"The Blue Rajah" |

"Personally, I never trust an abandoned ruin. Just when you feel safe to explore it, that is when it will strike." Taking a glance around, "And Seijiro makes a good point... you can trust a cyclops statue as about as far as you can throw one," he says as a matter of fact.

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Even though he is concerned about Rain Variel can't help but smile and get a glib remark in. Once we clear this fort perhaps we can figure a way to move those statues then and ease your mind. Perhaps at the entrance to the bay here facing outward so they can be our welcoming party?

DM Immortal |

The statues do not appear to radiate any sort of magical emanations. The crystals however, do radiate magic of the sort you recognize for communication.

Horatio Flynn |

"Personally, I never trust an abandoned ruin. Just when you feel safe to explore it, that is when it will strike."
Horatio taps his fingers on the butt of the pistol.
"Well, as we all know, structural integrity must always be considered in engineering when designing buildings, support structures, or fortresses... and naturally the engineer must carefully balance the properties of a material with its size and the load it is intended to support."
He glances at Rajah -
"Sorry - I didn't mean to overstimulate anyone with that hodge-podge of exciting narrative..." he says with a somewhat bored tone, as if clearly tired of standing around watching without getting any information.
"And Seijiro makes a good point... you can trust a cyclops statue as about as far as you can throw one," he says as a matter of fact.
Horatio glances from the tower above to Rajah.
"Well sure - but what if they're really small statues?" he says laconically then he turns back to stare at the tower above.
Even though he is concerned about Rain Variel can't help but smile and get a glib remark in. Once we clear this fort perhaps we can figure a way to move those statues then and ease your mind. Perhaps at the entrance to the bay here facing outward so they can be our welcoming party?
He glances at Variel.
"You know, the damage we saw done on the walls was with heavy stones... Maybe those stones were tossed by dinosaurs... or maybe there's still some cycloptic basterd still running around this island."
He ponders the statues on the tower a bit.
"Based on those statues I'm betting it's pretty likely that humans didn't design that tower, and I guess that means that if it was designed and made by cyclops to move in... well, I guess that means the inside is likely to be large, if that helps."

Amen-set Neitaker |

The statues do not appear to radiate any sort of magical emanations. The crystals however, do radiate magic of the sort you recognize for communication.
Amen-set waits for Rain's reaction, but she is now completely confident.
After all, it was a fact that Detect Magic was limited to a wide range and could pass through walls... including the levels of a tower.
That Rain did not detect any magic in the range of her sweep could only mean that there was nothing there to detect.
However, when she is aware that the crystal in the roof is connected to "communication" she is instantly intrigued.
"Palantíri?" she says with a somewhat awed voice and slowly walks over to them to get a closer look.
Given that the stones themselves were described being in the roof of the tower, I assume that Amen-set would now be moving over to the center of the tower inside to look up at the roof?
As she stares above her in wonder, she pauses then glances around the room thoughtfully.
GM - from her current position, is there a trapdoor leading below, or a stairway? And if there is either, where are they located in relation to her current position?

Horatio Flynn |

Horatio pulls out a small twig and absently picks his teeth as he stares up that tower.
"You know, if I was a lad that was marooned here and used that tower for protection then I bet that I'd have a bunch of traps on the stairs to make sure enemies don't try to come up."
"Maybe I should tell Amen-set to summon an Elemental? That way she could it send it down level by level to set off any traps so we could just go up there without any issues..."
He tosses the twig into the grass and yawns.
"Well, as of now I'm guessing that she'll likely find nothing but the body of a very old sailor laying by a bit of loot... But I suppose we won't know anything until she or the Pilot-Major tell us."

Horatio Flynn |

As Horatio waits to hear what Rain and Amen-set have discovered, he turns to the others, as if curious to know what any of them are thinking or feeling or pretty much anything all.
"Do you think we should move in through the bottom of the tower and work our way up to meet them?" he asks after a little while.
"Personally I think it would be good if we had the ladies toss us a rope and we just climbed up because I'm betting each level has traps on it to protect whatever's at the top... but maybe if we sent an Elemental through each level it could set off the traps without any real threat to us? Unless we do decide to just climb up a rope with them..." he adds as he stretches a bit, then sits down on the grass.
Meanwhile, with nothing else to do, he lays back in the grass and folds his hands over his head and stares at the sky.
He turns and looks at the others from his relaxed position.
Then he looks back at the tower where Rain and Amen-set went.
Then he turns his gaze to stare at the sky above them.
"You know, if there's something more fluffy than a cloud, I don't want to know about it..."

