DeJoker |

Dunwich is a somewhat backwater fishing village situated on southern side of the Dunwater River and sandwiched between the Dunwater Marsh and the Monmurg Bay. This makes it tucked away on the southern coast of the Kingdom of Keoland. Just north of Dunwich is a small monastery dedicated to Heironeous and Bale Keep which guards the road between the town of Saltmarsh and Burle. While further south are other small fishing villages. Many folk from Dunwich serve as staff and support for the keep and the village tends to travelers between Saltmarsh and Burle.
As for Keoland, for several generations it was a formidable military power. Its superior cavalry and bold knights pushed the kingdom's borders outward to the north, west, and east. Each successful campaign increased both the crown's wealth and power, and each one in turn drew the kingdom's attention even farther north. The southern coastal regions of Keoland as a result remained a backwater area.
The crown's benign neglect allowed piracy and banditry to flourish. Dunwich and similar villages kept to fishing, content to maintain a low profile and avoid governmental entanglements. Decades ago, the pirates who prowled the waters of the Monmurg Bay and further a sea grew strong enough to create their own realm, a loose confederacy known as the Hold of Sea Princess. With the rise of that nation came increased raids on Dunwich and the other coastal villages. The Sea Princes' raiding shops pillaged the coast for more slaves to support their growing realm, and Dunwich suffered heavily. The memories of those times loom heavily over the area, the locals' hatred of the Sea Princes runs deep.
In time, Keoland's victories in the north gave way to a string of defeats in which its neighbors pushed the kingdom back to its original boundaries. With the world closing in, King Kimbertos Skotti looked to the south and saw unchecked banditry and a rising pirate nation. The crown struck peace treaties with its former foes to the north, raised a navy, and dealt a sharp check to the ambitions of the Sea Princes – but the conflicts are by no means over.
King Skotti has decreed that the pirates must be put down, the sea lanes secured, and trade cultivated. If Keoland cannot prosper as a military force, it must grow mightier as a center of trade.
Southern Keoland, remote though it might be from the center of power in Keoland, is entering a new phase of its life as it reacts to the king's plans. The crowns agents want to expand the coastal village ports and make them a prime location for trade with the regions beyond. Perhaps capturing and securing the lands the Sea Princes currently hold. In another recent development, a few bands of Dwarves – bearing a decrees from the king himself – have arrived in southern Keoland and set up mining camps in various places to excavate the hills and seaside cliffs the permeate the area. If their work bears fruit as expected, the mines stand to become a major factor to the entire region's prosperity.
Naturally, not all of Southern Keoland’s residents feel the same way about the recent developments in and around their communities, which is the key issue that affects their lives and livelihoods. Although these recent changes stand to bring new prosperity to the area, many locals do not want to see their homeland changed. At the same time, as an undercurrent through all the goings-on, agents of several secretive and mysterious organizations both small and large work to thwart Keoland's ambitions while advancing their own. Thus the politics in the entire region have become rife and have even reached as far south as Dunwich which is experience its own local issues that only causes even more strife for its citizens.
The most recent development within Dunwich is the return of the Wheezing Cough an ailment that afflicted the village many years ago and took many lives before it mysteriously ceased to be. What has caused it to return and more importantly what stopped it so many years ago. The adventurers are either members of the village or have relatives or associates in the village that have called upon them to hep a local herbalist who believes she may have discovered a cure for the malady.

Lars Ulcaster |

The Stonefist Smithy. It had proudly stood in Dunwhich for four generations. The backwater fishing village had the need of metalwork just like any settlement, and that meant there needed to be men to fill that need. Lars was currently filling that role. His father, and his father before him, had been blacksmiths, and Lars had learned the trade. For awhile it seemed as if though he had been meant for more. He had gone to the capital to learn magic, and had graduated, taking his place in the King's forces. His life had seemed to be going up and up. That is, until he was captured by the Pirate Princes, and had his armed hacked off when he was sent to deliver a message to his commander. He had been discharged and sent home, his fighting days done.
Amazingly enough, he worked the forge with two arms. One made of flesh and bone, and the other cold iron. He was currently fixing a sword. He had a spell that could do it, of course. It would only take a few seconds and the sword would be ready to swing once more. But that would only be of mediocre work, and relying on magic would make his skills rusty. And what was the point of that? His fighting days were behind him. He was home and this was his life. A life of sweat before a forge. Of wasting away in a little village. A village where nothing more exciting happened than the Wheezing Cough.
Once he finished with the blade he put it down. The local herbalist had called, and he knew that it was only polite to answer. He didn't know what she expected of him. Probably that he could 'magic away' whatever problems she had. But still, he had to go. In a village so small, it didn't pay to be rude to anyone.

