DM Caleth's Immortals (Inactive)

Game Master Saint Caleth

For the greatest of heroes, death need not be the end. A select few are reincarnated, and must discover why they have returned and if there are others like them out among the planes...

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Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Yep, the future tense stuff confuses me too though.

M High Goblin Bard/7

I'm not native English. When I write in English, nearly every word has "the red lines" and the "tenses" rule looks unlogical to me, it's not the same in my language.

I can try to be more consistent and to write in the present tense, but I will make more mistakes against English grammar, sometimes even vocabulary.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Your stuff is actually pretty good as well as fun to read. Besides, nobody expects a goblin to use proper grammar.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Caleth, given that I died a thousand years ago is there realiisitcally any chance of me using any of the languages I know? Even if we were to visit the world I was from, by realistic application, today only Greek and Japanese have a chance of being understood by a modern speaker listening to an ancient dialect.

If there isn't then is there the possibility of switching languages by learning new ones, perhaps one per level given my Int score?

I think that it is very possible that you will end up back on the world where you are from, since not only are two characters from there, but it is still a major location at this point in hitory. We can work something out about the languages, but in a fantasy world it is completely conceivable that you could encounter someone or something centuries old which requires ancient languages to communicate with.

I would say that Draconic, Elven, Dwarven and any outsider languages would not have changed appreciably in a thousand years. Some of the other languages still apply, like Eresh, which has ancient and modern dialects that you would be able to understand, and Djet, which was already an extinct language in the Bronze Age. The one language that you are not likely to hear is Sharrim, since the descendants of the Sharrim now speak a dialect of Eresh.

I think that the most internally consistent position is to not retrain your languages and learn more with linguistics, but if you really want to switch some more out you can.

It is good that you brought up the point of linguistic change, since I had not considered the ramifications of it that much.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

Good pooint and that makes sense, I'll definitely pit skill points into linguistics as we go on.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Nothing against you, Wazoo. I'm not an English teacher, I'm a computer programmer. I found your mistakes quaint; Byarsh was commenting on tenses, so I thought I'd mention spelling mistakes. Just wait until I spell quite instead of quiet. :)


Just remind me to add English grammar books to the list of books Wazoo hates ^^

We're ok, I tought I'd mention it in a discussion about grammar and spelling before my mistakes would annoy someone.

Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)

Sorry for the delay in my post. I'll be a bit quicker to them now.

As for the languages, could we by chance mark down what language our character is using at the top of each post? It will help make it a bit easier to keep up with what each character is currently using.

And as my character is not fluent in planar common, it will help me keep track of what he is actually capable of understanding.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Communication is going to be a problem! I haven't actually listed each language for each character; I'll try to do that later. But this is the reason I'm playing my psionic character the way I am. Instead of the Tongues spell, Traveler is using Natural Linguist, so he can add another language at a time. Just start talking.

Maybe DM Caleth will ease this for us; otherwise, everybody will need to learn at least one language by the next level, or we'll have to use a relay method among the various translators for the party. Oh, what a roleplaying opportunity! :)

Xor'zel Zer'lam - Elven, Undercommon, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Ignan, Infernal, Terran

Akasha - Camthi, Djet, Sharrim, Xaidan, Planar standard

Wazoo - Goblin, Planar Common, Canvarian, Orcish

Byarsh Gyvualinn - Abyssal, Aklo, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Orcish, Planar Common, Sharrim, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon

Hegar 'Omir - Common, Goblin, Draconic, Infernal, Orc

Jerrie - Common, Halfling, Elven

"Traveler" Andrezi - Common, Planar Common, Abyssal (Russian), Celestial (Swedish), Dwarven (German), Elven (Greek),Terran (Kannada)

Planar Common - Akasha, Byarsh, Traveler
Common - everybody but Akasha
Orc - Hegar and Wazoo
Elven - Xor'zel, Jerrie, Traveler

So really everyone but Akasha has Common, and Akasha has Planar Common, which DM Caleth could rule is Common with either a different syntax or parameter. Not too hard, after all.

Byarsh can actually relay translations for Akasha, since he knows Sharrim without a magic or power.

M High Goblin Bard/7

Sorry for posting with my DM mask earlier, I'll try to avoid that.

I share the feeling communication will be a problem, but I understood Caleth's explanation differently.

Each Character knows the Common language of their home plane as well as the appropriate bonus languages. Generally each Plane has its own language, in addition to racial languages. There is also Planar Standard which is a language to facilitate trade between worlds, which is the "native language" of the Astral Plane. It is very conceivable that you could come up against a language barrier at some point.

