Cromora's Finest (Inactive)

Game Master Kelsey MacAilbert

A modern fantasy law enforcement campaign set in a fantasy version of New England.

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Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Talking first, and I want to put forward a motion to say we move a lot of the OOC to discussion thread to keep game thread clear.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Eve takes a few more moments to give the rest of the group the full details, before looking to each of them, speaking in a low voice "So...what do you propose we do? I have a warrant to search the mayors house being gated in as we speak. Should we wait here and have a look, or go into the forest and see what really has these folks so spooked?"

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Evelina Passero wrote:
Eve takes a few more moments to give the rest of the group the full details, before looking to each of them, speaking in a low voice "So...what do you propose we do? I have a warrant to search the mayors house being gated in as we speak. Should we wait here and have a look, or go into the forest and see what really has these folks so spooked?"

Ormr thinks on what Evelina says for a moment before saying in a low voice "I say we went until the warrant shows up. If they are trying to murder us while we are off trying to find these 'goblins' would be the best time to do it. All they would have to say is the goblins killed us all. More information we have before we go the better for us."

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

"Ceinwen appears to be the real problem, I have a suspicion that the goblins are merely a trap for us, but there's no real way to know, but to set it off."

Gah! Ninja'd!

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

"From what I heard, the folks here seem to be leery that the mayor backstabed them by calling us in. And that this Ceinwen isn't too happy about the idea of us disrupting her plans." She ponders for a moment "I wonder if the mayor would be a bit more helpful if she knew her own people are thinking of doing away with her."

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

"Maybe, but I'm not 100% certain that it will work out so well. I think the citizenry is only contemplating her removal because of their fear of Ceinwen. The Mayor probably already knows that Ceinwen isn't happy about this and that.... I think we should go back to the Mayor. Right now. Be ready for a fight."

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Eve would then look to Dran "And you, Mr. Grunnar? Do you have any input as to the situation?"

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

Did the mayor answer the last question I posed about the other beasties?

Drannum ponders a bit, then says, "Well, I would agree that we should do sammar snoopin' afore we do anythin' else. If we can't find any substantial evidence, though, I say we head out ta the forest anyways. Even if there ain't no gobbies out thar, we still might find somethin' out. Best to stay alert now, fer sure. I say most of us pose a front a being oblivious an' askin' 'bout some other things to distract the mayor while one of us does the snoopin'. If they're caught, then we can whip outta warrant, but not before then. Don't want them knowin' our suspicions, an' all that."

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Ormr thinks for a moment than says in a low voice "I could call grandfather when we get into the forest. He could keep help keep a look out for us. Always good to have another pair of eyes when something is happening."

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

"Alright, I think I'll search the Mayors home, Would one of you be willing to go speak with her and offer a distraction? Possibly find out something else while I look for anything there." She ponders a moment "Or perhaps I should check her office first."

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

"Aye, I could talk with her summore. Ask her if she seen any other suspicious things goin' about, or strange people in town. We could all three be thar; we could keep 'er talkin'," he says with some confidence. In response to Ormr, he says, "Yah, that'd be best, ah think. Ah course, that's supposin' we don't find sumthin' that'd suggest we not go into them woods."

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

"I see...Alright, I'll head to her house, You head back to her office. I'll be there shortly, and if I find anything of importance in her home...We can search her office as well, and call her out if the situation demands it."

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

"I'll keep a watch outside to make sure there aren't any problems. Call me if you find anything interesting inside."

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

With that, Eve would bow and slip away, heading to the Mayors house
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

Once there, she would slip around to the back window if she was able, and open it, If it happens to be locked...Well that might be an issue
No disable device...Derp rogue -.-
She would instead search the area surrounding the house, looking for a hidden key
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Eve apparently falls flat on her face as she attempts to leave...

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Ormr nods before saying "I will go with Drannum than."

The window opens without a fight.

1d20 ⇒ 15

Vinland Forever wrote:

The window opens without a fight.


You find no blatant evidence of whatever is going on, but you do find a black book. You cannot read it's contents, as they are in a language you do not understand, but the pictures seem to depict someone stitching severed body parts together.

