Chaosorbit's PFS PbP GameDay VI - #8-99: The Solstice Scar (Subtier 5-6) (Inactive)

Game Master Chaosorbit


Aid Tokens

Orc Benefits:

Mirtgog - At the start of an encounter, each PC can choose to gain the Precise Strike feat (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 167) for the duration of the encounter. Each PC can use this benefit once before the end of the adventure.

Burbus - Before attempting a Bluff, Escape Artist, Perform, or Sleight of Hand check during this adventure, a PC can decide to roll twice and take the higher result. Each PC can use this benefit once before the end of the adventure.

Gekgaro - Each PC gains the Nimble Moves feat until the end of the adventure.

Blenta - PCs gain a +1 on attack and damage rolls against animals and magical beasts for the rest of the adventure.

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Grand Lodge

Male M Dwarf | Occultist 7 | HP: 52 | AC: 22 T15, FF18 | CMD: 22 | F:+7 R:+6 W:+6| Init:+6 | Per:+14| SM:+9 | Speed 20' /60fly| Conditions: | Active Effects: Mental Focus(+2 DEX), Magic resistance 12 (dwarven racial trait)

Rolling initiative if its needed
initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Anduris sees the clockwork back into the room. Taking advantage with the press of the attack he moves forward to further confound them and strikes a heavy blow with his greatsword.
slashing attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 122d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 4) + 7 = 12
ahh he thinks he is striking them but instead he will settle for occupying a space and giving him another target to strike at

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

@Anduris/All -- Anduris I already rolled initiative for this encounter, I often put rolls into the spoilers and you are all free to look at them, unless I label it GM Rolls, those are "behind the screen".


Grey Halberd 1 v. Kivuli : 1d20 + 18 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 18 - 1 = 36
damage: 1d10 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17

Grey Halberd 2 v. Kuvuli : 1d20 + 13 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 13 - 1 = 28
damage: 1d10 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Ranalus moves forward and provides guidance to Crios, Kuriq hits with 2 arrows, the second one is impressively precise, but doesn't do the damage you would expect. Reavis moves into position, as Anduris joins the fight but his mighty greatsword blow misses the mark.

Crios misses his first attack, but his second shot breaks the clockwork solider, gears and metal spray throughout the room. Kivuli readies should the clockwork attack him.

1=Kivuli, 2=Anduris, 3=Crios
attacks: 1d3 ⇒ 1

The remaining clockwork steps forward to attack Kivuli. Who is ready and drives his blade quickly into the solider. Who then retaliates against Kivuli slicing him twice with his halberd, dropping the wayang

Round 2

Kivuli 39 dmg - down
Clockwork, Black 76 dmg - down
Clockwork, Grey 48 dmg

Round 3

Pathfinders are up, I think I dropped Kivuli, if so roll to stablize.

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

Kuriq loses the clear vantage but provides some magical assistance to Crios.

Move and Guidance on Crios.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

Ranalus will move and draw his wand of CLW, hoping to get to Kivuli in time to save the wayang's life.

Dark Archive

Aasimar Staff Magus/Monk/Occultist 7: HP: 51/51 DR 5/blunt | AC 23(24),16T,18(19)FF, CMD:24 | Fort:+10*(15vs poison/disease) Ref:+8 Will:+8 | Init:+7, Perception:+11 | Arcane Pool: 4/7 |Mental Focus 5/6 |Condition:| Effects: Resist Energy 5 vs Acid/Cold/Electricity(Celestial), defending bone, barkskin,mage armor,antitoxin, antiplague

On Round 3...
Crios rushes in to the side of his fallen friend, swiftly adding more arcane power to his blow as he attacks the clockwork soldier with everything he can, paying no heed to fighting defensively.

