Tanner Illengrin |

Ok. Got that lengthy background post out of the way last night. As for party role, Tanner will be a Jack-of-All-Trades kind of guy, exactly the same role he performed for the Professor. Initially he is not cut out for combat, something that never really came up for him since he was booted from a military academy. He will mostly use his walking stick for defense. He carries a machete (that I have stated as a falcatta) but he is not yet trained to use it against opponents-yet (again, it just never came up). Eventually, as he realizes his destiny he will came more into his martial nature.
So back up fighter...back up rogue...as he has learned a few things to acquire certain items the Professor needed or secret doors opened...and he is a bit of a face with diplomacy and intimidate from his travels of getting along with foreign people and getting out of tight spots when things went south. Basically a divine Bard who drinks instead of sings.
Personality wise..he is an eternal optimist..goes through life with few concerns because things always tend to work out just right (not counting his most recent financial problems..still waiting to see how that all goes). His solution to most problems is to lead with a smile and jump in and start grappling the problem. He seems to show no fear at whatever he faces and is a bit of a daredevil, whether to impress or self-satisfaction is not clear. Always looking for something new and stimulating, this also means he bores easily and quickly finds distractions (drink, dice, a good book, a good bottle, a good woman) from what he should be doing. Easy to see why Cayden Cailean has selected him as a champion.
Posting wise, I believe Barcas and DRA are both familiar with my post style and pace. I am at a computer all day at work..and usually check in mornings and always evenings.
I know I threw a lot out there but I look forward to any feedback

DM Barcas |

Okay, here is the current list of applicants. Tell me if I somehow missed you. For those in Kingmaker, this post gives an idea of the political landscape.
I'd appreciate, by the way, if everyone could include some one-word descriptions for my chart. I need something for combat role (ex: melee, ranged, caster, healer, hybrid), social role (ex: diplomat, intimidator, motivator, counselor, organizer, leader), and personality (ex: charming, troublemaker, bitter, gentle, perfectionist, intuitive). Also, alignment if you haven't already.
nightflier's Alexius Morai-Thrune, Unknown? Male Magus - What language(s) do you translate, out of curiosity? I'm very interested in the idea of a Cheliaxan in Brevoy, looking to establish a new power base for his family. Perhaps he could be a very distant relation of House Rogovaria, the one that disappeared ten years ago, looking to try to make a claim on their holdings (which are currently "being looked after" by House Surtova). What are his views on nobility, on law, and the future of the nascent nation that they will build? Are you going to go with human, half-elf, or tiefling?
PoorWanderingOne's Caelius Nicos, Human Male Rogue/Fighter - We haven't had any links to House Lodovka or Surtova, who are nominally the other side of the cold war, or to House Medvyed, who are allies of Jemini's house. Lodovka is the closest house to your chosen backstory. What weapon is he using? By the description, I'd guess a scimitar or a falcata? Does he seek to regain his title?
Troy Malovich's Holbrecht Bastionne, Dwarf Male Cleric - What is his personality like? Can you supply some posts from another character of yours to show your writing style?
Joana's Zo, Human Female Rogue - I'm not wild about sexual abuse histories because I get to see way too much of it at work. (I'm a police officer.) The story is otherwise interesting. How old was she when she escaped, and how long has she been on her own? How would she contribute to the creation of a new nation, rather than simply being a cook for a small band of adventurers? Is it possible that her father survived, or that his men joined the Stag Lord?
lovelydwarf's Aliandra Navesky, Human Female Alchemist - You run into the issue that I don't want a ton of overlap, even between games. She's (philosophically) a lot like Runyon from Carrion Crown. Why did she reject her father's research and run rather than simply trying to talk him out of it? How would she deal with the party, who are on the opposite side of the cold war as the Surtova family that provided her the education that she so highly values?
Dan E's Corwin of the Axe, Human Male Fighter - How did he learn to harness his rage? Did someone teach him, or did he learn it on his own? With a few years since his exile, would he still hate the Baron? Does said hate extend to all of House Surtova, to all the Houses, to all of Brevoy? Is he pure barbarian, or barbarian/fighter? Does he hold any hope regarding Caitlyn, who is surely married to his half-brother by now?
Meowzebub's Tanner Illengrin, Human Male Inquisitor - He really sounds like he would have something to do with the Pathfinder Society, or at least someone would have tried to recruit him for it. Looking at your build, he seems to have both a domain and an inquisition. Does he have an alcohol problem?
Freddy Honeycutt's Grusk, Orc Male Summoner/Rogue - Why an orc? I'm still a little unclear on him in general.
Vanulf Wulfson's Cassandra Blackmoore, Changeling Female Oracle - Are her powers in spite of or because of her heritage? Why does she have that particular curse?
Troy Malovich's Delia Pilachet, Human Female Summoner - I'm glad you're not Shuriken-ing the situation. Does "Father" talk? Does she honestly believe that it is his spirit? How would she respond to worshipers of Pharasma, who would "recommend" that she let the "spirit" rest?