DeJoker |

Everyone has gathered at the Magister's home, one Eritha Makhawon. A lady who has held the title of Magister for quite sometime. One can even see the graying highlights in her short, barely past her jawline, dark hair giving credance to her age. However, she is far from being infirm as her athletic form attests to a well toned body and her whethered features of years spent on the deck of a ship. Of course, for those who have been aboard a ship the room they are gathered in actually resembles that of an overly spacious captains cabin decorated with various memorabilia and trophies of her life at sea. Many if not everyone in Dunwich know or have at least heard of Eritha as she is always the first to come to the aid of the folk that call it home. So it is of no real surprise that they are gathered here with the intent of doing something about the Coughing Wheeze that has once more afflicted the town of Dunwich. Everyone has been served an ever filling, by a servant, glass of Ardent Red, a full bodied red wine that was mixed with spirits to give it a comforting warming quality. A wine favored by many a ship captain. Eritha is dressed in a colorful open v-front billowous long sleeved blouse and a long colorful skirt. To the militarily eyed, it is fairly obvious that the skirt could be discard quickly if the need arose. She wears numerous necklaces that cascade down from her neck and partially cover her partially exposed breasts. She moves with confidence and military grace, as she speaks.
"I thank you all for coming, and I hope that our efforts going forward will bring this recent malifliction that has been revisited upon the inhabitants of Dunwich to an end. Now many of you may already know or are aware of who each of you are but I will commence with full introductions just in case." She pauses in front a woman dressed in military attire, "Our lord Sir Amadtus Maldeghem has graciously sent his own daughter lady Vilma to help in this matter." She takes a step away from Vilma and gestures to a man, "Our local church of Heironious," she gestures towards William, "has sent their representative, a man of the arcane arts, William." She continues to move this time towards a Dwarf, "The Dwarves are even helping out and have sent Dáin a sort of holy retributor if I understood correctly." She moves past the Dwarf to a man with two stone arms, in fact a sort of local celebrity known locally as the Stone Smith, "Many of you have heard of our local gossip topic, but here he is in the flesh and stone, Lars Stonefist." The introduction is brief almost dissmisive as she moves on to the next, "Next is Travoril who is a Scrivener that has come south from the Dread Woods." Again she passes on to the next individual without further ado, "Here is Ronan, a marsh hunter who will be needed for the this endeavor as it will take you all into the marsh." She continues, "Lastly we have my representative, Shekla another arcane spell caster that is a native of the marsh. Now to our final attendee, Laurel our very own Apothecary who seems to have a potential remedy for the afflication but needs intrepid individuals to acquire the uh..." she pauses trying to recall word, "reagents. Laurel will you please take over."
With the introduction of Laurel, a rail-thin dark-skinned woman with studious-looking spetacles and hair pulled back tightly into a pony tail sheepishly steps forward. "Uh hi, okay I have a potential remedy for the Wheezing Cough but it requires specific ingredients and a recipe that I do not fully have. As maybe most of you know I am the local apothecary, and while not all of my remedies actually heal what ails the body, I do try to at least help those who come to me for aid. Further, all that I know came from my grandmother, who traded her eyes for the book of knowledge that she passed down to me. A book of knowledge that she attained from the witch of the Dunwater Marsh, Ulizmila. However, while my book references this recipe it does not contain it in its entirety, further beyond the basic reagents which I have, it mentions three reagents that I am not familiar with that frankly all sound like major hoojoo to me but my granny gave a lot for this book and all I can think is it is valid. So besides getting the full recipe from Ulizmila we need to find references to the following reagents: Elder Moss which seems to be some kind of moss found deep within the marsh on some really old tree or trees, then some kind of pickled root called Rat's Tail, again, sounds like hoojoo to me. Still the final reagent is Ironbloom Mushrooms, which are stunty little things that only grow in dark places thick with metal, a favorite amoung Dwarves," she looks over pointedly at Dáin, "so I have heard. Still there must be Elderwood Moss somewhere in the marsh, however damned if know where perhaps someone familiar with marsh", she looks at Ronan, "might know. As for the Rat's Tail and Ironbloom Mushrooms those are even longer shots but perhaps the witch has information as to where these ingredients resided when the recipe was first created which I can only imagine was eighty some years ago during the first time this plague spread throughout the area and took so many lives. Perhaps we might even discover what causes this plague and put an end to once and for all." Laurel seemingly having spent what little energy she has sinks into a chair, where Eritha comforts her and looks at those present, "Do any of you have any questions?"
OCC: Please feel free to make a full overly descriptive introduction of your character. Keep in mind all but the Dwarf are locals and such would have came with just the basics of their daily life as it was just a meeting in town. Vilma your father, to your objection as it sounds even more lame than the patrols she goes on, has assigned her to this task and expects her to represent him dutifully and respectfully. Oh by the way the Maldeghem are members of the House Lorchester which you might want to do a bit of research on, but take it all with a grain of salt because Vilma has had no direct contact with other members of the House. Oh and also, your father has chosen not to persecute arcane spell casters as he does not want what happened to the Viscounty of Nome Eor to happen to them as well. Shekla remember you chose to check out that person to hear out more about joining the Traditionalist well you eventually got introduced to Eritha who you have found to be woman that genuinely cares about those that live in Dunwich and she has asked you to accompany this endeavor and be her eyes and ears which I am going to assume your character accepted. Especially since Shekla has experienced nothing but kindness to her as well as seen nothing but kindness to every town folk that she has ever seen Eritha interact with. Lars due to your frienship with Shekla you are aware as well that Eritha is the leader of the Traditionalists. Note: For those of you that are Loyalist do not think your side is in the wrong, both groups consists of good people that feel strongly about what they feel would be the best for Dunwich. Does this mean there are no bad guys within the mix, by no means no, but sorting out the good apples, from the not so good apples, from the really rotten apples rest assured is not going to be all that easy and may not have any releavancy to the current immediate issue at hand. Remember, I will be seeding this adventure with numerous quest, side-quest, and maybe even a few red-herrings and your character choices will dictate how things play out good or bad. The town and your families will be depending on you to save them from ultimately and complete catastrophe so do not feel like their lives are on line because... well.. they are ;-) Have fun and welcome to the Dreadfulness in Dunwich.

