DM Feral's Aspis - Loom of Fate (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

Combat Map

Murder Investigation

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"I am for completing the job as ordered. Find the problem, fix the problem. I, for one, would rather not be implicated in overreaching."

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Kalam sighs, "Alas, a tragic lack of imagination...but I'll forgive you this once.", he winks at Halsanna before continuing, "So what would you suggest? Problem found, now how would you go about fixing it? Our job as ordered is to ensure the Kitten's take will no longer be light and to attempt to recover the money lost to this point. I daresay my solution should meet both requirements handily."

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

"And how do you suggest we go about this plan of yours, oh wise Kalam?" Daeron says this last bit dripping with sarcasm, though actually requesting Kalam expand on his plan.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Kalam smirks, "Oh come now, surely so brilliant a mind as yours can wrap itself around the basics I've already laid out. We know Lamm's little secret, all that's left is a simple conversation with the man. The man will want to remain healthy and in business, with a little convincing he'll be sure to see we're offering him the best possible solution. Of course there's still potential for complication but if he proves too shortsighted we can simply resort to more mundane means of accomplishing our task, no?"

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

"Your thinking is too simple. No offense, but you need to think two more steps ahead. The lads who supply him with the drugs will be pissed off when he has to tell him he no longer needs their services. Our duty is to ensure the Kitten stays profitable. I say we make inquiries as to where our Varisian friends reside and take away the splinter that's being a torn in the side of the Kitten. Whether we then take care of our friend down in the basement is something we can discuss later. He is the reason the thorn is there, but taking care of him won't remove it."

Female Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1 l HP: 10 l AC: 17 [T: 10, F: 17] l Fort: +3, Ref: +0, Will: +6 l Init: +0 l Per: +11

"So much work! At least nobody will mind if we take out our vexation on the Varisian. I'm starting to develop a headache from the absolute tedium of it all. Darlings, how am I expected to go on!? Maybe dinner and some scum gasping his life out at my feet would prove a panacea."

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Kalam gives the doctor a sharp look, "And your understanding is woefully inadequate. A more critcal analysis will tell you that I did not suggest severing Lamm's deal with the Sczarni at all. From what the Lady Yil tells us they are providing a quality product and there would be no reason we couldn't share in the profits. But I'm getting the sense you people would be much happier taking the route of propriety and death? If this is our decision so be it, lets see if we can't locate these drug dealers and destroy a perfectly sound business. But know I will be holding each of you personally responsible for damage to my person in the attempt..."

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

Abramov isn't fazed by Kalam's retort, "They encroach upon the boss' territory AND make one of his employees dependant upon them while causing the joint, said employee is running, to fall behind in revenue. I do not see why our boss would want to deal with these Sczarni in a friendly manner .. or better put perhaps - if I were in his position, I wouldn't."

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

"Of course you wouldn't, but the trick to running a profitable business is to leave your sense of honor out of it. A clever employer has little care for methods so long as the bottom line is maintained. The Sczarni are only indirectly responsible for the for the fall in revenue. The real blame lies at the incompetent feet of Mr.Lamm who seems either too stupid or greedy to manage the loose ends associated with his business practices."

Kalam shrugs, "But then again the Sczarni don't seem overly adept at circumspection either. Perhaps it's better to rid Lowcleft of such amateurs. Very well, I would suggest we ambush the next shipment of...wares, as it arrives. Thus their numbers will be divided from the start, making routing them out of whatever hole they hide in that much easier."

What is this location we're discussing all of this in, by the way?
Halsanna was not a tactician, but she was thinking about something while Kalam talked. Grinning a bit, she offered her thoughts. "Why don't we just offer the same courtesy to the Scarzni that we offered Lamm? Talking with them about the details of their shipment-- even under guise of purchasing it out from under Lamm, could get us details that we don't have." Adopting an innocent expression-- that did or did not work, depending on the impression she gave, wearing armor and bearing weapons as she did-- she smiled sweetly. "If they become hostile, well..."

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

"That's fine by me, but it might involve going into the lion's den with arms wide open. We best make sure we figure out roughly how many there are of them."

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

How about a Knowledge (local) on the Sczarni?

