DM Immortal's Blood Red Roses: A Skull & Shackles Campaign

Game Master imimrtl

Loot List

Current Map

Island of Empty Eyes Map

Port Peril Map

Ship interior
Ship exterior

Dread Lady Upper level
Dread Lady All Levels

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AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

Seijiro, Tomo on his shoulder grooming his hair, stands in the prow near AMen-Set and watches ahead and down, keeping an eye out for anything that might prove a threat.

perc: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Rain thinks a quick reconnaissance flight over bay and smaller rock at centre of bay is fine, but for the ship to be safely docked at the mouth of the bay, a watch to be placed to ensure nothing sneaks up to attack us over...

I'm all for using Summon Monster to send in Aquatic animals to also help search the bay for rocks or whatever may be in there, too. Also, did we ever find out what the status is with Dhaavan's sister? She might be able to lend a unique helping hand with that issue, too, if possible... What does everyone think of that?

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19
Horatio wrote:

He watches the sea foam, trying to guess their speed, then he looks back at Rajah.

"Do you think it would be handy to pray for spells of Divination on the morning to find this stone? I would rather our arsenal of prayers for more practical matters, of course, but I am curious to know what you think of the idea..."

"Or," he says pausing, the smile still on his lips "shall we rely rather on your coin for such answers?" he adds, his serious manner now more relaxed as he listens to Rajah's advice.

Turning back to the man of many trades, "I fear Divination is beyond my capabilities, Sir Flynn. But, now that you mention it, we just might have that alternative we were looking for," he says as he pats his pocket to where the coin resides and gives a wink before heading toward the prow of the ship.

Noticing Seijiro as he arrives at the prow, "Good Seijiro, what are you doing up here? I believe you are best in the crow's nest. I will not take the spot of one who possesses such a fine eye as yourself, my good man!" he says with a wide grin. "Besides," he looks up toward the nest, seeing how empty it is, "it just seems... wrong if it is not you that is up there. I know I feel a thousand times safer with you watching out for us in your proper spot," he tells him, still grinning as he motions with a friendly nod toward the nest, trying to persuade him. "Yay? Nay? What do you say, good Seijiro?"

@Horatio: Unfortunately, Warpriests don't get Divination until 4th level spells hit. Yeah it stinks. It's the drawback of being a warpriest. They only go to 6th level in spells and it's a slow go to even get to those levels.

@Seijiro: The crow's nest is your, my friend! As long as your up and about, it's most definitely all yours. Heck, it's your spot. It's just weird if were sailing and you're not up there. The ship may just sink because the whole thing just seems "off" if you're not up there. :)

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10


Seijiro gives Rajah a little mock salute and a grin, then he and Tomo climb up to the crow's nest, where he keeps watch.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Variel sees all things well in hand: Rain at the wheel, Jiro in the crow's nest, Horatio and Amen doing soundings. It made him smile that everything was as smooth as it could be. That ease was well earned after long hours and trying times but they were all better for it. Variel heard Rain and Horatio discussing plans and saw Rain look his direction. He gave her a broad smile trusting in her judgment and knowing as well that Horatio would provide 5 different alternatives as well. It was a good thing though as each deviation just made you analyze your own thought process that much more fully. Variel could not help himself though and had to toss his own words in. I am in agreement with both of you. I think total surprise is out of the question unless we find a cave system and the creatures are underground. That being said I would not venture into the island any further tonight and feel we should wait for the new day. By all means though Horatio, expend what magical resources you want to tonight to explore the bay as that will only provide security for us and the crew in the bay.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
Turning back to the man of many trades, "I fear Divination is beyond my capabilities, Sir Flynn. But, now that you mention it, we just might have that alternative we were looking for," he says as he pats his pocket to where the coin resides and gives a wink before heading toward the prow of the ship.

Horatio nods his head slowly.

"Ah... I did not know this. Yet Amen-set can petition her god and ask to Divine things, should we need it. Yet in my experience, Divination - though under the purview of higher level casters - is not often worth the return," he muses thoughtfully.

"She can add that to her list of spells in the morning, but I wondered; is it worth it, or would another spell do better?" he asks, rephrasing the question a bit.

Not sure if Divination is worth it (personally I thought it was always kind of a lame spell); meantime, if you guys think it is worth it, she'll memorize it, if not - then probably not...

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
He gave her a broad smile trusting in her judgment and knowing as well that Horatio would provide 5 different alternatives as well.

Hey now, I only offered four; well, maybe four and a half ;)

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
I am in agreement with both of you. I think total surprise is out of the question unless we find a cave system and the creatures are underground. That being said I would not venture into the island any further tonight and feel we should wait for the new day. By all means though Horatio, expend what magical resources you want to tonight to explore the bay as that will only provide security for us and the crew in the bay.

Horatio nods at Variel.

"As for the bay itself? As I indicated before - something, call it hunch - suggests to me now that there would be no problem rowing a rowboat into the bay, but there will be a large problem taking our ship into it... I do not know why, but I am now suspicious of it."

"I think the full examination of the bay should be done by those most skilled at underwater exploration - specifically; the First Officer's kin... If she's still with us; I don't know where she, or Dhaavan, is at this time, though."

"If they are willing to do so, then I will do all I can to aid them. If not, then I would have an alternative suggestion."

"We know that there are two small islands to the north of the bay. Given that we have a undetermined amount of daylight left, and given that the ruins may be hard to find, but certainly not something we wish to explore at night time, I thought it might be prudent to also take a scout team to the small islands north of the bay and given them a cursory examination for possible locations to build fortifications."

"What do you think of that option? Given that there will apparently be light we should have several hours to explore those islands and clear or clean them of any threats; should Dhaavan be unable to aid us in the exploration of the bay itself."

