Mirela Wintrish |
Well at a minimum we could use a skill monkey.
GM karlprosek, do the Character rules Twilight posted above make sense to you?
If so then we should answer the question on the Recruitment thread and get some characters to pick from.
karlprosek |
I'm OK with a party of any size; I've got 9 PCs in a game off the boards and usually start games on the forums with 6 to allow for normal attrition.
I usually say standard WBL. I'd also say that if the existing PCs are below that, go ahead and calculate your current earnings and use the difference to buy items OOC and add them to your sheet.
Mirela Wintrish |
So for refence that's 16000 total wealth... We would have to look to see what we are carrying vs that.
Twilight. |
There are some early submissions in the recruitment thread, and a couple of questions.
On the subject of traits, since Lamm has already be dealt with, should we still require a campaign trait?
It was the gypsy woman's ghost that sent out the invitations and got us together. We could either waive that requirement, or say that for one reason or another their invitations were missed/late/something stopped them from getting to the meeting. Or maybe the ghost is just now sending them a request for aid. They were wronged by Lamm and are given an opportunity to help those that defeated him? Just random thoughts.
Also, Atticus had the gypsy's tarot deck. It seemed important to the plot so one of us should pick it up after we decide what is happening.
karlprosek |
Yes, one of the PCs should definitely retain Zellara's deck.
Personally, I like campaign traits because they give everybody at least 1 thing in common. But maybe if these new PCs want to help keep order in Korvosa maybe just volunteering to help could be the thing they have in common. I'd be cool with Zellara reaching out to new people when she realizes some of her chosen champions have fallen or left the city or whatever you want to say happened to the previous PCs.
Mirela Wintrish |
I was going to say, I don’t think the campaign trait is needed as long as they have a tie that makes them want to protect the city and its people.
It could be that trait or something else in the background.
Twilight. |
Ok, I will mention that we will be more lenient on the trait.
Did we want to put a deadline for applications so that the process doesn't go on for too long?
How about submissions by Friday and we can make a decision over the weekend? Or do we think this is too soon?
Twilight. |
We should also think about how Devan and Atticus are to be retired. Personally I would like to see them stick around in some capacity, They have been so much a part of the party up until now. Maybe Devan decides to devote himself full time to his training and Atticus buries himself in researching a cure while we do the legwork or some such thing.
Nargun Firehelm |
Maybe we can adapt some campaign traits?
Drug addict: Fake Medecine
Someone you loved caught the Plague. You bought some medecine, which was costly, but the one you cared for died all the same. Soon, you learnt that none of the one who bought the same medecine was cured. That charlatan must pay. You get either got Know Local or Diplomacy as a class skill (with a +1 bonus), as you learnt your way into the streets of Korvosa, hunting for the fake healer, seeking informations
Framed: Indebted
Life is rougher now. You got some money from a land shark some time ago (150 Gp/level), but he will ask for his money back soon, with heavy interests (300 gp/level). You managed to keep him of your back so far, with lies and false promises, but you know it's only a matter of time before you'll have to pay. You get either Bluff or Disguise as a class skill, and that skill get a +1
Love Lost
Your loved one died of the Plague, and you blame the Queen and all her servants for that. Fueled by your anger, you get a +1 to hit and damage people associated with the Queen, but you suffer a -1 to AC as you throw all caution to the wind
Missing child
You've heard about your child death. But you never saw its body, so you keep a faint hope that he might be alive, somewhere in the city, and you seek for him relentlessly, vowing to look for your child till your last breath. You try to find the truth, and either Sense Motive is a class skill for you, OR you get a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves, including for Stabilization check when you're dying
Mirela Wintrish |
I like the new traits, it will help to slot people in quickly and keep them involved.
And I agree we should Keep Devan and Atticus around as NPCs.
All good ideas.