Grusk |

Grusk is in many ways a contradiction, he learned things from his eidolon he calls "wise fox" who embodies that which Grusk is not, he has externalized that which he does not have within....
Grusk dreamed up fox so he would not be alone, yet still he is, the one person he knew has died and his lonelyness has pushed nim into adventuring.....
Also due to his low charisma he can not continue to be a summoner.....
Grusk has been chased/persecuted by both good and bad and sees them as being nearly the same......
Is that better.......or worse?
One word is....Contradiction
Melee and ranged (eventually)
Combat support
Personality reserved
Alignment TN

Vanulf Wulfson |

Due to her semi-magical nature and the trauma of the attack her powers manifested to protect her. Aklo is the tongue spoken by her green hags, her mother's race (PF Bestiary pg 167). Due to the stress of the attack, and now in any stressful situation, she reverts back to her mother's tongue.
Combat: Healer, Buffer. Social: Face. Personality: Charming, Naive.

Poor Wandering One |

Okay, here is the current list of applicants. Tell me if I somehow missed you. For those in Kingmaker, this post gives an idea of the political landscape.
I'd appreciate, by the way, if everyone could include some one-word descriptions for my chart. I need something for combat role (ex: melee, ranged, caster, healer, hybrid), social role (ex: diplomat, intimidator, motivator, counselor, organizer, leader), and personality (ex: charming, troublemaker, bitter, gentle, perfectionist, intuitive). Also, alignment if you haven't already.
PoorWanderingOne's Caelius Nicos, Human Male Rogue/Fighter - We haven't had any links to House Lodovka or Surtova, who are nominally the other side of the cold war, or to House Medvyed, who are allies of Jemini's house. Lodovka is the closest house to your chosen backstory. What weapon is he using? By the description, I'd guess a scimitar or a falcata? Does he seek to regain his title?
One words.
Combat. Mobile Melee. (ok that was two words but I'm a rouge, I cheat.)Social. Liar, Diplomat, Leader,and ultimately teacher (Ok looks like the one word thing went out the window, sorry.)
Personality. Charming, or trying to be. Forgiving, he's been through tough times, he is not sending others there if he can help it.
Alignment. Chaotic good.
House question. Lodovka. He was never in a real position to inherit anything. After Nicos's death he transfered any ambition to nobility to creating the training school. He has no desire to regain his title, replace it maybe, but that part of his life is over.
Weapon. Scimitar or Longsword, maybe even Rapier. The Nicosian style favors more slashing weapons but mechanically any of these would fit. One of the strengths of the style, according to Caelius, is that Nicosean duelists are not locked in to one weapon. One of Nicos's sayings was "An Aldori duelist telegraphs their attacks when they walk into the room". I forsee the Nicosean style taking some flack in that it teaches it's students to fight with flail and club and warhammer as well as blade. If I am VERY lucky once the school is founded we will attract a monk of the empty hand as an instructor.

Meowzebub |

@Tanner. Yeah, he should only have an Inquisition. I built him in HeroLab which of course does not have the UM material yet, so I made that change manually as a cut and paste at 2 AM. But must have missed one of the other references to the domain, I will go in and eliminate the domain.
As to the Pathfinder's. He does seem to live his life that way. But the Pathfinders did go and get his brother killed, so while recruit-bait he might not be in the right mind set to accept right now. Plus it seemed like a lot of paper work, the Professor was good for that and left him to the exploring and digging. Plus he felt like the Professor was grooming him for something. In camp, the Professor would have conversations with him about ancient history and architecture while talking in ancient dialects. But they would also have philosophical talks late into the evenings, most of which was over Tanner's head, but he tried to follow as it seemed important the Professor convey certain ideas to him. Tanner always felt lucky that he seemed to learn more once he left school than he ever did while attending classes.
He rarely drinks to oblivion. And how he missed over a week of time remains a mystery to him. He is not a belligerent drunk, more center of the party if he really ties one on, but mostly drinks as a slight mood adjustment. But he probably does have a problem similar to a nicotine addiction. He seems to want to take a small sip about as much as people like to smoke a cigarette and likewise would likely feel withdrawal if denied alcohol.
I see him as a non-religious caster (which will hopefully provide distinction from the Kingmaker Inquisitor, Taisper. Tanner was chosen by Cayden Cailean to be a living example of a hero, not a worshiper, and not so uptight as to be a paladin.
For your table: Tanner / Hybrid (initial weak melee grows into buffed melee/medium caster) / People-Person (unwitting diplomat/leader) / Charming (Go-Getter)

Joana |

Joana's Zo, Human Female Rogue - I'm not wild about sexual abuse histories because I get to see way too much of it at work. (I'm a police officer.) The story is otherwise interesting. How old was she when she escaped, and how long has she been on her own? How would she contribute to the creation of a new nation, rather than simply being a cook for a small band of adventurers? Is it possible that her father survived, or that his men joined the Stag Lord?
The details of her background never have to come up in-play (she has no desire to talk about her past), but it would explain why she would be attracted to a group with a female leader. I think she was about 16 when the owlbears provided her with an opportunity to run and has been on her own for more than a year, wandering in the greenbelt and avoiding people. Her scouting skills and familiarity with the local flora and fauna, as well as the relations between varying bandit bands, ought to prove useful to a group of newcomers to the area as they explore. Longterm, she'd fit the Spymaster or Royal Assassin role from the player's guide (although if you end up with a paladin Queen, that's not a role likely to be filled). She'd be the kind not afraid to break a few eggs as she used Neutral means to fulfill Lawful Good goals -- and wouldn't understand why anyone should object as long as the end result was achieved. Alternatively, depending on the way the intraparty dynamic plays out, she might be influenced into an alignment shift.
It's absolutely possible that her father survived -- she certainly didn't stick around to find out -- and if he or any of his men joined the Stag Lord after his own little attempt at a kingdom fell, it would certainly be a nasty surprise for Zo to meet up with them again.
Combat: melee (flanking emphasis and mobile fighting)
Social: She's mostly a follower, but I can see her as an organizer, plotting the best means to achieve a stated end. She has the Int to be a tactical thinker and planner.
Personality: She's definitely an introvert, but once she opens up a bit to a new group, she has a touch of dry wit. If I had to boil it down to one word, I guess I'd say competent: approaching perfectionist, maybe, but she expects it only of herself and isn't judgmental or nitpicky about others' efforts. She has high standards only for herself.
Alignment: It's in her stat block but True Neutral: the "never really thought about it" kind, rather than the old school "philosophical commitment" kind.