Grunnar, roll Perception. 1d20 ⇒ 4

Ormr, roll Perception. 1d20 ⇒ 3

After following the constable sent to guide you to the goblins for awhile, you find yourself behind some rocks looking at a clearing in the woods. The constable points and says "That's where they are.".

Nothing is moving or making any sound in the clearing. It appears to be completely empty.

All of a sudden, the constable turns back the way you came, and begins running as fast as he can.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Evelina would take a moment looking through the book, starting at the first page and working her way through, trying to see if she can make anymore sense out of the contents. After this she'd take another quick search of the house 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 before leaving. This time heading back to the mayors office.

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

I will take up a patrol around the house, err.... wherever the Mayor is, the dog will be on the opposite side of the patrol. I will also check in with Eve every 2 completed patrols.

Perception, me:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20the dog:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

You are still unable to understand the text of the book, but it seems almost like some sort of instruction manual. Your second search turns up nothing else interesting.

Blue Star sees nothing and hears nothing. In fact, even the whispered conversation from the nearby houses has stopped.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

Drannum will wait for Evelina to finish with the office, then when they all are in position around the house, will knock on the door. If/when it's answered, Drennum greets the mayor, "Hello there ma'am. Could we step inside? There's some more questions I'd like ta ask afore we head out to slay the beasties."

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

Literally too quiet eh? I draw my sword and maintain my vigil, being sure to look up. Can I hear anything at all? Like my foot steps?

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Ormr watches as Drannum asks if they could ask more questions to the mayor. He wonders to himself "I want to know why these people are so spooked. Who ever this Ceinwen is that scares them. I might need to ask grandfather for protection because of what is going on."

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

So, we're gonna rewind a bit and go back to the mayor giving the party their mission. We'll say the issue the mayor proposed was that several people have gone missing near a rarely used game trail in the forest, cause unknown (instead of dealing with gobbos). The mayor is still seeming to hold something back, though the party doesn't know exactly what.

As the mayor finishes giving you the (admittedly few) details, she hands Ormr a piece of paper. On the paper is a crude map showing the town, the nearby forest, and an X to mark the trail the party needs to investigate. She says, "I know I haven't given you much information to go on, but be careful out there. Some of the men lost out there were the king's soldiers."

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Ormr nods after been given the map. He listens as the Mayor speaks before saying "Do not worry, we shall be careful."

Female Half Elf (Water Child Alternate Racial Attribute) Sorcerer (Arial Stormborn Bloodline) 4 (Uses Wisdom as casting stat)

GM to GM, there were never any goblins. The mayor said there were, but she had her reasons for lying. You may change this if you wish now that you are taking a turn as GM. I just wanted you to know the original plan.

(I'll level down to first in the morning)

Nissa just nods in the morning, saying nothing.

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

Yeah, I figured. I'm prolly still gonna have her use some ulterior motives.

To be clear, she makes no mention of goblins. Instead, the problem that needs dealing with is a string of mysterious disappearances near this game trail.

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

Just waiting for the others to post and say they're ready to start.

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

Okay, so if Blue Star joins in, cool, other wise just the three of us?

With no more preparation being needed, the party heads out to the trail, following the map's direction. The path taken to get there is a frequently-used road, which skirts the side of the forest along its path. When you reach the spot indicated on the map, you can see a crude and poorly defined trail meandering into the thickest part of the woods. After following for a short while, the woods seem to get thicker and thicker around you, until the surrounding brambles box you onto the path and give you a claustrophobic uneasiness.

Perceptions from all.

Drannum Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

I was waiting for Perception checks, but whatever, it was only DC 10.

You hear a low moan come from the distance to your right, which rises in pitch until it is a high and horrible wail. It then cuts of quickly. Ahead about 40 feet, you can see a smaller path coming of the trail you are on. According to the map, this must be the trail where the people have been disappearing.

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

All quiet on the Western Front again...

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Hearing the moan Ormr rushes forward to see if he can find what caused it.
Sorry about not posting did not see the thread had a update.

Male Half-dork 5 Nerd (universalist)

Well, sorry Ormr, but I'm not really up to playing just the two of us in a PbP. Vinland's disappeared, and the others are gone, so I think it's time to let this thread finally die.

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Alright good luck with future pbps.

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