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

We can always supplement the knowledge local check by spending some time gathering information (using the diplomacy skill). Sadly Abramov is sporting an 8 charisma so I won't be of much use.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

We'll pool what we know.

Knowledge (Local) - Aid Another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Female Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1 l HP: 10 l AC: 17 [T: 10, F: 17] l Fort: +3, Ref: +0, Will: +6 l Init: +0 l Per: +11

"But first lunch. I'm parched! I'm famished! I might wither away without an ile flottante, darlings."

The Sczarni are a loose collection of Varisian crime families, operating primarily in the cities and towns of Varisia, but found wherever significant numbers of Varisians gather. They focus is on the less violent crimes such as robbery, pickpocketing, and confidence schemes, and generally target only non-Varisians. They believe that this affords them the maximum profit with minimum risk. They may be driven out of town, beaten, jailed, or even mutilated, but rarely is a Sczarni put to death for his or her crimes. Their activities are notorious enough, however, that they have greatly contributed to the racial stereotype of Varisians as untrustworthy thieves. Being independently minded in the extreme, one Sczarni family will have next to nothing in common with another, other than their occupation, cultural background, and general methods.

Jaster Frallino is the leader of the Gallowed, one of the biggest gangs in Magnimar. He's also the proud owner of the Fish Tank - a dive in Rag's End.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Kalam smirks and looks the others quizzically, "So the real question is : Are we confident enough to take on the arguably largest street gang in this unruly city? Personally, I'm always the first to bet on me but for some strange reason I'm feeling rather acutely aware of my own mortality at the moment. Perhaps Halsanna is on to something? We could always wander down to the Fish Tank and take measure of our problem in person?"

He pauses for a moment, "However, I am entirely sure the Lady Yil is on the right track. We should move our conversation somewhere that offers warm food and decent refreshment. I for one have no intention of eating at the fish tank. Rag's End is known for many things but fine cuisine is not among them."

The party makes their way closer to the docks and finds themselves seated at a quiet waterside tavern enjoying a lunch of fried eels, carrots, and some good wine.

Where to?

Female Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1 l HP: 10 l AC: 17 [T: 10, F: 17] l Fort: +3, Ref: +0, Will: +6 l Init: +0 l Per: +11

Though she loudly bemoans the lack of ile flottante or even a key-lime pie for dessert, the Lady Yll devours her meal with gusto. Never before have such impeccable table manners been married to such a voracious appetite.

Darlings, the situation is painfully simple. We have in essence fulfilled our mission. The consortium has asked us to determine why the Kitten's profits are declining, and we have done so. And, yet, I feel, we would impress no one if we returned now. Kalam has raised an understandable concern: he fears that he may be harmed demonstrating his strength over the beggar scum."

At this point, Yolanda reaches an amethyst hand across the table to pat Kalam's hand consolingly.

"But, let us be honest with ourselves, such concerns are so defeatist -- so middle class. Aim higher, darlings. Aim for aristio boldness. If we can seize these drugs, return the money, and at the same time bloody the noise of peasants who think to raise their eyes to the Aspis, then think how well we will be received upon our return. Let us (you) find where these drugs are, and then take them by any means necessary."

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

"What if our bosses expected us to do just that and sent us out as independent agents so they'd catch no blame if we were to fail or terribly screw up?"

The antsy doctor delivers precise cuts to his meat, but his eyes are all over the place. The sound of the front door being opened or closed puts him on the edge and any sounds coming from behind or to his side are met with a quick turn of his head.

Female Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1 l HP: 10 l AC: 17 [T: 10, F: 17] l Fort: +3, Ref: +0, Will: +6 l Init: +0 l Per: +11

"Yes, that's exactly what they are doing. That just means we cannot 'screw up.'"

Halsanna took a sip of wine and nibbled on a slice of vegetable as the others discussed. Abramov was obviously a bit jumpy, but she was unworried for now. "Task given. Task accomplished. I'm not so certain that we should be stepping too far into things that we've just arrived at. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm still new to this city. I would like to think that earmarks and plans already have been made, but have not been executed yet."