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nightflier's Alexius Morai-Thrune, Unknown? Male Magus - What language(s) do you translate, out of curiosity? I'm very interested in the idea of a Cheliaxan in Brevoy, looking to establish a new power base for his family. Perhaps he could be a very distant relation of House Rogovaria, the one that disappeared ten years ago, looking to try to make a claim on their holdings (which are currently "being looked after" by House Surtova). What are his views on nobility, on law, and the future of the nascent nation that they will build? Are you going to go with human, half-elf, or tiefling?
I'm going with human. Since Brevoy seems to be inspired by the Balkan Peninsula, and I am of mixed Wallachian-Serbian blood, I was very interested in the dragon motif that dominates Brevoy, so I may even change the name of the character to Rogarvia-Thrune. Something like this:
Alexius was only a ten-year old child living in a sad remains of his family's decaying home in Egorian when the men in crimson and black came to take him to the palace. Left without parents, he had only an old servant to take care of him. A grizzled bear of a man, always wearing sheep-skin šubara - even in summer - and nicked falcata, Mircha was the one who taught young Alexius his letters and how to hold a sword while Alexius' father was busy whoring and gambling and drinking away what little money they had. On the eve of his tenth birthday, they came to tell him that his father died. He was killed in a fight outside of the tavern frequented by tieflings, but what is to be expected when visiting such disgusting places, right? They told him he would live in the palace from then on. After all, he was a cousin (very distant) to the Infernal Majestrix; he bears a name Thrune, at least partially. It is disgrace that the Rogavia-Thrune branch was left alone to wither for so long.
Of course, what he didn't know is that Rogavias were rulers of a country called Brevoy - and that they have disappeared root and branch. He was the last person on Golarion to have a drop of that particular dragon's blood in his veins. So, Thrunes decided to invest in him, to train him and guide him until he becomes a fit young noble, ready to assume the throne of that wild land and serve Chelliax as its ruler.
Two years later, Alexius woke up with a large black sword in his bead, with a strange wavy blade, like a wyrm's tongue. He was sent to the Hellknights right away, to learn how to wield that blade and spells beside. After eight years of training, he became ready to be the hand of Chelliax in Brevoy.
Alexius is twenty years old. He is quite bright and charismatic, but shy nonetheless. LN in alignment, all that he wishes is to fulfill his duty to his cousin the Majestrix and to make her proud. He is the person who follows rules and likes to read a lot, from folk tales to philosophy, so he realizes that it will not be easy to become the ruler of Brevoy, no matter the blood in his veins. He is determined to become the best possible noble he can, for duty's sake - but he realizes that duty and honor are not the same. In his own way, he can be more than ruthless in pursuit of the greater glory of Chelliax. Not divorced from the reality of the life under the Thrunes, he realizes that he will have to create his own power base, if only to better serve his masters.
Oh, and I translate from English to Serbian.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I was going to throw my hat into the ring, but you appear to have plenty of that going on.
If you decide you need or want another player I'd be interested. I've been playing for years, but I've only played one pbp. I have never read either module, but I vaguely know the type of game they are.
I'm open to playing a variety of character types, but my favorite are elven wizard types with loads of knowledge skills. Lovable, but mildly elitist bookworms are a lot of fun. I have a couple of character concepts for those.
I'm also very interested in some of the summoner stuff from UM and I've got a soft spot for Druids.
If you decide you would like me let me know. Thanks for your consideration.

DM Barcas |

@TCG Feel free to submit a character for either campaign. Everybody gets a fair shake.
@Alexius Alexius would likely not have the resources to declare himself heir of the Rogarvian line, which would explain his interest in the expeditions to the Stolen Lands. Was the sword a gift or unexplained? (If the latter, where does he think it is from?) Has it manifested its thoughts yet? Does he or his handlers have a theory on why he was spared when the Rogarvians disappeared without a trace?

