.

Secondly, I would like to inquire on what exactly are you looking for in terms of character personalities and alignments; are you only interested in mostly heroic characters? Or are you fine with an antihero joining the ranks of characters you'll end up picking? I also did not see alignment restrictions mentioned at all in your character creation section; does this mean you'll accept any character regardless of his/her alignment?

I understand that I am asking a lot of questions, but I would honestly like to know what you are looking for before I commit any time and energy, that would only be wasted in this recruitment because my character did not meet a criteria that was not mentioned or forgotten about.

I'd like to offer Kalean for consideration, Halfling Bard extraordinaire. Traits, background, and crunch are all done and ready to go.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Dotting for interest. Will make a Inquisitor, dont know race yet.

Here's Keris Katrala, an archer from the town of Sandpoint. She can provide the party with abundant ranged prowess while also being able to be a decent close combat fighter if needed.

Edit: check her profile for her character sheet/background/personality.

Wolfgang Rolf wrote:

I won't lie I am interested in playing in a RotRL campaign, I have two things I'd like to get cleared up though.

First, since you did not mention the hybrid classes, I am assuming they are off the table....while that is slightly troubling to me as I am using the slayer class for the character I have in mind. I can rework him into a fighter with an appropriate archetype.

Secondly, I would like to inquire on what exactly are you looking for in terms of character personalities and alignments; are you only interested in mostly heroic characters? Or are you fine with an antihero joining the ranks of characters you'll end up picking? I also did not see alignment restrictions mentioned at all in your character creation section; does this mean you'll accept any character regardless of his/her alignment?

I understand that I am asking a lot of questions, but I would honestly like to know what you are looking for before I commit any time and energy, that would only be wasted in this recruitment because my character did not meet a criteria that was not mentioned or forgotten about.

Very sorry for the confusion Wolfgang. I am very open to the use of class archetypes, but I am sorry to say that I am not familiar at all with the rules for hybrid classes, so I think that I will rule them off the table for simplicity sake. There a plenty of other options available though!

Concerning your question about alignment. Rise of the Runelords has an arc centered around a group of heroes. I would prefer the party to be of primarily good alignment, although no complaints at all about neutral characters.

I would not be completely opposed to the idea of an evil character as long as they were able to integrate themselves into a group of heroes and do heroic things (although perhaps for the wrong reasons). A character who is selvish and a bully at heart, but seeks personal glory through adventuring would make sense, or even an Arcanist who seeks knowledge of Thassilonian magics to increase their own power would work.

Dotting for interest

Are the unchained versions of the core/base classes available in this campaign?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Dotting for interest. I'm thinking about running a Thassilonian specialist Wizard, focusing on Conjuration. I'll see how I'm feeling after I tinker a bit.

spectrevk wrote:
Are the unchained versions of the core/base classes available in this campaign?

I would say no because I would like to stay somewhat close to the core rules and I am also unfamiliar with the unchained classes.

Dotting, I will cook something up this week :) I have been wanting to jump into a ROTRL campaign for quite some time! I'm leaning towards a Shoanti Barbarian, but we'll see what turns out after a few days of putting together my application.

Community Manager

Edited first post. Do not post links to our PDFs hosted elsewhere.

Liz Courts wrote:
Edited first post. Do not post links to our PDFs hosted elsewhere.

Very sorry. Must have not been thinking that it might be a copywrite conflict.

Here is a link to the Paizo page for the Player's Guide.

I'm definitely still interested in this, Unchained or not ;)

Meet Sabina Fueges, Oracle of Flame


Sabina was born in Kintargo, Cheliax, and grew up hearing stories of Varisia's wild beauty from sailors and other travelers. As a child she often dreamed of sailing north to see Varisia for herself, but the realities of her homeland soon crushed those dreams. Sabina's family paid lip service to Cheliax's infernal culture and the worship of Asmodeus, but were, in truth, fervent followers of Iomedae. Sabina idolized her goddess and devoted her life to worship and swordplay. The local Hellknights watched her developing skills with great interest, but she had little interest; though many among their number shared her devotion to justice, Sabina could never devote herself fully to the service of a nation in the diabolical grip of House Thrune.