Shekla Stygg |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shekla wasn't large or imposing, but she had a presence and appearance that might have unnerved some. If not for the giant sword on her back, then likely for the scars, piercings, tattoos, and even an orcish rune branded on her cheek. She wore black pants and a loose blouse that had been white once, but slightly yellowed with age and wear. She wore a few belts, including one with several potions.
Typically Shekla backed up her appearance with a permanently unimpressed scowl. Tonight, though, it took considerable effort to suppress a proud smile. Dunwich had shown her acceptance, yes, and she had served as night watch and part time laborer to earn her keep. But Eritha had been the only leader she had known to be fair and kind; to ask instead of force; to support and encourage rather than beat and brand. Shekla respected Eritha, and her leader had trusted her as a representative on this job.
Given the subject at hand, the smile might have been more unnerving, really. But those who knew her would understand. Lars, certainly -- he had opened his home to her. If anyone understood her, it was Lars. Vilma? Despite humping into each other several times, she still didn't have a read on the other woman...
Shekla took a long swill of the wine. She had never taken a dainty sip of anything in her life. Normally she hated wine too, but Eritha's stuff was always a little more than fancy grape juice. She listened to Laurel but the reagents weren't in her wheelhouse. She could have thought up questions to ask, but wasn't going to embarrass Eritha this soon by asking things everyone else already knew...

Dain Bramage |

Dain's bald head is the thing people first note about him, other thant he beard of course. Not a hair adorns it and one might think he buffs it with a cloth to keep it as his weapons are. Right now he doesn't have his armor(rather rude to clank in this meeting) but has his iron book and dagger. Plus big stompy boots(as he calls them).
He listens intently as talk turns of a possible cure for the sickness, the mushrooms are certainly something he can help look into getting ahold of, but talk of the marsh make him wary since there is going to be plenty of water no doubt.