Swift:Arcane Strike, Move: Avoid AoO and sweep in from the side, standard: Attack

+2 two-handed staff flurry+guidance+bane: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 1 + 2 = 23
magic blunt damage+bane+as: 1d6 + 16 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 16 + (4, 4) = 28

Grand Lodge

Male M Dwarf | Occultist 7 | HP: 52 | AC: 22 T15, FF18 | CMD: 22 | F:+7 R:+6 W:+6| Init:+6 | Per:+14| SM:+9 | Speed 20' /60fly| Conditions: | Active Effects: Mental Focus(+2 DEX), Magic resistance 12 (dwarven racial trait)

Anduris moves forward to occupy a space adjacent to the clockwork giving it another target to swing at. Succeeding in that unfailable task he takes a chance at doing something right for a change and strikes out at the clockwork.
slicing attack with power attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 152d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 1) + 10 = 14

Dark Archive

M Tiefling Alchemist (Grenadier) 6 - HP 32/45 - AC: 27*/T: 16*/FF: 21* - Resist: Fire 5, Electric 5, Cold 5 - Perception: +8*, Darkvision 60' - Fort: +8, Ref: +12*, Will: +2* (+1 vs Curses) - CMB: +5, CMD: 21* - Speed: 30' - Init: +6*

Reavis moves closer and lobs a bomb at the remaining clockwork creature.

Using Precise bombs to avoid splashing the other pathfinders.

RTA Bomb + Point-Blank Shot + Mutagen: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 + 1 = 13

Okay, I don't want to kill Kivuli with potential splash, so I'll use my Reroll. I own a character portfolio. If picture evidence is required, I'll provide it.

Bomb Reroll + GM Stars: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 18
Damage: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) + 8 = 22
Miss Square, if necessary: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Dark Archive

Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'

Stabilize: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (20) - 3 = 17

Thank you for burning the re-roll!

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Ranalus hustles to Kivuli's aid. Kuriq casts guidance on Crios. As Reavis launches a bomb nailing the construct very precisely. Anduris takes a swing and a miss. Already badly damaged from the bomb, Crios delivers the final blow, as gears and sprockets shower the room. The clockwork breaks apart.

Kivuli's stabilizes and lays unconscious on the floor.

Out of combat -- and another success, go ahead and heal up Kivuli.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

"Darkness embrace you, shadowkin."
Four charges on Kivuli (wand now at 15).
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

With Kivuli back upright, you look around and see other teams of Pathfinders dealing with more of Nigel's guardians, they all seem to have things well in hand, so you decide to make for the third floor where Nigel's office is. You sneak up the stairs only so find the door sealed with magical energies of all sorts. Even with your considerable arcane and trap disabling knowledge you have no idea where to start.

Congrats you have defeated all the encounters in the 1st section. We are at a stop until the next overseers announcement which should occur sometime tomorrow.

Feel free to take any other actions you want/need and role play a bit, if you want.

Dark Archive

Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'

The rogue's eyes flutter open as he regains consciousness.

"Thanking you Ranalus. That was goodly of you."

The wayang pulls out his own wand and taps himself twice.

Two charges off my want of Infernal Healing.

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

Kuriq seems generally impressed with the effectiveness of the team. "Good work everyone." He remarks casually.

At the top best the door, he attempts every trick in the book in search of answers, but cannot be certain what he is dealing with.

"What manner of sorcery is this?"

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Team -- Gayel Nord's table has passed our table an Aid Token; instructions for Aid Tokens are posted at the top. It has an easy Know Arcana Boost.

You guys can hang onto and use it in the next encounter; or go ahead and boost it and move it along. Before this section ends.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

I would like to boost it and move it along. Because I think we are good on Knowledge checks. Other thoughts?

Dark Archive

Aasimar Staff Magus/Monk/Occultist 7: HP: 51/51 DR 5/blunt | AC 23(24),16T,18(19)FF, CMD:24 | Fort:+10*(15vs poison/disease) Ref:+8 Will:+8 | Init:+7, Perception:+11 | Arcane Pool: 4/7 |Mental Focus 5/6 |Condition:| Effects: Resist Energy 5 vs Acid/Cold/Electricity(Celestial), defending bone, barkskin,mage armor,antitoxin, antiplague

I vote to boost it and move it as well, but I want to be clear, it doesn't just do knowledge checks. The knowledge check is just to boost it. It can heal the group for 3d6 hp, act like a bard for 3 rounds, and a few other helpful things. Link to the Aid Token. I think the table we give it to will be really happy once we boost it.