This was business, she was aware, and going in blind to something upset her equilibrium significantly. Of course, given her background, she was also used to fielding orders in a chain of events. Until she knew how to work in this city-- by which a couple of days would greatly help-- she was rightly wary. "I retract my idea of simply asking the 'competition' directly. There has got to be more here than we are aware of."

Taking another sip of wine, she waited to see what the others had to say, setting her glass down and looking around the tavern.

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

Yolanda's words cause Abramov's right eyelid to twitch and spasm.

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

"Kalam, you are right. We have done little, and we must be ambitious if we're every going to be more than simple pageboys, doing errands for the Consortium's will. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no desire to be a mook for the rest of my life."

Daeron looks around the room, studying the place. He was sure there was information to be had, and people to manipulate.

"Let us push the envelope here, even just a bit—Kalam and I have gotten out of many sticky situations before—I'm sure with five of us, we can handle much.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Kalam eats slowly, studying the other patrons in a casual fashion and washing each mouthful down with his mead. His attention returns to the group as Yolanda pats his hand and he grins at her.

"Your concern is touching my lady, though I think mainly of those left to mourn my tragic passing. Still, I wholly agree that there should be no half-measures involved with our solution. Mediocraty, much like failure is simply not an option when aiming to impress. Ordinarily I'd suggest that I insinuate myself into the Gallowed as a a young up and coming recruit. However, call me lazy if you must but I'm disinclined to waste a week or so pretending to be a mere racist thug on something so trivial as the Kitten's finances."

Kalam sighs heavily momentarily meets the eyes of the others before continuting, "It would seem we are left with solely with the direct approach. Surprisingly I'm disinclined to believe there is anything deeper going on here. The situation at the Kitten seems routed simply in the petty schemes of unimaginative criminals. In light of this I propose our next move should be to ambush the next drug shipment as it arrives at the Kitten. Once done I believe our next course of action should be much easier to determine. I'm sure we can...convince one of the deliverymen to enlighten us as to the headquarters of the Gallowed, what resistance we might find there and a dirth of other pertinent information. If nothing else we can at least send one back to inform Mr.Frallino that the Kitten is under the Aspis' protecton and Lamm's deal with him is henceforth terminated. If the consortium lacks the influence to back up such a claim I'm not entirely sure we should be hitching our wagons to them, so to speak."

He drains the last of his mead, "So, are we agreed?"

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

"I can find myself in that plan. It might take a couple of days though before the shipment comes in. Then there's one more thing. Do we tell our friend at the Kitten House that we're waiting for the shipment and if so, force out of him when the next shipment is due? Or do we wait?"

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

"I imagine one of the hostesses must know when the good usually arrive? Regardless, we will need to keep an eye on Mr.Lamm in the meantime. Wouldn't do to have him interfering in some way. Of course once we have have the shipment we will need to collect the wayward money from him and decide how best to punish the fool."

Feral, I had actually asked Annabelle about the next shipment but I think you might have missed it as she never replied. Don't suppose you could enlighten us to save a little time?

Indeed, I did forget to reply to that question. Coincidentally, the next shipment is expected, this evening!

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

"If the next shipment is planned for this evening, then we must move quickly. Kalam, you know my strengths, and as much as I hate to admit them, my weaknesses. This is your plan—I will provide any assistance I can."

Daeron smirks at Kalam, acknowledging the rarity of his statement.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Kalam manages a seated bow to Daeron, "My my, such confidence. I suppose I'd better not get us all killed or I'd never hear the end of it!"

"Provided there are no objections I guess we'd better finish our meal and get back to the Kitten." I'll see what else the lovely Annabelle can tell me about the usual deliveries. Then we'll have some preperations to make."

"Daeron, if you could ensure Mr.Lamm remains in his office and does nothing stupid until the shipment arrives it would be rather appreciated."

"Halsanna, if you would put that mercenary's eye to work? Check out the loading area where we'll be accepting the delivery and decide where best to place our motley forces?"

"Abramov, kindly appropriate an out the way room and prep it for our impending Sczarni guest."

"Lady Yil, does Mr.Morris do else but tote baggage? I imagine we will need all hands on deck when the shipment actually arrives."

Feral, Provided there are no objections to be made, I think it's about time to move us back to the Kitten and have sweet Annabelle fill us in :P

Moving right along!