He takes a drag from his smoke and then waits to hear what the others think.

Female Archon-blooded Aasimar
Crunchy Bits:
Saurian Shaman Druid 7/Hierophant 1 AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +3 shield) hp 5/68 (7d8+28) Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9; +4 vs. fey and plant-targeted effects.

Ana seems lost in thought during the discussions, almost as if she is listening to another conversation altogether. She tilts her head to the side and says No, that won't work at all. The one on the left.

If you ask what she's talking about she looks at you as if she doesn't understand what you mean. She seemed fine up until you all reached the ship and now seems a bit...strange.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

You proceed out of the bay slowly, it's sheltered confines sapping a good bit of your wind. Making your way around the coastline you see several interesting features. You see a section of shoreline that is abundant with fields of kelp, that would make a good area for fishing and for utilizing the kelp for it's various uses. You hear a shout from Seijiro as he spots what looks like a shipwreck. A mess of driftwood lies scattered and broken on these rocky shoals, continually battered by the crashing waves. Seabirds roost among them, their calls eddying upon the wind.

Do you want to stop and see if there is anything to salvage or keep going?

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Anasrianna wrote:
"No, that won't work at all. The one on the left."

Horatio glances at Dhaavan's sister curiously, his eyes studying her.

He wishes Amen-set were near; here ability to sense a person's motive far superseded his own.

Still, he'll give it try...

Sense Motive
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

EDIT: Meh... for what it's worth...

DM Immortal wrote:
Do you want to stop and see if there is anything to salvage or keep going?

Horatio has some thoughts on the matter; but before he can respond, can we get its approximate location on the map, as well as the location of the kelp fields.

Also, to help this decision about exploring; can we have the current time; time of sunset; and our current speed in relation to the relative location of the shipwreck?

I can't speak for the others, but as soon as I know more on the subject, I'll have Horatio respond better.

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

Peering in the direction of the driftwood, Rajah's curiosity gets the better of him. "Rain! Head towards the driftwood! There may be something of interest... ing use! Yes, use!" he yells to her from the prow, thinking 'use' might be the better term in this case. They may not bother with it at all if I say 'something of interest' and then how will I ever know what's there? 'Twould be a shame really, he thinks to himself as a matter of factly.

Sorry. I can't help it. Enquiring minds want to know. (Or possibly it's a unbridled rage of curiosity. Six of one, half dozen of the other) :)

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
Peering in the direction of the driftwood, Rajah's curiosity gets the better of him. "Rain! Head towards the driftwood! There may be something of interest... ing use! Yes, use!" he yells to her from the prow, thinking 'use' might be the better term in this case.

Horatio feels a sense of irritation that the new-comer is giving orders to Rain. Surely she saw the driftwood and could make that call, but - unfortunately - this was no time for having fun or private adventures.

At this point they were being forced to get a stone for some creature before they could do what they wanted to do on this island. Until or unless that journey was completed, they were not really able to do anything else on the island, unfortunately.

He turns a glance at the driftwood - more interested in the birds nesting there than the wood itself.

"We made a full sweep of this island this morning and this mess wasn't found. Now we find it - and look; scavengers are rooting in it - that means they smell blood, and given that the waves are pounding on the water, the blood must be fresh enough to have drawn their attention after our initial pass this morning - but not so long that the waves didn't wash it away," he says to Rajah.

He frowns, knowing full well that the sea monster they fought earlier that day was never fully finished and may still be out there near the rocks, to also feast on remains below the waves - or attack another ship...

"Oye - Action Stations! Look alive lads," he says to the Halfling gunners on the Fighting Top above them, then calls to the other gunners who are now on deck "Ready port gun crew," he adds, knowing at as they were sailing counter-clockwise around the island that the coast was obviously to their port side.

He turns to one of the deckhands.

"Sound the fathoms - then let the Pilot-Major know our depth so we don't run aground on anything," he calls out recalling the earlier hunch about shallow or threatened water.

If the water is deep enough, that thing may be swimming below us even now - possibly even moving further to our starboard to try to drive us into the rocks... Gods damn it! Why the hell didn't we finish that thing off when we had the chance!

At this time he says nothing to interfere with the sailing of the ship, leaving that to others - but operating the ship's weapons was his responsibility and he took that very seriously; especially when there were unknown threats close to them.

Besides; given the threats of shoals, reefs, shallows and rocks - especially near a crushed ship - he assumed knew Rain wouldn't take their ship near the rocks itself; though she may have a longboat launched to explore it... Still, she was at the helm and she had the con, so he would find out what she would do regarding sailing the ship soon enough...

"Orders, Pilot-Major?" he calls out to her, wondering what she will have the ship do with the potential threat nearby.

GM - can we get its approximate location on the map, as well as the location of the kelp fields.

Also, to help this decision about exploring; can we please have the current time; time of sunset; and our current speed, not to mention our location in relation to the relative location of the shipwreck?

Thank you!

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Rain listened to the warnings from Jiro in the Nest, Amen hanging from the bow and Flynn and his men calling out the depths. Her eyes strained to take in the mess of driftwood lying on the rocky shoals; her keen sailor's eyes evaluating the threat, tide, waves and applying the knowledge to driving the Lady safely in the water and area.

Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (9) + 19 = 28
Prof Sailor: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (14) + 26 = 40 (To determine the best distance to keep the ship safe from the rocks, shoals and strong waves/tides.)

Rajah wrote:

"Rain! Head towards the driftwood! There may be something of interest... ing use! Yes, use!"

