Vinland Forever |

I've been into 3.5 / Pathfinder 5 years now, and have never once played. I've created countless worlds to set campaigns in. I've created countless characters of all classes. I've modified races and classes and created new content, and have an eye for game balance when doing so. I own the core rule books and several supplements, and read through them eagerly, and buy more when I can. I also have several books in the World of Darkness and D20 Modern series. In all the 5 years since I first held a 3.5 rulebook, however, I have never once played the game as it was meant to be played: with dice. The way my friends and I played was always informal. We'd play verbally while walking home from school or something, not sitting down at a table, and the GM would decide what happened based on character stats and the Rule of Cool, not dice rolls.
So, I have plenty of knowledge of the rules, though I admit that my switch from 3.5 was recent and I still make the mistake of applying 3.5 rules to Pathfinder content, but no experience employing them in the proper manner.
It's time to rectify that. Here is the basic idea of the campaign: medieval modern. Essentially, it's a medieval world with a modern standard and style of living.
At the moment, around 70% of individuals live in cities or large towns instead of villages, hamlets, or small towns. Although poverty still exists, most people are pretty well off compared to before the mass production of magic. People generally can afford to eat what they want year round thanks to efficient agriculture and preservation, and magical research has allowed the medical field to discover effective non-magical medications, ways to combat infection, and study of the humanoid form has allowed a force of competent surgeons to exist. Most individuals work in service, manufacturing, or entertainment industries, not agriculture. A professional standing army and navy have made the militia little more than a reserve organization for emergencies, and the existence of effective professional police forces and justice system have done much to combat crime.
Adventuring is pretty much dead in this world. The police do not like having adventurers running around causing trouble, and they have the ability to enforce bans on vigilantism. The PCs of this campaign instead take on the role of these police, specifically the Ministry of Magic's Ranger Service, an agency devoted to dealing with the dangerous monsters that still sometimes pose threats to innocent life and high powered spellcasters who use their powers to perform illegal deeds.
Cromora was first colonized around 400 years ago by the Markkish (think Norse), who ruled the nation for around 200 years before losing power to the Talmorans (Think British Celts) for around 100 years, at which point Cromora gained it's independence.
Though Cromora has a long history of conflict between it's Markkish, Talmoran, and Saori (think Iroquois) populations, in the modern day an understanding has been reached that the three ethnic groups can live together peacefully provided that the government makes sure the rights, wishes, and concerns of all three groups are properly addressed. So far, the arrangement has worked out.
Voice Rune: This polished stone, inscribed with magical runes naming it's owner, will, when the name of another who owns a voice rune is spoken into it, allow the owner of the rune to talk with the owner of that rune, as if the two were using a phone. Market price 2 GP, creation 1 GP and ability to cast Message or Whispering Wind. With 4 GP and Minor Image a voice rune that can also transmit images can be created. Market price for these is 8 GP.
Water Piping: Allows internal plumbing. Market Price 2 GP per foot, requires 1 GP per foot and Hydraulic Push and Mage Hand to create.
Light stone: A stone that lights up on command. Generally attached to walls and ceiling for building lights and a handle for portable lights. Market price 1 GP, creation 50 SP and Light.
Ice box or hot box: Chills or heats anything placed into it. Used for freezing or chilling food for storage and for heating up food to eat. Market price and creation differ by size, requires 2-5 GP and prestidigitation to create, market price double production cost.
Steelcloth armor: Magic cloth that acts and feels like normal cloth until struck, then hardens until the force of the blow has dissipated. It offers the protection of steel armor without any of the drawbacks. It is common enough to be worn by pretty much the entire law enforcement and military communities. Market price 50 GP, creation 25 GP and Mage Armor.
All Core Races are allowed. There are no racial languages. Elves, Dwarves, and the like speak dialects of Talmoran, Markkish, Nestoran, a Saori language, or the like. Though these dialects are different than human dialects, they are mutually intelligible. It is like the difference between Western American English and British English.
PCs start at level 4 with whatever mundane or mass produced magic gear they want and 6000 GP to spend on whatever non-mass produced magical gear they want (prices are those listed in the CRB, UC, UM, and APG).
Ability scores are 25 Point Buy.
Weapons are any non-firearms from CRB or APG, UC by approval. No Asian-inspired weapons, please. Cromora doesn't have much of an Asian population.
Shields are allowed.
The Steelcloth armor listed above varies in weight (It weighs as much as standard clothing), and provides +2 AC to classes not normally proficient with armor, +4 to classes normally proficient with light armor, +6 to those normally proficient with medium armor, and +8 to those normally proficient with heavy armor. The difference is due to the fact that how effective it is depends heavy on how well trained you are in taking blows at the most advantageous angle. Steelcloth has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance. It's AC bonus is an armor bonus. It can have enchantment bonuses or other armor magic abilities. It is assumed that all members of the party will be wearing Steelcloth.
You have 6,000 GP to spend on magical equipment from the CRB, APG, and UM. This stuff is not mass produced, so it keeps the costs listed in the RAW.
Alignments should be Lawful or Neutral, preferably good, but neutral accepted. This is a law enforcement campaign, so Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good make the most sense.
As a general rule, the Ranger Service allows it's agents to decide how they want to deal with problems in the field, so you will generally be able to choose how you want to go about your mission. A few rules do exist, however. Though Rangers typically use lethal force, and are allowed to use sneak attacks and the like and attack from stealth, an enemy who surrenders or is helpless cannot be killed. S/he must be taken prisoner, and if injured treated. Prisoners attempting to escape may be killed. Laws about search and seizure similar to those in the US exist, but you will generally be able to get warrants without too much trouble.
I plan to accept 4 players this time around, as this is my first campaign and I don't want to try to work with too many. Due to my inexperience, any advice is welcome, and it is perfectly acceptable for the players to call me out if they think I am doing something wrong. I'd prefer to have players that understand my lack of experience and are willing to work with me and tell me when I make mistakes.
Is anybody interested?

