DM Caleth |

Welcome to the OOC Thread! Please go into my profile and read about the couple of house rules which I use.
Before we begin, could everyone make sure that their profile contains all their stats and backstory. Each character also needs to get a small negative trait, and possibly scar or other blemish for fluff purposes, related to the manner of their death. For example a character who drowned might get a -2 to Fort saves related to breathing (such as when holding their breath or in a Cloudkill), or a character who died from cold or fire damage might have to start making saves sooner against environmental effects of the temperature which killed them.
Specifically, Andrezi might have the "death" trait of losing a couple of power points since he seems to have died by having his soul drained by an astradaemon. Xor'zel might get a penalty on Ego checks against his sword since he died when it turned on him. These are just suggestions, feel free to suggest a completely different penalty.

"Traveler" Andrezi |

Nooooo, not my precious power points! :)
Actually, that's probably less harsh than applying a Concentration check to using psionics, or a limit to gaining more power points, or another type of penalty. Losing a soul (but having enough fragments left over for resurrection) is hard to define for future penalties.
1d4, 1d6, or 1d8? (considering he just leveled with 1d8 hit dice)
Edit: just a reminder, DM Caleth, but "Traveler" is an Elan, not Human. He was made Elan from a Human, however, and looks like a Human with a little exotic red hair. So Traveler can get around needing to eat, does not age, sleeps like an elf, can reduce a little damage done to him, etc. I chose Elan to get "the basics" out of the way, and because it's a psionic race.

Jerrie |

I was actually thinking of a penalty to Con checks because my heart was pierced, but that works if you're okay with it.
Jerrie's appearance does not help disprove the idea he is dead. Pale skin, black, sunken eyes, tall but spindly(almost skeletal), and he just doesn't have the same speed or agility he had in 'life'.

Xor'zel Zer'lam |

I'm fine with a -2 to his will saves versus his black blade. That is probably the most suitable penalty and one he will never really be able to get rid of as the blade can teleport to him.
I will have him all updated with his drow abilities and black blade stat block by the end of tomorrow.

"Traveler" Andrezi |

Uh, I'm getting a little nervous here. A drow with a cursed intelligent blade, a guy who thinks he's dead, a goblin and a hobgoblin, a conniving liar, aaaannnd a CN witch. At first I was worried I might be too exotic for this crowd; now I'm worried I'm the (one of two) Good-aligned character(s) in a Suicide Squad! Yikes! Is this "sleep with one eye open" time? Or bring the Prozac?

Byarsh Gyvualinn |

Alright, I believe this new addition to the backstory will fit in a bit better. I'll have to think about how death by supernatural aging works for a trait.
Byarsh's exact time-line is vague, but I can certainly see him having plane-hopped up until a rather recent death.
4 languages to choose, then I'm good to go.
Though you may see him as Chaotic Neutral (or a conniving liar - I can't tell which), Byarsh is likely to be the second most "Good" character in the party. It certainly surprised me when I started playing him.

Wazoo |

@Andrezi: As long as you don't write down anything Wazoo says, you're fine. ;-)
Updated details for Wazoo. As for items, I went with a Chain Shirt +2, a Light Crossbow +2 and an (empty) Ring of Counterspells (Core p. 479). The ring would be an item he found in the mage tower right before he died. Is that allright with you Caleth?
Penalty: Here's some options I could come up with:
-Either being sensitive for warmth as you described
-Taking some extra damage when burning
-A higher DC for saves vs. any fire effect
I prefer the third, since I could play it as a goblin's obsession with fire, even when Wazoo has such bad experiences with it.

Wazoo |

Hehe, true, didn't think of that.
My reasoning was a reaction combining his obsession and former experience: "Woohoow, fire fire fire! Boom! Oh, coming close... Oh wait, it hurts! No! No fire! Go away! Bad fire! Auch!"
Doesn't matter much, I'l have a wonderfull time playing it, so I'm fine with any outcome. DM's decision, so he can balance it with the other negative traits.

Hegar 'Omir |

Looking good. Hegar, the increase to misfire chances might be a bit much. The penalty to perception is good if you got killed by being stabbed in the back.
I'm sure he got stabbed in the back when he died, but i don't think in the way you are saying. Since Hegar was killed by a group of guards, maybe he gets a -1 to ac against people who are flanking him.

Akasha |

Since her patron and a lot of flavor and spells are spirit related,and her background mentions in the moment of her death, she drew so heavily on the spirits that it destroyed both herself and her enemy, perhaps the drawback of the Oracle haunted curse without the benefit.
Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction.

Akasha |

Also am I swapping languages or will I have an opportunity to rrelearn ones that are useful. Also dropped the headband to keep Athame, making it +1 silver (though it looks black like antique silver.)
For scar maybe a scar directly over her 3rd eye from calling upon so much spiritual energy. (Maybe the scar glows when she casts a patron spell)

Xor'zel Zer'lam |

Hmm...I actually forgot something rather important. My guy needs his spellbook. Would you allow me to trade out the headband for his spellbook? And perhaps he will find himself on a quest to reclaim his headband. Perhaps a reward promised by his god for completion of his next kill?