Rain's dark blue brow shot up at the man's instruction, finding it amusing since it was not that long ago he fell over himself to return the Nest to Jiro. "Variel, best you give over your Captain's tricorne to Rajah there. He is most eager to lead us." A soft chuckle escaped her lips before being replaced by a serious demeanour as she contemplated the shipwreck and what to do about it. "Let us see what it is about."

Flynn wrote:

'Now we find it - and look; scavengers are rooting in it - that means they smell blood, and given that the waves are pounding on the water, the blood must be fresh enough to have drawn their attention after our initial pass this morning - but not so long that the waves didn't wash it away,"

She called to the Nest, "Jiro, do you see blood in the water or atop the driftwood?" As she waited for Jiro's reply, Rain looked to Flynn, "Perhaps the gulls nest among the driftwood or fish have been caught there for them to feed. Did you see blood or did Amen?"

Flynn wrote:

"Orders, Pilot-Major?" he calls out to her, wondering what she will have the ship do with the potential threat nearby.

Rain dared not sail the ship too close and she called to her companions, "We stop here. If we wish a closer inspection than I suggest we send out a strong summoned swimmer or one of the birds to inspect the driftwood. If there is no present danger, then we take a longboat out to it while there is still light." Immortal, I'm not sure how far from the ship this wreck is, but Rain will sail as close as she can - safely - than hold ship steady or drop anchor, depending on what Variel says.

Prof Sailor to sail/manoeuvre the Lady safely close enough so she isn't grounded on any shoals/rocks etc: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
"Perhaps the gulls nest among the driftwood or fish have been caught there for them to feed. Did you see blood or did Amen?"

Horatio turns to her.

"I didn't see blood at all - we're not close enough to make something like that out... But gulls are scavengers, they do feed on the dead. Why should they be nestled in the shipwreck if there was nothing to encourage their presence?" he says with great confusion.

Rain - all of this is mostly speculation as - at this point; I have no idea where this shipwreck is on our map. I honestly don't know if there are beaches or mostly rock, but I assume if it was smashed against rocks, there'd likely not be beaches? But I'm not sure...

If anyone knows its location than can they please mark it on the GM's map for me?

"The side of the cliffs are rock; they need to be near sand to hunt for dead fish which was ashore.... If they're going to make a nest, it makes no sense to nest in the battered ruins of a ship, especially one that wasn't here when we scanned this place this morning..." he adds the last in a confused voice, almost to himself.

He turns back to the Jiro and Amen-set RE: Perception Checks

"Did any of you make our her make and colors? Do we know what class of ship she might be, or who conned her before he wreck?" he asks them.

This could be local ship, but it could also be the Cheliax ships to the north the GM mentioned via possible trouble with them; if one of their ships was sailing south this afternoon after our initial pass, then it's possible that their could be some survivors who are now on the island...

Rain Taneththir wrote:
Rain dared not sail the ship too close and she called to her companions, " "We stop here. If we wish a closer inspection than I suggest we send out a strong summoned swimmer or one of the birds to inspect the driftwood. If there is no present danger, then we take a longboat out to it while there is still light."...

Horatio says nothing at this, but merely scans the wreck, letting the others on lookout relay their information first.

To be honest, I have no idea what to do via searching or tactics until we know more about the location of the wreck or how much daylight we have left.

GM - could we please get the correct time, time of sunset, and the position of the wreck on the map, as well as the moon cycle? Thank you :)

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Variel considers the shipwreck and its appearance. It was a curiosity indeed and sometimes luck favors the bold. Turning to Rain he gives her a smile and asks I fancy a swim and a quick trip in the water. What say we explore this wreck for anything useful as Rajah suggests? As for my hat dear, I would not offend Jiro by loaning it away so easily. Smiling he continues, You are right. He is an eager chap. One trip inside the belly of a beast would be enough. Apparently he wants to see if there are any more down there we can cut him free from.

Calling out to the other officers, I think we will have time to explore this wreck now if we are just going to sleep tonight in the other bay. Perhaps we missed the wreck due to the tide earlier and only by chance did we stumble upon it now. Lets explore and take what we can now. A quick flight would be in order though as we prepare so we know what we are getting ourselves into.

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Rajah wrote:

"Rain! Head towards the driftwood! There may be something of interest... ing use! Yes, use!"

Rain's dark blue brow shot up at the man's instruction, finding it amusing since it was not that long ago he fell over himself to return the Nest to Jiro. "Variel, best you give over your Captain's tricorne to Rajah there. He is most eager to lead us." A soft chuckle escaped her lips before being replaced by a serious demeanour as she contemplated the shipwreck and what to do about it. "Let us see what it is about."

Rajah finds himself confused a moment, not sure why Rain would make such a statement. He then mentally takes himself back to what he said and mumbles the words to himself. His eyes then go wide as it hits him on how that may have sounded. "Oh dear. I do fear that did not come out right at all." As Rain seems to take it in stride, he can't help but grin sheepishly, shaking his head at his own folly.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
I fancy a swim and a quick trip in the water. What say we explore this wreck for anything useful as Rajah suggests?

Horatio shakes his head.

"Begging your pardon, but if you want to explore the wreck, I'd advise against taking a swim. We don't know what's there; how hard the waves and the tides are, and - if we find anything of note - it will be tricky bringing it back."

"I'd advise taking the longboat; it would be easier to fight, shoot and cast spells from, should the need arise, and if we find any goods or gear of note we can load the boat and then haul them back to the ship with little difficulty," he adds.

"Also, if there is anything beneath the surface of the waves that needs to be taken then it should be both safer and easier to haul it up from the water from the longboat rather than swimming all the way there, diving below, then trying to haul anything all the way back to the ship while swimming - if we need to, that is."

"Anyway, that's just a suggestion..."

