Knight Commander Graxus Phand

Artegall's page

350 posts. Alias of Aldizog.

Full Name





Cavalier (Constable) 2 / Investigator (Spiritualist) 6 | AC 25 (T12, FF24, CMD22) | HP 62/62 | F +9 R +8 W +10 | Mv 20' | Init +1 | Per +20/+23 | Insp 6/6 | Spirits 9/9 | Active: None












Common, Elven, Shoanti, Varisian, Skald, Tien



Strength 18
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Artegall

Artegall draws inspiration from Robert Parker’s Spenser detective as well as a bit of John Constantine or Harry Dresden. Like Spenser, he is a tough-but-erudite ex-constable, and a capable pugilist, who is now a private investigator. But the nature of his investigations leans towards the supernatural. I feel like the classes fit together well thematically.
He's a decent combatant, he should be fairly survivable, and he excels at skills. His Challenge will help allies hit, and his Tactician ability can help with combat maneuvers (which will be a good part of his contributions to combat against humanoid foes). The bare-handed Disarm will be a favorite of his. I have not invested much in face skills (Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate) seeing these as fairly well covered. Don’t want to step on any toes.

Artegall can be snarky, and it isn’t as witty as he thinks it is. But he is learned and perceptive, and generally good-hearted. He has a code of honor that he adheres to, and can get prickly if asked to violate it. This led to the end of his career as a constable (see Background). His faith is quiet, but on occasion he can be seen making a gesture associated with followers of Torag (a legacy of his Ulfen mother).

Artegall is the son of an Ulfen mother and an Elven father. Both of his parents are still living, and are woodworkers in Korvosa. They sell finely-made chairs and tables blending the styles of their people. They were initially proud of their son for joining the constabulary, then just as proud when he told the constabulary to go to Hell. Artegall’s corrupt captain (from a wealthy shipping family) was trying to frame a business rival for a crime that the captain’s cousin had committed, and moved to replace Artegall with a more compliant constable on the case. Artegall exposed this, but his un-diplomatic approach (punching both his captain and the weak-willed new constable in the face) left him more of a pariah than a hero to the force. Still, in the years since, the city has come to rely on Artegall more than once for assistance with particularly challenging cases involving the supernatural.

Artegall is on the shorter and stockier side for a half-elf, at 5’7” and 150 lbs. He generally takes after his Ulfen mother, having light complexion and blond hair. He is not particularly handsome, and his nose shows signs of having been broken more than once.

The Campaign Trait:
I’d like to use the Framed trait, but with Artegall’s disgraced captain being the one who tried to frame one of Artegall’s loved ones. He could have a brother or sister who was up-and-coming in the shipping trade, and therefore a rival to the captain’s family business. It’s just for flavor, but coming in this late in the story there is less of a need to tie to Gaedren Lamm. Would that work?

Character Sheet:

Half-Elf Cavalier (Constable) 2 / Investigator (Spiritualist) 6
LG Medium Humanoid
Deity: Torag
Init +1; Perception +20 (+23 vs traps); low-light vision
AC 25, touch 12, flatfooted 24 (Armor +10, Dex +1, Shield +3, Deflection +1)
HP 62 (2d10+6d8+16)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +10; +2 vs enchantments, +4 vs death effects/negative energy
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 Longsword +11/+6 (1d8+5/19-20) or Unarmed Strike +10/+5 (1d3+4)
Ranged MW Composite Longbow +8/+3 (1d8+4)
Str 16 (18), Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14 (16), Wis 14 (16), Cha 10
BAB +6/+1; CMB +10 (+11 Grapple, +13 Disarm/Trip); CMD 22 (24 vs Disarm/Trip)
Feats 1: Skill Focus (Perception), Improved Unarmed Strike, Coordinated Maneuvers, Combat Expertise
3: Improved Disarm
5: Extra Investigator Talent
7: Step Up, Improved Trip (via Unbalancing Trick)
Traits Armor Expert, Campaign Trait
FCB Cavalier +2 skill points, Investigator 6*+1/4 inspiration Bonus
Skills (7 per level cavalier, 8 per level investigator, 62 ranks total plus Stealth from headband); * free Inspiration (1d6+1)
Perception 9 +20 (+8 ranks, +3 Class, +3 Wis, +2 Racial, +3 Skill Focus, +1 Constable); +23 vs traps
Disable Device* 8 +17 (+8 ranks, +3 Class, +1 Dex, +2 MW tools, +3 Trapfinding); -4 ACP
Sense Motive 8 +14
Stealth 8* +12; -4 ACP
Acrobatics 3 +7; -4 ACP
Climb 2 +9; -4 ACP
Swim 2 +9; -4 ACP
Heal 1 +7
Knowledge (Local)* 7 +13
Knowledge (Religion)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Arcana)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Planes)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Geography)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Nobility)* 1 +7
Knowledge (History)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Engineering)* 1 +7
Knowledge (Nature)* 1 +7
Spellcraft* 5 +11
Linguistics* 1 +7
Bluff* 1 +6 (+2 campaign trait)
Sleight of Hand* 1 +4; -4 ACP
Disguise* 1 +4
Survival 3 +9
Profession (Gourmet Chef) 1 +7
Diplomacy 1 +4
Languages Common, Elven, Shoanti, Varisian, Skald, Tien
Special Tactician 1/Day (Coordinated Maneuvers, 4 rounds), Order (Dragon), Challenge 1/Day, Aid Allies (+3), Apprehend, Inspiration 6/day, Commune With Spirits 9/day (Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Identify, Augury), Spirit Sense, Strong Life (+4 vs death or negative energy), Sixth Sense, Whispering Spirits (+3 insight to AC and saves for 1 minute), Studied Combat +3, Studied Strike +2d6, Investigator Talents (Trap Spotter, Underworld Inspiration, Unbalancing Trick)
MW Composite Longbow (+3 Str)
20 Cold Iron Arrows
10 Silver Arrows
+1 Mithral Heavy Shield
+1 Fullplate
Headband of Mental Superiority +2 (Int/Wis; Stealth)
Belt of Giant Strength +2
Cloak of Resistance +2
Pathfinder’s Kit
Holy Water
MW Thieves Tools
Elixir of Spirit Sight (gift)
Buffering Cap (gift)
+1 Human-Bane Rapier (loot)
Ring of Protection +1
Remaining: 696.62 GP