The party returns to the Kitten to find it much as when they left. The staff moves about cleaning up and preparing for the mid-day rush.

Annabelle greets Kalam with a bit of anxiety. "Welcome back to the Kitten House. I hope it's pleasure and not business that warrants your return", she says with knowing glance.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

"It's always a pleasure to see you my lady. However it is in fact business that must be attended to at the moment. But with luck this should be the last time such is true. I'm afraid my companions and I will need your assistance for the immediate future."

Once she has secured her replacement, Kalam will maneuver Annabelle and the others to a quiet room, "Firstly, I must apologise for the strain we must put on your schedule and thank you for your continued accomedation. Secondly, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could tell us what you know about the Kitten's impending delivery of wares? Where are they usually recieved? Who from the staff does the recieving? How many men are on hand to make the delivery? That sort of thing."

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

It would be best I this happens before or after the others arrive.

Daeron sweeps in with a haughtiness often seen among nobles.

"M'lady Annabelle, I must speak with Master Lamm--I apologize for the intrusion, but I simply must speak to him. I will find him myself."

With that, Daeron sweeps past her toward Lamm's office.

Does Daeron know where the office is?

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Is it a secret? If not it's more that reasonable that Daeron simply asked me where to find it ahead of time.

The stairs leading down to the basement aren't in plain sight. If Kalam told him that's fine.

Some I'm clear did Daeron do this before or after Kalam showed up?

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

I think probably before. And yes, I assumed that Kalam would've told him where it was.


"Sir! Sir! You can't just go back there. Guards!"

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

"Now, now, Annabelle. There's no need for that. I assure you, it will be better for everyone if you allow me to see Master Lamm."

With that, he pulls a gold coin from his pocket and begins to roll it through his fingers.

Bluff, I suppose: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

The woman calms down when the elf stops to speak to her. She pauses at the sight of the coin.

Sense Motive 10:
That's not enough of a bribe.

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

"This is just a taste, m'lady. There's more to come if you cooperate."

Bluff, with some truth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Annabelle sighs softly. "I will let Mr. Lamm know that you're interested in speaking with him but he didn't seem interested in visitors. What should I say is the nature of your business?"

In this part of their "assignment", Halsanna did not even need to enter the building, instead breaking away from the others before they got in sight of the Kitten, and taking the back ways that she could see. All this of course presumed that they had a receiving area around the back. It was not out of the realm of possibility that they would receive their shipment via courier that simply came in with a bag, and left with another(empty) bag.

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

The doctor followed the lead of the sultry enchantress, slightly disturbed by the intoxicating aura that followed her wherever she went, but enjoying it nonetheless.

Circling around back, Halsanna finds that the Kitten does have a rear entrance but that it's a one-way door. The alley is empty but the myriad muddy footprints suggest people come this way often.

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

"Tell him I need to speak with him about a business opportunity, one he would be foolish to ignore."

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

"I will tell him right away. Please wait here", Annabelle replies before exiting past Daeron into the basement office.

A few minutes later, she returns.

"Master Lamm will see you now", she says with a gesture toward the descending stairs.

Were you waiting on me Daeron?

Venturing into the musky basement office, Daeron finds the Kitten's manager. Lamm is an almost skeletally thin varisian man with a greasy comb-over. He gives the elf an appraising glance as he enters the room.

"What's this about a business venture? It had better be good. I'm a busy man."

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

No, sorry. Just delayed in posting. Also, my hope is that the beginning of this conversation happens about when they've reached the Kitten. It is meant merely as a distraction.

"You strike me as a man who knows a good business opportunity when he sees it, Master Lamm. Well I have one for you, one that can expand the experience of you customers."

Diplomacy to make him take to me: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Bluff about the business venture: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

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Things are discussed here.

Please finish up characters and sound off here when you're ready.

The plan is to kick off gameplay tomorrow.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Thanks for the pick! I'll go over the character one more time to make sure I dotted the I's and crossed the T's.

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

Thanks for the vote of confidence by picking me! I'll sort out the character sheet later and bring it up to pbp standards.