Blue Star |

This is a long post as well. How are you doing HP? Are you using traits?
Str 16
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 12
AC 21(23 with shield, 14 touch, 17 flat-footed)
Ref: 7
Will 4
Animal companion: a dumb dog (seriously it's intelligence is 2)
Favored enemy: Human
Favored Terain: Urban
Combat Style: Two-handed.
Iron Will
Power Attack
Furious Focus
Point blank shot
Disable device +7
Handle Animal +8
Heal +5
Intimidate +5
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8
Geography +5
Local +8
Perception +8
Ride +7
Stealth +10
Survival +8
Swim +7
Gear that matters:
+1 Steelcloth
+1 Greatsword
Handy Haversack
Voice Rune
Light Stone
The rest is standard adventurer stuff, plus some extras I have a habit of grabbing anyway.

Vinland Forever |

I'm building a character now. How should I do hit points? Is average alright, or should I roll?
Also, can I get more detail on languages? I'm making a wizard, and you only have 3 specific languages listed, even though I get 4 due to Intelligence.
Roll, please.
You could pick an Iroquois tribe (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Tuscarora) or New England native tribe (I know Iroquois aren't from New England IRL. For the purpose of this setting, I extended NE all the way to New York and the area surrounding the Eastern Great Lakes.) and I could come up with a name for an equivalent who's language you could learn, or you could pick a bestial language (Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Auran, Aquan, Sylvan, Aklo, Ignan, Terran) to learn.

Blue Star |

I made some minor changes on my character sheet, when I realized I hadn't taken a feat.
Mundane equipment that might also matter:
Masterwork Morningstar
Masterwork Large Steel Shield
Masterwork Composite Longbow (+3str)
100 feet of rope
Grappling hook
Cold & hot weather gear
Horse & military saddle
40 arrrows
40 blunt arrows
Masterwork manacles
2 keys for the manacles

Blue Star |

Oh, s!@~. I didn't know you could use aliases to create profiles. I thought those profile character sheets were for b+!~!~+%ting. F#!$. Please forgive my stupidity and disregard my last post.
That's okay, I didn't realize it either, until I asked myself "Where are their characters?" then I thought "I wonder if they used their alias for it?" Bam! Instant edification.

Vinland Forever |

Vinland Forever wrote:Drannum Grunnar and Dark Sun are accepted. St00ji and Mrdarknlight will be considered after I look at character sheets.oh, i see you already have a wizard AND a ranger, but no healing... perhaps i should make a cleric or druid instead?
If you want to. This campaign is both urban and wilderness, so Clerics and Druids would both be useful.

Mrdarknlight |

Sorry about delay trying not to screw up Eidolon. One DM I have told me he has yet to see one done correctly first go.
3d8 ⇒ (1, 7, 2) = 10
Male Half Elf Summoner(Evolutionist ) 1
NG Medium Humanoid(Elf)
Str: 16
Dex: 13
Con: 13
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 18
HP: 22
AC: 16
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 15
hp 12
Fort: 2
Reflex: 2
Will: 4
Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Bastard Sword)
Skill Focus(Planes)
Weapon Focus(Bastard Sword)
Knowledge(Local): 7
Knowledge(Planes): 8
Spell Craft: 8
Use Magic Device: 11
+1 Bastard Sword
+1 Steel Cloth
Backpack: 2 lbs
Bedroll: 5 lbs
Flint and Steel:
Silk Rope(50 ft): 5 lbs
Waterskin : 4lbs
Sunrod(2): 2 lbs
Traveler's Outfit: 5 lbs
Still working on what other gear to get and making sure Eidolon is done correctly.

Vinland Forever |

Sorry about delay trying not to screw up Eidolon. One DM I have told me he has yet to see one done correctly first go.
** spoiler omitted **
Still working on what other gear to get and making sure Eidolon is done correctly.
I'll check back when the Eidolon is done.
So, we have a Druid, Summoner, Wizard, and Ranger. Works for me.

Vinland Forever |

Hmm, This is very interesting! Now I have one question, Would Lawful Evil be allowed if it was played right? insted of the all too common Stupid Evil alignment? >>
If you could make the character convincing as a government law enforcement agent, yes. Magnificent Bastard characters, when done right, are awesome.

Mrdarknlight |

Here is my Ediolon Cethin. For HP you want max first Hit Dice than roll or roll for all 3?
Str: 17
Dex: 15
Con: 13
Int: 7
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
AC: 18
Touch: 12
Flat-Footed: 16
hp (3d10+3)
Fort: 4
Reflex: 5
Will: 3
Base Spd: 40ft
Spd: 40 ft
Melee: Bite + 6 (1d6+3)
Escape Artist: 8
Perception: 6
Sense Motive: 6
Claws(Ex): 1 pt
Improved Natural Armor(Bony plates): 1 pt
Pounce(ex): 1 pt
Ability Increase (Ex)(Str): 2 pts
Limbs(ex): 2 pts

Mrdarknlight |

Mrdarknlight wrote:Here is my Ediolon Cethin. For HP you want max first Hit Dice than roll or roll for all 3?
** spoiler omitted **
Max first die, then roll the next three.
Is this a third or fourth level eidolon? It should be forth.
He is fourth. Ediolons do not get Hit Dice equal to their level and BaB maxes out at 15.
2d10 ⇒ (8, 9) = 17