Grand Lodge

Male M Dwarf | Occultist 7 | HP: 52 | AC: 22 T15, FF18 | CMD: 22 | F:+7 R:+6 W:+6| Init:+6 | Per:+14| SM:+9 | Speed 20' /60fly| Conditions: | Active Effects: Mental Focus(+2 DEX), Magic resistance 12 (dwarven racial trait)

Boost and move. Everybody now boost and move...stick your hands in the air and wave them like you just don't care

Dark Archive

Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'

So, it looks like we have to make a skill check or add an item to the token. Do we have to 'boost' the same skill, or can we add an additional skill to the token?

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28 If we can add a skill check.

Know Arcana: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 8 + (5) = 15 If we have to make a role to improve the token.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

Last special I did we made a point of passing these tokens to Core tables since they tend to be lower-powered.
Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
No luck there.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

It could be the same knowledge if you want; but it can be a totally different one as well or Spellcraft. But it has to be a Knowledge or spellcraft. Looking for at least DC16 or higher.

You can also:
1)Succeed at an attack roll against an AC equal to an Average skill check. Need to hit AC 20.
Boosted Effect: +1d8 points of damage.

2) Expend one use of channel positive energy or cast one spell with the healing descriptor with a spell level greater than or equal to your APL/2, rounded up. A PC must cast this spell, not simply activate a wand or scroll.
Boosted Effect: +2d6 points of damage healed.

3) Expend 3 rounds of bardic performance or similar ability.
Boosted Effect: Increase the competence bonus by 1.

4) Cast one of the following spells and note your PC’s name and caster level on the Aid Token: lesser restoration, neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease.

Dark Archive

M Tiefling Alchemist (Grenadier) 6 - HP 32/45 - AC: 27*/T: 16*/FF: 21* - Resist: Fire 5, Electric 5, Cold 5 - Perception: +8*, Darkvision 60' - Fort: +8, Ref: +12*, Will: +2* (+1 vs Curses) - CMB: +5, CMD: 21* - Speed: 30' - Init: +6*

I'm fine with boosting it and passing it on. Unless someone wants to heal or cast a helpful spell, I say pass on a Knowledge check. I'll defer to the group in any case. If I have the highest roll to make whatever boost, feel free to roll for me or the GM can.

Sovereign Court


After a loud crack and a ripple of arcane energy, silence falls across the museum as the construct guards freeze in place and haunted relics drop to the ground. Nigel’s voice rings out, magically projected throughout the museum: “We’ve disabled the magical security measures. Since we haven’t found the thieves yet, they must be hiding in my third-story study. Please subdue them; they have much to answer for!”

Nigel Aldain’s announcement echoes through a museum littered with shattered clockwork and toppled exhibits. There’s no question that the Pathfinders have quelled the building’s defenses, and perhaps the peaceful silence will set whoever hides on the third floor at ease.

@Table GMs: Please begin Part C on page 14, but stop before reaching Part 2. Also, the Peace in the Museum condition on page 16 is in effect.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout


The mahogany walls and domed, plaster ceiling both show signs of heavy damage. Most of the luxurious furniture and the crystal chandelier are intact. The contents of cabinets and bookcases lie strewn about the floor. A small wooden panel near the door hangs open, revealing an arcane sigil covered in scorch marks.

A Kellid woman dressed in furs with intricate scars all over her body steps forward. She holds a hand up and says,
“Stay back. We are members of the Twinhorn following, and we have only come to retrieve what was stolen from us.”

A towering figure steps forward; his translucent red form is that of a man clad in heavy armor and wielding twin warhammers.

“Medda, they must be in league with the thieves; they should die for crossing us.” The man’s voice sounds hollow and unnaturally loud, and as he speaks, the chandelier glows with a dull light.

The woman, Medda, puts a hand on the figure’s arm and says, “Maybe we should give them a chance to explain themselves, Anok.”

Two other Kellid warriors eye you suspiciously.

Dark Archive

Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'

Just in case this is possible Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 Though, with that roll, probably not.

"Anok and Medda? Me am Kivuli of Pathfinders. Me am gladding you are unhurt. Many dangerously defenses here. We am not knowing of Twinhorn or thieves. We am only wanting safety for everyone, including museum.

Bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Dark Archive

Aasimar Staff Magus/Monk/Occultist 7: HP: 51/51 DR 5/blunt | AC 23(24),16T,18(19)FF, CMD:24 | Fort:+10*(15vs poison/disease) Ref:+8 Will:+8 | Init:+7, Perception:+11 | Arcane Pool: 4/7 |Mental Focus 5/6 |Condition:| Effects: Resist Energy 5 vs Acid/Cold/Electricity(Celestial), defending bone, barkskin,mage armor,antitoxin, antiplague

Crios smiles pleasantly and holds up his empty hands, his staff dropped at his feet. He faces the Twinhorns and nods to each of them in turn, "Medda and Anok, my name is Crios. First, are either of you hurt and in need of healing? Second, you say you are here to retrieve an item that was stolen from you. Perhaps we can help with that matter as well. You seem very reasonable and my friends and I only seek an honorable resolution for all. Now tell me more of the thieves you seek and the item that was stolen from you..." He stands relaxed and patient as he waits for a response.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

Sorry in advance! Kuriq is a temperamental guy, feel free to step in at any point.

Kuriq storms in, and in turn moves over Kivuli and Crios looking a little unpleased. "Your accusations are uncalled and unsubstantiated." He tells, wielding his own weapon in light of Anok's possible threat.

"The way I see it, it is you who trespass and hold on to stolen good! It is you who need to explain yourselves to us." As his question closes a small fire flickers his eyes as stands impatiently awaiting an answer.

Not trying to come off as intimidating but is not diplomatic either. But if either roll is needed... +9 diplo, +11 intimidate.

Angry diplomacy?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Addressing Kivuli first, Medda responds with forced calm unsure of the wayangs intentions, “We are from the northern lands—the Realm of the Mammoth Lords to you southerners. Our following, or tribe, has been searching for our stolen heritage for months.”

Then to Crios, Medda responds, “Healing we do not need. These Blakros people stole our most precious heirloom.” Medda retrieves a bundle of bloody bandages, then unwraps it to reveal a dagger hilt with only the fragment of a black blade. “It belonged to Ivvora, a champion of Vildeis who vanquished the great black evil from our land over 900 years ago. We kept it safe until the Blakros agents stole it three months ago.” She seems willing to talk with Aasimar.

The hard woman also seems to appreciate the inquisitors straight forward approach, "Uncalled and unsubstantiated you say, here is the hilt, it belongs to the following. It is bound to me.” She grasps the hilt tightly, then her eyes begin to glow with a brilliant white light as her scars begin to seep thin rivulets of blood. “Does this show who the true thieves are?

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

Kuriq backs down but keeps guard. He is silent momentarily but continues in a much more casual manner but still somewhat judgemental. "Your words have some truth to them it seems, but you have clearly cause destruction in your path. Innocents could have been killed."

Pausing, he eyes between the two strangers in the room, the group, and then shrugs. As if unclear if to trust the pair.

Dark Archive

Aasimar Staff Magus/Monk/Occultist 7: HP: 51/51 DR 5/blunt | AC 23(24),16T,18(19)FF, CMD:24 | Fort:+10*(15vs poison/disease) Ref:+8 Will:+8 | Init:+7, Perception:+11 | Arcane Pool: 4/7 |Mental Focus 5/6 |Condition:| Effects: Resist Energy 5 vs Acid/Cold/Electricity(Celestial), defending bone, barkskin,mage armor,antitoxin, antiplague

"No it doesn't actually. Does it show the rightful owner? It certainly seems to be evidence of something, but ownership? Possibly." Crios says with genuine thought.

Coming to another point he continues, "As for showing who the true thieves are, it does nothing of the sort. There may well be someone posing as Blackrose agents, and perhaps they are the true thieves, or perhaps it is one of several other possibilities that come to mind."

Not one to let things fester, he quickly carries on to the next important discussion point, "As I said, I believe you to be reasonable, and from the sounds of things you are also quite passionate about the theft of your heirloom. It is because of this that I am inclined to believe you are the rightful owner, and we as pathfinders, would like to help you reclaim the dagger of Ivvora."

He lets that register before he turns to a slightly different point, "I believe there is more at work here than either of our groups thought at first. May I ask, how did you come to be here and how did you find the wards when you arrived?"

