Expert Diver

Joseph Bakerson's page

51 posts. Alias of angryscrub.

Full Name

Joseph Bakerson


Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping | Climb +13 | Swim +13 | Stealth +10 | Perception +7 | Sense motive +7 | Diplomacy +8 | Knowledge local +9 | Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries | Profession baker +3 | Profession sailor +6


level 5 unchained rogue, swashbuckler and scout archetypes


HP 30/38

AC 20(24 vs aoo), T13, FF17 | F:+2, R:+6(+evasion), W:+0(+1 vs fear) | CMD 21 | Perception +7










common, halfling, orc, goblin, giant, undercommon, aklo


muscle for hire

Strength 20
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 10

About Joseph Bakerson


Standing several inches over six feet, Joe has jet black hair and dark green eyes. Though young, Joe's skin is already criss crossed with scars from all the barroom fights he's been in. He is bulging with muscle to the point that most people find it verges on the grotesque. All in all, he is huge and somewhat ugly.

With a huge greatsword strapped to his back, and pretty much constantly in his chain shirt, he presents a fairly menacing appearance to most. In addition, he usually has his pipe clenched between his teeth, even if he isn't actually smoking it.

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 280lbs


Joe was born and raised in Castorhage. As he likes to tell it, the streets were his parents and he clawed his way up from the bottom.

What annoys him is that in fact his parents are alive and well, and have a thriving wholesale bakery business in a relatively benign neighborhood. He has no odd birthmarks, nor were there any dire portents at his birth, nor at any later time during his life.

The banality and sheer normality of his existence, and his somewhat brash and impulsive personality, caused him to seek out excitement in his early teens and he got involved with some of the less than savory elements of the city, where his enormous strength and greater than average intelligence served him well in dealing with various gangs and near underground organizations, which is how he learned some of his less savory skills.

Though having no interest in following in his parent's footsteps, he was smart enough to see the value of what they were teaching him, and actually had a fair knack for languages and bookkeeping. Though terrible at actual baking, he was pretty good at cooking the books, though his parents never let him use any of the ideas he came up with. Many of the skills his parents taught him about dealing with customers and potential customers he also found quite handy in his underground activities.

A big fan of drinking and brawling, Joe loves to put on a show illustrating his strength and physical prowess. He has often found it expedient to spend some time out at sea after certain barroom fights, making him an experienced, if somewhat indifferent, sailor. He loves the ocean, and climbing the rigging, but isn't really all that into the actual work, though he does what he needs to do to earn some pay and get on the ocean.

Joe is also a big fan of gambling, though he realizes he isn't particularly good at it. He almost always has some cards or dice and is willing to play a game with pretty much anyone.

When he was 17, Joe decided he'd had enough of living with his parents and split. He still visits them occasionally, but only if he thinks no one's watching. He's spent the past few years building a name for himself as a reliable, if somewhat brash, bit of muscle who's also not bad at dealing with people. He's discovered as well that he's a fair hand at forging official looking documents, but he has been very careful about sharing that aspect of his skills with people. Though he doesn’t really think of himself as a thief, his particular skill set means he has spent many a night roaming the rooftops and alleys of the city acting as a guard and spotter for those who do think of themselves as thieves. He does have enough of a conscience that he limits these activities to targets he considers to deserve it, which in this town is quite a long list.


Skills (8 class +1 race +1 int = 10/Lvl)

Acrobatics +20, +25 jumping (+5 ranks +3 skill focus +2 dex +1 swashbuckler level +1 trait +3 class +5 boots, +5 rogue level)
Climb +13 (+5 ranks +5 str +3 class)
Swim +13 (+5 ranks +5 str +3 class)
Stealth +10 (+5 ranks +2 Dex +3 class)
Perception +7 (+5 ranks +3 class -1 wis)
Sense motive +7 (+5 ranks +3 class -1 wis)
Diplomacy +8 (+5 ranks +3 class)
Knowledge local +9 (+5 ranks +1 Int +3 class)
Linguistics +9, +11 to make forgeries (+5 ranks +1 Int +3 class, +2 forgers kit)
Profession baker +3 (+1 ranks +3 class -1 wis)
Profession sailor +6 (+4 ranks +3 class -1 wis)


armor expert (reduce acp of armor by 1)
Acrobat (+1 trait bonus to acrobatics)

rogue abilities:

Lvl 1 greatsword proficiency
Lvl 2 evasion
Lvl 2 expert leaper
Lvl 3 +1 morale bonus/3 lvls acrobatics and vs fear
Lvl 4 ledge walker
Lvl 4 sneak attack damage on a charge
Lvl 4 debilitating injury
Lvl 5 rogues edge acrobatics


human bonus feats, skill focus at 1st, 8th, and 16th level
lvl 1 bonus skill focus acrobatics
lvl 1 dodge
Lvl 3 mobility
Lvl 5 canny tumble


fort +2 (+1 class +1 con)
ref +6 (+4 class +2 dex) + evasion
will +0, +1 vs fear (+1 class -1 wis, +1 swashbuckler archetype)


init +2
Greatsword +9 (+3 bab +5 str +1 masterwork), 2d6+7 (+3d6 sneak attack)
Dagger +8 (+3 bab +5 str), 1d4+5 (+3d6 sneak attack)

CMB +8 (+3 BAB, +5 str)


AC 20, 24 vs aoo (+7 armor, +2 dex, +1 dodge, +4 mobility), 13 touch, 17 flatfooted
CMD 21 (10, +3 BAB, +5 str, +2 dex, +1 dodge)


lvl 1 10
7/lvl after

favored class:

+5 hp


carrying capacity 400(133 without muleback cords)lbs light load, 800(266) medium, 1200(400) heavy

Magic items 8700gp 15lbs

Muleback cords 1000gp
boots of elvenkind 2500gp
+1 mithral breastplate 5200gp 15lbs

Carried Equipment 375 gp 25 lbs

Greatsword masterwork 350gp 8lbs
Dagger 2gp 1lbs
Rope silk 100' 20gp 10lbs
Grappling hook 1gp 4lbs
Backpack 2gp 2lbs

Home stored equipment 345gp

Chain 20ft 60gp 4lbs
Gamblers kit common 75gp 5lbs
Lock superior 150gp 1lbs
Manacles masterwork 50gp 2lbs
Periscope 20gp 4lbs
Forger's kit 200gp 6lbs