Nargun Firehelm |
New campaign traits
Survivalist: Ressources are scarce, and time are tough. You forage for food, and try to keep out of the path of plague infested people. You either get Survival as a class skill (with +1 bonus) or get a +2 to save vs Diseases. If you catch the Plague, you can re roll ONCE a failed roll, but must take the new result
Painsoother: with the Plague, people start to turn away from the gods. Maybe you can bring them back to the rank of the faithfull, by word and deeds? Your efforts and good will have been noticed by the churches of the Korvosa, anyway. You either get Heal or Diplomacy as a class skill. Whatever your choice, you have a +1 bonus to Diplomacy check with servants and faithfull of good and neutral faiths
Twilight. |
Also, one of the applicants has run this AP before. Are we ok with accepting submissions from him? As long as I am satisfied he can avoid too much metagaming I am OK with it but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on the matter.
Nargun Firehelm |
one last new trait ;-)
Ne"er-do-well: Desperate times call for desperate measures. For you, the current plague is an opportunity to get some easy money for those you care for (including yourself, of course). Either Disable Device or Sleight of Hand are class skills (with a +1 bonus), but you can't be of a Loyal alignment
I'm fine with someone who wants to replay the AP, as long as he doesn't spoil the fun for everyone else and don't abuse his knowledge
Twilight. |
One more GM question, your thoughts on wearing a mithril chain shirt under regular clothing?
I was thinking that you could, but anyone who would care about such things would get a perception check vs a stealth?/slight of hand?/static DC? check to notice it.
Your thoughts?
Mirela Wintrish |
Atticus! good to hear from you!
And you are right
Boy we are significantly behind on wealth.
It looks like I'm under 8K in equipment.
Either we missed a bunch of loot or the module doesn't match the expected wealth per level.
We do have the Bank key, so maybe there is some good stuff in there.
Hmmm... If I was to wish for something it would be either a headband of wisdom or an enchantment on my bow.
karlprosek |
One more GM question, your thoughts on wearing a mithril chain shirt under regular clothing?
I was thinking that you could, but anyone who would care about such things would get a perception check vs a stealth?/slight of hand?/static DC? check to notice it.
Your thoughts?
I'm fine with wearing it under clothes, assuming the clothes aren't very light- any normal Outfit except for the Hot Weather Outfit should be fine. If someone has a reason to scrutinize your appearance we can do Perception vs Disguise.
Twilight. |
More questions from applicants.
Anyone can chime in if they have an opinion on some of these.
The blandbound magus achetype and bladed scarf dancer archetypes:
First this is a grey area, the bladebound alters the level 3 arcana class feature, but the scarf dancer has an optional change to the same feature. I know you can't take two archetypes that change the same feature, but since it is optional for on of the two archetypes, is it still OK?
Second, the bladed scarf is a two handed weapon. Scarf dancer allows you to use it in one hand. Bladebound magus' black blade ability affects a one handed weapon so the question is can it be used on the bladed scarf in this situation?
Other question is feelings on improved familiar. There is a wrinkle in the application in that as it stands they don't seem to qualify for this feat, but if they can clarify they would like to know if there is any problem with a pseudo dragon. It is thematic to Korvosa and they wouldn't actually get it until LV7.
Mirela Wintrish |
My thoughts... honestly the bladebound/scarf dancer combo seems to violate the spirt of the bladebound restriction to one handed weapons. Just because you can use a weapon in one hand doesn't mean it's a one handed weapon.
I'll leave it up to the GM to decide on the Arcane class features overlapping.
I really love his enthusiasm, but something about the combination feels off. If it's just flavor that's one thing it's the mechanics that I worry about.
As for the Pseudo Dragon. I'm totally for it. I love Psudodragons! But that may be because I think of them all as Loiosh from the Talos series.
Nargun Firehelm |
I've never played, or seen played, a magus, so I'll get a look, but don't wait for my advice
as far as I can tell, I dont know why you couldn't get a pseudodragon with Improved Familiar.. but Magus don't have a familiar to start with.
The Magus can spend some Feats on this (Iron will/Familiar bond/ Improved Familiar bond) BUT that will only give him a normal animal familar.
