Aldern Foxglove

"Traveler" Andrezi's page

47 posts. Alias of jhpace1.

Full Name

"Traveler" Andrezi


Human (Elan)


Psion (Nomad) 6 / Elocator 1




Medium - 6 ft. 0 in, red-brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin




Chaotic Good


Common, Planar Common, Abyssal (Macedonian), Celestial (Swedish), Dwarven (Icelandic), Elven (Hungarian),Terran (Kannada)


Astral Plane Transporter

Strength 11
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 15
Charisma 10

About "Traveler" Andrezi

4D6 drop the lowest roll; start at Level 7
Using Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed (2011) via the OGC SRD

AC:13 (Natural + Dex + Dodge) (19 with Inertial Armor)
AC Touch: 13
AC Flat-Footed: 10 (16 with Inertial Armor)
Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +3
Melee: +3
Ranged: +5
CMB: +3
CMD: +15

HP: (6D6+CON) + (1D8+CON) = 38
Current Status:
Weight: 175 lbs. (average)

Initiative: +2
Movement/Speed: 40 ft per round

Fort: +3
Ref: +3
Will: +8

Proficiencies: All simple weapons and light armor only. No shields.

Concentration: D20 + Manifester Level (6) + INT mod (4) + trait (2) = 12

Elan Racial Stats GM only!:

Humanoid (Aberrant)
4-hour trance instead of 8 hours of sleep
Naturally Psionic: Psionic Talent feat (+2 power points)
Resistance (1): +4 to any saving throw
Resilience (1*): reduce damage by 2 points *augmentable
Repletion (1): sustain without food or water for 24 hours
Psionic Aptitude: at each level he can choose to gain a power point instead of a skill point for his Favored class
+2 to any one ability at creation


(1st Level) Dodge (+1 to AC)
(Psion 1st Level Bonus) Psicrystal Affinity (Focused: +3 bonus on Autohypnosis checks)
(3rd Level) Speed of Thought
(5th Level) Mobility
(5th Level bonus) Scribe Tattoo
(7th Level) Expanded Knowledge (Empathic Transfer)


Psion: Nomad's Step: 40 foot teleports
Elocator: Aerial Acrobatics, Personal Gravity, Scorn Earth, Terminal Velocity


Faith Trait (APG): Sacred Touch: Automatically stabilize a dying creature by touching it
Magic Trait (APG): Focused Mind (+2 to concentration checks)
Death Trait: lose 2 psionic power points

Psionic Details:

Discipline: Psychoportation
Power Points: Class(35) + Ability (12) + Feat(2) - Trait(2)= 47
Maximum Power Level Known: 3rd
(Effective 6th-level Manifester)

Skill Points and Skills:

Psion: 2 + INT + Favored = 7 (42)
Elocator: 6 + INT = 10
52 total

Acrobatics: +9
Appraise: +5
Autohypnosis: +9 (+3 from psicrystal)
Craft: Painting +8
Craft: Miner +8
Diplomacy: +1
Disable Device: +7
Escape Artist: +7
Fly: +6
Heal: +7
Knowledge: Arcana +8
Knowledge: Geography +8
Knowledge: History +8
Knowledge: Nature +8
Knowledge: Psionics +8
Knowledge: the Planes +13 (+5 from Headband of Vast Intelligence +2)
Linguistics: +5
Perception: +5 (+2 when psicrystal is within 5 feet)
Ride: +3
Sense Motive: +4 (+2 when psicrystal is within 5 feet)
Spellcraft: +8
Stealth: +4
Survival: +8
Swim: +4
UMD: +7

Starting Gold:

3 items which may be worth 25% of 23,500 gp each (5,875 gp)


Carrying capacity:
11 38 lbs. or less 39–76 lbs. 77–115 lbs.

Big Three:
Headband of Vast Intellect +2 (Knowledge: the Planes) 4,000 gp
+1 longsword of deep crystal longsword (3,000 gp)
psionic tattoos on body (5,250 gp worth)

On person:
Explorer's outfit, lapis lazuli on heavy gold chain (900 gp)

Tattoo list:
psionic tattoo of Astral Traveler (6x)
psionic tattoo of Call Weaponry (2x)
psionic tattoo of Force Screen (2x)
psionic tattoo of Cleanse Body (2x)
psionic tattoo of Entangling Ectoplasm (Large) (2x)
psionic tattoo of Body Adjustment (2x)
psionic tattoo of Sustenance (3x)
psionic tattoo of Natural Linguist


An unassuming librarian in a capital city on a planet like Golarion, Andrezi realized life had passed him by. When war came, Andrezi took up arms and saved the besieged capital city by his wits and good luck. He would have been the hero, but he was murdered in a fire set by his rival.

Andrezi awoke in a new body from benefactors calling themselves Elans. For several years, he did their bidding, becoming a traveler of the Astral Plane, escorting groups to other planes of existence. Such journeys are not without their perils. Angels herding souls to various planes of existence, demons trying to steal and eat souls, creatures that swim and fly through the ether, and weather churning the Plane.

Andrezi's last memory before he died again was defending his charges against a horde of Astradaemons attacking their Astral Caravan in the Astral Plane, giving the people time to escape while he fought off the daemons to his last breath.


Personality: Focused (add +3 to Autohypnosis checks) called "Direction", a large lapis lazuli crystal wrapped in a heavy gold necklace
Init: +2
Saving Throws: same as creator
Skills: same as creator, +10 to Climb, +4 to Perception, +4 to Stealth, +6 to Perception
Hit Points: one-half master's (level 7)
AC: 19 (+3 Nat)
AC Touch: 16
AC Flat-Footed: 17 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +3 Nat)
Hardness: 8
Str: 1, Dex 15, Con -, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10
BAB: +0
CMB: -9
CMD: +3
Natural Armor Adj: +3
Intelligence Adj: +3
Special Abilities: Alertness, improved evasion, self-propulsion (30/20ft), share powers, sighted (40 ft), telepathic link (1 mile), deliver touch powers, telepathic speech (30 ft).
Construct traits