Instead, under the tutelage of her mother and father, Sabina began training with a local militia dedicated to freeing their city of Chelish rule when the time was right. Her first mission with the rebels was a simple: reclaim the bribes that a local tax collector had been demanding from a nearby orphanage. The man was a coward, of course; he handed over the sack of coins as soon as he saw naked steel. Then, with a crash, the door burst open and it all went wrong. Sabina had trained for years, but she'd never seen real combat before. The terror, the horror, and the sudden speed of it all was overwhelming. The guards were seasoned, and cut down two of her companions immediately. Her feelings of helplessness dissolved into a haze of anger then, and she cursed them with words she had never heard before. She remembers very little of what happened next, but there was fire, and blood, and she escaped with the rest of the rebels.

The others, however, remember it all quite clearly. Sabina began shouting in the harsh, terrible language of the Devils, and spewed fire from her lips like one of Thrune's blasphemous agents. Moreover, when confronted after they had escaped to safety, she could not answer them in the common tongue for several minutes. It was clear to everyone, even her own parents, that the girl had somehow been corrupted, and would need to be purified somehow. Fearful of what they might do to her, Sabina fled from the rebel group. With no safe place to go in Cheliax, she bribed her way onto a merchant ship headed for Korvosa and fled north.

Since coming to Varisia, Sabina has been eagerly seeking out information on how she might free herself of this mysterious corruption. Sabina is a moderately good swordswoman, and though her comrades have forsaken her, Iomedae has not, as she can still work magic with her prayers. She is always glad to lend her prayers to help others, though trouble seems to follow her and no one seems to trust her after one of her 'episodes'.

Recently she learned of a new shrine in Sandpoint dedicated to six Good gods. Hoping to find a cure, or at least an open-minded cleric to aid her, Sabina has traveled to Sandpoint, taking on work as a caravan guard along the way.


Sabina Fueges
Oracle (Flame)
Curse: Tongues (Infernal)
Favored Class: Oracle (Human: gain one spell, below max level you can cast)
STR 14
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 13
CHA 16

AC: 16 Touch: 10 Flat-Footed: 16
HP: 10 Fort: +2 Ref: +0 Will: +4
CMB: +2 CMD: 12

Bastard Sword +2 1d10+2 (19-20)
Sling +0 1d4

0: Light, Stabilize, Guidance, Detect Magic, Spark
1 (4/day): Cure Light Wounds, Cause Fear, Shield of Faith

Revelations: Fire Breath (2/day)(DC 14) 1d4 fire 15-foot cone

Traits: Indomitable Faith (+1 Will saves), Affable (+2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) are always class skills), Student of Faith (cast all cure spells at +1 caster level, +1 bonus to channel energy DC)

Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword, Abundant Revelation (Fire Breath)

Diplomacy (Cha) +7 (+9 to gather information)
Knowledge (local) +5
Knowledge (planes) +5
Knowledge (religion) (Int) +5
Sense Motive (Wis) +5
Spellcraft (Int) +5

Gear (avg. starting gold: 105gp)
Scale Mail 50gp
Bastard Sword 35gp
Oracle's Kit 9gp
Sling 0gp
20 Sling Bullets 2sp
Light Wooden Shield 3gp
7gp, 8sp

spectrevk wrote:

I'm definitely still interested in this, Unchained or not ;)

Meet Sabina Fueges, Oracle of Flame
** spoiler omitted **...

Very nice looking character! I'm curious as to what alignment you intend for her to have.

Ah! I knew I'd forgotten something. I think Neutral Good would make the most sense. I'd initially conceived of her as Lawful Neutral, but then I had some better ideas for her background :)


Yikes! Got your post edited by the Paizo Police? Gotta wonder how she found ya!



Bruden Runehammer, Dwarven Wizard reporting for inspection. He'll be wanting to build custom items for the party and provide support casting mostly.

I do have a vacation coming up on the 27th that will last for 10 days, but other than that, I'm a regular poster.

This guy came from a dead RotRL game... Barely finished the first encounter and the GM poofed into thin air.

Human (Chelaxian) Bloodrager, arcane bloodline and devotee of Cayden Cailean (aka boozer)

I present Armitron Fiebane. He needs some tweaking to fit into the Campaign. Will tweak final submission tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Hey, I remember playing in one of your games before it died due to lack of posts.
Dotting for interest.

I'd like to join this Rise of the Runelords campaign. This is alias, I'd like to play.