lovelydwarf |

Hmm. . . I'm already playing a carrion crown game so I didn't look at the spoilers for your other game. I'm not sure how much can be changed to make Aliandara different from Runyon without losing the character. Not that I'm terribly wedded to the character. I was trying to create someone who would have a connection to one of the houses without merely being a child of the house. The daughter of the house surgeon/alchemist sounded like an interesting connection.
It would also allow a character who would have ties to the other side in the conflict without being terribly wedded to that side. I imagined that, if the group came into conflict with Surtova, Aliandara would be incredulous at the suggestion that her childhood friends would be conspiring to kill people or other such bad behavior. Aliandara would doubt her current companions, might even be tricked a time or two by agents of Surtova, but–when push came to shove–she would have the distance to see House Surtova for what it was. Unlike, say, a scion of the house who would be unlikely to go to war against her cousins. I think that Aliandara having fond memories of being raised in House Surtova that can be manipulated by the Surtovas provides a nice roleplaying hook. The distance allows her to learn and grow.
As to her father, I suspect my prose was failing me last night a bit. I was trying to communicate the idea that, as they traveled further and further south, Aliandara's father became more erratic and disturbing. Discovering her father's true research confirmed Aliandara's worries and enabled her to see him in a new light. Suddenly, his dismissal from House Surtova and conflict with local authorities throughout Brevoy were not the result of his unappreciated genius, but instead the result of his crazed and horrific researches. (Honestly, I left a lot of this undeveloped because it seems to veer a bit into Carrion Crown territory). Uncovering her father's true researches awoken Aliandara's innate goodness and, rather than directly confront a father she increasingly fear, Aliandara simply fled. (I also left the business with her father unresolved so that he was an available plot hook for a DM. Not a necessary plot hook, but one that was out there floating).
In terms of your organizational methods:
Combat: Ranged attacker/healer
Social Role: I hadn't really thought in those terms. I guess Aliandara could be a counselor. I plan on giving her pretty decent knowledge skill, though that may not be necessary since Jemini dipped into lore oracle, I think. I could also see her, eventually, doing a bit of diplomatic work, especially among the folks of the Stolen Lands. She's a bit haughty, but she'll outgrow that. I see her offering poultices and the like to folks to help their common ailments and then explaining the scientific properties of this and that to people with glazed eyes.
Personality: Initially a bit aloof, unless you are interested in chatting science with her. Eventually becoming a bit warmer as she rethinks the beliefs her father taught her. I also imagine her babbling about this and that bit of flora or fauna or unfounded scientific theory to anyone who will listen, or at least will pretend to listen.

DM Dan E |

Combat role: Melee
Social role: Intimidator, Agitator, Dirty job carry outer
Personality: Blunt, Reactionary, Volatile, Loyal
Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian 1 Fighter 2
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 35 (1d12+2d10+9)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +4
Defensive Abilities Bravery +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Greataxe +8 (1d12+6/20/x3) and
Unarmed Strike +7 (1d3+4/20/x2)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Extra Rage, Iron Will, Power Attack -1/+2, Toughness +3, Weapon Focus: Greataxe
Traits Bastard, Courageous
Skills Acrobatics +4, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Intimidate +5, Knowledge: Nobility +1, Perception +6, Stealth -2, Survival +5, Swim +0 Modifiers Bastard
Languages Common
SQ Fast Movement +10 (Ex), Rage (12 rounds/day) (Ex)
Combat Gear Greataxe, Breastplate;
Bastard -1 CHA skills vs. Brevic Nobility, +1 Will save.
Bravery +1 (Ex) +1 Will save vs. Fear
Courageous +2 save vs. fear.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (12 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Created With Hero Lab® - try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com!
Dan E's Corwin of the Axe, Human Male Fighter - How did he learn to harness his rage? Did someone teach him, or did he learn it on his own? With a few years since his exile, would he still hate the Baron? Does said hate extend to all of House Surtova, to all the Houses, to all of Brevoy? Is he pure barbarian, or barbarian/fighter? Does he hold any hope regarding Caitlyn, who is surely married to his half-brother by now?
- I see him dealing with his rage issues by himself hence the imperfect job.
- He has probably convinced himself that he has put aside his feelings for his family but they still lurk fairly shallowly below the surface. He definately hates his father and brother Alexey and often fantasizes about killing them. A small part craves his fathers approval and he hates that part even more.
- Hes a pragmatist and not much of a philosopher. His dislike is mostly a personal thing. He doesn't hate all of Surtova (his half sister is an obvious example) but after having grown up close to them and seen and felt their foibles he has no loyalty to them either and holds their cowardly methods in contempt. He probably is inclined to good feeling towards their retainers and underlings though. His feelings for the other houses probably fall under a general disrespect and dislike for nobility and a belief that their power arises from random chance rather than destiny or divine mandate. Likewise after a few years travelling the region he has a mild feeling of contempt for most normal people of Brevoy, as an independant people for putting up with being shackled to a rigid and in his view undeserving feudal structure. These are the kinds of feelings that have in part compelled him to travel to the greenbelt.
- As per the above he would start as a barb 1/fighter 2, probably going to fighter 4 then a level or two in barb and then see how it goes.
- Being a pragmatist he has no hope regarding his lost Caitlyn given the passing of time. It remains a weakness and particular sore point though. A tangible indication that as a bastard he wasn't deemed good enough for a daughter of Surtova.