"Kuriq, perhaps they were merely dealing with what threatened them, much like we were, and the real culprit is still present."

Grand Lodge

Male M Dwarf | Occultist 7 | HP: 52 | AC: 22 T15, FF18 | CMD: 22 | F:+7 R:+6 W:+6| Init:+6 | Per:+14| SM:+9 | Speed 20' /60fly| Conditions: | Active Effects: Mental Focus(+2 DEX), Magic resistance 12 (dwarven racial trait)

Anduris steps forward brushing his hands down the front of slightly soiled chain shirt.
"Ahh mam, if'n ya don't mind me help I may be able to read that item there yer hold'en. It's something of a specialty o'mine. It may tell us what important thing happened to it in the past or who could have hands on it as well. If yer interested I would need to hold it for a minute or so. It may straighten things right up.'
diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
And again with the horrible rolling
Examining an item in this way requires him to spend 1 minute handling the item. If the item is a magic item, the occultist learns its properties and command word as if he had successfully examined the item using detect magic and succeeded at a Spellcraft check. This ability does not reveal whether the item is cursed unless the occultist’s class level is equal to or greater than the caster level of the item. If the item has any historical significance, the occultist learns one piece of information about its past (as determined by the GM). Finally, if the item was last used no longer than 1 day ago per the occultist’s class level, the occultist learns one piece of information about the last creature to use the item. This information might be a glimpse of the creature’s appearance, a brief vision of what it saw while using the item, or perhaps its emotional state when it last used the item. The GM determines what information is gained in this way. This functions like the psychometry occult skill unlock, but doesn’t require a skill check and can be used at will.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

The translucent red form, Anok, responds to Kuriq, “When the metal men attacked us, Ivvora’s spirit called through the hilt to her allies’ armaments. She protects us, even now.”

As Crios reasons things out, Anok responds in his deep and hollow voice, “They came into our camp, the Blakros agents, asking about Ivvora. Medda gave them shelter and told Ivvora’s story, but we would not part with the hilt. The next morning the hilt and the Blakros agents were gone. We tracked it here, to this building.”

Medda chimes in, "We approached peacefully and ask for it to be returned, but that Nigel man refused. He said he did not honor ‘seller’s remorse.’ But they were thieves in the night, there was no deal. We returned and the metal men attacked us.”

Anduris's request is met with resistance, Medda opens her mouth to answer, but Anok steps forward defensively and proudly announces, “She is the guardian of Ivvora’s hilt, passed from keeper to keeper for generations—or for her, from parent to child. She is the first evening’s daughter in decades,” he boasts, earning him a withering look from Medda before he adds, “And it is she who can sense and wield the hilt’s power properly.”

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Kuriq silently listens and judges if their words are true and if they are trustworthy or not.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Kuriq has not reason to doubt there story.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

"Perhaps one of your clan sold the hilt to Nigel? One who did not have the right to do so? Or an imposter from a rival clan? Let us find Nigel and ask him who he dealt with. It is possible that he believes he bought it in good faith."

Anok seems to be the spirit of Medda's father? Perhaps a phantom and she is a spiritualist?

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

Kuriq reluctantly withdraws his arms as he addresses the pair, "Fine. That works for me. I fail to see fault in this reasoning." He backs away and withdraws himself to the back of the room letting the conversation continue freely.

I'm okay with however the group decides to proceed with this.

Dark Archive

M Tiefling Alchemist (Grenadier) 6 - HP 32/45 - AC: 27*/T: 16*/FF: 21* - Resist: Fire 5, Electric 5, Cold 5 - Perception: +8*, Darkvision 60' - Fort: +8, Ref: +12*, Will: +2* (+1 vs Curses) - CMB: +5, CMD: 21* - Speed: 30' - Init: +6*

"Do you happen to have descriptions of the people who stole your relic from ya or other evidence of what you say? Otherwise it sounds like it's Nigel's words against yours." Reavis observes in a noncommittal tone.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Ranalus has a thought about Anok.

Knowledge (planes) DC 16:

ANOK THE VENGEFUL is indeed a phantom.

Turning to Reavis, Medda states We can describe them, but we only have our oral traditions to prove our claim. But we will talk to Nigel again and state our case.