If the player wants a pseudodragon as a familiar, I think the only way would be to get at least one level as a Wizard, then spend a feat at 7th level to get Improved familiar
Besides, that makes two magus, so we'll probably have to choose one or the other
Did you get a look at Aldizorg's character, posted this tuesday? You can easily miss it, as it doesn't have a profile pic.
A cavalier/investigator half elf, interesting mix. Very good Perception roll, too.
Twilight. |
Ok, so far as far as complete characters go I think I see the following:
Melenthe: Elven magus (eldritch archer)
Tawni: Human swashbuckler (inspired blade)
Jessper: Human rogue1/magus5 (bladebound)
Odver: Human ranger (urban)
Aldizog: 1/2 elven cavalier (constable)2/investigator (spiritualist) 4
Thank you Nargun about Aldizorg, I missed him.
Mirela Wintrish |
Personally so far, I like Tawni and Aldizog's entries the best.
Melenthe... It feels too much like Mirela
Jessper - I'm still on the fence.
Odver - could be a bit dark for this group of generally heroes who like to help the guard.
But I'm totally open to be pushed one way or the other.
Oh and we are picking up one more right? to replace Devan (who becomes an NPC)?
Mirela Wintrish |
Twilight, Atticus any thoughts?
GM karlprosek di you want to give any feedback?
Twilight. |
Hm, I'm not sure, but did Tawni (hustonj) just bow out?
I like Aldizog as well, but my concern is whether he overlaps with Atticus too much. Perhaps Atticus can weigh in on how he feels about it?
I don't mind Odvar's background and I though thought Oriana the bard looked interesting as well.
I am good with narrowing it down to Aldizog and possibly Tawni?
Mirela Wintrish |
I agree on Oriana the bard looking interesting, but I still think I'd sick with my first two options.
Aldizog is my preference if Atticus is comfortable, but I am good with either Aldizog or Tawni.
How long do you want to wait for comments?
karlprosek |
Just FYI, I don't usually post on the weekends. As far as fit, I'll leave that to you guys. This is your group, I'm just here to keep the story moving.
I'm generally pretty loose on rules calls- I prefer interpretations that are cool or fun rather than strict. I'd be fine with the scarf bladebound but it looks like you're leaning toward other choices anyway, so it doesn't matter that much.
Artegall |
Hello! Thank you for the invitation.
I am happy to make changes to my character as needed.
I play in a couple of games with Nargun (Ruins of Azlant and Giantslayer). I would say that my main characteristics as a player are that I am prompt and reliable, and I aim for a sweet spot of "capable but not OP." I try to go with the story and respect the lore as much as I can, though in this case I haven't done a ton of research about Korvosa since I wasn't sure what I should know about the story to date.
Artegall was part of the Korvosan Guard, and then left over his captain's corruption, but remains on good terms with some members of the Guard and will sometimes work with them as a private investigator. Seems like that offers him some good ways to get involved with the party.
Artegall will be a pretty solid melee fighter, with good AC and ability to Disarm reliably even when unarmed - I thought that would be good for an urban campaign. Just grabbing weapons out of foes' hands rather than leaving a trail of corpses.
His skills are good, and Underworld Inspiration helps on several of them (he'll get Expanded Inspiration next level). With Trap Spotter, he always gets a check for traps even if we are moving at full speed (doing active checks is much less than half speed). His archetype doesn't get Alchemy and so is regarded as quite a bit weaker, but gets some useful tricks now (some defensive buffs) and later (Legend Lore as a 1-minute action at class level 9, so overall level 11).
If Atticus is rejoining us full-time, then Artegall might level up more as a Constable than as an Investigator (although I wouldn't interpret that as him formally rejoining the Guard, rather just continuing to develop his martial skills). If Atticus thinks his availability will be spotty, I'd take more levels of Investigator to be able to reliably make those skill checks and move things along.
If I need either lighter armor or Boots of Striding and Springing to keep up with the party, then I can shuffle around some gear and do that. Right now Artegall only has 20' move.
Any suggestions for changes?