Aardvark Barbarian |

I'd appreciate, by the way, if everyone could include some one-word descriptions for my chart. I need something for combat role (ex: melee, ranged, caster, healer, hybrid), social role (ex: diplomat, intimidator, motivator, counselor, organizer, leader), and personality (ex: charming, troublemaker, bitter, gentle, perfectionist, intuitive). Also, alignment if you haven't already.
Troy Malovich's Holbrecht Bastionne, Dwarf Male Cleric - What is his personality like? Can you supply some posts from another character of yours to show your writing style?
Holbrecht has a rather up-front personality. He tells and sees things for how they are. He knows well enough to keep his mouth shut if what he will say will come off as accusatory or attacking. He thinks of everything from a mathematical point of view, either it is true or false. He tends to state what he sees, what his truth is, but he knows there's more than one way to solve certain equations. He's eager to learn more, so he listens, but if the equation doesn't quite work out then he looks for a workaround to solve for it.
Combat Role: Healer
Social Role: Planner
Personality: Straightforward
Troy Malovich's Delia Pilachet, Human Female Summoner - I'm glad you're not Shuriken-ing the situation. Does "Father" talk? Does she honestly believe that it is his spirit? How would she respond to worshipers of Pharasma, who would "recommend" that she let the "spirit" rest?
"Father" speaks to her, but never in more than simple emotionless acknowledgements or statements, like "Yes, Princess", "That's not safe, dear", "I don't believe that man". Even though he uses pet names for her and takes care of her, she can feel that there is no love in them, they feel like they are coming from memory more than feeling. She is uncertain what it is that drives "Father", she knows from her education that it is neither Necromancy or Healing, but she more than anything wants to believe that it is him. If someone were to try to convince her to let him go, she would let them know that she did not call him, he came to her and he is here for her. If he wants release, he can have it, but he stays FOR her and not because she made him stay.
Combat Role: Buffs/Defender
Social Role: Aristocrat/Intimidation
Personality: Compassionate/Cold
Style links:
As a DM
T'klik Chik
Sadly, a lot of them may not be long posts, but they are examples of my style of writing. In most of my RL groups I am the heavy-RPer, but without fuel the fire can only grow so high.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I am most interested in the carrion crown game, but either game looks fun. I have a character idea that I'd like to run past you. I played this character in a tabletop game until about third level when there was almost a TPK. Belgraen was the only survivor thanks to expeditious retreat and levitate combo running down a mountain. If you decide you like the idea I'll Stat him up fully. In the case of PBP I've noticed that role play tends to be superior to mechanics anyway.
Bachelor #1: Belgraen (bell-Gray-N) the elven sage. He'll be a straight wizard and if it's permitted he'll prestige into the Pathfinder Savant Prestige class found in the Seekers of Secrets book. High Int (naturally) and his first feat will be Breadth of Experience. He's 103 years old.
Belgraen is an always immaculately, if simply, dressed elf. He loathes any work that requires getting his hands dirty, but will if he feels the outcome is worthwhile. Prestidigitation was the very first cantrip he learned and he uses it several times a day to make sure he stays tidy.
Belgraen grew up in a noble house and was raised in a human built keep on the borderlands of human and elven communities and it has a dock that backs up to a major water way and is often used for trade. His father is mage of minor (or major if it helps plot) note and his mother is a diplomat between the elven and human kingdoms. The keep has a small village outside that acts as a crossroads for traveling merchants. The travelers were always interesting enough for Belgraen, but mostly because they had books from far off lands.
Belgraen could never get enough books. History books, fables, religion, geography, language Belgraen loved them all. He participated in the usual elven pastimes of sword play and bowman ship when he was required to, but only when he couldn't get out of it. He much preferred to have his nose in a book than a sword in his hand. In time he found that his interests didn't really fit with the interests of his other family members. He felt as though he had to "speak down" to them so that they could understand him. He often comes across as elitist, but it's unintentional. He simply knows that he has to explain things simply of he'll talk over peoples heads. On other occasions he is just being elitist. (personality wise think of Tesla from the Sanctuary series on SyFy. Too brilliant for his own good at times)
Over centuries he grew very tired of not being mentally stimulated. He knew he had to get away and see the world. In one of his books he read about a group dedicated to discovering the secrets of the world and sharing that knowledge. He wanted to be a part of that group.
He told him mother that he wanted to discover something brilliant and make a name for his family and it would most likely be highly valuable enough to increase the family coffers considerably. She agreed and sent him to the Home City of the Pathfinder society. Once there and after many trials and tribulations he passed the Society's tests to become a seeker of secrets, though just barely. Due to his high intelligence and the fact that he seems to know something about absolutely everything they sent him to act as a liason in *insert campaign appropriate city*. Here he continues his magely studies and acts as consultant on matters requiring varieties of knowledge. Occasionally he's called to act as a scribe, but he loathes the work as he feels it is beneath him.
What do you think? I have a couple of other idea, but I didn't want to write more than one book per post. ;-)