Ulrich is very interesting character. He is knowledgeable and knows something about history and religion. He can contribute being skilled in personal combat, but prefers to do area attacks for enemy. He is determined to dig into old history of Thassilon and Azlanti empires. His character is more about order, so he is one, who is willing to lead a team to success and carefully plan advancement with limited resources he has at hand.

This character was created for another recruitment thread, so he might need to be fixed, that can be done later, after Ulruch get selected. if that happens

He comes from Korvosan family, but was unsuccessful in arcane studies, learned couple of basic tricks, but was dismissed from Academae, due to lack of progress. Worked as scribe and translator, found some ancient works. Discovered himself as worshiper of Lissala and was granted by some minor powers. Moved to Kaer Maga to find other worshipers of forgotten deity, but found that original idea of cult is lost, and most of worshipers view her as goddess of cruel knowledge. Willing to restore Lissala's neutral part, he is travelling to Sandpoint and later to Magnimar. His short term plans: recon an old lighthouse in Sandpoint and then move to Magnimar to find Pathfinder Society representatives.

I have a druid I would love to bring into this campaign but some honesty first. I have never done pbp but have years of adnd, 3.e's and pathfinder experience. I will submit a character and background today but if you'd rather have experienced pbp players let me know.

malaketh wrote:
I have a druid I would love to bring into this campaign but some honesty first. I have never done pbp but have years of adnd, 3.e's and pathfinder experience. I will submit a character and background today but if you'd rather have experienced pbp players let me know.

Definitely open to new PbPers!

Here is a little background story. Will make up a character today for review.

May I introduce..... Malaketh of the Sanos Forest(Druid/Menhir Servant/ Domain rather than Animal Companion) he will be more of a caster.

Malaketh, as he is known by the gnomes, is a defender of the Sanos Forest and watcher of the people of Turtleback ferry.

The gnomes of the forest love to tease him and because of his great love of nature and pleasant way he receives their taunts, they accept him as a free person of their Forest.

But something is wrong, there is an unease among the forest, the gnomes can feel it as can Malaketh. He went into deep meditation to contact the spirits, feeling the lifeline that flows through all Golarion he was suddenly slammed back with a shock of evil so strong. The balance is in grave danger. The spirits are telling him, you must leave your grove and travel to Standpoint. That is where it begins

Furnok here, ready for goblin and giant bashing.


Full Name : Furnok of Ferd

Race: Human(Taladin)

Classes/Levels : Ranger (Skirmisher)1 (hp favored)

Gender M

Size M

Age 18

Special Abilities :

Alignment: NG

Deity : Eristal

Location Stolen Lands

Languages Common.Elf,Orc

Occupation : Bounty Hunter

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Height: 6'3" Weight: Hair: Black Eyes: Grey
Favored Class: Ranger(hp)
Hit Points: 13
Spd: 30
Init: +6
AC: 17 ( 5 armor shield)/Touch 12 /FF15 )
BAB: +1
CMB: +4
CMD: 15
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +0

Lucerne Hammer +4 1d12+4 BP Brace,Reach
Longbow +3 1d8/x3 100 ft
Falchion +4 2d4+4 18-20

Skills: (9 level)
Perception (1+2+3)7
Survival (1+2+3)6 +1 Tracking
Stealth (1+2+3) 6
Know-Geography (1+2+3) 6
Know-Nature (1+2+3) 6
Climb (1+3+3) 7
Swim (1+3+3) 7
Ride (1+2+3) 6
Handle Animal (1+3) 4

Feats:Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes
Traits: Giant Slayer(+1 Bluff,Perception,Sense Motive and +1 Hit/Damage against giants),Axe to Grind(+1 damage against threatened foes)
Special Abilities: Favored Enemy(Humans) +2 Hit/Damage,Bluff,Knowledge,Perception,Sense Motive,Survival. +1 Tracking,Wild Empathy(+1)
Lucerne Hammer
20 Arrows
Scale Mail
4 days rations
Silk rope
1 gp 9 sp

Just reading through the campaign traits. Guess I should have done that prior to my story as they don't seem to fit. Giant slayer and monster hunter are the least "attached" to standpoint. I always looked at druids as apart from society but the traits seem to encourage bring tied to the area.