Vilma Maldeghem |

Vilma alternates between slowly swirling the wine in her glass and sipping from it as she listens to Eritha, then Laurel.
There are probably very few people in and around Dunwich who wouldn't know Vilma on sight, even if they haven't ever spoken to her. It's the clothing, which is simple but sumptuous, that marks her as belong to a noble family. She wears deep green trousers and a loosely-fitting white shirt, along with brown boots that almost reach her knees. Her outfit is similar to that of most travelers. The richness of Vilma's clothing's materials and the high quality of its craftsmanship are what sets it apart. If an onlooker missed those details, it would be harder for them to not notice the rapier and dagger on her belt. The two weapons are a matched set, certainly custom made.
Vilma has made one special concession since the meeting is official, or something of the sort. Over her clothing she wears a pale blue tabard bearing Mayaheine's symbol on its front, a bastard sword, hilt up and point down, flanked by a pair of V's on each side. This is only the second time she has put on the tabard since she's been back in Dunwich.
Otherwise, her height is unremarkable, neither short nor tall. Vilma's complexion is olive-toned, if a little lighter than usual for Oeridian folk in general. Vilma's hair falls past her shoulders, wavy and curly, brown with some chestnut highlights. On this particular day, she has it loosely tied back with a black ribbon. Her eyes are a grayish blue. Most would describe her as athletic and attractive rather than a great beauty.
While it wouldn't be accurate to say Vilma is upset about being handed this chore by her father, she isn't happy about it. It's not that a cure or treatment for the Wheezing Cough isn't important, it certainly is. But Vilma isn't a healer, and she knows knows almost nothing of plants, herbs, or remedies. She supposes her father has told her to go to protect whoever among the people gathered in the room does know about such things. But, escorting them is something any among at least a dozen of her father's retainers could do. It's another example of him not taking Vilma seriously enough to give her any real responsibilities, and it grates.
It doesn't help at all that they are tasked with finding ingredients that even the apothecary doubts to be real, and which she certainly hasn't seen firsthand. It all sounds unpromising. Vilma refuses to consider this errand as a hint that her father doubts her competence. It would be too difficult to stay placid and pleasant if she were to entertain the idea.
When Eritha and Laurel have both said their respective pieces, Vilma subtly glances about to see if anyone else is going to say anything before speaking herself.

William the Destroyer |

William was a man dressed in an emerald green robe, his eyes are blue and his skin a stark white. His hair was golden, and closely cropped, as his had his hood down. He wore a pendant about his neck in the shape of the symbol of Heironeous. It was made of silver and had a sapphire set where the cross meets. A gift from his twin sister.
William thought through what the woman was saying. A trip to gather herbs that she didn't think existed? Well there was stranger things in this world and the Suel Lich was one of these, although it wasn't a possibility that he would meet one. Certainly the herbs existed, but he thought that they were rare. He knew something about alchemy himself, and some of that knowledge came with the knowledge of certain rare ingredients.
Of course thinking about this made him shuffle his feet, or it could be his traveling boots. He wanted to defeat evil, in fact he was certain of it. He could have been a paladin, his father wanted him to be a paladin, but he was too smart for that.
History check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Travoril the Scrivener |

The scrawny young man who has been attempting to remain unnoticed since his arrival somewhat reluctantly clears his throat to speak. He resembles a wood elf to some degree, but several features, such as his more rounded ears, mark him as one of the fFolk - those with both elven and human blood. The young man's fingers are stained with ink, and he wears a simple light gray robe. Around his neck rests a wooden amulet engraved with an image of the setting sun, well-worn as though frequently handled. As is his custom, he had answered the summons without taking his weapons or armor, though he does wear a satchel containing his tools - writing implements, paper, alchemical equipment, and the like. He accepted a glass of wine out of politeness when offered one, though he has not actually started drinking. He seems extremely uncomfortable around the warriors and nobles present.
"Brother Eldrin once told me that the past is akin to a road, guiding our footsteps as we move towards the future, though we can choose whether or not to heed it." Noticing that some of the others present presumably cannot immediately determine the relevance of Brother Eldrin's somewhat obscure metaphor, he quickly clarifies. "What I mean to say is that our forerunners may have created records when this plague first struck - to keep it from menacing the town again, that is. If these records exist, might they contain the recipe and the locations of the necessary reagents? That this Ulizmila might not still live is a distinct possibility."
As he finishes talking, he immediately begins to work himself into a paroxysm of anxiety, worrying about whether or not his question was appropriate. Was that acceptable? I'd certainly feel foolish if I brought up a possibility that they have already explored, but to ignore an obvious possibility that nobody else thought of would be just as bad! All these nobles and champions gathered here... am I truly worthy to undertake this endeavor?
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Vilma Maldeghem |

Vilma waits for an opportunity to catch Travoril's eye. When she does, she gives him a small, quick smile and a slight nod to reassure him he's done well. She has no idea if his question is a good one, but she knows Travoril has difficulty speaking his mind so she wants to encourage him.