My interpretation was that "Common" was considered the "Common" of your home plane. In a way that Hegar's "Common" would not make sense to the "Common" of Xor'Zel unless they are from the same plane.

From this point of view, the only shared languages (more as 2 speakers) would be:
-Planar Common (Akasha, Byarsh, Traveler, Wazoo*)
-Orc (Hegar, Wazoo, Byarsh)
-Infernal (Xor'Zel, Byarsh, Hegar)
-Abyssal (Traveler, Xor'Zel, Byarsh)
-Elven (Traveler, Jerrie, Xor'Zel)
-Draconic (Xor'Zel, Byarsh, Hegar)

*Wazoo speaks Planar Common, his home being the Astral Plane.

Wazoo's explaination is correct as to what I had intended. I honestly expected everyone to know Planar Standard though, unless they have a specific character reason not to at this point (hi Akasha), which is why I am rendering it as English.

The "Commons" of various planes are different, and some have different names which you will encounter, such as Darravi and Canvarran.

Out of combat I assume that someone will usually be able to provide simultaneous translation, but in combat, translations will have to be relayed on the appropriate turn.

For consistencey, and so that I do not get confused, lets start the list of what each language will be represented by with the list from my other game (sorry Traveler, this might be a little different from some of the languages you already used):
Sharrim: Turkish
Draconic: Greek
Dwarven: Icelandic
Orc: Africaans
Darravi: Russian
Canvarran: Latin
Goblin: Basque
Eresh: Arabic
Elven: Hungarian

Add on to this to avoid confusing the poor DM...

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

I'm flexible, DM Caleth. Like I said, fascinating roleplay opportunity. I was choosing languages a little at random. I just have to re-do Abyssal. Macedonian looks good. I'd like to keep Celestial as Swedish, and Terran as Kannada. Other first-users can choose what they want from Google Translate.

Male Ifrit Sorcerer(wishcrafter) 5

Oops, I assumed that common was the same a planar common, so I guess that Hegar shouldn't have been able to answer the traveler the first time. I'll remember that from now on.
Also I had infernal be Hebrew.

Edit: Also what language is the old man speaking?

The old man is speaking Planar Standard, which I am going to render as English.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

If you feel that stronglyy about it I'll not know planar standars until I level and spend the skill points. May be really awkward for a bit but hey it's a roleplaying experience. I'll just retcon understanding anyone.

M High Goblin Bard/7

Hegar was able to understand Traveler, because Traveler added Goblin and Sharrim to his Natural Linguist list ;-)

Xor'Zel, I think it would be handy if you came to talk now and have your language added to Traveler's list. Should you take Elven, Jerrie will be able to understand that as well.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Xor'Zel's already noticed Traveler has spoken Abyssal, Elven, and Terran, and he does have Common, so that's not a problem communicating. Traveler will be more than satisfied to let Hegar talk to Wazoo. :)

I'm hoping by Traveler speaking Sharrim for Akasha, Byarsh will notice, and take over the translation responsibility when not in battle.

Natural Linguist is not that expensive for Traveler to do every day, but the psionic power only lasts 60 minutes at his current level. More than enough for a battle, as well as time after, but costly if Traveler runs out of power points. I'm more than willing to spend the skill point myself to pick up Sharrim for Akasha. Which of her languages is the most widespread?

Roleplaying-wise, Traveler has had to translate between his planar-traveling party and denizens of different Planes before.

If DM Caleth doesn't whisk us off immediately, Traveler will try to read the names on the walls. He hasn't had time to do that yet. He can also memorize 800 words at a time using his Autohypnosis skill, and I was going to have him start memorizing left and right, if it's important to the plot.

Male Ifrit Sorcerer(wishcrafter) 5
"Traveler" Andrezi wrote:

Xor'Zel's already noticed Traveler has spoken Abyssal, Elven, and Terran, and he does have Common, so that's not a problem communicating. Traveler will be more than satisfied to let Hegar talk to Wazoo. :)

I'm hoping by Traveler speaking Sharrim for Akasha, Byarsh will notice, and take over the translation responsibility when not in battle.

Natural Linguist is not that expensive for Traveler to do every day, but the psionic power only lasts 60 minutes at his current level. More than enough for a battle, as well as time after, but costly if Traveler runs out of power points. I'm more than willing to spend the skill point myself to pick up Sharrim for Akasha. Which of her languages is the most widespread?

