![]() I'd like some advice. Is it worth it to spend a feat on getting a martial weapon proficiency? Inquisitors are proficient in a variety of missile weapons, simple weapons, and the favored weapon of their deity. Alas, Erastil's weapon is a longbow, which inquisitors are already proficient using. Since this character will have to hold up his end of melee action, is it worth grabbing a better weapon? ![]()
![]() I also could make my character as a fighter, I suppose. I'm interested in the idea of a person who is applying Erastil's focus on the community to the wrong areas. Someone who is looking out for the community of beggars, prostitutes, the poor. I sort of see the character as a someone who has lost faith in Erastil, and is trying to lose himself in the seedy underbelly of Carrion Hill, but can't help but live out some of Erastil's tenets regarding community. That idea could fit a number of classes I suppose since it is really a background, not a career. ![]()
![]() Currently leaning towards the inquisitor. He'd be a cleric that's given up his faith after his flock was wiped out. Right now that character feels more real than the other one which is a bit more high concept, but isn't quite real yet. Still waiting to hear what other's think before settling on one character. ![]()
![]() I was thinking about a fighter who would be a failed executioner. Based loosely on a Clark Ashton Smith story. I can't look up exactly which one because I am not at home for the next two weeks. Basic idea, he's always prided himself on professionally doing a job that most others find distasteful. One day, he executed a criminal who turned out to be supernatural in some manner. The criminal returned and revenged himself on the community, leaving the character plagued with guilt. Or an inquisitor of Erastil who has lost faith after a community he was protecting was massacred by orcs from Belkzen. Either character would've come to Carrion Hill to forget, seeking to fade into the big city when adventure calls. ![]()
![]() Actually, I'd rather not play a cleric. I've been playing one in another pbp and it is mildly aggravating. In real life, if a character is about to die someone usually says something . . . online, for some reason, people keep expecting that I'm doing the math. Yes, I know I am the cleric, but I am still not keeping track of everyone's HP totals; if you are about to die, let me know. So . . . I'd be happy not playing a cleric. ![]()
![]() I was just about to warn you that I've just run Carrion Hill for my local group last week, meaning that not only I do know the adventure fairly well, but it is very fresh in my mind. But if you are planning on running something else, that's great. I'd love to see someone else's version of Carrion Hill. I ran the module as a one shot, but some players have mentioned that they might like continuing on with their characters. ![]()
![]() Sorry to see you go Zees. Everyone else, Sorry about my absence. We had a snow storm and lost power for several days. I'm fine donating money to the wand of CLW or to Ameiko's resurrection. I'd guess that Malcolm or Kast should carry the wand, right? They can use it without Use Magic Device checks? I'll got catch up on the in character thread now. ![]()
![]() Greetings, I couldn't discern another way of contacting you IceniQueen, so I assume just replying to this post will suffice. I recently moved to Greeley and I am interesting in playing. Though I will admit that I've never played with minis and don't own a single one . . . so, consequently, my knowledge of sort of tactical play that often accompanies minis is sorely lacking. However, I don't mind learning. I'm not sure what other information you are looking for, so you can reach me at lovelydwarf4allATgmail.com if you want to know more about me. ![]()
![]() Alright, I am back. Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I am going to try to make a post tonight. I know that we are on pause for robin. I assume if we are going to try to net our quasit friend, I will be the one throwing it? I think with my bonuses I will just even out the non-proficient penalty. I'm not sure that is the wisest strategy, since I will be hoping for the natural 20 to hit that thing. (Though I admit that I am not sure if we really have much hope of hitting the quasit no matter what.) I'd also like it if we could take stock of what we are carrying and who has what. I believe Danaris has two potions of cure light wounds now. I suspect I should take one of the cold iron short swords and the net. ![]()
![]() I think I am finished leveling up Arasmes. First time going up a level in months of playing on these boards. I'm in another pbp that is over 1000 posts and we're still at 1st level, but we are the sorriest band of heroes I've ever seen so that probably explains that. Pretty exciting. I took the average HP, which I believe is a big 4. ![]()
![]() Here's the information for the spreadsheet. Sorry about missing it at first.