DeJoker |

As far as diseases, within the last 20 years it has had 3 outbreaks of Black Miasma, 1 outbreak of Cholera, 1 outbreak of Typhoid Fever, and 2 short outbreaks of the Wheezing Cough. The last major outbreak, which lasted 2 or 3 years, of Wheezing Cough was some 80 years ago which caused the entirety of Salinmoor to be quarantined by the King of Keoland. So far, this outbreak has all the indicators of turning into another major outbreak.
However, there has been no known cures developed for any of these diseases that consistently plague Salinmoor or any other diseases for that matter. Well at least as far as anyone knows that is. In fact, this glimmer of hope that Laurel has recorded is perhaps the only cure that anyone has recorded and while perhaps hoojoo in nature it is at least something.
Also to be noted the few spell casters that can cast Remove Disease (a 3rd-level spell, requiring a 5th-level spell caster, and that requires a 1d20+Caster Level vs the Disease DC) are often whisked away by the nobles and they still are not immune with more than one Viscount of Salinmoor dying from a plague as well as a handful of clerics. Especially from the Wheezing Cough which seems particularly virulent.

Lars Ulcaster |

Lars crossed his arms, a frown upon his face. If it were not for the lives of his family, friends and townspeople being on the line, he'd have told everyone to go stuff it. He was being sent to fetch herbs and mushrooms. Work for children. Well, and for cripples, he thought, darkly. His arms were not his own. They were made out of stone, and while he thanked the divine for the gift every morning upon waking and every night before sleeping, he knew that he was far past his prime. He glanced over at William, and idly wondered how long it would take for life to break the wizard, the way it broke him. He hoped that the man abandoned his dreams of heroism and glory before he ended up like...he shook his head, forcing the thoughts away. Very, very, very carefully he picked up a glass of wine, knowing how easy it would be to break it. He tried his best to make it look easy, as failing to do so would mean one of two things. Pity or amusement being directed at him, and he very much wanted to avoid both.

DeJoker |

OCC: I will not be cruel Lars and neither will Eritha. She is quite aware of who and what you are and she would have given Lars a polished stone mug. Something that would not require him to make a Dexterity(Legerdemein) check to keep from accidentally crushing it.
Now I am not sure if we have lost the Ranger but we will proceed without them and see what happens.
Eritha listens to Travoril's question and shakes her head no, "Sadly no, because other than this bit of information Laurel has in her book, that is all we know about the last major plague. Further we do not even know what causes it or why sometimes its very minor and other times like now it is rather major in its effect. However, we are greatly hoping that Ulizmila will be able to tell us. However, if like you said she has passed on, then we can only hope that she left enough behind that will help us figure out at least how to make this potential remedy if not also what happened the last time and how to completely stop the plague."
To Dáin's question she looks over to Laurel and asks, "Laurel?"
Laurel looks a bit surprised at her name being called but responds with, "Uh.. well.. fresh ingredients are usually better but either should do.. in.. in this case."

Vilma Maldeghem |

Since nobody is really saying much about the request, or affirming they will take it up, Vilma speaks up.
"I can be ready to leave tomorrow morning. I'll do everything I can to find all the ingredients you need, and as swiftly as possible. Any hints or guesses you might have about where to look would be very helpful. I am not a naturalist."

Shekla Stygg |

Shekla drained her glass while others talked, but thought twice before asking for more drink. As the conversation brought up the question of whether Ulizmila was even alive anymore, Shekla couldn't hide a devious little grin. "Does Heironeous let any of you talk to the dead?" She blurted out. She probably should have thought twice about that one, too... Shekla had been raised by orcs, of course -- and remember shamans like her mother had such abilities. She also guessed that polite society might find such magic insulting.

DeJoker |

Eritha says, "Thank you lady Vilma, that is a credit to your family. Further, we do have information that will help you find Ulizmila's place granted they are a bit cryptic. Basically you will need to head up the Dunwater River until you get to the finger, whatever that is, and then you need to head north from there. I plan to provide a river boat and a marsh raft so that you can move about but the actual locating will be on you all. By the way, do any of you know how to pilot a boat, otherwise I will have to locate a willing captain to help you out? Further can any of you cast Gust of Wind?"
"Good idea Shekla, perhaps speaking to the dead maybe be a necessity, does anyone have that capability?"