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From what I've read of the Kingmaker PBP thread, this game seems to be running along a different vein than the one I'm already in, so, if applications are still going, I'd like to toss my hat in.
The first idea off the top of my head was another Witch, but I wasn't sure if that would be stepping on Tandlara's niche.
Here's a sample 3rd level Cleric (of Erastil);
Stanis has become, by necessity, due to his family’s trade in furs and lumber, passingly familiar with the so-called nobles and their schemes, and while he finds the Lebeda unobjectionable, the Surtova make his skin crawl, with their opportunism. As an inhabitant of the lands once securely held by House Rorgavia, who he begrudgingly admits were hardly saints themselves, even if they were the ‘devil they knew,’ to his family, he knows little about the northern houses of Lodovka and Orlovsky, although the few Garess he’s met have seemed like decent folk. He’s never met one of the Medvyed, but from all accounts, they seem the house he’d find most compatible. Still, having never met one, he’s unsure as to whether or not the rumors of their respect for the natural world are ‘too good to be true.’
Raised by parents that passed down honor and obligation to one’s community with mother’s milk, and steeped in the faith of Erastil, he still managed to surprise his family by entering the priesthood, as they had always been devout, but not *that* devout. Some awkwardness resulted the first time he broke bread with his father after returning from apprenticeship to the old priestess who served the community and corrected the head of the household during mealtime prayers, but this has passed, and he is once again on speaking terms with his overproud sire. Granted, it helps matters considerably that he spends so much time out of doors, and away from the man, practicing his faith, instead of preaching it…
He’s been on a few ‘adventures’ with diverse sorts, dealing with bandit attacks in outlying farming and lumbering communities, and a particularly entrenched pack of howling goblins (who dressed in wolf pelts and fancied themselves werewolves…), and has noted that his own upbringing has ill-suited him to the sometimes tragic circumstances and complicated motivations that lead others into a life of adventure. So many seem to have no home to return to, which seems a travesty to him, and makes him question his own tendency to spend so much time away from his own family and community. Is it hypocritical, he wonders, to encourage others to make ties to the land, and form bonds of love and fellowship with those around them, to fill their own empty lives, when he’s on a journey that’s taking him directly away from his own roots?
Still, he reassures himself, there is a season to plant, and a season to reap. Perhaps it is simply not his time to settle down and establish himself in a single place, when he can accomplish more good bringing the ways of law and community to the currently lawless and wild reaches of the Stolen Lands.
Depending on the groups needs, I'd be interested in a Cleric, Druid, Witch, Oracle or Summoner role, although my head would explode if I tried to write up one of each now. :)
A ridiculous number of examples of my writing style can be found in the various aliases in my Profile. Mordecai has the most story stuff written into his profile, as the GM of the PBP asked us to write a little in-character fiction to get into the mood.

Erefine |

I would like to throw my character name in for the Kingmaker:
Absolene the Large:
Level 3 Halfling Rogue CN Deity: Milani
Stats using Hero Lab
Str: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 14
Two Weapon Fighting
Two Weapon Defense
Freedom Fighter
Noble Born Surtova
Rogue Trick:
Finess Rogue
Alternate Rogue Build: Poisoneer
As for gear that is up to the DM's discression. I would like to wield a rapier and a dagger, but am willing to adapt as the DM sees fit.
Absolene was born in prison to a halfling mother, who was wrongfully imprisoned by the Brevoy nobility for stealing a valuable piece of artwork from the palace. Absolene's mother died in child birth, and due to her relationship with the guard, Absolene was quickly taken from the prison (because children born in prison are considered part of their parent's crime). Absolene was dropped off by the guard to the door step of the daughter to the head of the Surtova family in Brevoy. She thinking it was an orphan human child (she was not entirely too bright) took him in as her own. Absolene was raised in a family of power in Brevoy, which he used to his advantage to get in and out of trouble frequently. Abosolene became know as Absolene the Large because once while in a tavern in Brevoy a half-orc yelled at the barkeep to have the "tiny man" move. That was all it took and Absolene flew into a blind fury and used his dagger and a chair as cover to stab the half-orc in the leg. As the half-orc bellowed in pain Absolene said, "I am just as big and just as much a man as you, perhaps even more so!" That was the first of many scrapes he got into over his size (he is convinced that he is a normal size human after all).
During one trip into the countryside Absolene encountered a slaver who was in the process of 'culling through his wares' Absolene could not help but feel pity for those people whose lives were no longer their own. So drawing out his rapier and dagger he stalked the slaver until they made camp that night. While he was stalking the slaver Milani appeared to him and gave him the knowledge of poisons as long as he agreed to free those who could not free themselves. Absolene quickly agreed and immediately saw a bella donna plant which he pick to extract the poison from its roots. That night he waited until the slaver and his guards fell asleep the with his poisoned dagger quickly and quietly dispatched them all. He freed the slaves and since that day has traveled the world freeing the oppressed.
In those travels he has made many contacts both of the savvory and unsavvory sort and knows of all the commings and goings of things and people before anyone else.
As for his role in the party he would definantly fill in the roll of the diplomat and spy master for a budding kingdom.
As for myself I am new to pathfinder but am playing in a pathfinder group as well as DM a game of my own. I would be able to post, but once or twice a day. I have written a 5 part novel series that is currently with TOR publishing getting read to see if they will publish it.