For the spreadsheet: Name: Alyosha Baradin Race: Human (Chelaxian, native to Korvosa) Gender: Male Age: 21 Class: Sorcerer Alignment: Chaotic Good (but slipping) Projected Build: Straight Sorcerer Combat Role: Control, I guess. He'll be using enchantment and illusion spells mostly. That means lots of sleep at early levels. I'm not too good at the combat role terminology. Personality: A charming and manipulative fellow out for his own advancement, and if he helps others that'd be nice too. Primary Deity: Saranrae, but starting to pay more attention to Abadar since he's more popular in the wealthier sections of town. Concept: Poor kid made good on the back of his sorcerous abilities. Now a reformer who puts himself first. ![]()
![]() Ack, you're grading me on my writing! The whole time I was crafting Alyosha I was bemoaning the degradation of my writing skills. Oh well. If you want some sample writing from another campaign, I played Agnatha in the Kingmaker campaign that Pruitt and DukeRuckley were in. Questions: Alyosha would leap at the opportunity to align himself with House Arkona. They are influential and rich and–with his help–the house would have the chance to a do some good for the poor of Korvosa. In other words, Alyosha's capacity for self-deception is as powerful as his capacity to deceive others. If given the chance to work with Arkona, Alyosha would work vigorously to overlook any of the house's more criminal activities. If he was put in a position where he couldn't overlook such activities, he might just invent some sort of excuse for them. Eventually, Alyosha might wake up to what he is doing and who he is becoming, but right now he is a bit intoxicated with the opportunities that have opened up for him. One of the questions I have for him, one of the things that I would like to find out if given the chance to play him, is how far Alyosha is willing to go, how many of his ideals is he willing to sacrifice, to secure a comfortable, successful life for himself. I don't know. It would be something I would discover by interacting with the other player characters and the world of Korvosa. As for spells, currently I plan on him using enchantment spells quite a bit, with a side of illusions. I assume such spells would fit better in a city campaign and take advantage of the Rakshasa bloodline's emphasis on secrecy. I am, however, a bit annoyed that the bloodline gives Charm Person as a bonus spell at 3rd level. That seems like a spell Alyosha should have access to from the start. ![]()
![]() DM Barcas, I fear your questions have led me to rethink Alyosha a good bit. I think that I do wish to play a character with a higher charisma and so I re-envisioned Alyosha as a sorcerer with the Rakshasa bloodline. Doing so caused me to question a lot about the character. I recognize that changing character concepts late in the application process might be obnoxious. If you'd rather not deal with the hassle and would rather leave me on the sidelines for this campaign, I'm okay with that. Instead of an agitator for social change, this Alyosha has used his sorcerous abilities to climb up the ladder of Korvosa. He still advocates for the poor, but rather than being a budding revolutionary, he is the sort of do-gooder who hangs around with the rich and powerful, seeking patrons for this scheme or that scheme to make the lives of the poor better. Often the end result of these schemes is merely to increase Alyosha's wealth or to make him a few new contacts. I can imagine Alyosha attending a party thrown by one of the dock families, seeking to convince the people there to give some money to some scheme to educate the poor. He might find a few takers, but spends most of his time displaying his charm and telling entertaining stories about growing up in poverty. Perhaps flirting with some of the wealthy daughters of the nobility. He's still convinced that he wants to help the poor, but he's not so sure if he's willing to give up his newfound success to do it. Name: Alyosha Baradin
Currently, he spends much of his time advocating for the poor among the magistrates and arbiters of the government and hatching plans to harness the wealth of the noble houses and churches for various schemes to improve the lot of the poor such as expanded apprenticeship opportunities for children and a school for particularly bright children of the slums. Most of these schemes have gone nowhere, but they have brought Alyosha a bit of attention and, through the patronage of a few select nobles, a bit of money. His most recent goal is finding some way of convincing the church of Abadar that they should take an interest in the welfare of the poor, an unlikely proposition, but Alyosha is sure that he can find the right combination of argument, public pressure, and spells to arouse the interest of the church. Personality: Alyosha is a charming