Travoril the Scrivener |

Travoril, who had been staring fixedly into his (still untouched) glass of wine, lost in thought, looks up at Shekla's question. After a moment of contemplation, he speaks. "I cannot speak for the clergy of Heironeus, but the prophet Cadavix is said to have communed with the spirit of his murdered brother at the battle of Baklun. Of course, I would feel more confident having spoken with my temple elders, but I doubt it would be considered a blasphemy." The scribe pauses for a second, seemingly embarrassed. "Unfortunately, the rituals needed to speak with the spirits of the departed are rather complex, and I'm afraid I lack the necessary skill to perform them with any hope of success."
At Eritha's addendum, he shakes his head. I don't recall seeing anything about manipulation of the weather in any holy text I've transcribed. Perhaps Heironeus's representative may be more useful in that regard?
Speak With Dead would be very useful here, but unfortunately, I don't think I will gain access to it for another two levels. As for Gust of Wind, it's on most primary caster spell lists - just not the Cleric or Inquisitor ones. While it is 2nd level, it is unfortunately not on the Cleric list, though William may have better luck.

Vilma Maldeghem |

Vilma draws a complete blank regarding the directions given by Eritha. She will need to take a good long look at her father's map.
"Could we get drawings or detailed written descriptions of the ingredients in case we don't get Ulizmila's help for one reason or another?"
K Geography: 1d2 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Lars Ulcaster |

K Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Lars remained taciturn. He saw no reason to waste words when his questions were being asked. Rather, it was best to just listen. He thought aout the question of speaking to the dead, and whom he might know who could do that...

EltonJ |

William speaks up, "I guess I'm not sure, but I think we are looking for magical herbs. Let me have some time to remember exactly what herbs we are looking for."
Profession Alchemy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22, Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
I might as well as take a level in Alchemist.

Travoril the Scrivener |

Travoril thinks back over his time in Dunwich - though his primary training was as a scribe, his true talents mostly were in alchemy. He attempts to recall whether or not he has ever encountered ingredients matching the descriptions of the various reagents, but his primary focus is on the mysterious Rat's Tail - has he ever come across a root with a passing resemblance to a rat's tail that has medicinal properties when pickled?
Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

DunwichStoryteller |

OCC: William Profession-Alchemy is an Alchemist but someone might choose to call themselves something else. So basically if the Profession reflects a Craft skill I use the Craft skill name so that it is obvious what it links to. Again, remember, one is doing the work the other is having the knowledge.
Ironbloom Mushrooms: Is a small fungi that only grows in dark places with lots of metal, mostly iron. These mushrooms are a favorite meal of Dwarves. As they are not only nutritional but relaxing and health enhancing and are generally attributed to producing nice dreams.
Rat's Tail: This is an edible pod in the radish family, it has an extremely salty taste with a sizzling bite and is often used by the poor as a substitute for salt when seasoning their food. It can be found in marshes and swamps especially if they are near salt water. It is believed to help ward of diseases, bolster general health and provide energy.
Elder Moss: This is not really a moss but a flowering plant that grows from tall Cypress trees within a swamp environment. It is called Elder Moss because it only grows upon the older (or elder) trees, it also makes trees look like bearded elders. It is believed to have a rejuvenating effect and is often used to combat chills and fevers.
Alchemical Rat's Tail: This refers to a specific pickled version of Rat's Tail that uses Balsam Acētum in the pickling process. This pickling processes not only indefinitely perserves the Rat's Tail but enhances its medicinal properties.
As Dáin thinks about it, he realizes that while he does know some mushroom growers his contingency of the clan has not dug deep enough to have planted any as of yet, and he can surmise that neither has the other contingency due to how recently they arrived and their focused direction of building out their base of operations first. Also, Dáin is not only aware of the mushrooms but he used to gather them as a child.
OCC: Consider Dáin to be a journeyman when it comes to finding and gathering Ironbloom Mushrooms.
Both Travoril and William recognize alchemical Rat's Tail not the easiests of concoctions to make as it requires Balsam Acētum which takes years to properly make. Although, it can be purchased as well but then the pickling process itself takes a full 39 days. Of course, in larger markets properly prepared Pickled Rat's Tail can be purchased for a price. Of course, you have to make sure you are getting the real deal so you would want to purchase it from a reputible merchant. Further they have both read up on the Ironbloom Mushrooms and the Rat's Tail plant and could recognize both if they encountered them.
OCC:Note having the knowledge of the plants does not mean you have the skill to properly harvest them as that is a Wisdom(Craft-) skill albeit Craft- can be used untrained.
However, only William has read about Elder Moss but from his understandings marshes do not have a lot of trees and they are called the Hool Marshes for a reason. There is no mention of them being swamp-like. Of course, it is also covered in a near perpetual fog so perhaps it was named after just the outer edges and deeper within there are areas that are more swamp like. One can only hope, I mean they presumably made this potential remedy once before. Or did they?
Lars contemplates if he knows anyone that might be able to speak with the dead and he remembers an old hunch-backed hermit named Baskerwhel is rumored to be some kind of arcane caster that has the ability to that. He lives somewhere in the Dunwater Marsh but visits the town rather often. In fact he remembers seeing him enter town only a few days ago. This would most likely mean he is staying with... who was his friend again... oh yeah the merchant Arlend.
OCC: To recall anything more about Arlend would require another Knowledge-Local check