Bruden wrote:

Bruden Runehammer, Dwarven Wizard reporting for inspection. He'll be wanting to build custom items for the party and provide support casting mostly.

I do have a vacation coming up on the 27th that will last for 10 days, but other than that, I'm a regular poster.

I love the dwarf wizard! I noticed that your background has some discrepancies and points of unclarity. Maybe it could use another proof read? I'm unsure as to whom his is and to whether he is trying to save his wife or his son. I'm also curious where Brudun is from. Janderhoff is the closest settlement to Sandpoint with a large dwarf population. I would also dig more information about how he thinks that Thassilonian could benefit him.

malaketh wrote:

Just reading through the campaign traits. Guess I should have done that prior to my story as they don't seem to fit. Giant slayer and monster hunter are the least "attached" to standpoint. I always looked at druids as apart from society but the traits seem to encourage bring tied to the area.

That is true. It's a nice concept, but I don't really think it clinks as nicely as it could with the campaign and its themes.

I have Valcair here who is was made for a Rise Campaign but didnt get in. He is an Aasimar and will be going wizard then cleric and then
Mystic Theurge. I will add his backstory to the profile.

Just curious, but when were you planning to make the final decision on the party?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If we play a barbarian, Monk or rogue do you want the Unchained versions or the core ones.

malaketh wrote:
If we play a barbarian, Monk or rogue do you want the Unchained versions or the core ones.
GM Nightingale wrote:
spectrevk wrote:
Are the unchained versions of the core/base classes available in this campaign?
I would say no because I would like to stay somewhat close to the core rules and I am also unfamiliar with the unchained classes.

Also interested. Will be working up something and putting it up this evening.

As previously requested, when is a submission deadline, and what are your posting requirements? I prefer a fast paced posting requirement to help keep the energy and creative thinking up, if possible.

If we have a particularly strong background, would you consider non-core races? I've got concepts both core and non-core that I could toss in and would love to get into RotRL again, but I'd like to get a ruling on that before pitching any ideas.

pinvendor wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Also interested. Will be working up something and putting it up this evening.

As previously requested, when is a submission deadline, and what are your posting requirements? I prefer a fast paced posting requirement to help keep the energy and creative thinking up, if possible.

ooops..that does not bode well for my chances ....sorry for missing that

GM Nightingale wrote:
I love the dwarf wizard! I noticed that your background has some discrepancies and points of unclarity. Maybe it could use another proof read? I'm unsure as to whom his is and to whether he is trying to save his wife or his son. I'm also curious where Brudun is from. Janderhoff is the closest settlement to Sandpoint with a large dwarf population. I would also dig more information about how he thinks that Thassilonian could benefit him.

I suppose I was a little overzealous with my use of pronouns, but his wife died, and he transferred his son's life essence into an Ioun Wyrd which became his familiar. He wants to turn his son back into a dwarf to experience life the way his mother envisioned as per her dying wish.

I don't particularly have a place where he was from, although I suspect he's from a bit farther off than Janderhoff. I envisioned him crafting and travelling for about 10 years or so, looking for answers. I expect he was involved in some pretty scary stuff, mostly buying Contact Other Plane scrolls and trying to cast them without going insane, which he might have done a few times in his search for answers. But eventually he came upon Thassalon as a matter of elimination and confirmation.

He is specifically looking into the ancient power of Thassalon to discover a way to restore his son, and give him a self-sustaining dwarven body. I'm guessing it will take a wish or something similar, and possibly a ritual or two. It might end up being something that will take place deep into the campaign or after it due to the fact that he is ignorant (actually willingly ignorant) of what his son actually is now.

What he doesn't know is that his son actually died and is now staying with his father on the orders of an Archon of Torag to attempt to redeem him from his willingness to do anything for his family, even evil things, for genuine altruism that is not focused on self-gratification. He is purposely being led into this trouble by the powers that be to awaken the good in him and lead him on a path to redemption and penance. Eventually he'll have to face the truth and deal with his stubbornness, pride and selfishness to accomplish the very task he'd set out to do, since the answer for him lies not in the quick and easy path, but the hard road of heroism, of which he is reluctant to take.

GM Nightingale wrote:
I would like to maintain a posting requirement of at least one substantial post per day, although maybe not as heavily on the weekends. It completely fine if you need to not post for a stretch of time, but as long as you can be communicative about your availability

Looks I can't read either. I asked for this clarification, and here it is in the opening post.