man who is at ease in most social circumstances. Publicly, he is devoted to the welfare of the poor, trading on his charming personality and inspiring life story as a man who pulled himself out of poverty by working on behalf of others. Most people also don't know that he is a sorcerer. Some people living in Old Korvosa–such as Auntie Miriam, the follower of Grandmother Crow who has for decades watched out for the children of the slums–mutter that Alyosha has lost track of his goals, that he is more interested in attending parties with the rich and famous of Korvosa, and the he is more interested in his own wealth. Privately, Alyosha is starting to wonder about himself. He started out conning his way up the social ladder as a matter of survival. He then realized that, by trading on his charms and abilities, he might be able to help others like himself. But recently he has become increasingly aware of his opportunities to make money and advance himself socially, and he is not so sure if he would be willing to trade his new position in order to make a permanent improvement in the condition of the poor of Korvosa. After all, he deserves some success and it is natural that the wealthy and powerful of Korvosa would be interested in someone like Alyosha who has earned every bit of his success. In most situations, Alyosha is constantly considering two things: how can I use this situation to help others and how can I profit from it? As he has advanced, the second concern has increasingly guided his actions. Sometimes he wonders who is becoming. ![]()
![]() Since Olondir withdrew, I guess I'll submit this character, a human witch from Korvosa. Name:Alyosha Baradin
Appearance: Alyosha is a small man, skinny, and still boyish in appearance. Often people assume that he is younger than he is. He has mousy brown hair, brown eyes, and his face is marred by a few scars left from childhood illnesses. Alyosha dresses in simple clothes and carries a simple willow quarterstaff, a token of his faith in Andoletta, Grandmother Crow. Background: Born in poverty in Old Korvosa, Alyosha survived like so many of the children of those slums: small jobs, beggary, and petty thievery. He managed to scrape together a living until disease struck him down in early adolescence. Left to die by the gang of children Alyosha ran with, he was discovered by Auntie Miriam, an eccentric follower of Andoletta, an Empyreal Lord concerned with the good and innocent. Auntie Miriam has, for decades, ministered to the people and children of Old Korvosa, feeding those who she can feed, tending to the sick, providing comfort. Many, especially those from outside of the slum, consider Miriam crazy, especially with her habit of muttering to herself and her love of crows, pigeons and other verminous birds, but those within Old Korvosa know that she is often the only thing that stand between a family and starvation. Finding Alyosha dying of his disease, Auntie Miriam nursed him back to health and shared with him her beliefs in Grandmother Crow. Alyosha grew into manhood helping Auntie Miriam minister to the poor of Old Korvosa. As he grew, Alyosha also began to hear the whisperings of something, some force offering him the power to change things for the poor of Korvosa. Alyosha assumed he was dealing with Grandmother Crow, or some power associated with Andoletta. When he made his deal with the power, he expected to be granted a crow familiar; instead he got a centipede. Alyosha continues to follow Auntie Miriam's lead in helping the people of Old Korvosa, but he has begun to imagine a more proactive role. He dreams of campaigning to change Korvosa, to force the wealthy to notice the poor in their midst. He has become to agitate for change, perhaps even to hint at a revolution in which the masses of Korvosa would take the things that have been denied them by the wealthy. Alyosha has also been exploring the arcane knowledge shared by his patron, trying to decide if he can use his abilities to speed along change in Korvosa. Auntie Miriam has begun to complain that Alyosha's too ambitious, and, more than that, he has begun to smell off. No one else notices anything, but Alyosha's starting to get uncomfortable under her stern gaze. Personality: Alyosha is a strident and outspoken critic of inequality in Korvosa. His desire to transform Korvosa, to make life better for the poor of the city, drives much of his activity. When dealing with people, he is often evaluating them, trying to figure out if they can help his cause; and he often tries to draw the conversation to the facts of poverty in Korvosa or the need to transform the city. As time has gone on, Alyosha has become increasingly radical in his views and his pronouncements. At times, he longingly imagines a violent confrontation between the poor and the rich in which the city is redeemed through revolution.