I got one question: can I rent a cheap studio/apartment just out of the bridge's shadow for some 25 gp a month? The only book I know that shows prices for renting and buying real estate is the Guide to Korvosa and I based the price on that :)

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Just realized I never bought equipment. I'll use max starting gold for a sorcerer (as per Tallgrass' original build instructions). I'm pretty busy this afternoon, but should get to that some time tonight.

Also: sorry about all the typos in my first post. I was posting from my smartphone.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Out of curiosity: Where do all the players and GM hail from? (I always ask this question on PbPs.)

I'm in central New York State, USA, about an hour's drive south of Syracuse(and about four-and-a-half hours west northwest of New York City). GMT-5.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Thanks for selecting me!

I was hoping to hear back from you but first but in the meantime I'll polish off Kalam with my backup plan just to be on the safe side.

For interest's sake I'm in Saskatchewan, Canada. I live in a city called Saskatoon. GMT-6.

It looks like we're just waiting on Daeron to check in.

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

Holland, living in a city called Vlaardingen, CET. I'm a bit of a night-owl though :)

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Is it possible to link Tallgrass' recruitment thread to the campaign? Or is that already pending?

I'm not sure. I sent customer service an email about it already.

Oh, and since I forgot, I'm in So Cal.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

My partner Daeron had been silently staring at his drink so long I began to worry he may have suffered a stroke :P However, a quick check suggests our intrepid rogue simply takes his weekends off to enjoy the real world.

A bit of warning would have been good...

I suppose we'll have to begin on Monday. In the future I will likely not be waiting for extended periods of time like this.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Indeed, however I'm simply extrapolating from his posting history. Hopefully he'll be able to squeeze in a couple weekend posts in future once he knows we'd like to be at least somewhat active on weekends?

If you lovely people would like to stay busy during sat/sun perhaps we should think about small character related side activities we can embark on in 2's or 3's. They could happen during whatever downtime our characters have but only be played out on weekends? Just something to consider.

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

Ahh, sorry folks. I'm not in the habit of posting on weekends, but that's only because my other games tend not to, so I don't often check the site. But I have no problem doing it, and will make sure I do from now on.

I live in Indiana, so I'm also in the eastern time zone, or GMT-5.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Equipment purchased, and I found a couple of minor errors in Lynnda's stat block that I've fixed. I'm ready for action!

Re: Posting--
I can't always be counted on being able to post on the weekends, either. I sometimes don't have much warning about it. I'd propose that weekend updates be optional.

My usual posting pattern is some time during my lunch hour (varies between 11 and 2), and/or in the evening after 9 PM. I may post in the middle of the night if I'm having one of my frequent bouts of insomnia.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Hey all, just a suggestion but I think we should adopt Lynnda's trick of adding our basic character stats to the class/level field of our aliases. I imagine it will save DM Feral a great deal of time.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Picked that up in another PbP I'm in. It's pretty convenient!

Yes, please do put relevant character info into your character header. That helps streamline things quite a bit on my end.

I intend to continue play on weekends. I do ask that if you're going to be away for an extended period of time that you mention it so what we don't wait up for you unnecessarily.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Re: weekend updating...

I'll try my best to give a warning when I won't be around on the weekend. Sometimes, I don't get much warning when I have to run out of town. My elderly aunt lives by herself on a dirt road about thirty miles from me, and I'm the closest relative. I regularly head out to spend the day at her house to take care of her and her property (chopping firewood, shoveling snow, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, etc), and I often spend the night if there's a lot to do. Her house has a telephone landline, but it's a cellular dead zone. (I can get one bar of cellular phone service if I stand at the top of her driveway.) She doesn't have Internet at all, so even if I bring my laptop, I'm limited to things local to the hard drive.

So-- I'll try my best to post on the weekends or let you know if I'll be away, but if I drop out without warning for 2 or 3 days, I hope you won't drop me from the game.

If that is going to be a problem, let me know now, so I can resign before my character gets too involved with the plot.


I ask that you make an effort. If you make said effort and it's still not enough, we'll reevaluate.

Ultimately, I expect the same level of commitment and courtesy from my players that you'd give friends in a face to face game or your employer. Obviously emergencies and surprises are going to come up but it's not hard to spare 2 minutes to log in and post a quick 'Sorry guys. Away all weekend'. If logging into the forums is troublesome I'm happy to share Facebook or google contact info for quicker/easier communication.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Fair enough!