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
I think we will have time to explore this wreck now if we are just going to sleep tonight in the other bay. Perhaps we missed the wreck due to the tide earlier and only by chance did we stumble upon it now. Lets explore and take what we can now. A quick flight would be in order though as we prepare so we know what we are getting ourselves into.

Horatio looks both ashamed and abashed at that news.

"It seems impossible to me that we could have missed something like this on our search this morning. But if so, then I apologize, for the fault is mine - it was my suggestion to search the perimeter of the island first. The least I could have done is been more vigilant in my duties."

Variel - I have no idea what the time is formally; but I know this much at least - before we set out on this mission we were advised we had roughly 2 hours until sundown. Based on our current position on the map and via the mileage, this should mean we've sailed roughly 1 hour - and should theoretically have at least 1 hour until sunset (assuming our speed wasn't boosted by Rain's earlier check). Point is - at this stage we should have plenty of sunlight to search.

Also, given our current position via the map, I'm no longer sure it's guys from Cheliax - the shipwreck is too far south (though not impossible, this is just a hunch; but Cheliax is north and other than Sargava and possibly the southern part of the Mwangi Expanse, I can't think of anything of note south; but it could also be just some random ship, too). But given its current location, it's close enough to the mouth of the bay that the sea monster thing we let escape could have done this.

As he studies the wreck, his eyes tack back to the large pool of kelp thoughtfully.

Knowledge: Nature - 19 and Geography - 23 on the Kelp to discover why it's so stagnant with heavy waves/current around (based on the scale of the map that looks almost like a mile of kelp; that's pretty big and now I'm curious...)

As he waits for the others to voice their thoughts on taking the longboat to the wreck rather than just swim over there, he overhears Rajah...

"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
"Oh dear. I do fear that did not come out right at all."

He turns to him.

"No worries, mate - it happens to the best of us. Hell, as it hard as it may seem to believe, even I've had trouble saying things right," he says, then gives Rajah a grin as if he were sharing some sort of inside joke.

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19
Horatio wrote:
"No worries, mate - it happens to the best of us. Hell, as it hard as it may seem to believe, even I've had trouble saying things right," he says, then gives Rajah a grin as if he were sharing some sort of inside joke.

LOL! Oh man I'm rolling! :D

Rajah nods, grinning, shaking it off and ready to move on. "Longboat or swimming matters little to me. Even if there's a beast down there...," he pauses a moment to consider Variel's reminder of his previous encounter with a sea beast. Eventually he nods as a matter of factly, "I'm thinking the longboat is a good choice, Sir Flynn, a good choice."

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

"Longboat sounds fine, though we might still end up swimming... I'll be ready if that's the case." Seijiro smiles, under the assumption he'll be going along. "Maybe it would be a good idea to get a closer aerial scout of the wreck before we head out."

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
"I'm thinking the longboat is a good choice, Sir Flynn, a good choice."

Horatio glances at Rajah and nods.

Seijiro wrote:
"Maybe it would be a good idea to get a closer aerial scout of the wreck before we head out."

Horatio's eyes flick to Jiro aloft in the crow's nest.

"That's good thinking," he calls to him.

Horatio turns and scans the coast.

"Survivors may have moved inland after the wreck," he muses, his eyes flicking to what looks like a hill with a level plateau beyond.

He calls out to Amen-set who rests easily at the prow and she sends Horus aloft to get a wide circle of the land around; paying specific attention for things like the remains of camp fires, signal fires or constructed shelters.

Horus's Perception Check at 100 feet up with a 150 foot radius from the point of the wreck.
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

"Given that no one seems to mind taking the longboat, let's get her ready..." he says, then motions to some deckhands to do that.

He turns and looks back at Dhaavan.

"Begging your pardon, Ser Dhaavan, I assume you'll be watching the ship while we explore the wreck?" he asks.

I don't really know what's up with Dhaavan, but we haven't heard from him in a bit so I guess if he stays on board to give us cover fire if we're attacked while we head ashore then we don't have to keep anyone else on board?

At this point Horatio moves to the longboat and pauses only get some long rope and carpentry tools in case they need gear to break up broken beams/spars and also to haul anything from the wreck that they may find.

Then he swings himself into the boat and glances at the others.

"Well - shall we be away?" he asks.

Cool; so to clarify - Horatio is still looking for the results of the Checks to determine what type of ship this; where she comes from; what her flag/colors indicate; the Knowledge checks on the nature of the large kelp stuff, as well as the current time and the time until sunset.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

Seijiro climbs down, sends up a crewman to take his place in the crow's nest, and hops over to the longboat. "Wouldn't miss out on this!"

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Yes longboat is fine with me. I just meant that once we get to the wreck someone will have to dive in to fully explore it.

Variel likewise gets ready for the longboat launch making sure his cutlass is free in its scabbard and spell component pouch is ready.

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

"Nor would I, good Seijiro, nor would I!" he says with excitement as he follows suit and finds a place within the longboat himself.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Yes longboat is fine with me. I just meant that once we get to the wreck someone will have to dive in to fully explore it.

You might be right; but I'm still a bit wary about diving in until we need to. After all, this is pretty close to the bay we were at; the sea monster fled east and the shipwreck was also east of our bay. So it's possible that the sea monster fled from us then found a ship out here and did this recently, maybe even a ship following us from the Regatta (possibly?). In any case, it's possible that survivors may have gotten on shore - when we get there, I'd like to also scan the beach near the wreck to search for tracks. But we should also be careful before diving that there are no hidden threats beneath...

Seeing that the others are boarding, he turns to Amen-set.

"You're pretty damn good at spotting things, but we both know you need more practice with swimming... That said, stay back with Ser Dhaavan and make sure to give him any support he needs if the ship is harassed by any threats. Also, keep an eye out on the water and the beach - if you something we miss, then let us know."