The Kellids begin to gather their gear to depart, the chandelier begins to shake violently and then crashes to the ground. Suddenly a fiendish devil manifests atop the wreckage, armored like an infernal knight upon some monstrous steed, this fiend of iron and nails scuttles upon six bladed, beetle-like legs.

Medda calls out, What is this, we must fight this together. Anok help them. You two stay back, I will not lose anyone else!

Knowledge (planes) DC 17:


For every 5 that you beat the DC, you may ask for one piece of information from this list.


Anduris: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Crios: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Kuriq: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Kivuli: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Ranalus: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Reavis: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Devil: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Anok: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Medda: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

Round 1


Anduris is up

Dark Archive

Aasimar Staff Magus/Monk/Occultist 7: HP: 51/51 DR 5/blunt | AC 23(24),16T,18(19)FF, CMD:24 | Fort:+10*(15vs poison/disease) Ref:+8 Will:+8 | Init:+7, Perception:+11 | Arcane Pool: 4/7 |Mental Focus 5/6 |Condition:| Effects: Resist Energy 5 vs Acid/Cold/Electricity(Celestial), defending bone, barkskin,mage armor,antitoxin, antiplague

Crios ponders everything that was said, then asks questions related to each piece of information...

Chaosorbit wrote:
The translucent red form, Anok, responds to Kuriq, “When the metal men attacked us, Ivvora’s spirit called through the hilt to her allies’ armaments. She protects us, even now.”

"When this happened, what exactly did the call do? What does calling to her allies' armaments mean?" he says with genuine interest.

Chaosorbit wrote:
As Crios reasons things out, Anok responds in his deep and hollow voice, “They came into our camp, the Blakros agents, asking about Ivvora. Medda gave them shelter and told Ivvora’s story, but we would not part with the hilt. The next morning the hilt and the Blakros agents were gone. We tracked it here, to this building.”

His fingers stroke his chin as though deep in thought. One finger taps his lips as he asks, "Was Nigel among the agents that took shelter with you and then absconded the next morning? Can you give us a description of those men?"

Chaosorbit wrote:
Medda chimes in, "We approached peacefully and ask for it to be returned, but that Nigel man refused. He said he did not honor ‘seller’s remorse.’ But they were thieves in the night, there was no deal. We returned and the metal men attacked us.”

"When did this first meeting with 'Nigel" take place? Can you describe the man you know as 'Nigel'? When you returned and the metal men attacked, were there any other signs of a break in then? How did you get past some of the wards and then activate others behind your selves, if in fact you did, which may not be the case?

Chaosorbit wrote:
Anduris's request is met with resistance, Medda opens her mouth to answer, but Anok steps forward defensively and proudly announces, [b]“She is the guardian of Ivvora’s hilt, passed from keeper to keeper for generations—or for her, from parent to child. She is the first evening’s daughter in decades,” he boasts, earning him a withering look from Medda before he adds, “And it is she who can sense and wield the hilt’s power properly.”

Quizzically, Crios probes further, "Evening’s daughter? Forgive our ignorance, but what exactly is an evening's daughter? I gather from the context that an evening's daughter is extremely special, given that there hasn't been one for decades. It is our honor to meet one such as you Medda. And thank you Anok for informing us of this honor."

I agree with Ranalus, this sounds very much like a spiritualist and her ancestor.

Dark Archive

Aasimar Staff Magus/Monk/Occultist 7: HP: 51/51 DR 5/blunt | AC 23(24),16T,18(19)FF, CMD:24 | Fort:+10*(15vs poison/disease) Ref:+8 Will:+8 | Init:+7, Perception:+11 | Arcane Pool: 4/7 |Mental Focus 5/6 |Condition:| Effects: Resist Energy 5 vs Acid/Cold/Electricity(Celestial), defending bone, barkskin,mage armor,antitoxin, antiplague

Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20 Crios will shout out the information in the spoiler when he is able, though not sure if he must wait till his turn or not. What basic information does he get with a 20, other than the name of the creature since it doesn't beat the dc by 5?

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

Planes (Anok): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Planes (Devil, Favored Enemy): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 2 = 24
Resistances of the devil?