DM Caleth |

Akasha, that is more detrimental than the penalties that the others have taken, so if you go for it the actions of the spirits might work out wellf for you sometimes.
Byarsh, since you were killed by magical aging, maybe you take -1 on initiative due to still "lagging" slightly in time from the temporal magic which killed you.
Xor'zel, good point about the spellbook. If you take it, you can add some spells to it as if you had purcahsed and scribed them. Even if you had forgotten your spellbook somehow, I would work one in for you fairly quickly because the alternative is just mean.
I am going to get started soon, so check back for the game thread.

DM Caleth |

Game thread is up. Enjoy and if you have any last mechanical questions it is ok, since you will probably spend a while interacting and exploring before any fighting happens.

Wazoo |

Yay! Posted and looking forward to more.
I took Basque as Goblin translation.
What Plane does Wazoo come from, since this will likely determine his "Common"? If there is a place for Goblins in one of your worlds, please do. If not let's have his origins in Golarion or a similar world.

DM Caleth |

Oops, I seem to have had a post eaten somewhere along the line

Wazoo |

Ah, humans are *so* evil...
I can put him on an Astral setting as well, tough I'll need a day to re-write the story on that setting while keeping the important hooks I had.
(last of his clan + befriending unusual creature + perceived betrayal + mission to destroy books + death in fire)
Same goes for the Goblin plane. With a bit of creativity I can keep the same hooks while putting him there, but I'll need some time re-writing.
I'm ok with all three options, I like a writing challenge. Your call.

DM Caleth |

I think it it really depends on how great a chance you want there to be of visiting his home plane. You are certain to visit the Astral Plane and it is more likely that you would visit a more distinctive world (Goblinoid planet) rather than a place that is "Kinda like Golarion but not quite".
Also if you were from the Astral Plane the book about you would have a far wider readership, and copies of it would be all over the Multiverse buy now, which would be pretty funny for your character.

Wazoo |

I think I was able to manage. I added more details as well, using pointers to the human world of Canvaria. I took them since the story hinted at a plane-crossing race. If you approve of this story, would you allow me to change languages as well? I'd trade Dwarven for Canvarian and Draconic for Orcish.
I'll put this in my profile if you approve of it.
Wazoo was born on the Goblin ship "the Toesmasher". After a rather unpleasant event where the majority of the Toesmasher's crew took over an enemy vessel, put fire to it but didn't left the ship fast enough, only he was left on an empty vessel drifting the Astral Plane. He was picked up by another ship eventually, the "Scavenger", of the infamous Orc Captain Harrak. Wazoo quickly adapted to their crew by entertaining them with his songs of the Toesmasher and its history. He took pride in repeating those songs and tought it as his mission to keep that part of history alive. After all, what Goblin pirate doesn't like Goblin pirate songs?
It went wrong after they captured a female Canvarian for ransom tough. Wazoo got close to the creature, even befriending her and learning her language during the months she stayed on the ship. Tokala had lots of tales as well, and she had a very nice flute that she used when he was singing. She taught him how to use a djembe, which he in turn used to accompany her flute. Their mutual performance stunned the crew, and when her ransom was paid Wazoo felt sorry she had to go. But a few months later, he made a discovery that made his blood boil. On the next ship they plundered, was not only a big treasure, but also a large collection of books. And worse, one of the books had a picture of him. After having questioned a prisoner, it appeared to be not only a picture, but an entire book about him. Tokala had written down his tales in a book! He was furious, and couldn't believe someone could do something as cursing someone so terrible with putting his entire history in words. He made a vow of making Tokala pay for it and to destroy every copy of "The Great Wazoo, last of the Toesmasher".
He left the crew of captain Harrak when the ship passed trough Canvar, dedicating himself entirely to the hunt at the words that were stolen from his head. Whenever he came across a copy of his book - and they were many since the book was a hit across the multiverse - he would do anything to destroy it. Sometimes the owner would let him, happy as only a fan could be that they met. At other times he had to use stealth and guile, sometimes even force. Wazoo had heard a wizard kept a copy of the book close and was determined to find out. While the wizard was away, he took his chance to check his belongings. Unfortunately for him, the wizard returned quite soon and wasn't pleased at all of the presence of a Goblin snuffing in his belongings. A huge Fireball came his way, and Wazoo the Great died like his crewmates of the Toesmasher. His last words were: "Pretty, Fire!"

DM Caleth |

Xor'zel Zer'lam |

You are free to name the blade and use it as an NPC, might be interesting if it knew the Planar Standard, though I suppose Undercommon would make sense too.
As for spells, here is what he has at his disposal till he finds a source to prepare from again.
0 -
- Acid Splash
- Arcane Mark
- Light
- Prestidigitation
1st -
- Expeditious Retreat
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Shocking Grasp
- Shocking Grasp
- True Strike
2nd -
- Blood Transcription
- Blur
- Cat's Grace
Some are unavailable to him at this time do to lack of components, but I would ask if it is possible for him to create a target with prestidigitation for his True Strike focus.

Byarsh Gyvualinn |

I usually start with past tense but shift to present the moment I start interacting with others.
I'm having an instance of deja-vu in that regard, Akasha, and I respectfully acknowledge that I think we discussed and resolved that matter once before. I'm sure things will sort themselves out in a couple of days.