"Hopefully we should be back soon."

She nods respectfully to him, then unslings her musket and checks the priming.

While the others are gone, Amen-set will make sure the ship is angled so as to present a potential broadside to the shore, if necessary.

Horatio turns to Rain.

"Pilot-Major; I presume you have the con?" he asks her with a small smile, nodding to the tiller at the aft of the boat.

As the boat is lowered into the waves he begins to sing a soft song as he checks the priming on his pistols, then he helps man the oars.


Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

Rajah listening intently to the tune, begins to keep time with the gunslinger. After hearing the chorus a time or two, he finds himself caught up.
"To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
Heave a pawl, oh, heave away!
Weigh hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!"
the warpriest sings along before returning to a hum and nodding in rhythm.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
After hearing the chorus a time or two, he finds himself caught up.

Horatio feels the rhythm when Rajah sings and grins eve as he tugs the oars in time to the song.

As he listens to the Warpriest return the lyrics, his eyes twinkle and he adds a new verse or two...

Halflings drink tea and the Elves drink their wine
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
But my lips taste salt water and that suits me fine
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Heave a pawl, oh, heave away,
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
The anchor's on board an' the cable's all stored,
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

Now we won an island and we’ll hold her tight
Weigh, hey, roll and go!
And them who would take it are them who we’ll fight…
To be rollickin' randy dandy O!

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Once the Lady was positioned a safe distance from the wrecked ship, Rain called Amen, who had returned to the deck, to her and committed the helm over to her. "Keep the Lady safe for me, little sister. Be of clear mind and calm resolve if threat should be sighted." Rain gave a quick smile and grabbing hold of Svingli's Eye, placed it inside her pack. Readying her weapons, strapping both Zul and her magical pike to her back, between her wings, and her sheathed cutlass on her hip, Rain looked to Neko, "Come, there is room on the longboat for you, at the aft with me."

The golden cat stood and stretched and padded along side Rain to the longboat, jumping in and waiting for her mistress to join her.

Flynn wrote:

"Pilot-Major; I presume you have the con?" he asks her with a small smile, nodding to the tiller at the aft of the boat.

"Aye," she gave Flynn a small smile and took her position by the steering oar, as she listened to the singing as the longboat was lowered to the water.

Once the vessel hit the water, she looked toward the mess of driftwood, "All together now, and as quietly as we can." (She enjoys a good shanty as well as any other sailor, but she thinks it best to row as quietly as possible and not draw any unwanted attention. Good song choice, Flynn.)

Prof Sailor: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (20) + 26 = 46

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)
Anasrianna wrote:

Ana seems lost in thought during the discussions, almost as if she is listening to another conversation altogether. She tilts her head to the side and says No, that won't work at all. The one on the left.

If you ask what she's talking about she looks at you as if she doesn't understand what you mean. She seemed fine up until you all reached the ship and now seems a bit...strange.

Dhaavan cocks his head and glances at Ana, then gives a little twitter, and Jack flits over to her, and flaps waiting to alight on her shoulder, What do you mean, "What do you mean?"? he asks. You said it had to be the left one, but I only see one jack replies in response to her not understanding what we mean when we ask what she's talking about. He'll twitter and chat with her as long as she allows him on her shoulder/head/other perch.


Aye a closer look sounds good. I'll hold of on using a summoned creature until we have a little information. Don't want to go disturbing nothin' down there

Dhaavan whispers and with a gesture, his raven vanishes [b]He'll be back presently.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Female 7 - HP: 61, AC: 19, (Fort: 6, Ref: 3, Will: 9). Initiative: +1, Perception: 13/15
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Once the Lady was positioned a safe distance from the wrecked ship, Rain called Amen, who had returned to the deck, to her and committed the helm over to her. "Keep the Lady safe for me, little sister. Be of clear mind and calm resolve if threat should be sighted."

Amen-set looks at Rain, not knowing if Dhaavan will be going with them or will remain behind with her. Yet before she can say anything, Dhaavan interjects -

Dhaavan wrote:
Aye a closer look sounds good. I'll hold of on using a summoned creature until we have a little information. Don't want to go disturbing nothin' down there

Amen-set's eyes widen in surprise, realizing that - with Dhaavan going with them - Rain is leaving her in charge of the vessel formally.

She folds her hands over her breast and drops to a knee.

"It shall be my honor," she says with grave courtesy to Rain as she watches the company of officers get into the longboat and head out.

Amen-set turns to the rest of the crew.

"Gun crews to forward and rear siege weapons; I shall have four archers ready with fire arrows on the foredeck until the return of our officers."

She bounds up the stairs to the quarterdeck and then eases the wheel a bit to starboard, tacking the helm of the vessel to point due east and allow the port side of the ship to be better angled against any threat from the coast.

Profession: Sailor
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33

"Four of thee shall stand ready on the starboard deck to study the south and eastern waters for any threat of the sea beast that harassed us yet fled. Should thy see any threat that could cause issue then sound alarm and take action to halt it."

Her eyes turn to the coast beyond and she studies intently as her fingers tighten around the grip of the wheel.

Perception on coast was the company moves toward it -
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25

"Prepare thyself for any eventuality," she calls to the rest of the crew.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Diving into the water, you descend into the reef. Bits and pieces of the ship dot the sea bed and coral but before long you hear a bell ring from the longboat, the signal that someone has found something. After some discussion, it seems that Rajah found a strongbox, partially buried in the sand below an overhang of brain coral. With the help of Dhaavan's summoned creatures, you are able to get the strongbox up on the longboat and then back to the ship. The wreck did not contain any other items of note, nor were enemies harboring within it at this point.

