The Big Two
The Rule of Cool is in effect at all times, only superceeded by the Rule of Everyone Should Have Fun. When in doubt, refer to these rules.
Fort saves and Survival checks in hot conditions
- You only need to roll for heat conditions if you spend a full hour in the sun. In most situations moving around Wati, you have plenty of opportunities to find shade and spend a few minutes to regulate your temperature and rehydrate. This is assumed as natural behavior, so you don’t have to specify.
- When exploring, including in the necropolis, you can negate the need for a roll by taking short, 10-minute breaks in shade every hour. Survival rolls may be needed to find or create suitable shade, depending on your situation. Taking 10 on such roll will usually be allowed, unless you are in direct danger.
- Armor penalties to heat-related Fort saves are as follows: light armor -2, medium and heavy armor -4. Survival can affect these penalties as described above and under the Survival skill.
- There are plenty of items, both magic and mundane, that help with extreme temperatures. Keep an eye out for them. Same goes for spells.