Roleplaying-wise, Traveler has had to translate between his planar-traveling party and denizens of different Planes before.

If DM Caleth doesn't whisk us off immediately, Traveler will try to read the names on the walls. He hasn't had time to do that yet. He can also memorize 800 words at a time using his Autohypnosis skill, and I was going to have him start memorizing left and right, if it's important to the plot.

Awesome, you are our walking Google translate.

Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)

Xor'zel has been raised to not trust others, him just stepping out to say Hi makes no sense. Though he is going to be popping up at the mention of his name.

As for the languages, I chose languages I found he would be likely to know. He's a noble, why would he know Planar Common when he could know the true language of a plane he wishes to communicate with?

Hey, I'm sorry, but I think I need to bow out. I'm not giving your campaign the time and energy it deserves. Thank you for the chance though I perhaps I'll find the chance to roll some dice with you all again.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Sorry to see you go. We're just warming up.

I guess Xor'zel wanders off in the city-building, never to be seen again?

For now at least. If Caleth will allow it though, I might wander back in later on. However, for now I unfortunately don't see that happening.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

This game is not at all what I was expecting. I thought we would wake up, meet some epic-level wizard that would give us an adventure in return for resurrections, and put us off on our merry way.

Since we seem to be doing a Riverworld (Philip Jose Farmer), or a Labyrinth (movie), we might want to see how self-sufficient our characters are. I thought I saw a Ring of Sustenance among one of the characters. Traveler can feed 3 people once, after which time we're in trouble. Traveler can feed himself, of course.

Barring any direct questions of our ancient guide, like "Where's the food, old man?"

I haven't looked at everyone's character, so does anyone have Create Water, or better yet, Create Food and Water? Just so this doesn't turn into the Donner party while we wait for the Plot Train to show up. Unless exploring this city-labyrinth is the plot. Which it could be.

Male Ifrit Sorcerer(wishcrafter) 5

I'm sure food and water will be provided, the old guy has to be living off of something.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Where did you guys all go? If you come back I have plenty of cool stuff for you to do, promise.

Male Ifrit Sorcerer(wishcrafter) 5

Still here.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

I think it's just the Christmas holiday. I'm also trying to not dominate the conversation IC, and go "around the table" before Traveler talks again. But if no one responds after several days, I'll post again IC.

Female Human Hexcrafter Magus 3

I'm here

I'm here, just haven't thought of anything to say.

M High Goblin Bard/7

Ugly and irritating goblin is still here. Had the combo "Much work right before + Christmas + much work right after". Hope it improves soon, if not I'll let you know so you can find replacement.

Male Tiefling (formerly human) Witch (Dimensional Witch) 7

Here on and off. It's been an interesting couple of weeks on my end.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Happy New Year, everyone!

M High Goblin Bard/7


Best of luck to all of you in 2012.

M High Goblin Bard/7

Terribly sorry Traveler, I read over the fact you picked up the glass book. Please accept my apologies.

I'll wait for GM reaction to see what happens before acting again and pay better attention.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Not a problem, I rolled with it. I get the feeling DM Caleth was throwing out fishing lines at us, anyway.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Just to let you know I have a "working weekend", so I may not post much.

I am traveling around Southeast Asia right now and it is far harder to find Internet than I thought so bear with me please

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Not a problem, DM Caleth. Waiting to see what happens!

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Any update on your progress, DM Caleth?

I am about to go to Laos in a day or two. What is holding up the progress of this game is that all my notes are on Google Docs and while I am in China, I can only access them from my own computer. I should be able to get to them in Laos and Thailand though.

As soon as I do, I will be able to continue if I have not lost you guys already.

I'm still here. Have a nice trip!

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Any better service where you are now, DM Caleth?

I'm going on a jungle trek in Laos starting tomorrow, so not really. I'm using the satilite internet in a village right now. I should be in a better position once I get to Thailand in a little over a week.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Traveler casts Raise Dead Thread!

Helllooooo! Anybody here? I think if people are still checking from time to time we could keep going.

I was checking in here a while ago and was wondering that myself, not that I'm a player. >.>

He's had some health problems lately. He said he'd get things rolling again in my game thread, and I put a little notice for him in the OOC thread there, so hopefully he'll see it.

Male Human (Elan) Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1

Much appreciated!

ALright. He's gonna see about getting this up and running if it can get momentum again, after he gets the campaign I'm in for him rolling again. Just a thought, Caleth, when you get back to this thread, if you are indeed missing players, I've still got my staff-bound magus. His name will have to be changed, but it's still intact otherwise.

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