DM Immortal |

There is a set of stairs leading down into the tower, without going down the stairs you don't see anything more of interest.
I updated the map with approximate locations for the characters.

Rain Taneththir |

Rain noted the magic coming from the crystals, but her understanding of acane magic was limited. "They were used for communication, but I do not understand arcane magic as well as Variel or Dhaavan. They will need to see these for themselves so we can learn more of their power."
Looking at Amen from the outer balcony, Rain quietly called across, "Do not proceed any further into the ancient tower. We wait for the others and together we shall proceed."
She looked over the balcony and down upon the others at the base of the stone walls. (The fort's stone walls are 15 ft high and I'm assuming the ancient cyclops tower is, at least, another 15ft above them? Sorry, I couldn't find a post saying how high up the tower was. Immortal can you clarify, please. ADDENDUM: Immortal told me the towers are 75-80 ft from the ground.) Two of them, at least, had the ability to magically fly up, but the others? She could don her mule cords and begin flying up with people or they could secure ropes to one of the more stable statues and have them climb up, which could take longer.
Rain pulled out her 50 foot silk rope from her pack and asked Amen if she had her rope. If she does have rope, the rest will follow..., if not, then I will retcon the next bit. Tying both ropes together, Rain secured the extended rope around one of the statues (or something sturdy at least), tugging it to see if it would hold before dropping the other end over the edge and down toward the others. She didn't want to call down to them lest it draw the attention of any hidden creature/s as she did not believe this isle was devoid of any occupants. The others would know why the rope was tossed down, she was certain.
(If it makes it quicker for all to get up to the ancient cyclops tower, then Rain will put on the mule cords and fly back and forth to get people up there. Her fly speed is 40ft.)

Seijiro |

Seijiro sees the rope come down and makes the assumption that it's safe to climb up... He seems fairly certain by his approach and demeanor that he can scale the wall with the rope without a problem.
climb: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Amen-set Neitaker |

Rain noted the magic coming from the crystals, but her understanding of acane magic was limited. "They were used for communication, but I do not understand arcane magic as well as Variel or Dhaavan. They will need to see these for themselves so we can learn more of their power."
Amen-set seems almost mesmerized by the crystal, but upon hearing Rain's words she turns a glance at her.
"Aye... and let us not forget the new priest who sails with us; who knows what powers he possesses?"
Looking at Amen from the outer balcony, Rain quietly called across, "Do not proceed any further into the ancient tower. We wait for the others and together we shall proceed."
Amen-set turns a glance at Rain.
"The dust upon the floor is thick and no marks are seen from foot of Man nor Beast.. I deem we are the first who live to set our feet upon this stone in some time."
She looks at the roof above, and the room surrounding them.
"I have seen the ground below, and it is clear that this tower was made for folk taller than mortal Men - therefore all of its proportions are certain to be larger than our wont."
"Still, if nothing stirs to besmear the dust then it is likely that there is no threat which has ascended this high, else assuredly we should have observed it sooner, excepting, of course, through the grace of strong magic... Yet by thine own eyes did thy see that there was no magic on this floor but for the crystal, and none in the floor below us, for the spell assuredly penetrates even thick stone with ease."
"Further, we are charged with ascertaining the value of this place to prepare it for the arrival of those who call themselves Lords of Pirates, an uncouth title, yet I doubt not the truth of it..."
"For myself? I am not overly concerned with some ancient stonework which has fallen beyond the needs of them who carved it, nor do I think those who made this place would lay upon the stairs of their tower cunning devices wrought to dissuade them who might trespass from ascending."
"Yet as we two are as blood kin I shall honor thy request and steal not below the chamber here to seek what curiosities await us, at the least until our full company is here to stand with us."
Rain pulled out her 50 foot silk rope from her pack and asked Amen if she had her rope.
"I carry with me a Survival Kit and indeed it does have a rope within it, yet it is hempen, not silk - still, it shall suffice for this purpose, I deem," she adds and passes the rope to Rain.
Tying both ropes together, Rain secured the extended rope around one of the statues (or something sturdy at least), tugging it to see if it would hold before dropping the other end over the edge and down toward the others. She didn't want to call down to them lest it draw the attention of any hidden creature/s as she did not believe this isle was devoid of any occupants. The others would know why the rope was tossed down, she was certain.
Amen-set stands near Rain and watches her thoughtfully, then leans over the edge of the balcony and watches Jiro climb.
Then she looks at Rain.
"It seems that one of them is now ascending," she says.