J. Cayne |

I am very interested in the Kingmaker PbP, the notion of a game in which you create a kingdom is very appealing to me.
Here is a basic character idea, if you think it has feet I'll finish it up.
Peregrine Fetch
LN Wizard. (Possibly conjurer (teleportation subschool), or a diviner of some stripe, not sure yet).
For many generations the Fetch family had been loyal retainers, advisers, and court magicians to House Rogarvia. Descended from a long line of Fetches, Peregrine had been expected, and raised, to play that role. At the age of ten, some 15 years ago, he had been sent away to be apprenticed to his great uncle Igorius Fetch, the same man who had once trained his father.
Igorius was a cold and cruel master who punished every mistake or deviation from instruction harshly, indeed he had devised a simple spell that caused small but painful lacerations for just that purpose. The apprenticeship was an awful, unpleasant time in Peregrine's life, but he knew that one day he would serve House Rogarvia, just like his father, and his father's father, and so on, and because of this he was able to bear up under this treatment, though not unchanged. The terrible lessons of Igorius Fetch were designed not just to teach esoteric facts and arcane formulas, but to create the sort of man who could do whatever was necessary in service of his House.
There had been a purpose to it all, and then one day House Rogarvia simply vanished, utterly and completely, and Peregrine's own father, Ostavin Fetch, along with them. The remaining Fetches reeled under this calamity, but quickly found their footing again, Igorius becoming acting head of the family. Their purpose was now either to reestablish their old position, or find a a new one. Peregrine finished his training, because it was what must be done, and now, though there is no love lost between them, he is acting as his great uncle's agent.
Recently the Fetches have come to suspect that the vanishing might have something to do with the First World. When they heard about the commissions to go into the stolen lands, it seemed like a chance to kill two birds with one stone, to study where the veil between the worlds was thin, and establish themselves if their former masters could not be returned. Initially an all Fetch exploration party had applied for the commission to the Greenbelt, but had been rejected. Peregrine however was able to place a few bribes in the right hands and was able to obtain a legitimate commission for himself after the fact, so that he would have legal license to move in the area as he wished.
Peregrine has become altogether more like his great uncle than he would care to admit. He is an exacting man with high expectations for himself and others. He very much believes the means justifies the ends, as long the cost is not greater than the result. He believes in order and law, though he is not above manipulating or bending them as necessary. Though they should never be ignored altogether. Loyalty is very important to him, more so than love. Peregrine approaches things logically and has little patience for irrationality, however he sees the value in getting along with people and in keeping the peace, fighting with allies after all does him, or his causes, little good in the long run.
Peregrine is a thin, sullen man who favors dark clothes. He is not particularly handsome with his aquiline nose and slightly pitted face framed by shoulder length black hair. He usually wears black leather gloves, they cover hands that are heavily crisscrossed in fine scars as if they had been cut countless times by something small and sharp.
I'm afraid that I'm pretty new to this board, so I don't really have much to show in the way of past posting history. I'll see if I can find some old PbP I've participated in on other boards. I hope you won't weigh that too heavily against me.
A little more about Peregrine.
In combat I see him as controlling the battlefield and boosting his allies. In one word, caster (or to borrow a term from another game, controller).
Socially he has the most to offer in terms of information. I intend to take knowledge in nobility, local, history. In one word, adviser.
And his personality in one word, exacting.
Also I would like to make him an item crafter, so he can offer that kind support to the party as well.

Joana |

I was reading an article today at lunch which discussed the Stoic poets and serendipitously summed up Zo's philosophy in a few sentences: "Life is short and not always sweet, and it ends. Whether another life follows it is as out of our ken as it is out of our control. What we can control is our emotions here and now."
I think that's the one-word personality description that eluded me yesterday: self-discipline.

![]() |

@TCG Feel free to submit a character for either campaign. Everybody gets a fair shake.
@Alexius Alexius would likely not have the resources to declare himself heir of the Rogarvian line, which would explain his interest in the expeditions to the Stolen Lands. Was the sword a gift or unexplained? (If the latter, where does he think it is from?) Has it manifested its thoughts yet? Does he or his handlers have a theory on why he was spared when the Rogarvians disappeared without a trace?
I just got back to my hotel room...
I was thinking of perhaps tying the sword to some otherworldly patron, like Baba Yaga or Morana perhaps. It seems to me that Bladebound Magus can be played like Warlock, at least fluff-wise. I don't have the Ultimate Magic with me right now, so I can't answer the question about thoughts manifested by the blade, but it is more than likely that the connection to the blade was the only thing that saved Alexius when his distant cousins disappeared.

DM Barcas |

Okay, I'm going to finish choosing tonight, but I've picked at least one!
nightflier's Alexius Rogvaria-Thrune will be joining the expedition to tame the Stolen Lands! Please head over to the OOC thread so that we can hammer out details and figure out how to seamlessly integrate you into the group.
Everybody else, stick around. I'll make the choice for the last two spots in the next few hours. If you don't get picked, don't give up hope. I will (maybe not today) explain why I didn't choose your character, if you want. There are currently two recruitment threads that you can try for.

DM Barcas |

It was difficult, but I've made my decision.
For Kingmaker, Dan E's Corwin the Bastard will join the party.
For Cartoon Crown, Meowzebub's Tanner Illengrin will join the party.
If the two of you will head to your respective OOC threads, we can discuss integration with the party.
If anyone cares for feedback, I'll be happy to supply it. This was a difficult choice, and I hope everybody feels that they got a fair shake.

Aardvark Barbarian |

Congratulations guys.
I would appreciate feedback as well.
Been trying to get into an active, and surviving PF game, but whenever it comes to a selection process I don't quite make the cut. Been a first in, and one of few applicants, but never seem to make the culling. I've even been passed up for one where they took two groups, and one group had two of the same class.
Does being unfamiliar with the AP's and Golarion seem to show too much? I wonder how people whip out these characters so fast, I have to try and dig up information to fit the premise/DM to agree with the story, without spoiling the story. I'm just wondering if I'm coming at this the wrong way, or if it's just something about my characters?

