Cromora's Finest
Game Master
Kelsey MacAilbert
A modern fantasy law enforcement campaign set in a fantasy version of New England.
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
PbP tend to do this on the weekend. Most people have games or go out so slows down.
All right. I can accept that. I gotta work on writing this Pathfinder supplement, anyway.
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Vinland Forever wrote: All right. I can accept that. I gotta work on writing this Pathfinder supplement, anyway. Cool good luck another of my DM's is righting his own Pathfinder thing as well.
Ormr wrote: Vinland Forever wrote: All right. I can accept that. I gotta work on writing this Pathfinder supplement, anyway. Cool good luck another of my DM's is righting his own Pathfinder thing as well. Thanks. I love fortifications, and want to see them get the treatment they deserve.
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
I thought we were going back to the Mayor's office?
I thought you and Grunnar were going into the woods after the goblins and Evelina and Dark Sun were taking care of the mayor's office?
S+!&. Okay, that should teach me to GM while tired. You did not go into the woods. If you do so later, something different than what just happened in the woods will happen.
Ormr and Grun were headed to her office, and Eve and Dark went to her house, or that's what I thought at least o.o
It's all good <3 Minor mistake is all ^^
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
It is cool, being tried really messes with people.
Alright, So just to be safe, what's currently going on? o.o
Eve just searched an undetermined place...and that's all I'm 100% sure on >>
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Eve and Dark Sun went to the mayor's house. Grunnar and I are at the mayor's office talking to her.
Male Human Trapper Ranger 4
I'm outside the Mayor's office trying to make sure no one gets by and kills the Mayor, but my dog is busy sniffing his butt or something.
Eve searched the mayor's house.
Lets take a break for today and resume the RP tomorrow.
Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)
Hey guys, I'm probably not going to be able to post today -.- Dealing with some RL stuff. I'll try to see if I can do anything tonight though.
Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)
Is this game still gonna keep going? Or has it kinda died out o.o
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
I'm still lurking, waiting for posts...
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Pretty much what Drannum said.
Male Human Trapper Ranger 4
Soo...If our GM doesn't come back, would anyone be against me trying to GM it? >>
A CR20 Seagull wrote: Soo...If our GM doesn't come back, would anyone be against me trying to GM it? >> Nope. I've bit off more than I can chew, to tell the truth. GM of another campaign, player in a campaign, and author of the Voyager project, which begins playtesting tomorrow. I should not have gotten into so much stuff at once.
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
I'd be okay with it, so long as the GM is. You just gonna wing it, or do you have something planned?
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
We could switch being DM to help lighten the load.
Female Half Elf (Water Child Alternate Racial Attribute) Sorcerer (Arial Stormborn Bloodline) 4 (Uses Wisdom as casting stat)
I as said, I'm okay with it. Perhaps I'll stick around with Nissa as a PC.
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
Works for me. Though as I asked before, are we just gonna use an impromptu storyline (which I'm fine with), or are we gonna run something already established?
BTW, I'm cool for taking turns as GM.
Hold a vote on impromptu and established storylines?
If you guys all agree on taking turns, go ahead.
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
I prefer homebrew over published for two reasons. One cost to much for published stuff and second I find most of the stuff bland.
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
My vote's for impromptu. I've never GM'ed on the forums, but I should be good for it. You guys have any idea when we would switch out GMs?
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
From what I have seen best way to do it is in arcs so one DM will do say something with a say saving a princess than when next DM is up they take it from after saving the princess.
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
Sounds good by me. I've come up with my own homebrew adventure, setting neutral, which is designed for four first level characters. Maybe I can run that to start?
I'm up for it if everyone else is, Grunnar.
Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)
I'd vote for Dran to GM it >> I dunno if I have the time to do all the stuff GMing takes anymore. I would be able to play a character in a new game though ^^
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
Alright, I'll start up in the same game thread. I'll be DMPC'ing Drannum, so I can play him when it's the next guy's turn.
Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
I can go after Drannum. Bit rough right now with class why I did not ask to go first in a week or two should be a lot better.
Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)
I thought we were starting a new game with 1st level PCs? O.o
Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)
ohhh, right. I forgot this one's fourth level. Yeah, we need to be 1st. Just make the change whenever, long as it's before combat.
Wealth will be by the book for 1st level characters.
Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4
Wealth Roll: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
Female Half Elf (Water Child Alternate Racial Attribute) Sorcerer (Arial Stormborn Bloodline) 4 (Uses Wisdom as casting stat)
There is a house rule I used to create Nissa that I'd like to run by you guys. Nissa is an Arial Stormborn Bloodline Sorcerer, but she does not use Charisma as her casting stat. She uses Wisdom. All other attributes of the Sorcerer class are the same. I wrote this in because of her low Charisma score (which she has for RP reasons). This isn't an unbalancing change, but it is a house rule, so I'd like to put it out there now that I'm using it in case anybody wishes to object.
Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)
I'm okay with it. Frankly, I wish there were a way to make a sorceror who isn't Sage or Empyreal bloodline with a low CHA, but there isn't. So I'm okay with that houserule.
I have to re-build my ediolon now. Oh man is that not going to be fun.
Female Half Elf (Water Child Alternate Racial Attribute) Sorcerer (Arial Stormborn Bloodline) 4 (Uses Wisdom as casting stat)
That's why I dislike Summoners so much.
Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)
Hopefully Evelina and Dark Sun post soon; if they don't by tomorrow, I'll assume the party doesn't want to do anything in town and simply move on to the game trail.
Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)
I'm going to drop out guys. Eve's whole concept was built around stuff she'd lose at level 1, and I really don't want to RP a character that I've nerfed into oblivion.
Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)
Alright then, if Blue Star is still game we can continue.
If we all use our PCs wile GMing that still leaves us with four characters, I believe.
Female Half Elf (Water Child Alternate Racial Attribute) Sorcerer (Arial Stormborn Bloodline) 4 (Uses Wisdom as casting stat)
F$%~. I still need to drop to level 1. I'll post tomorrow. Gives Dark Sun some time to post.
Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Hello, sorry for the intrusion. I'm GMing Vinland Forever, and was looking for her post around the boards because she has disappeared without warning. I understand if she has trouble of course, but i'ld like to have some input for my game. Does any of you has any news please ? That would be much appreciated.
Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)
Eh, she was DM'ing us up until now, and she was going to switch to a player, but she hasn't posted in a while... I dunno, she hasn't told us anything, as far as I know.
Well, she did say before that she's working on a Pathfinder supplement, and she's got other things, I'm sure, so maybe she's just forgotten her PbP's?
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