DM Immortal |

Just an fyi, while detect magic will penetrate up to 1 foot of stone, the exterior wall of the tower is at least twice that.

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Not sure what is going on as the rest of complex was needing to be explore but Variel saw the rope descend and Jiro climb up. Following suit Variel takes his time in the climb to the top of the tower.
Take 10 10 + 9 = 19

Dhaavan |

Dhaavan grumbles about how much he hates climbing, and his delicate fingers he uses for somatic casting rather than such tasks, and waits till the others are up, ties the rope round his waist and calls out for someone to drag the line up, and does his best to climb...

Tomo-chan |

Tomo climbs up the rope, using Dhaavan for a springboard to leap up and catch the rope above his head... pauses a moment and looks back at Dhaavan, head tilted to one side as he lets out a single chiding chirp... as if wondering why the big monkey isn't climbing.. .then he nimbly scampers up the rope. When he gets to the top he hops on Seijiro's shoulder and grooms his fur.

Horatio Flynn |

Horatio watches Jiro ascend the rope with ease, and then Variel and he now watches Dhaavan and gauges the skepticism of the sorcerer at his climbing abilities.
He watches Dhaavan send Jack aloft and he smiles a little and walks over to him.
”Do you remember the first time we met and talked?” he asked, looking at Dhaavan with a small, almost nostalgic expression.
”I just wanted to say, we don’t always see eye to eye, but I honestly believe that you’re good people, Lord Fellwind…”
He looks over at Rajah.
”You know, we’ve been here for a while and while we haven’t been dodging bullets or getting into exciting adventures just now I think I would have liked to know you better.”
”For what it’s worth I tried to offer my opinions and ideas on tactics and strategy; hell, I even tried to make jokes just to inspire some fun chatter until we at least see what’s going on next, but sometimes I just rub people the wrong way.”
He looks back up at the wall and shrugs.
”Sorry for that… but anyway, I tried.”
Horatio grabs the rope and after seeing Variel’s efforts will also ascend the rope with ease via his Climb Skill – I believe the DC for a Climb Check on Rope with a Wall to brace against is 5. Horatio will automatically succeed – but he’ll Take 10 anyway, just to be sure – for a net of 17.
After he lands on the balcony he nods at the others, but then moves forward to where he sees Amen-set and his eyes narrow.
”What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
He stares at her as she instantly stiffens into a posture of attention under his chastisement.
”You’re inside this room – the floor is covered with dust. Did you bother to Check for Tracks or did you just look around before striding in and wandering over them and messing up possible clues first?”
”You’ve seen a strange set of stones and designs – what does your knowledge of Ancient Lore and times past suggest is the reason for these structures; specifically a tower built by the sea with a Crystal in it, even though the tower’s height wouldn’t even reach beyond the relative height of the hills that surround the bay?”
”How many entrance points are there to this chamber – and did you make sure that there are no hidden enemies here before leaving the Pilot-Major behind on the balcony for you to just saunter in here?”
”I heard that the Pilot-Major was searching for magic – you’re a Caster – why didn’t you aid her with your own Detect Magic spell?”
”What did the Pilot-Major’s search for Magic reveal? Is there anything in here that is magical – and if so – what did your study of Spellcraft reveal as to the nature of the Magical Aura, if any – and it’s relative Strength and the Type of Magic which may be aligned to it – if at all?”
”This tower was made for Cyclops – everyone knows they’re much bigger than humans; even if you had no knowledge in Engineering it’s common sense that everything that they would build is for creatures that aren’t the Medium Sized things we’re used to dealing with – including both the walls and the thickness of the floors.”
”The Pilot-Major’s spell is not meant to penetrate such dense levels of obfuscation that stonework thick enough to hold a Cyclops would have. Why didn’t you make a broad sweep of the tower from the outside and use the spell on a simple point-mirror system with her so that you could ascertain the level of threat on each floor before ascending to the top?”
His voice is growing brittle as his eyes narrow hard on her, but she remains at attention and says nothing.
”You claim that the Pilot-Major is like a sister to you, but on this mission she’s the melee fighter, you’re a ranged fighter with Healing Abilities – if the plan was to go charging in here, then why didn’t you allow her to move forward to search the room with caution while you waited ten feet behind her to offer her cover fire and heal her quickly if trouble started? Why did you move before her into this room, putting you – the ranged fighter and healer on point – even while leaving your melee fighter behind and without cover?”
”The fact that no living creature is up at the top of this tower before us means that between the ground floor and this floor something stopped animals from going up whatever stairs there are to here. There is no other logical reason for this chamber to be empty of life – did you even bother to search the chamber for traps before barging in here?”
He sees Amen-set’s eyes flick to Rain for a moment before glancing back to him.
He backhands her savagely then thrusts his finger in her face, his eyes now alight with anger.
”You didn’t do any of those things – you wanted to fight and you didn’t give a gods damn about tactics and strategy so you pushed ahead looking for action and put the Pilot-Major at risk – and, if she died – you put the ship at risk, and I’ll not have that,” he says with a fierce voice as a thin dribble of blood trickles from Amen-set’s lip as she remains unmoving and attention.
He turns and looks at Rain.
”Apologies, Pilot-Major; she failed her duty to you and to the ship. She is my ward and her failings are mine. It won’t happen again,” he says with a tight voice.