Up on deck, Seijiro is able to easily pick the rather simple lock, revealing the contents within.

+1 Keen Cutlass
A watertight, wax sealed scroll tube with scrolls of: Transmute Rock to Mud, two scrolls of Water Breathing, as well as a single golden coin that falls out when the scroll tube is overturned.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

Seijiro casts detect magic on the coin.. and picks it up to examine it closer...

spellcraft to identify if coin is magical: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

His eyes going wide at the single coin, "What do you make of it, good Seijiro? Is it magical? Does it possibly have the ability to determine decisions made based on a mere flip?" He looks over at Horatio, nodding quite confidently while grinning.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
He looks over at Horatio, nodding quite confidently while grinning.

Horatio glances at Rajah and smiles as gamely as he can.

"Anything's possible; but when you find out, please let me know," he says amicably.

He says nothing more about the items, the short foray to shore, or anything else about what happened.

Instead, he merely turns and looks at the Pilot-Major for a moment and then shrugs.

"About what you and me talked about before? Just saying... I definitely got my eyes open. For what it's worth, if I see anything of interest, I will let you know," he adds somewhat cryptically, though courteously.

Then he tips his hat to her and heads over to Amen-set to congratulate her on her professionalism while they were gone.

Until Rain returns to her position, Amen-set will continue to man the helm; when Rain returns, she'll surrender the ship to her and resume her place on the forward watch.

When things have settled, Horatio glances back at Rain again.

"Oye, Pilot-Major - this one's for you..."

Then he clears his throat and sings another song...

"Sing me a song of a Ship that has gone"
"To sail where the gulls don’t cry"
"Over the waves and the surf and the spray"
"It sailed from the Sea to Sky…"

"Stars were astern; Moonlight on port"
"Sunlight on starboard bow"
"Sailed through the wind; through silvered clouds"
"Where is that fair Ship now?"

"Sing me a song of a Ship that has gone"
"To sail where the gulls don’t cry"
"Over the waves and the surf and the spray"
"It sailed from the Sea to Sky"

"Give me again the Sky o’er the Sea"
"Give me the Stars and their songs"
"Give me the Sun and give me the Moon"
"Give the Ship that’s gone… "

"Sing me a song of a Ship that has gone"
"To sail where the gulls don’t cry"
"Over the ways and the surf and the spray"
"It sailed from the Sea to Sky"

"The Ship is the Light which shines in the Night"
"It sails from the Dusk to the Dawn"
"It sailed from the Seas; it sailed to the Sky"
"My heart craves the Ship that is gone…"

"Sing me a song of a Ship that has gone"
"To sail where the gulls don’t cry"
"Over the waves and the surf and the spray"
"It sailed from the Sea to Sky… "

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Rain stepped out of the longboat and back onto the Lady. Neko, on graceful padded feet, hopped out and looked about the deck; lifting her nose and smelling the air, allowing the light breeze to stroke her furry face.

Before returning to the Wheel, Rain stood by Jiro, who was now holding the mysterious coin in his hand. She cast Detect Magic on the golden coin and studied it with keen eyes, in hopes of aiding Jiro in discovering if a magical aura surrounded the object.

Spellcraft aid to identify if a magic coin: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 (+2 to Jiro's roll, for a total of 17.)

After several minutes had passed and discussion was done regarding the coin, she heard Flynn's voice,

Flynn wrote:

"About what you and me talked about before? Just saying... I definitely got my eyes open. For what it's worth, if I see anything of interest, I will let you know," he adds somewhat cryptically, though courteously.

She nodded once and quietly replied, "Aye. That is good, Flynn." Rain then moved to the Wheel and quietly checked in with Amen, "How did you fare, little sister? Was anything sighted in our absence?"

As she waited to hear from Amen, Flynn drew her attention once again and began to sing anew, his deep, fine singing voice filling the deck. When he was done, she smiled, "A pretty song, indeed, Flynn. What has inspired it this early eve?" (Nicely done on the song. I read the words in time with the Skye Boat melody.)

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Seijiro begins the motions and softly sings the incantation for him to be able to see the magical emanations coming off of the coin. As soon as he completes the spell, his hands fly to his eyes and he screams in pain.

A blinding blue light consumes you and pierces into your brain, the sheer overwhelming power of this coin is such that it causes you to go temporarily blind. Fort Save dc 23 Fail means you are blind for 1 hour, then dazzled for another, and then back to normal. Save and you are just dazzled for 1 hour.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Immortal, Rain was aiding Jiro in the Detect Magic/Spellcraft. She was studying the coin in Jiro's hand. So does the same thing happen to Rain?

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

Completely startled by the unexpected reaction from the kitsune, "Seijiro! Are you alright?!"

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Not sure what is going on but that he recognized the incantation that Jiro was using Variel tries to knock the coin from Jiro's hand as he looks to Rajah, Horatio and Sandara for more expertise on maladies. Hold on their Jiro. We will get you help.

Wow really want to detect magic myself right now lol.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

fort save dc 23 with a mythic point: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 6 + (2) = 24

Seijiro blinks and swats at his eyes, rubs them... "I can barely see... I've got bright lights making everything hard to see... what IS that thing?"

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

Looking over at the fallen coin, the warpriest can only shake his head and shrug. "It looks like nothing more than a simple coin, good Seijiro. It obviously is much more than that though. Odd a mere coin would ... I guess the word I'm looking for is 'defend' itself from one who was doing nothing more than examining it. Quite odd if I do say so myself." Looking back to the kitsune, "How is your vision? If you are unable to see at all, let me know and I shall get you fixed up post haste," he says to him, his tone of pure confidence. "But if you are able to see anything at all, then your vision should return to you shortly. I would give it no more than a minute or three." Rajah waits to see if the kitsune's vision improves.

