Crayfish's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Inactive)

Game Master Crayfish Hora

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with very easy mechanics.

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Blaziken | LV: 35 | HP: 22/22


Cyndaquil | ♂ | Lvl. 5 | HP: 18/20
Tackle: 33/35 | Leer: 30/30
Crayfish Hora wrote:
You can all post currently, but leaving information on what days you're more likely to post on wouldn't hurt. That way, if we need to create sub-groups, like after the intro mission, we can do so easily.

I generally check these boards about twice a day, barring unforeseen events, so I am fairly flexible.

Genderfluid Ditto 5 HP: 21/21
Transform 9/10
Howar'd wrote:
And worse, someone already copied me.

That's just a shy ditto's way of saying hi. ;-)

As for posting, I'm less likely to post Friday or Saturday. And sometimes Thursday if I'm tired from my IRL game.

Blaziken | LV: 35 | HP: 22/22

I check at least 4 times a day.

Litwick | Lvl:5 | 21/21 hp

Should we expect fire-type moves to fail as with "Heavy Rain" in the games?

Blaziken | LV: 35 | HP: 22/22

I have double kick, so I think I'm fine, but others should watch out.


The forest is dense, the rain likely won't be that heavy once inside.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Charmander 5

Am I the only one imagining that Mr. Onix speaks like Grandpa Longneck from A Land Before Time?


I have him as the giant of the Dark Souls series, with his deep "Hellllloooo." "Verrrry Goood."

Cyndaquil | ♂ | Lvl. 5 | HP: 18/20
Tackle: 33/35 | Leer: 30/30

I heard it as Treebeard from Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings films.


3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4) = 13

Beldum | Level 5 | HP 20/20
Move PP:
Take Down 20/20

What is the significance of the symbols on the doors in the map?


There isn't any, its just a map. Those are the spots where doors would exist, but this isn't that kinda game and nobody cares about doors. They're just empty spaces and placeholders for the map.

Beldum | Level 5 | HP 20/20
Move PP:
Take Down 20/20

Gotcha, thanks.


I have live games on the weekends, so I don't usually post during them. But Monday through Thursday is all good baby.

Genderfluid Ditto 5 HP: 21/21
Transform 9/10

Just checking, but is it normal to just attack pokemon we see in a dungeon/assume they're hostile? It feels a little odd to me to be like, "Oh, a sleeping grimer. Let's attack it!" Especially since in this case the fact that we're in a "dungeon" doesn't seem super clear to me IC. Maybe I'm just not used to the setting though.

But I mean, if we are attacking, my first thing is going to be to transform anyway, which isn't exactly super hostile.


All Pokemon that are not townsfolk are either bandits or feral. Any Pokemon you run across while not in the settlement are dangerous, which is why they have volunteer teams to explore their surroundings. Exploration teams are trained in this matter and you guys aren't, but I'm sure you'll learn pretty quickly.

Male Charmander 5

I imagine if we left it sleeping it wouldn't wake up.


And it's on the "floors down", so it'd be hard to progress as well. Approaching it wakes it up, so you would only have to get near it.

Genderfluid Ditto 5 HP: 21/21
Transform 9/10

I'm a little confused about how initiative is going. We don't seem to be alternating between one of us and one grimer attack and we're not doing everybody on our team acts followed by one grimer attack. Can someone explain how initiative works in this system?

Also, if I transform, how long do I stay transformed for? Technically I said I transformed at the beginning of combat (but I have no stats for the grimer, so I don't know how to attack right now) and since the grimer is already down to 3 HP, it seems a little like a waste to transform now if it's just going to end right after its defeated.


Example to hopefully make my initiative question more clear:
Perhaps instead of asking about initiative, a better question on my end would be "How do combat rounds work?" In this case, we were told we won initiative since the grimer was sleeping. As far as I can tell, combat thus far has gone:
- Enemy Grimer
- Enemy Grimer

If we were alternating between one of us and the enemy, I'd expect it to look more like
- Enemy Grimer
- Enemy Grimer
- Enemy Grimer

If we were going as a team, I'd expect it to look like
Shulla, Howar'd, Mokhir, N1
- Enemy Grimer

So I don't really understand how combat rounds are working. Or maybe I'm simply misunderstanding what the grimer has done thus far?