Amen-set Neitaker |

Amen-set turns a glance from the crystal as she sees Jack appear and she smiles at him.
Hi, Rain! Hey, would you mind carrying my idiot lordling up? Dhaavan'll likely as not fall and break his neck or back climbing this tower, and that's really suck for me. Jack asks, a lighting in rain's shoulder.
Amen-set watches the bird land on Rain’s shoulder and her eyes widen as she hears the bird describe Dhaavan and frowns a bit at the critique but not for long, for she finds it too hard to be upset with the feisty little thrush.
also, if you have any treats, I'd appreciate a morsel or two?
She slings her musket over her shoulder and then reaches into her pouch and pulls out some hardtack and breaks off some pieces of it and offers it to Jack as she looks at Rain, waiting to see what Rain will do next.
Tomo climbs up the rope, using Dhaavan for a springboard to leap up and catch the rope above his head... pauses a moment and looks back at Dhaavan, head tilted to one side as he lets out a single chiding chirp... as if wondering why the big monkey isn't climbing.. .then he nimbly scampers up the rope. When he gets to the top he hops on Seijiro's shoulder and grooms his fur.
As she waits for Jack to respond, she sees Tomo arrive and her grin widens at his presence.
Then Horatio arrives in the room and she turns to him, but then notes his expression.
He backhands her savagely then thrusts his finger in her face, his eyes now alight with anger.
”You didn’t do any of those things – you wanted to fight and you didn’t give a gods damn about tactics and strategy so you pushed ahead looking for action and put the Pilot-Major at risk – and, if she died – you put the ship at risk, and I’ll not have that,” he says with a fierce voice as a thin dribble of blood trickles from Amen-set’s lip as she remains unmoving and attention.
He turns and looks at Rain.
”Apologies, Pilot-Major; she failed her duty to you and to the ship. She is my ward and her failings are mine. It won’t happen again,” he says with a tight voice.
Amen-set turns to Rain and drops to her knees, her hands folded over her breast.
”My hatey-a' speaks true. With respect, Nebet-i, I apologize for my stupidity,” she says sincerely with her head bowed, the blood still on her lip and chin.
Horatio looks at her with a scowl but says nothing for a moment, allowing Rain to respond to her if she wishes.
Dhaavan, Amen-set will also do what she can to help pull you up as soon as she is able to.