A small point of clarification, GM Nightengale...

You mentioned no hybrid classes from the Advanced Class Guide, but then you give an example of a potentially evil character using the Arcanist class which is a hybrid class. Are there some hybrid classes you will allow over others like you are excluding the Summoner, Gunslinger, etc.? Also, does your exclusion list include the Magus?

pinvendor wrote:

A small point of clarification, GM Nightengale...

You mentioned no hybrid classes from the Advanced Class Guide, but then you give an example of a potentially evil character using the Arcanist class which is a hybrid class. Are there some hybrid classes you will allow over others like you are excluding the Summoner, Gunslinger, etc.? Also, does your exclusion list include the Magus?

By Arcanist I meant an arcane user such as a Wizard, not as as in the hybrid class. Sorry for the confusion.

malaketh wrote:
If we play a barbarian, Monk or rogue do you want the Unchained versions or the core ones.

The core ones, please.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How will this game be different then the games you flaked out on in the past? Nightingale, you typically run a game to about 300 posts then drop off for no reason. Are you able to put in the 2-3 year commitment to run this campaign in the manner you described above?

Bruden wrote:
GM Nightingale wrote:
I love the dwarf wizard! I noticed that your background has some discrepancies and points of unclarity. Maybe it could use another proof read? I'm unsure as to whom his is and to whether he is trying to save his wife or his son. I'm also curious where Brudun is from. Janderhoff is the closest settlement to Sandpoint with a large dwarf population. I would also dig more information about how he thinks that Thassilonian could benefit him.

I suppose I was a little overzealous with my use of pronouns, but his wife died, and he transferred his son's life essence into an Ioun Wyrd which became his familiar. He wants to turn his son back into a dwarf to experience life the way his mother envisioned as per her dying wish.

I don't particularly have a place where he was from, although I suspect he's from a bit farther off than Janderhoff. I envisioned him crafting and travelling for about 10 years or so, looking for answers. I expect he was involved in some pretty scary stuff, mostly buying Contact Other Plane scrolls and trying to cast them without going insane, which he might have done a few times in his search for answers. But eventually he came upon Thassalon as a matter of elimination and confirmation.

He is specifically looking into the ancient power of Thassalon to discover a way to restore his son, and give him a self-sustaining dwarven body. I'm guessing it will take a wish or something similar, and possibly a ritual or two. It might end up being something that will take place deep into the campaign or after it due to the fact that he is ignorant (actually willingly ignorant) of what his son actually is now.

What he doesn't know is that his son actually died and is now staying with his father on the orders of an Archon of Torag to attempt to redeem him from his willingness to do anything for his family, even evil things, for genuine altruism that is not focused on self-gratification. He is purposely being led into this trouble by the powers that be to...

That clears a lot of things up! One last question: is it that Brudan's son's spirit came from the body of his dead wife?

Liberty's Edge

I think I have a character almost ready for this.

I believe Keris is ready. Let me know if there's anything in need of updating/correcting, thank you.

GM Nightingale wrote:
That clears a lot of things up! One last question: is it that Brudan's son's spirit came from the body of his dead wife?

Yes, they had only been married nine days, and so the baby was barely conceived.

Bruden wrote:
GM Nightingale wrote:
That clears a lot of things up! One last question: is it that Brudan's son's spirit came from the body of his dead wife?
Yes, they had only been married nine days, and so the baby was barely conceived.

That makes sense. Thanks!

I will complete my submission tomorrow, feeling a bit under the weather today.

One last bit of clarity for me if you please: are we allowed any Paizo source for feats, equipment, and such or only certain books? I realize not everyone may have some of the Paizo setting material and it won't be in the PRD, but setting neutral variants are usually available in the d20pfsrd if a GM or player needs reference. But understandably, you may choose to not have to do research if you would prefer specific sources only.

Armitron Foebane wrote:
I will complete my submission tomorrow, feeling a bit under the weather today.

No problem at all. Feel better!

I think that I would like to set my assignment deadline for Friday when I will make my party choice.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
GM Nightingale wrote:
I think that I would like to set my assignment deadline for Friday when I will make my party choice.

Alrighty! I'll put the finishing touches on my submission tonight and have it up by tomorrow.

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