LoreKeeper |

Congratulations guys.
I would appreciate feedback as well.
Been trying to get into an active, and surviving PF game, but whenever it comes to a selection process I don't quite make the cut. Been a first in, and one of few applicants, but never seem to make the culling. I've even been passed up for one where they took two groups, and one group had two of the same class.
Does being unfamiliar with the AP's and Golarion seem to show too much? I wonder how people whip out these characters so fast, I have to try and dig up information to fit the premise/DM to agree with the story, without spoiling the story. I'm just wondering if I'm coming at this the wrong way, or if it's just something about my characters?
I can't give feedback (that will be DM Barcas' domain) but I can give you a bit of advice: try creating/crafting a fully developed character in advance, over the course of a week or so. A character with personality that has different virtues and vices that can tie-in well into a roleplaying game. Something for the GM and other characters to sink their teeth into.
Do *not* worry about meshing well with a particular scenario or adventure path - a lot of the time the story assumes very little from the characters (after all, it needs to accommodate mostly anybody). So when an opportunity comes a long to apply for a game you can refresh the character a bit and maybe adjust some small details that make him/her more suitable to the background of the campaign.
I would also not overly care for trying to "fill" a role. Parties that are a bit lopsided are more interesting. To me anyway. :)

Aardvark Barbarian |

I can't give feedback (that will be DM Barcas' domain) but I can give you a bit of advice: try creating/crafting a fully developed character in advance, over the course of a week or so. A character with personality that has different virtues and vices that can tie-in well into a roleplaying game. Something for the GM and other characters to sink their teeth into.
That's where I have the hardest time. Just creating a character to create one makes it feel hollow to me. I like to know what kind of campaign it will be, and I try to build something that feeds off of it.
That's the trouble I'm having with the combination of AP's and PbP's. I've never played PF (personally a 4E fan), so when someone calls out for like RotRL I'm in the dark a little, and they rarely come out and say what type of DM they are. DM Barcas did a good job in that I knew I didn't have to worry about not being optimized enough for some people's taste, and he made it clear it was post intensive. I started a PbP, mainly just so I could post more, and out of the 5 others I play in, only two are still going.
Overall, I think I'm just flustered at the environment. I'm the uneducated straggler in terms of presenting PbP characters, and am just trying to catch up.
On a side note, I read the Carrion Crown thread, and the recent posts in the Kingmaker. You, my friends, have set the bar for RP in a PbP as far as I'm concerned. I've followed some others, here and there, popping in reading what I can, but you guys create nice group dynamics.

LoreKeeper |

On a side note, I read the Carrion Crown thread, and the recent posts in the Kingmaker. You, my friends, have set the bar for RP in a PbP as far as I'm concerned. I've followed some others, here and there, popping in reading what I can, but you guys create nice group dynamics.
+1 - the Kingmaker game has been eye-opening for me. Navior and DM Barcas' games are definitely my favorites; the people and the GMs just make magic happen.

DM Aron Marczylo |

I can personally recommend Sigz and Lovelydwarf, both are very good roleplayers. Admittedly I've had more experience of Sigz, but both have created very memorable and impressive characters that are clearly fun to roleplay,notto mention being frequent posters.
I can also Highly Recomend Vanulf Wulfson as he brings great roleplaying and is frequent enough, despite his personal time constraits in real life he doesn't let any of it get in his way and has it all in perfect balance.

DM Barcas |

PoorWanderingOne's Caelius Nicos: I almost chose this character, coming down between him and Corwin for the final Kingmaker spot. Honestly, there wasn't much to dislike. Both options were going to add something interesting to the party dynamic (though Caelius is a tad too similar to Zander, who has a similar mentor and resentment of nobility). It came down to which one I connected with more on a gut level.
Troy Malovich's Holbrecht Bastionne: I simply didn't find his motivation to be remarkably interesting. He may have made the cut in the original group with some further development, but not in the tighter competition for a specific spot. If I were to make a suggestion regarding him, perhaps a motivation beyond, "He likes to build things." Perhaps he is seeking to learn more about building to drive the orcs back down into the mountains. Something a little more than the mundane academic interest in building things would help.
Troy Malovich's Delia Pilachet: If the Carrion Crown campaign was not going to leave Ravengro, I would have picked her and integrated her father's death into the story. However, I felt that her story would end when she found her father's killer, and there's another 5 books after the Haunting of Harrowstone.
J. Cayne's Peregrine Fetch: Your character sort of got unlucky. He's mechanically very similar to Duron (in Carrion Crown) and fulfills the same role as Tandlara in Kingmaker. In terms of his story, I picked Alexius first, who already had a tie to House Rogvaria. He's interesting enough on his own merits, but I want a wide range of stories to tell and I didn't need two characters with ties to the same House. If you'll notice, none of them with real ties to the Houses really overlap. (Jemini = Lebeda, Zander = Orlovsky, Corwin = Surtova, Alexius = Rogvaria)
lovelydwarf's Aliandara Naveksy: Your character may have been a better fit for Carrion Crown, though Runyon is already there. As Aliandra is very similar in personality and mechanics to Runyon, making it a constant comparison. As I said a little bit upwards, I'd like to tell a wide range of stories and she simply wouldn't give me that opportunity.
Each of these characters could fit in another campaign. They're all well-designed and well-written. Keep polishing them and they'll be accepted. Remember to roleplay well, as good RP begets good RP from the other players.
Stay tuned. After I wind down my Star Wars campaign over the next few months, I may start a second, concurrent Kingmaker campaign. (I may not. It's just a possibility I've been kicking around.)

Poor Wandering One |

PoorWanderingOne's Caelius Nicos: I almost chose this character, coming down between him and Corwin for the final Kingmaker spot. Honestly, there wasn't much to dislike. Both options were going to add something interesting to the party dynamic (though Caelius is a tad too similar to Zander, who has a similar mentor and resentment of nobility). It came down to which one I connected with more on a gut level.
Thanks for the feedback. The fact that Caelius made the choice a bit tougher is high praise. I know Caelius will find a home somwhere. A new nation needs a new dueling school!
hmmm maybe i need to work on that motto.