About Xor'zel Zer'lamCombat Details:
Current HP/Total HP 39/39 Experience Points 0/- Initiative +5 (+5 Dex) AC 23 (10, +2 BoA, +5 Dex, +5 Int, +1 Dodge)
Fort +6 (+5 Magus, +1 Con)
CMB +1 (+0 BAB, +1 Str)
BAB +4
Melee Weapon/s
Ranged Weapon/s
Character Details:
Goal (Former) To be free of the restrictions placed upon him by his birth. Description
Background Xor'zel started off well, or as well as a drow could. Born into as a noble, he was afforded benefits that most drow were not, among them was the resources to hone his abilities to the best degree possible. From an early age, he showed prowess in both light blades and magic. Seemingly capable of weaving both into a new art as if both had been but an incomplete portion of the other. With glee his mother nurtured his abilities seeing the benefits it could afford her. Even to the point of blessing him with a headband that opened up unused portions of his brain, a headband he wore till the day he died. Unfortunately for Xor'zel, gifts were not given without want in his world. A lesson he would learn many times over, some with higher prices than others. For the headband and the protection of his house, Xor'zel was turned towards a life of assassinations and murder. A life helped bring him to the gift that would ultimately cost him his life. With death a constant in his life, Xor'zel found his faith in Azrael. Ever the dedicated disciple, he would always say a prayer as he sent the spirits of his victims to his deity. In return, he was gifted a black wakizashi of unusual make and quality. Not only magical by nature, the blade held a sentience loyal the "The Keeper of the Underworld." However, once again he would find this gift held a price. The blade was a messenger as much as a gift and to keep its benefits he was required to kill the targets put forth by his deity. Not fully understanding the implications at that time, Xor'zel accepted the contract and lived a happy life alongside his blade, that was till the day he was told to take the life of his mother. while the thought of his mother dying at his hands was not a horrible one, the thought of the consequences were. No one escaped the world of drow when it turned its fangs upon you and a traitor willing to take down his own matron mother would quickly find himself between a rock and a hard place. Thusly, Xor'zel for the first time in his life would find himself turning a contract down. Unfortunately for him, the blade would not allow a contract merely turned away and in return wrested Xor'zel's control of his own body from him and turned itself upon him so that his soul might take the place of his mother's. Personality While possessing the beauty his race is reknown for, Xor'zel is rather off-putting in conversation as his topics tend to be limited to magic, swordplay, and death. Nationality TBA Ethnicity TBA Traits
Max Ranks 6 (+2 Magus, +4 Int)
1st - Arcane Pool, Spell Combat, Canny Defense, Weapon Focus (Wakizashi) 2nd - Spellstrike 3rd - Black Blade 4th - Perfect Strike 5th - Craft Wondrous Item 6th - Magus Arcana (Enduring Blade) Spells:
Spells Per Day 0 - 4 1st - 5 2nd- 3 Spells Known:
1st -
2nd -
Carrying Capacity
Black Blade:
Enhancement Bonus +2 Intelligence 12
Ego 8 Abilities