Beldum | Level 5 | HP 20/20
Move PP:
Take Down 20/20

Sorry, Initiative keys off our speed stat, correct?


Yeah, how does combat work? Beside the info you gave in campaign tab.

Litwick | Lvl:5 | 21/21 hp

An example of one or two rounds of a multiple battle like this would be helpful.

Also, is this Grimer burned? Ember has a 10% chance to cause Burn and I rolled a 95 on a d100. I'm not sure if that's how I was supposed to do that.

Thank you for using a normal move when I didn't roll defense, that was very smooth of you and I sincerely appreciate it.


No problem. Initiative goes off speed, yes. I may have used some prior knowledge of the ditto's action to supplement the ditto's turn.

So for instance, it normally would be

Team East.
Then Grimer.
Then Team East.
Then Grimer

The Grimer's first move occured and I assumed the Ditto would be transforming and that concluded round 1. I rolled the Grimer's attack and defense for his first round of combat when all the attacks piled on him. Then his rolls pop up for the entire second round, where all the other attacks from others happen somewhat simultaneously.

So actually...I suppose the initiative looks like this.

Round 1, Team East and Grimer
Round 2, Team East and Grimer

Initiative is mostly used for first hits, then combat lumps itself together to have all actions shoot off at the same time. Because his defense roll needs to happen when the Team's attacks and then his attack. So on Round 3, the Cyndaquil takes poison damage, but not on Round 2 as the Grimer lost initiative and attacks after the team.

For the Burn chance, it's 1-10, so you wanna roll low on those.

I put the Grimer's turn in there as a placeholder for round 2, he doesn't actually go after Mokhir, that just happens to be where I submitted the post. I'll make sure to have warnings on what round posts are in for combat.

Genderfluid Ditto 5 HP: 21/21
Transform 9/10

So then should I have details on what the grimer's moves are? Or is there some website I should use to look up its moves?


Pokemon DB is where I go. But I can tell you its moves:
Pound, an attack.
Poison Gas, a move that poisons. Note you cannot poison poison Pokemon. That's too much poison.

You /can/ poison the other party members, just in case you were into that.

Genderfluid Ditto 5 HP: 21/21
Transform 9/10

I looked up grimer on PokemonDB. In the future will I be told what level the enemy is or should I just assume level 1 for moves? I ask since we're level 5 and a level 5 grimer would also have Harden according to that page.

Litwick | Lvl:5 | 21/21 hp

Poison brings up another uncomfortable question:

Is it basically find a Pecha Berry or die faint in 20ish rounds?


On a completely unrelated note, I call dibs on Chingling / Chimecho.


If you ask me what moves it knows, I'll tell you. Or if you want, I can tell you its level and you can look it up. It's really up to you, as I can do either.

Genderfluid Ditto 5 HP: 21/21
Transform 9/10

Heads up that I'm going to be on vacation/traveling starting Wednesday May 24th through June 7th. Bot me as necessary (Hint: That involves first transforming and then attacking. ;-) ).


Sure sure! Have fun on vacation!

Female Elf (Kagonesti) Monk (Qinggong, Zen Archer) 2

Hi guys! I will be stepping out of the game. Have fun! GM, thanks for having me and I apologize for leaving. Would you please be so kind to put me on the inactive list? Thanks!

Blaziken | LV: 35 | HP: 22/22

What happened to this game?

Beldum | Level 5 | HP 20/20
Move PP:
Take Down 20/20

It died. PbP games do that pretty frequently.

Litwick | Lvl:5 | 21/21 hp

Is there anything we can do to get it to hide/deactivate from our list of games if the DM isn't around to do it?


It's marked as inactive after 2 or 3 month of not posting in gameplay, I think.


And it shall be delcared dead. Rest in peace, past interests!

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