Rain Taneththir |

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
She peered over the edge as Jiro and a few of the other began the climb up. Rain then looked for Neko and sent out a message via their telepathic link. "Neko, teleport yourself up here, please."
The golden cat heard and responded affirmatively, and, using her Dimension Door ability, teleported to the top of the tower with little issue, and came to stand on the balcony beside Rain.
Neko has two more uses of Dimension Door this day.
Hi, Rain! Hey, would you mind carrying my idiot lordling up? Dhaavan'll likely as not fall and break his neck or back climbing this tower, and that's really suck for me. Jack asks, a lighting in rain's shoulder.
also, if you have any treats, I'd appreciate a morsel or two?
"I have a few berries you may nibble on," she pulled a handful out for the thrush to eat off her hand before settling him on the balcony rail.
"Aye, I'll go get your lord and bring him up here."
Rain drew the muleback cords from her pack and placed them around her biceps and over her shoulders, mindful of her wings.
Just as she was about to fly down to Dhaavan, she heard Flynn's hard rebuke of Amen and responded to his declaration, "Goodness, Flynn, Amen did nothing more than boldly go inside to look about the chamber. She was eager, is all, and when I asked her to hold and wait, she did as asked. We'll speak of this some more after I retrieve Dhaavan and see to Neko making her way to the tower."
Amen-set turns to Rain and drops to her knees, her hands folded over her breast. ”My hatey-a' speaks true. With respect, Nebet-i, I apologize for my stupidity,” she says sincerely with her head bowed, the blood still on her lip and chin.
Rain shook her head and gestured for the girl to rise. "There is no need for this, Amen. I accept your apology, if you feel it is necessary to make it." Rain cast one last, sympathetic look across at Amen before flying down to the lordling with the rope around his waist, attempting to make the climb.
"I am certain you would enjoy the climb up almost a hundred feet, but if you'd like, I can fly you up to the Cyclop's Tower."
If he acquiesces, then she will pick him up and fly up with him in her arms.
The muleback cords bring Rain's STR to 22, with a light carrying load being 173 lbs or less. I think she'll be right to carry Dhaavan.
Once Dhaavan was securely in her arms, Rain spread her dragon wings and lifted them into the air, flying up to the tower to join the others.

Horatio Flynn |

"Goodness, Flynn, Amen did nothing more than boldly go inside to look about the chamber. She was eager, is all, and when I asked her to hold and wait, she did as asked. We'll speak of this some more after I retrieve Dhaavan and see to Neko making her way to the tower."
He turns to face Rain for a moment, but says nothing to her now as she indicated she would prefer to talk later.
Rain shook her head and gestured for the girl to rise. "There is no need for this, Amen. I accept your apology, if you feel it is necessary to make it."
Amen-set continues to kneel, saying nothing as if very conscious of Horatio's stare.
Horatio watches Amen-set, then he turns and watches Rain fly off to help Dhaavan and looks at her.
"Slaves kneel - so do the conquered - you're neither."
"Get on your feet," he says with a vicious tone and she stands up quickly and grabs the musket and holds it in salute.
He turns on his heel and moves from her and walks over to Variel -
"You're more versed in Spellcraft than I am - do you got any idea on what the hell this thing actually does?" he asks with a nod at the stone.

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It was not Variel's place to get in the middle of Rain, AMen-set, and Horatio's issues right now. Instead Variel focused on the room itself and the magic in the area.
spellcraft check 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

Horatio Flynn |

Horatio realizes that Variel is concentrating, and while the Elf waits for an answer, he himself does what he can to consider everything that they have already found…
Just an fyi, while detect magic will penetrate up to 1 foot of stone, the exterior wall of the tower is at least twice that.
After thinking about it a awhile, Horatio turns to Variel.
”I got no idea what’s going on below us, but now - and for some reason I can’t really fathom at this point - I think that below us is some sort of magical trap.”
”As of now, I think that that trap would have gone off if we had taken the stairs from the bottom of this place and walked up to the top of the tower.”
”As of now I think that the only reason we didn’t detect a magical trap is because the search was rushed or interrupted,” he says with a stern glance at Amen-set, then he turns his gaze back to Variel.
”Finally, I think that if I go walking down those stairs I’ll either cause some sort of break in the floor because the stairs have aged – or worse – set off a magical trap which I have a feeling is there now and will really hurt me.”
He frowns and shakes his head as he considers options then sighs.
”That said – I’m going to go down those stairs and likely step on that trap because I have absolutely no idea what the else I can do to help right now... The thing is; I just know that me talking is not helping and I don’t know anything else I can do to make a positive difference to further explore this tower and the fort, other than just continuing to move rather than me standing and talking.”
Amen-set turns a shocked look at Horatio and her eyes widen at his words.
GM: I honestly don’t do know if there’s a magical trap there or not, but for some reason I think that there is, and I think that all my talking is slowing the pace. In an effort to fix that, Horatio is going to cast Cat’s Grace on himself in case there is a trap to help improve his Reflex Save, and then he’s going to go downstairs and try to find it.
After he casts his spell, he turns back to Variel –
”Well, here’s hoping I see you soon,” he says as he offers the Elf a “Thumb’s-Up” and turns and heads below.
Horatio is going to go down the stairs at this time.
He'll be using his Perception Check to search for Traps on the way down...
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15
Please let me know how far he goes before he runs into a trap and what happens when/if he does.
Amen-set will wait in the room with the others to hear what Variel has to say about the Magic, but she's ready to follow Horatio at once if she hears any sign of trouble.
EDIT: Another Natural 1 - only this time on a Perception Check to find traps which I'm pretty sure are there... Outstanding!