Nargun Firehelm |
Gm, my current equipment worth, if I'm not mistaken, is around 4000 GP; so I'm 12000 GP short for my level wealth
+1 armor 3000 GP
+1 Cloak of protection 1000
+1 ring of protection 2000
Belt of giant strenght 4000
Aegis of recovery 1500 gp
500 Gp left
Mirela Wintrish |
Welcome Artegall!
We are glad to have you. A number of us were intrigued by character concept, so It will be interesting to see how it plays.
Since you are behind on the evidence of Korvosa, I'll give you a brief recap to bring you up to speed. If you read the players guide it will give you a solid background on the city.
Since then here are things that you would know:
1) Gaedren Lamm is dead. Not many people know who did it, but he seems to be out of the picture.
2) The Old king of Korvosa is dead. His young wife has taken the throne. She is a very controversial ruler. Some think she is power grabbing, some think she is a poor widow.
3) This group works as an unofficial adjunct to the Korvosan guard. We are too hot to be officially members, (as we have done some things that bring us to the attention of the queen, both good and bad) but we do have a friendly relation with Commander Kroft (Head of the guard) who seems to be a good person.
4) The queen claimed that she caught the person (a young artist Trinia) who killed the king. Evidence was largely circumstantial, but she was going to hold a public execution, immediately after the young girl was caught. The girl was saved off the execution block by Blackjack.
5) Trinia disappeared from the city even though there was a city wide hunt for her.
6) The queen has a personal guard of Grey Maidens, who enforce the law and seem to operate outside the standard power structures of the military.
7) A plague called the blood veil has struck the city. The queen has sponsored plague doctors to help fight the disease, and the Krovosian Guard and the Grey maidens have both been drafted to help the doctors fight the plague.
8) Even with the efforts of the temples and the doctors, the plague has been spreading like wildfire. It's so bad that the Grey Maidens just destroyed the bridges to Old Korvosa quarantining that district from the rest of the city.
That should bring you up to speed with well known events in the city.
As for changes to the for your armor. I'll let you decide. We haven't pushed the speed thing too much so far. We just all happen to have light builds. If you want to have heavy armor, just be ready for some good natured ribbing :)
Artegall |
Okay, I will keep the heavy armor. A 23 AC isn't even that good for level 6, but it's the best in the party by a fair margin, and you might have need of a high-AC frontliner at times.
When we are trying to be more incognito, Artegall can forego armor and just rely on a Mage Armor spell from Twilight if she can spare one.
I would suggest that Commander Kroft, the head of the Guard, is on good terms with Artegall. Perhaps Kroft was looking to move carefully against Artegall's corrupt Captain, who was politically well-connected. Artegall's hot-headed actions in that incident were something of an embarrassment, but let Commander Kroft stay kind of above the fray in getting rid of the Captain, while Artegall took the fall. Artegall doesn't mind so much - Kroft is a good woman who deserves to keep her position, and Artegall can still help people as a private investigator (while making more money than he did as a constable). The Captain is still around (though no longer with the Guard, now perhaps head of security for his family's shipping business). I didn't name the Captain because there could be a family that he should be part of.
Perhaps Kroft can recommend Artegall to the party.
Artegall would be aware of Gaedren Lamm (perhaps once or twice rescuing a newly-recruited Little Lamm, and once or twice failing to do so). He has likely heard of Blackjack, believes he exists, and understands the need for such a vigilante. Although more Lawful himself, Artegall is well aware of how Korvosa fails the less fortunate. Numerous cases cross his desk of impoverished citizens asking for help, often detailing some abuse of power.
Mirela Wintrish |
A discussion while we wait for GM karlprosek to get caught up and start us on what we see at the bridges.
What is your all though about Botting Devan for at least some non adventuring character interactions? I agree he should be shuffled someplace off screen for the adventures, but at least for the event tonight, I think he should be played by one of us as an NPC.
Twilight. |
Well, looking back he was offered a position to study under Orsini himself at the fencing school. And it did look like he was interested in doing so. It might just be a stretch under the circumstances justifying why he would leave right now to do that. And I am not sure if that has some plot significance.
And Welcome Artegall! I look forward to seeing you in game =)