Travoril the Scrivener |

Travoril speaks up after a moment of thought. "I have heard of pickled Rat's Tail, and I could make it if I had the right ingredients... but I highly doubt we could make it in enough time to help Dunwich. The Balsam Acētum alone would take years to make correctly, and pickling it would take over a month. We could purchase it, but I doubt there is any in town. We might have some more luck near Seaton, however."

William the Destroyer |

Eritha looks over at William and raises her glass of wine in his direction, "Great well that is one item out of four taken care of, so where can we get this Elder Moss? That is if you do not mind sharing the information."
"It's located in the Hool Marshes," he said. "But it's not clear, I remembered reading about the Elder Moss in a book, and I haven't had the chance to gather it until now."

DunwichStoryteller |

Eritha listens to all the input and says, "Well at least we have knowledgable folks that are at least aware of the ingredients", she turns to Laurel, "no offense Laurel".
Laurel shakes her head no, perhaps meaning no offense taken.
Eritha continues, "So we have potential avenues for the ingredients even if getting them might not be easy". She looks to Vilma, "Do you think your father might lend resources, if we can find a market selling these goods?"
Vilma thinks about her father, would he part with precious resources for a potential perhaps untested remedy. Maybe on a small scale, but nothing that would help all the towns people currently suffering and most likely tested on a few regular towns folks and if proved effective reserving it for the wealthier town folk with any excess being used for those that really need it. Assuming that there would be any excess based on how uncommon the ingredients seem to be.

Vilma Maldeghem |

Vilma doesn't know what to think about what her father would decide. She does know better than to promise anything that might not be delivered. She doubts she can influence her father much.
"I will tell my father what is needed, and put the question of support to him. As soon as I have an answer, I'll let you know what it is."
As for the talk of a map...
"My father has a map of the area. Perhaps we can make a copy of the area in question from it. If we intend to leave tomorrow early, which is what I'd suggest, we should go study it tonight after we're done here."

DunwichStoryteller |

Eritha says, "As I stated if none of you can pilot a boat I can find someone to do such but what I have not determined is can any of you create a bit of wind (aka Gust of Wind spell) to help move the boat upstream, otherwise I would need to get an oar driven boat and you all will have to provide the muscle."
Eritha looks over to Vilma and says, "The last time I viewed your father's map of the area it did not show much details of the inner regions of the Hool Marshes, let alone the Dunwater marshes. I believe this is because the perpetual fog creates difficulty to normal mapping endeavors. Still do let me know if he has managed to pierce beyond the fringe as that would be good to know."
She then looks over to Lars and asks, "This Baskerwhel you mentioned, I have not heard of him, where does he reside?"

Vilma Maldeghem |

"Alright, do we have the basics settled? We should copy the map as soon as we can get over to the keep, then make all the personal preparations we can before night."
"We should be on our way early tomorrow. Remember, losing time on this end of the journey is just the same as losing it in the back side. Lost time means the possibility of more deaths."

DunwichStoryteller |

Eritha looks questioningly at Dáin, "Dáin it is the river or the marsh and as far as I know there are no land routes. However, if you Dwarves have discovered a land route through the marshes then I am sure Lord Maldeghem would be most interested in hearing about it.
As for a scroll containing a wind spell, I might be able to get one of the sea captains to provide one, however that would take at least a few days to organize, how long do you think it would take to create this scroll," she asks looking at William?