"The Blue Rajah" |

Rajah follows right behind the others.
Climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Actually, natural 1's on skill checks are not automatic failures. Only on "to hit" and "saves". Not real sure about CMB rolls though.

DM Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Everyone makes it up without issue.
After closer study of the crystal, you are sure that the initial suspicion was correct and that these are used for communication across great distances. These seeing stones allowed visual and auditory communication across vast distances without the need for the user to be a magic user. They would only need to touch it and visualize the tower they wished to converse with and a link would form, sending an illusory representation across between the two. If you try it though, it doesn't seem to work.
The carved staircases lead down into the lower level of the tower, the steps difficult to traverse due to them being 2 feet tall for each step. They lead down 30 feet to landings with tall doors that you suspect lead out onto the walls. Continuing down a further 30 feet or so, the stairs end at a round, mostly empty room. Another staircase leads below ground level.
No traps seem to spring out at you.

Horatio Flynn |

No traps seem to spring out at you.
Horatio seems neither upset at these results, nor wholly pleased.
Of course, his drive to move forward into potentially great risk was born specifically out shame that his ponderous mutterings had so belabored the senses of the party and that only by doing something rash and foolhardy would he be able to inspire a consequence which would cause a reaction other than distracted tedium.
"There is no threat, nor any trap that I can see here," he calls up to the others above.
His voice echoes loudly, and it seems to be less a means to elicit a feeling of relief from his companions above rather than create a means to draw the attention of the gods themselves.
He then elects to cast Detect Magic on the room and begins a gradual examination of its space slowly, seeking for any magical threat that his naked eyes may have missed.
Perception in the room with Detect Magic:
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Once his sweep is completed, he shall move to the door - check that as well via Perception, and continue down the stairs.

Amen-set Neitaker |

After closer study of the crystal, you are sure that the initial suspicion was correct and that these are used for communication across great distances. These seeing stones allowed visual and auditory communication across vast distances without the need for the user to be a magic user. They would only need to touch it and visualize the tower they wished to converse with and a link would form, sending an illusory representation across between the two. If you try it though, it doesn't seem to work.
Amen-set watches the proceedings with veiled eyes.
Her emotions are inscrutable, but she has noted that Horatio has moved down to the next room without waiting for Variel's answer.
She noted that he also moved down before Rajah had even begun to climb the rope.
As she looks out to see Rajah climbing, she hears Horatio from below.
"There is no threat, nor any trap that I can see here," he calls up to the others above.
She continues to keep expression from her eyes as she watches Rajah ascend.
Everyone makes it up without issue.
She is glad that Rajah is in the room, but she is still worried about Horatio and wonders what he has discovered below, even as the others study the crystal.

Dhaavan |

...would have liked to know you better.”
Dhaavan cocks his head at Flynn, and pats him on the back, Mate, we have been through the ringer a time and again, but aside from some friction in the beginning while we were getting our bearings as a crew, we managed to get on alright, its all good in the neighborhood
Upon being lifted up the tower
My Hero Dhaavan says with a slight swooning, and a smile. Thanks Rain, I appreciate it. I'd have likely had to use a spell to get up here, and I really don't want to expend too much power we get through this ruin and address any immediate threats. he adds in all earnestness.
Oye, Flynn, slow up a moment. Dont want the floor to collapse or some beastie to attack while were up here, Dhaavan calls
and i don't really want to spend half a combat moving into combat, down a staircase in case it comes to that

Horatio Flynn |

Slight Ret-con
Dhaavan cocks his head at Flynn, and pats him on the back, Mate, we have been through the ringer a time and again, but aside from some friction in the beginning while we were getting our bearings as a crew, we managed to get on alright,
Horatio's grim expression softens as he looks up at him.
"Thanks, Dhaavan," he says with a sincere and friendly voice.
Seconding that opinion via OOC :)
Oye, Flynn, slow up a moment. Dont want the floor to collapse or some beastie to attack while were up here, Dhaavan calls
As Horatio currently scans the room with his "Detect Magic" spell, he calls up to Dhaavan -
"I think we'll be okay. There doesn't seem to be any threat here anyhow, but as it stands I'm just double-checking the area for traps or other stuff..."
I don't know if I'm already down there or not, but I think I am, given that the GM said earlier there's nothing in this room. But for now I will definitely hold my forward advance until you guys are ready.
Besides, I'm still waiting for the results of the Detect Magic spell - Horatio won't go anywhere at least until he learns that ;)

DM Immortal |

Nothing that you can see radiates magic. Flynn is at the bottom of the stairs. Besides some general detritus, old animal droppings, dirt and the like, there does not seem to be much there.