Some notes: Currently, I plan on Alyosha being a debuffer sort of witch, but if no other healing sort of character shows up or makes it into the party, I can build him to fill out some of the healing roles. Feel free to use, discard or replace Auntie Miriam. And if anyone knows of a likely disease to afflict poor Alyosha, let me know. ![]()
![]() Poor Wandering One, I'm going to apologize in advance if I offend you. I'm not trying to, really. I can definitely see where you are coming from and I tried to stake Agnatha's position clearly here, even if she hasn't articulated it clearly in the in character thread. It is this: Agnatha is willing to accept repentance from the bandits, if she has some reason to trust them. Otherwise, she feels that we are just releasing them so they can come back and kill us all another day. She is not advocating killing the sleeping bandits. She is advocating not healing those that are critically injured and then hanging the rest, or beheading them. Now perhaps that is a war crime. But from Agnatha's view, these men were planning on stealing from Oleg and Svetlana; and, if things went south, these men planned on raping Svetlana, killing her, and then killing Oleg. In Agnatha's view, there is no reason to trust these guys–they are killers and rapists. Agnatha has trouble seeing why we would defeat them in combat and then let them go, considering the bandits' aims and methods. That may perhaps be an immoral view. Agnatha's open to being convinced, but, in character, Caelius has, frankly, not done a very good job of advocating an alternative perspective. His argument to Agnatha's suggestion that we need a reason to trust these guys has been: "Get their names right, murderer." As an aside, you are also swimming against the many of the core assumptions of D&D (and by descent Pathfinder): the idea of the game for most people for most of the time playing is kill the guys get the loot. I suspect that Tim Hitchcock and James Jacobs knew exactly what they were doing when the set up this first encounter. By having us fight human bandits, and not silly face eating goblins, and arranging it so that most 1st level parties would blow their opponents out in the first round, they arranged this moral dilemma for us. I'll be interested to see how much moral squemishness we encounter when we are fighting kobolds and trolls and not humans or demi-humans. I'm certainly willing to move to your position. Or at least to one that says, we give them a chance to repent and if they refuse, then we execute them in accordance with the law as set down in the charter. I'd rather play in a game where everyone is comfortable. But I'd like to have some sort of in character reason for that. As of yet, I haven't seen one that would convince Agnatha, at least how I see her. Perhaps we need to find someone to switch sides so that it is a more even debate. Or perhaps we need to make an out of character decision about this that everyone can be comfortable with and then find in character reasons to move in that direction. Any thoughts Poor Wandering One, or anyone else? ![]()
![]() Ah, I meant blight druid from the APG, but using a vermin companion from Ultimate Magic, which is not rules as written, but it does seem like the the intent of those companions from UM. But, if no one else wants to bash some heads, I'll be a strong godling. I just have to figure out the background and dig up the .pdf. How long do I have to build this fellow? ![]()
![]() Hey DM Stompinator aka DM Darkhoof. I saw your post over in the late lamented Crypt game and then spent two days trying to decide if I wanted to add another game or not. Then I got distracted by in-laws and . . . it's been a busy few days. Sorry. Anyway, I'm interested in playing Second Darkness and I'm willing to be flexible about class and race. My first instinct is a vermin druid, though I'd like to take a vermin companion from Ultimate Magic rather than the death/darkness/destruction domain. If that's not okay, I can live with that. I basically imagine a dirty, street urchin who has made friends with the insects of riddleport. I'd also consider playing a strong godling, though I haven't thought much about the character; I just never thought I'd get a chance to use such a nonstandard class. ![]()
![]() I've created a profile for Agnatha here. I also changed her school from conjuration to wood from Ultimate Magic. That felt like it fit in more with my image of her grandfather as a man who found peace in studying the creatures of the forest. I think I'm the second person to thank you for pointing out that you can create the profile and still delete if you don't post in character. Thanks ![]()
![]() AJM8665, do you you want us to build the characters before monday or tuesday? I generally build my characters only after being selected. Mainly because when I create the alias and the character doesn't get selected or the game dies, those poor orphaned characters sitting on my profile make me sad. But if it will help you decide, I'd be happy to put Agnatha together fully. ![]()