Just know that for me, playing games on the messageboards has an inherent lower priority level than most of the other things I have going on in my real-world life. I mean, I'm a 44-year-old guy married to a woman who works out of town and is only home every other weekend, and I'm raising a teenage daughter. I work 50+ hours a week, and am on call regularly. And I'm responsible for my 78-year-old aunt who lives in the middle of nowhere that I can't convince to move into an assisted living facility. And, like an idiot, I let myself get appointed to the city board of zoning appeals.

I'm not saying that to disrespect you or your game... I just want to be sure that I'm not signing up for a level of commitment that I won't be able to meet.

So... let's shove on, and see how it goes!

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

There, fixed my character sheet. Now it looks respectable.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

Quick note: I posted in my other PbPs this morning, then the excrement hit the air circulation device. I'm probably not going to be able to post today.

CN Female Human Sorcerer 2
hp 6/12 | AC 12; touch 12; flat-foot 10 | Fort +1; Reflex +2; Will +4 | Init +2 | Perception +3

It looks like you guys are posting at a rate five or six times faster than I'm going to be able to. Out of respect to the pacing you guys want to play, I think I should bow out.

Good luck, have fun, and see you on the boards!


Sorry to hear it. Thanks for the interest and best of luck in your future gaming.

Would you guys like a new 5th (the alternate) or continue with 4?

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

A 5th is nice so that when someone is slow/temporarily occupied, you still have enough players to go on. But I'm fine either way.

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

Agreed with Abramov

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Indeed, I would prefer a 5th if possible.

Greetings all, I will be joining you, and I do hope this humble Archer may prove useful in the coming adventures.

I'd prefer to avoid redoing introductions.

If it's alright with you, let's just assume you were around for the first scene and you're tagging along with the other groups.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Greetings! It'll be nice to have some more traditional firepower, and a fellow disciple of the Accidental God no less!

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

By the way, I want to give my standard disclaimer of, "DM, if necessary, please feel free to roll any instinctive or reactive checks/saves/etc for me, if waiting for me to make a single roll of a post will bog down the process."

I normally won't hesitate to roll for folks for something minor like that but I got the feeling you were around. =P

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)


Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Okay.. Miss Yll, while I'm figuring the RP isn't quite SFW, I would like to say that reading your rolls is awesome. I actually laughed aloud.

Female Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1 l HP: 10 l AC: 17 [T: 10, F: 17] l Fort: +3, Ref: +0, Will: +6 l Init: +0 l Per: +11

Thanks. I'm basing her in part off of a friend of mine who said something very similar over brunch a few weeks ago. It had me spitting up mimosa laughing. Fun fact: lube does not mix well with coke. :-p

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Just a heads up, but I might be unavailable tomorrow. Happy Holidays to all.

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

Same to you all, happy holidays!

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Daeron, is your plan likely to affect the initial preparations of the rest of us?

If not perhaps we could get an answer from Annabell in order to give the rest of us something to do while the elf schemes?

AC 13, 10, 13; F-1, R5, W1; Immune to sleep, +2 against enchantments and effects; CMB +0, CMD 12; Perception +6; Init. +3
HP: 8/8

No scheming here, just trying to distract Lamm!

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Ah, just doing your duty to the group, good man. Though I must admit I'm almost disappointed :P

What's going on guys?

Male Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 - 18/19HP - AC17 (T14/F13 - F5 R7 W0 - +5 Perc - +10 Init - CMD16)

I got a little lost after a certain someone deviated from the plan, haha, but I'll simply follow Kalam's example as we try to get the show back on the road :)

Also, happy new years everyone!

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

As I understand it Daeron was suitably on plan, just a little more quickly than we'd expected :P

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

halsanna's waiting for the next part of the plan.

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

Well Kalam is actually waiting on you at the moment my lady...

Male Human Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 3 (SoF Included) | HP 28 / 28 | AC 22 ; T14 ; FF 20 | | CMD 19 | F +4; R +3; W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8

It seems some of our group are forgetting their courtesies. Remember to give us a heads up if you'll be unavailable for more than a day.

That certainly would be appreciated.

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