Seijiro |

Seijiro just sighs as he sees Flynn go off to find traps, leaving the trapfinder behind at the top of the tower. He's so impulsive and headstrong... one of these days he's going to get into trouble and no one will be there to aid him.

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Variel follows Horatio downstairs as it seems there is nothing more to concern himself with up stairs. The gem was magical but beyond their ability to use or fix at the present time.

"The Blue Rajah" |

Rajah follows the others as they head downstairs. "Well, so far so good but I must say ... this place is magnificent. Give us several months combined with a great deal of renovations, this place could be a sight for all to see."

Horatio Flynn |

As he has reached the bottom of the stairs Horatio eyes glint as he walks outside with a brisk stride. Seeing that they are now on the ground he moves to the closest building and begins to explore it next.
As we are now on the ground floor I guess Horatio will begin a sweep of all the buildings one at a time. For now he’ll go around the edge of the inner wall and start with the building to the immediate right of the tower entrance.

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No need for it to take months Rajah. A little magic and ingenuity will clean up this place quickly. Repairs on the other hand will take a bit longer.
Variel smiles at the warpriest as he casts a few prestidigitation spells to speed up the cleaning process. Come back in an hour and this small section will be spotless. However, Variel pauses as he sees Horatio continue to explore. we have other things that are more pressing at this time. Clearly Horatio feels so as well. The sooner we get this place explored and safe for the crew the sooner they can start on repairs.
With that Variel follows the master gunner into the courtyard as the exploration continues.

Seijiro |

Seijiro accompanies Variel down to the courtyard and begins poking about, starting with the large building to the west side of the courtyard, edit: I believe the others went right, this one is to the left He looks in windows if they are clear enough to do so before approaching the door and checking to see if it is locked or trapped. He has no immediate plans to open anything, just looking for now.
perception for window peering: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
perception for traps on door: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Horatio Flynn |

Slight Ret-con
No need for it to take months Rajah. A little magic and ingenuity will clean up this place quickly. Repairs on the other hand will take a bit longer.
Horatio turns a glance back at Variel at the interaction.
It is clear he is feeling more frustrated by the reminders that not lore, nor cunning, nor strategy nor tactics but magic is the chief mechanism to solve problems.
"It might have been wiser to hire druids rather than engineers. Their particular spellcraft could be used to far greater effect in repairing this place, perhaps."
"But I suppose we shall learn more as we explore."
Variel smiles at the warpriest as he casts a few prestidigitation spells to speed up the cleaning process. Come back in an hour and this small section will be spotless."
Horatio pauses at the doorway to the tower and stares up.
"It will take more than that to fix this tower, unfortunately."
"The stairs themselves were difficult to traverse; they were made for larger creatures; that means they'll need to be reworked completely, as well as most of the doors and possibly ceilings, perhaps. A Druid who could change stone to dirt or some such thing might be more practical in re-configuring this fortress."
At that he heads out the door.
With that Variel follows the master gunner into the courtyard as the exploration continues.
As Variel follows Horatio out, he turns to his friend.
"I am glad to have you by my side, my friend," he says as he pauses at the door to the room to the right.
Horatio Takes 10 via Perception to Search for Traps - further, he will cast Detect Magic to detect magical traps/threats on the doorway.

DM Immortal |

The small buildings immediately to the right look like they were once either slave quarters or stockades of some sort. Rusted manacles line the walls and iron spikes are driven into the stone floor, metal rings and chains reddish from rust attached to them.

Seijiro |

Once he's fairly sure nothing is going to be swarming out of the western building behind them, he moves over to where Flynn and Variel went - to the east - to assist them as he can...

DM Immortal |

Entering the large building to the west, you see that it is a mess hall. Broken crockery litters the dirty floor. The wooden tables and benches seem fairly well preserved. Moving around the room it looks as if it was used at least within the past year by something or someone based upon there being less dust and dirt in certain areas.
EDIT: no traps or anything in either location.

Seijiro |

Seijiro's ears twitch as he whispers back, "What is 'it'?"
When he catches up to the others, he says quietly, "I think this place is haunted... I'm hearing whispered voices in my head."