![]() DM Aron Marczylo mentioned this game over in a pbp that appears to be dying. I'm very eager to play Kingmaker, so I thought I ought to throw my hat in the ring. I'd like to play a chaotic good wizard named Agnatha Razumikhin. Her background is below in the spoiler: Agnatha Razumikhin: Agnatha is an ambitious woman. Her grandfather did something–family accounts varied as to whether it was a disastrous love affair or some display of cowardice on the battlefield–that resulted in his banishment from House Medyved. From what Agnatha remembers of her grandfather, the old man took his dispossession in stride, happy to spend his time in the woods, conversing with the common folk and the intelligent creatures that populated the Gronzi Forest. Unlike her grandfather, Agnatha's father–Alexei–is consumed with the dream of proving his family's worth to House Medyved. In hopes of achieving that goal, he raised his three sons to be great warriors, forcing them to spend day after day drilling and practicing with a multitude of weapons. Alexei Medyved ignored his one daughter, certain that she could do nothing to prove the worth of his family. Despite her grandfather's advice that it was foolish to live your life trying to prove your value to others, Agnatha brooded and seethed over her father's disinterest, vowing that she would find a way to achieve greatness, that she–and not her brothers–would rebuild the reputation of her family. When her grandfather passed away, he left her a surprising bequest: a book of spells. Seeing her opportunity to become something greater than the daughter of a fallen family, Agnatha studied the book, teaching herself wizardry. Perhaps the greatest day of her life occurred when she summoned Sonya, her thrush familiar. Seeing the advertisement for heroes to explore the Stolen Lands and combat bandits, Agnatha saw her second opportunity to improve her station and prove her father wrong about the abilities of women. Agnatha now travels to the stolen lands, under her mother's maiden name. Agnatha tries to appear flirty and ditzy, hoping to use people's low expectations to her advantage. Once people see past her ruse, Agnatha is revealed as a driven and dangerous woman, one who is unafraid to use the most expedient tactics to achieve her goals. ![]()
![]() Hmm. . . I'm already playing a carrion crown game so I didn't look at the spoilers for your other game. I'm not sure how much can be changed to make Aliandara different from Runyon without losing the character. Not that I'm terribly wedded to the character. I was trying to create someone who would have a connection to one of the houses without merely being a child of the house. The daughter of the house surgeon/alchemist sounded like an interesting connection. It would also allow a character who would have ties to the other side in the conflict without being terribly wedded to that side. I imagined that, if the group came into conflict with Surtova, Aliandara would be incredulous at the suggestion that her childhood friends would be conspiring to kill people or other such bad behavior. Aliandara would doubt her current companions, might even be tricked a time or two by agents of Surtova, but–when push came to shove–she would have the distance to see House Surtova for what it was. Unlike, say, a scion of the house who would be unlikely to go to war against her cousins. I think that Aliandara having fond memories of being raised in House Surtova that can be manipulated by the Surtovas provides a nice roleplaying hook. The distance allows her to learn and grow. As to her father, I suspect my prose was failing me last night a bit. I was trying to communicate the idea that, as they traveled further and further south, Aliandara's father became more erratic and disturbing. Discovering her father's true research confirmed Aliandara's worries and enabled her to see him in a new light. Suddenly, his dismissal from House Surtova and conflict with local authorities throughout Brevoy were not the result of his unappreciated genius, but instead the result of his crazed and horrific researches. (Honestly, I left a lot of this undeveloped because it seems to veer a bit into Carrion Crown territory). Uncovering her father's true researches awoken Aliandara's innate goodness and, rather than directly confront a father she increasingly fear, Aliandara simply fled. (I also left the business with her father unresolved so that he was an available plot hook for a DM. Not a necessary plot hook, but one that was out there floating). In terms of your organizational methods:
![]() I'd like to offer Aliandara Naveksy, an Alchemist using the Chirurgeon archetype. I'd love to play in a Kingmaker campaign and also would enjoy some serious roleplaying. Here's the information on Aliandara:
Aliandara's father was a surgeon to the house of Surtova, supplementing divine healing with his own more scientific methods. As the daughter of a trusted, and educated, member of the household, Aliandara was raised in the company of the daughters of the house, sharing their education and partaking (mostly vicariously) in the luxuries afforded to the daughters of nobility. Even today, Aliandara looks back wistfully at her time with the Surtovas. One day, however, her father was cast out of the household. Aliandara was never sure if her father failed at some task, if his more disreputable researches were discovered, or if the family simply tired of the novelty of having a court surgeon. Whatever the reason, Aliandara and her father began wandering throughout Brevoy as her father attempted to scrounge together enough money to continue his researches. Occasionally, Aliandara and her father would have to flee a community as locals reacted violently to her father's investigations. Such experiences helped to instill a certain distrust of the common people and those who have no love for science. Traveling with her father, Aliandara learned many of his secrets–she was a natural at the healing arts that her father practiced while employed by the Surtovas–but she could always tell that he was holding some ideas back. As they moved further and further south, her father became increasingly secretive and erratic. In a small town near Restov, Aliandara discovered, to her horror, the reasons for her father's behavior. Bursting into her father's temporary lab, she found him manipulating the corpses of the recently dead, trying to breath new life into them. Appalled, Aliandara waited until her father was away and destroyed his laboratory, fleeing into the the Stolen Lands and seeking to find a path of her own. personality:
Due to her upbringing in the House of Surtova and subsequent experiences with people's fear of her father's work, Aliandara is often aloof, perhaps even haughty when dealing with new people, especially those who appear uneducated or of lower classes. Aliandara is a fervant believer in science and the progress of knowledge. Those that share her beliefs or who are willing to share information–even information as simple as a description of the local flora or fauna–will suddenly find her quite friendly and talkative. Indeed, the quickest way to break through Aliandara's shell is to engage her in a conversation about matters scientific. Due to her upbringing at the hands of her father, Aliandara has some eccentric beliefs. She often denigrates magic as the purview of the the few, while extolling science and alchemy as having the potential to open up the world to the common people without needing years of study or some special bloodline. She also has been taught that the ancient Azlanti used technology and alchemy to achieve their wonders, not mere magic. Her father always claimed that he was uncovering the secrets of the Azlanti. Her discoveries about her father have caused her to question many of her attitudes and beliefs and she is currently trying to find her way through the questions that her father's activities have produced in her. As to how she might fit into the politics of Brevoy. Much of it has gone past Aliandara. However, if she rises in importance, House Surtova will likely remember a former member of their entourage and use that to their advantage. Aliandara likely remembers current members of the house when they were her childhood playmates. It will be hard for her to untangle those memories and instincts with the realities of the politics of Brevoy. build sketch: Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 1st: Alchemy, bomb 1d6, brew potion, mutagen, throw anything Feat: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot 2nd: Precise Bomb discovery, infused curative 3rd: bomb 2d6, swift alchemy, feat: Extra Discovery: Smoke Bomb 4th: Discovery: Stink Bomb 5th: Anaesthetic, Bomb 3d6 Feats: Skill Focus (Heal), Iron Will 6th: Discovery: Infusion 7th: Feat: Rapid Shot, Bomb 4d6 8th:Discovery: Fast Bombs ![]()
![]() Doing equipment is hard for me. I have little idea what a lot of this stuff is, particularly guns and cars. So, if anyone thinks I picking something radically out of character, let me know. I'm also just making a list, so if the editor thinks I'm being too greedy, I understand and will cut things out. Sandman (Wesley Dodd) Equipment
I'm under the impression that Wesley Dodd's was independently wealthy, so I guess he would also have:
Does he also need an inventor's lab, or can he just share someone else's? If that is too much stuff, cut the car. I think that Wesley Dodd's hating to drive an always wanting to take a cab would be pretty funny. D.A. Belmont has a 6 room house in the city and a Colt .45 revolver and a bunch of other stuff that I don't plan on being relevant. The gun can be replaced with whatever would be standard police issue. He keeps it in his desk for protection. I assume he has a car too that Dian could borrow occasionally. Dian lives with her dad and has a Browning 9 mm, though neither Wesley or her dad knows she carries it. I just tried to pick a gun that look light, if someone has a better suggestion feel free to let me know. I don't really expect that D.A. Belmont would be anything more than a source of information. I doubt he would ever use his gun in the course of our exploits, unless someone attacked him. Again, I just sort of picked stuff that sounded reasonable. If anything looks amiss or too much, let me know. ![]()
![]() Kipper, there is an article on the Flash that appears pretty comprehensive here. I don't know if you already found that or if it helps at all. ![]()
![]() If I remember correctly, the Sandman had some nifty guns, such as one that sprayed sleeping gas. How do I go about getting that? Also, what do we do with the supporting cast members? In my mind Dian Belmont is a bit like Nora Charles in the Thin Man, endlessly interested in Wesley's life as the Sandman, while Wesley disapproves of that interest. I don't really know what the old stories say about their relationship. Based on what I can find, Sandman stories are so good until he changes his costume and Simon and Kirby become the creative team on the book (shocking that those two would improve the quality of the comic, huh?) ![]()
![]() Okay. I'm ready. I changed my mind from the rogue to Gregor the Roach, a half orc urban ranger. He'll get disable devices and the like, but be a bit better in a fight. ![]()
![]() I'm currently thinking about playing a human rogue, Stephano the Magnificient. He'd be a bit like Haroun, but slimier. Haroun was a big talker with a good heart. Stephano is a wandering con artist. He sets up in a town, does some magic tricks, some escape acts, some fortune telling, rips people off, breaks hearts, and so forth. We'll have to see if Stephano has a good heart or not. I thought about making him a bard, but worry that we'll need disable devices in this AP. ![]()
![]() Oh dear. Sorry to hear that you got a bit overwhelmed, Jormungandr. I'm not sure that I'd be best in a Carrion Crown campaign as I am already participating in one–I'm Arasmes over in James' game. I could try to come up with a radically different character, but it would probably be best if you all found a different fourth. ![]()