Female 7 - HP: 61, AC: 19, (Fort: 6, Ref: 3, Will: 9). Initiative: +1, Perception: 13/15
Rain Taneththir wrote:
"How did you fare, little sister? Was anything sighted in our absence?"

Amen-set bows before Rain and surrenders the helm to her.

"Nay," she says, almost sadly.

"In truth, senet, my heart should have been better pleased with flesh and bone to sunder in clean battle rather than dally with naught but the foul dwimmercraft which we have thus endured," she says with a somewhat sulky tone.

"Still," she says brightening somewhat "tomorrow is a new day; mayhap we two shall draw steel together and so smite some errant corsair from the northlands who would dare infringe upon this, our new homeland," she adds with genuine enthusiasm.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
"A pretty song, indeed, Flynn. What has inspired it this early eve?"

Horatio turns back to her with a pleased expression from her praise, though he seems a bit unsure of the answer for some reason.

"I don't rightly know - but between you and my lass there," he says with a nod at Amen-set "I've seen you both manning the wheel and soaring through the air... Made me think of maybe flying a ship through the clouds and stars... It just sort of came to me, I guess."

Then he he grins at her and doffs his hat to her courteously for her praise.

Noticing Seijiro handle the coin and the consequences, he turns suddenly and watches him intently.

Seijiro wrote:
Seijiro blinks and swats at his eyes, rubs them... "I can barely see... I've got bright lights making everything hard to see... what IS that thing?"

Watching Seijiro seem to survive the power of he coin Horatio seems to relax somewhat, then he glances at Variel.

"You're the expert on magic - do you got any idea on what that might be?" he asks Variel.

Before Variel can answer, Rajah offers his own opinions.

"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
Looking over at the fallen coin, the warpriest can only shake his head and shrug. "It looks like nothing more than a simple coin, good Seijiro. It obviously is much more than that though. Odd a mere coin would ... I guess the word I'm looking for is 'defend' itself from one who was doing nothing more than examining it. Quite odd if I do say so myself."

Horatio looks at Rajah thoughtfully, trusting in his assessment of Jiro's medical condition.

"Can you detect if it's Good or Evil? The thing may be cursed, after all..." he adds as Amen-set makes some sort of warding gesture at the coin.

Not willing to dabble with any magical issues, he is still intrigued.

"I'm not the best at understanding magic, but I'm curious to know - if it's a coin, what nation fashioned it?" he asks slowly.

"Would you mind if I looked at it? I don't plan on touching it; but I would like to know if we can recognize any symbols on it, and what metal it was fashioned of..." he adds.

Assuming Horatio is able to look at the coin he will not touch it, but he will use his Knowledge Skills to try to understand what country made the coin; how old it may be, and any other markings on it, if possible, as well as what sort of metal was used to fashion it...

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Just heard back from Immortal via PM. Rain suffers the same fate as Jiro.

Just as Rain was about to turn to see what had befallen Jiro she too was suddenly overwhelmed by a fierce fire behind her eyes and her cry of pain rent the air beside Jiro's.

Fort Save with bonus +1 from Cloak of Resistance (DC 23): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28 (Success. Only dazzled for 1 hour. (-1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.))

Rain gritted and forced her body to fight against the full effect of the magical malady. Opening her eyes, blinking rapidly, she could not see as she once could - everything was too bright and her eyes were now unsure on what, or, how to focus. She drew breath, closing her eyes again, before remarking to the others, "My sight has been harmed, as Jiro's." Her voice remained flat, even though her nerves were on fire and on edge.

(I suppose that Rain taking the helm off Amen after the whole detecting magic debacle might be put on hold for an hour, yes? She can still use Prof Sailor to guide/move ship based on her other senses and expertise... Perhaps it's a good time to sleep. LOL)

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19

Dangit. I knew I should've waited. My bad.

Turning to Rain as he finds himself taken aback that he completely missed that she was also affected, "Forgive me, Lady Rain, I did not realize you suffered the same fate. The same goes for you then. If you can see anything at all, then your vision will return to you in time. While initially I assumed it to be only a few minutes or so, it is possible it may be longer; but it will return, I promise. Let's give it an hour, you two. I will look for a cure in the mean time and see if we can't speed this process up. If you'll excuse me," Rajah then takes his leave and heads to his quarters to see if he still has anything from within his pack that may help.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
"Forgive me, Lady Rain, I did not realize you suffered the same fate. The same goes for you then. If you can see anything at all, then your vision will return to you in time. While initially I assumed it to be only a few minutes or so, it is possible it may be longer; but it will return, I promise. Let's give it an hour, you two. I will look for a cure in the mean time and see if we can't speed this process up. If you'll excuse me," Rajah then takes his leave and heads to his quarters to see if he still has anything from within his pack that may help.

Horatio's eyes widen in surprise when he understood Rajah had some sort of inkling about what may have happened, but knowing the error was likely in good faith, he says little more about it.

He is completely relieved to understand that, while it is frustrating, both Rain and Jiro will have their full vision returned soon with no lasting negative affects.

Though, as Rajah is preparing to head below, he does offer a final observation...