Horatio Flynn |

Entering the large building to the west, you see that it is a mess hall. Broken crockery litters the dirty floor. The wooden tables and benches seem fairly well preserved. Moving around the room it looks as if it was used at least within the past year by something or someone based upon there being less dust and dirt in certain areas.
Horatio sees Jiro has moved ahead with Variel and himself.
"Jiro-san; you are the Trapfinder. I am glad you are here to aid us as there may be traps."
"Therefore we two shall wait ten feet behind you while you now take point and begin to search for traps," he says politely and waits for Jiro to move to the front of the group and search for traps.
As that has occurred, Horatio will remain ten feet behind Jiro, who is now on point.
As Jiro enters the chamber Horatio bends down and picks up a piece of broken crockery, casts "Light" on it and tosses it across the chamber to aid in giving some light.
He will Take 10 On Knowledge Engineer (net of 25) to ascertain the quality of the room via repairs.
His eyes will narrow as if he hears something and he will then cast Detect Magic to attempt to ascertain what may be the cause of the sound...
He says quietly, "I think this place is haunted... I'm hearing whispered voices in my head."
Horatio looks up at Jiro with a startled surprise, assuming that he was the only one to hear voices.
However, not knowing the cause of the voices yet he says nothing right away but instead tries to ascertain what the Detect Magic spell has revealed, if anything...

Amen-set Neitaker |

Amen-set slings her musket over her shoulder and takes a small linen cloth from her side and wipes the blood from her face gently. Then she takes some long, loose strands of her hair and brushes them back with her fingers until her hair is properly in place.
She glances at Dhaavan and then studies Rain for a moment.
”We linger overlong here, I deem, and I like it not. Come then; let us below and find our companions,” she says with a polite voice.
Amen-set then puts the linen cloth away and pulls the musket back from her shoulder and moves with a purpose down the stairs to find the others.
GM; given that the Light spell still ought to shine from the room on the West then I’m guessing it will be easier for Amen-set to find where the others have gone and follow them.

Dhaavan |

The voice wants to know what I did with it... but I don't know what it is either... Dhaavan remarks
He calls up his Second Sight to search for magic auras.

Rain Taneththir |

Rain's smooth brow uncommonly creased at the sight of the others moving down and out of sight without so much as a word or a plan as soon as she had returned with the sorcerer in hand.
Looking over to Amen and registering her words, Rain nodded, "Aye, let us follow. I will lead us down."
As she descended, she cast her gaze about the space, and listened, for lurking threat or something of interest.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Upon sight of Variel and the others, Rain moved to join the group and hear what they had to say.

"The Blue Rajah" |

Rajah stops and listens with the utmost curiosity. "Fascinating," he mutters under his breath. Reasoning a response might possibly get him some answers, "I am the Blue Rajah and as to why I am here... I believe this island now belongs to the good Captain. Who are you?" he asks, glancing around a moment before turning his attention to Seijiro and Dhaavan. "I also heard a voice but it spoke nothing about 'it'. Although, it did ask me my name and why I am here."

DM Immortal |

All of you except for Variel and Rain hear the voice begin to scream in your head, so loud it sounds like it standing just behind you and yelling directly into your ear. It is quite painful. The scream is difficult to make out be seems to say ...give...mortal...stone!...
You suspect there was more to the statement that did not come through.
You do not see any magical auras at the moment.

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Oblivious to what is happening Variel strains to figure out why everyone else but him and Rain are talking to the air.
Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Not knowing what is assaulting them Variel draws his cutlass, bounces on the balls of his feet waiting for the threat to materialize.

Rain Taneththir |

I believe this island now belongs to the good Captain.
I thought it belonged to all of us as our prize for winning the regatta.
It appeared that Dhaavan and Rajah were speaking to someone. Even Jiro said he had heard a voice, but she could hear nothing of the kind.
Rain's eyes cast about the space and her ears listened intently, in an effort to understand what was going on or see/hear a threat hidden in the shadows. She held her magical pike firmly in hand.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Dhaavan |

Dhaavan spins on his heel, swinging a dagger popping out from his wrist sheath. Ok, what I'm the hells?!?! Who, or whatever you are, you need to slow down and be clear, and stop screaming! he shouts, stomping his foot at the finish.
Wed love to help you, but you need to actually communicate with us, alright he says, calming and trying for cajoling, What is this thing, what is "it"?