![]() Most of my golden age comics is refracted through more modern comics. I've read some of the Sandman Mystery Theater comics, but don't remember them at all. I read all of James Robinson's Starman, a lot the JSA comic when Geoff Johns was writing it. I think I read a few All-Star Squadron comics by Roy Thomas when I was really young. Beyond the stuff in Starman, I don't know much. I assume that Sandman started off as a Shadow knockoff. I just liked the mask. ![]()
![]() Hey everyone, Jormungandr just invited me to join the party. Legacy of Fire is one of those paths that sounds like a lot of fun to me so I couldn't resist. Right now I am thinking about playing an Errol Flynn type character–a one-handed fighter that moves into the duelist prestige class. I realize that that is a bit of a cliche, but I'd like to play a lighter, more fun character to balance out the angst-buckets in my other PbPs. But if anyone has a really severe objection, I'll try to come up with someone more original. ![]()
![]() I'm willing to try this. I don't have access to the books, but I'd love to support other systems here. I'd be interested in playing the Sandman (Wesley Dodds), who I guess would be a mystery man. I just want to run around with a gas mask and sleeping gun. I don't need the prophetic dreams that were later attached to the character. I'd also consider playing Dr. Fate if you are interested in having some magic in the game. I guess I just like serious face masks. ![]()
![]() Its not your fault Xerah. I think an opera singing oracle is a fine idea. I just usually try to offer characters that round out a party and not duplicate a lot of other characters in either race or class (except humans, you can have as many humans as you like). It was a bit sloppy on my part not to notice your character. Though, I am rather partial to Arasmes' particular background, especially for this AP. Though I went back and forth on the mystery. Heavens fits the best, but I recognize it could be pretty poor. I thought long and hard about knowledge, but that seems to lead to a more combat oriented role, since you can get that charisma bonus to your ac.
About Telsyn SetivaDefense: Initiative: +5, Senses: Low-light vision, Perception: +2
AC: 14/13/11 (+3 dex) hp: 23 (18, +4 Favored, +4 Con, +4 Toughness) Saves: F +3, R +5 W +5 Offense:
Speed: 30'
Melee: Masterwork Longsword +3 (1d8 S, 19-20, x2) Dagger +2 (1d4 P or S, 19-20 x2) Ranged: Dagger +5 Ranged Touch +5 BAB: +2, CMB +2 CMD +15 Skills:
Points: 7/level (28) Acrobatics 3/6 Appraise 1/9 Craft 1/9 (alchemy) Fly 0/3 Knowledge: arcana 4/12 dungeoneering 1/9 engineering 1/9 geography 1/9 history 1/9 local 1/9 nature 1/10 nobility 1/9 planes 1/9 religion 1/9 Linguistics 1/9
Feats: Traits: Magical Lineage (Fireball), Warrior of Old Racial Traits:
•+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail.
•Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. •Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet. •Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision). •Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. •Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items. •Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks. •Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon. •Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan. Equipage:
Weapons: Masterwork Longsword 4 lbs. 315gp,
Dagger 1 lb. 2gp Bonded Object: Ring (Cast any spell known 1/day) Gear: Spellbook 3 lbs. Free
Bracers of Armor +1, 1000 gp
29 1/2 lbs.
Gold: 793 gp, 5 sp Admixture School: Admixture School
Associated School: Evocation. Opposed Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy Arcane Bond If Telsyn attempts to cast a spell without his ring, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the spell’s level) or lose the spell. Once per day, Telsyn may use his ring to cast any single spell from his spellbook, even if it is not prepared, as if he had memorized it that morning. Elven Magic Telsyn adds a +2 bonus to all caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. Intense Spells (Su) Telsyn adds +1 damage to any evocation spell that deals hit point damage. Versatile Evocation (Su) When Telsyn casts an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, he may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types 7/day. Replacement Powers: The following school powers replace the force missile and elemental wall powers of the evocation school. Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. Elemental Manipulation (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura that transforms magical energy. Choose an energy type from acid, cold, electricity, and fire, and a second type to transform it into. Any magical source of energy of this type with a caster level equal to or less than your wizard level is altered to the chosen energy type. This includes supernatural effects from creatures with Hit Dice no greater than your caster level. For example, you could transform a white dragon's frigid breath weapon (a supernatural ability), but not a fire elemental's fiery touch (an extraordinary ability). If an effect lies only partially within your aura, only the portions within the aura are transformed. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. The rounds do not need to be consecutive. Background: Telsyn was apprenticed to Elaes after the evoker met his parents. Both parties agreed that he was unfocused, even for a young elf, and Elaes taught him how to do flashy and impressive evocations, among other spells. Telsyn learned quickly, but resented his lack of choice in his career. He had to admit, though, he was pretty good at it, and decided that even though evokers sometimes get a bad rap, he would prove the usefulness of creating fire and ice (and other things) from thin air. Elaes had taught him very well. Now it was time to practice what he'd learned, and grow his power outside of Elaes's depressing tower. It was time to make his mark in the world.