"Well, I suppose you'll be wanting to give me the coin, you know - partial payment for the loan and all..." he says, then gives Rajah a wink to show he's just trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Rain Taneththir wrote:
(I suppose that Rain taking the helm off Amen after the whole detecting magic debacle might be put on hold for an hour, yes? She can still use Prof Sailor to guide/move ship based on her other senses and expertise... Perhaps it's a good time to sleep. LOL)

Rain - if I'm not mistaken, if all we have to do is just move the ship around the coast to the northern bay, that probably wouldn't require a very high DC. Even with a penalty, I think you should be able to get the ship there with ease; there's no storms, we've already sailed around the island once, and all we're really doing is just moving a few miles north. It's totally up to you, of course, but I think even with a penalty and Natural One you probably could do it :)

GM: Any chance of getting any mundane info on that coin? I mean, is it from Cheliax, Port Peril, Slaver's Bay - what? Also, how old is the coin; and can we tell what metal it is (without touching it of course, just looking at it? If so, please let me know. Thanks!

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

She listened to Rajah's apology and reassurances and she nodded before as he walked away to determine a remedy.

Neko stood and came to her mistress' side. A minute or two passed and it seemed as though the two were having a internal conversation for Rain began to walk slowly to the Wheel, Neko pressing against her legs from time to time if it looked like Rain would misstep or collide with an obstacle.

Upon reaching the helm, Rain took hold of the Wheel in her hands and quietly spoke to Amen, "I cannot fully trust my vision at present, little sister. Be my second eyes as I steer the ship to the northern bay so we may anchor for the night. It is only a few miles, but I would rather we did not breach the hull of the ship because I missed something in the water." Neko stood beside her mistress, still pressed against her leg.

Even with the heightened sensitivity of her eyes, Rain slowly looked out and tried to determine any obstacles in the path for the bay. She called out to the crew, "I need eyes on all sides. Shout out if you see me tilting off course or heading for a collision. Or we are coming under attack by some sea creature." Her many years sailing a ship and being on the water could be trusted on to sail the Lady now - she would rely on her other senses and skill as a pilot.

"I determined clear weather this night, so let us proceed to the northern bay and anchor for the night. Those with light and a voice to the sides." And with that, Rain began to sail, keeping her eyes somewhat downcast from time to time to protect her overstimulated sight.

Perception with penalty for dazzled: 1d20 + 19 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 19 - 1 = 22
Prof Sailor to steer true: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

Seijiro lets another climb to the crow's nest and simply takes a spot at the railing and watches from there, keeping his eyes on the direction the ship is traveling.

perc: 1d20 + 15 - 1 ⇒ (3) + 15 - 1 = 17

Clearly, his current condition is clouding his vision.

Hp's: 78/78; AC: 24(19 w/o shield)/touch 17/ff 22(17 w/o shield); Int: +2; Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will +12; Per. +16; CMD 19
Horatio Flynn wrote:

Though, as Rajah is preparing to head below, he does offer a final observation...

"Well, I suppose you'll be wanting to give me the coin, you know - partial payment for the loan and all..." he says, then gives Rajah a wink to show he's just trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Looking back to his fellow sailor as he walks on, "Feel free to take that one, my good man," he points to the cursed coin, giving a wink as he continues along to his quarters.

After a bit, Rajah returns and takes his place at the bow of the ship to keep an eye out, shaking his head in frustration. "I've no salve and know of no magic that heals such a condition. One would think there would at least be something that could cure it," he says to himself, giving it no thought if anyone hears him speak to himself or not due to the frustration that is clearly evident with his inability to help his fellow crewmates.

Female 7 - HP: 61, AC: 19, (Fort: 6, Ref: 3, Will: 9). Initiative: +1, Perception: 13/15
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Upon reaching the helm, Rain took hold of the Wheel in her hands and quietly spoke to Amen, "I cannot fully trust my vision at present, little sister. Be my second eyes as I steer the ship to the northern bay so we may anchor for the night. It is only a few miles, but I would rather we did not breach the hull of the ship because I missed something in the water." Neko stood beside her mistress, still pressed against her leg.

"I shall do as thy would ask, senet, yet methinks that thy need no eyes but thy own to pilot this vessel."

Amen-set seems almost dismissive at Rain's concerns, but it comes off as more of bluster; as if she's trying to convince both Rain and herself that there's nothing to be worried about.

When she hears Rain's concerns of running aground, she does offer one question -

"Begging thy pardon; would thy have me at thy side now, or is it better for me to be at helm to watch the water below the waves?" she asks, not sure if Rain would like her nearby to aid her checks, or if she should be near the front of the ship where the keel still has a Light spell cast on it so it can shine light below the surface of the waves to help illuminate any potential threat.

Amen-set will happily go where Rain thinks it is best but I'm not entirely sure where that would be - but I'll go wherever would be best, though :)

Perception Check
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"The Blue Rajah" wrote:
Looking back to his fellow sailor as he walks on, "Feel free to take that one, my good man," he points to the cursed coin, giving a wink as he continues along to his quarters.

"Really? Why thank you, don't mind if I... Wait a minute," Horatio says as he reaches forward and then suddenly withdraws his hand at the last minute "Ah! You almost had me there," he says with a grin, and then heads to the forward watch to aid in the lookout.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

As Rain gets afflicted by the same pain Variel rushes to her side to make sure she is ok. As it seems that she is ok and no permanent damage is done Variel breathes a sigh of relief and stays with her until she reaches the wheel and has Amen's help.

When Horation asks about magical maladies and effects Variel tries to remember what he learned...

know arcana 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 Assuming that is enough if not...
surge 1d6 ⇒ 2

Contemplating the coin and the effects on Jiro and Rain Variel responds back to Horatio. I believe that the problem is the coin has magical properties beyond our ability to fathom or contain. Such power comes at a price. It may be that is what happened to Jiro and Rain.

Watching Horatio retract his hand and leave the coin Variel calls out after him. Merely touching the coin should not cause any of the issues previously noticed. Then again there could be other affects that we are not aware of. If no one does pick up the coin then Variel will to keep it safe.

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