While Telsyn is very bright, and has a natural talent for things arcane, he's spent more time studying histories and mysteries than developing a deeper "common sense" understanding of the world around him. He's rather naive, and Elaes took advantage of that with a number of wizard's pranks, and the poor elf just kept falling for them. He's likewise awkward in social situations. Telsyn means well, but he's never at ease, and often comes off as insincere or sarcastic when he tries to interact with others.
Appearance: Telsyn looks like a typical elf. He has dark, almost black hair, large green eyes, and is 6'1" tall, but weighs only 147 lbs. He's pale, even for an elf, and looks like he could use some more sunshine.
He favors simple, utilitarian clothes with lots of pockets, in dark colors of green, blue, gray and black, usually with a dark gray, hooded cloak. However, there is always a bright, multicolored accent somewhere, such as a gaudy scarf or an embroidered sleeve, reflecting his penchant for bright, colorful evocation spells. 1 Toughness
Found spells: disguise self, hold portal, hypnotism, darkvision, false life and invisibility. Background specific to Arkwright's campaign: Telsyn comes from a family of merchants and diplomats. His parents have lived off and on in Cheliax for decades, representing Kyonin and working trade deals for their benefit. The elves of Kyonin gain wealthy customers for their products, and can keep an eye on what goes on in a country so antithetical to their own.
Unlike his parents, Telsyn lacked the charm to wheel and deal with nobles. He was incredibly smart, though, and took to magic with ease. When he came of age, he was sent to the Academy of Magical Arts in Westcrown, studying under the evoker Elaes in a dismal tower. He learned quickly, and it wasn't long before he, himself began instructing young nobles in the art of minor magics, and made a comfortable living due to his mastery. What he lacked in charm, he made up for in well-understood instruction. People came to him to learn a little magic and they almost always did. Chelaxian aristocrats tend to have decent int scores, and sometimes dip a level of wizard because it makes life so much easier for their effete lifestyle. Being able to cast Mage Hand or Prestidigitation makes it easy and even impressive to keep the wine flowing and the party going. Some have the money to pay for lessons until they can get out of any number of jams with the right spells/items. An Aristocrat 5/Wizard 2 is not unheard of, even if their charisma is higher than their intelligence. Coming from a very freedom-loving culture, Telsyn hasn't failed to notice the cruelty of the accepted norms of Chelaxian life. Diabolists are hardly his favorite people, and their casual cruelty to their underlings grates against his sensibilities. It hasn't dawned on him that there's anything he can really do about it, but he's got a streak of the iconoclast in him. He'd like to poke this slave culture in the eye, if he could get away with it. Due to his somewhat sheltered life, Telsyn doesn't know much, if anything, about the Bellflower network. Any sort of resistance would surely be eradicated in this LE culture. If he were to learn of it, though, he'd be eager to assist them with his magic, just to see if he could do it. The Bellflower network would benefit from an ally who can turn people invisible, or blast their enemies with arcane fire. How he would find them and convince them to work with him remains to be seen. Encountering an organization of underground slave liberators would probably be a happy accident. -I hope this makes Telsyn feel more “real.” Elf wizards can sometimes seem a little dull (if effective). He isn't a great conversationalist, but he has a great mind for strategy. I could see him stoically keeping his cool when the pressure is on, and coming up with an unexpected move to turn the tables now and then. Campaign notes:
Abrosh, third seneschal to King Thornfiddle, sent us on our first mission. Spells Known:
0 level:
Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights*, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare*, Ghost Sound, Light*, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost*, Read Magic, Resistance, Spark* 1st level:
2nd level:
(* Evocation: +1 DC, +2 damage) Spells Prepared:
0 (DC 15) 4/day: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1 (DC 16) 5+1/day: Grease, Mage Armor, Magic Missile x3, Snowball 2 (DC 17) 3+1/day: Glitterdust, Invisibility x2, Scorching Ray |