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Resistances of the devil:

DR 5/good; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 12

Crios gets out some great questions, but before they can answer the devil appears.

Dark Archive

M Tiefling Alchemist (Grenadier) 6 - HP 32/45 - AC: 27*/T: 16*/FF: 21* - Resist: Fire 5, Electric 5, Cold 5 - Perception: +8*, Darkvision 60' - Fort: +8, Ref: +12*, Will: +2* (+1 vs Curses) - CMB: +5, CMD: 21* - Speed: 30' - Init: +6*

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

As Reavis waits for his turn at the Devil, he attempts to think up more facts about the creature but comes up with nothing.

Dark Archive

Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'

Know, planes: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 9 + (6) = 35
Know, planes: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 9 + (6) = 31
Special Attacks, weaknesses/vulnerabilities

Grand Lodge

Male M Dwarf | Occultist 7 | HP: 52 | AC: 22 T15, FF18 | CMD: 22 | F:+7 R:+6 W:+6| Init:+6 | Per:+14| SM:+9 | Speed 20' /60fly| Conditions: | Active Effects: Mental Focus(+2 DEX), Magic resistance 12 (dwarven racial trait)

Anduris steps to the side and enhances Kivuli with the "bane effect" from the occultist transmutation implement.
Legacy Weapon (Su)
As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a weapon to grant it an enhancement bonus. The bonus is equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 occultist levels you possess (to a maximum of +4 at 18th level). Enhancement bonuses gained by this ability stack with those of the weapon, to a maximum of +5.
You can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to your maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the appropriate amount. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from legacy weapon) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout


mwk trident 1 v. Kivuli: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 3) + 7 = 12

mwk trident 2 v. Kivuli: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 4) + 7 = 17

leg 1 v. Anok: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

leg 2 v. Anok: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

What Kivuli knows:

Warmonger Devils are also know as Levalochs
Special Attacks -
Merciless blow - Any trident attack a levaloch makes against
entangled creatures deals an extra damage.
Trample - As a full-round action, a creature with the trample ability can attempt to overrun any creature that is at least one size category Smaller than itself. This works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the trampling creature does not need to make a check, it merely has to move over opponents in its path. Targets of a trample take an amount of damage equal to the trampling creature’s slam damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modifier. Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the trampling creature and receive a Reflex save to take half damage. A trampling creature can only deal trampling damage to each target once per round, no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target creature.

Weaknesses/vulnerabilities - none

Anduris enhances Kivuli's weapon. As, the devil eyes the room greedily, Xe mijy kyyl kaflv myry oar zaa dalq! nas haf sudd idd eih zmy eruty oar oaaduwmdh dyzzulq py oryy iz diwz.


I have been bound here for too long! Now you will all pay the price for foolishly letting me free at last.

He then attacks Kivuli with two quick trident thrusts, the first piercing the wayang, but he avoids the return strike. While, attacking the phantom, Anok, with it's razor sharp legs, but the strikes miss the elusive warrior of old.

Round 1

12 damage

Round 2

Pathfinders are up

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Clr5/Feysworn9 | AC 27 T 14 FF 27 CMD 24 | HP 129/129 | F+17 R +15 W +23 (+2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep) | Init +10 | Perc +36 | Stealth +15 | Active: Magic Vestment, FoM, Life Bubble

"Holy weapons if you have them! Or electricity!"
Ranalus draws his bow and one of his special (chronicle boon) +1 Keen arrows and fires.

Shooting or Throwing into a Melee wrote:
If your target (or the part of your target you're aiming at, if it's a big target) is at least 10 feet away from the nearest friendly character, you can avoid the –4 penalty, even if the creature you're aiming at is engaged in melee with a friendly character.

Longbow, Favored Enemy: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 2 = 30

Confirm: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 2 = 27
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Crit damage: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (5, 4) + 10 = 19
29 damage, 24 after DR.

Silver Crusade

Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 | Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

Deciding his weapon might not be the best option, Kuriq calls upon the divine powers of Sarenrae to provide guidance to the pathfinders.


Dark Archive

M Tiefling Alchemist (Grenadier) 6 - HP 32/45 - AC: 27*/T: 16*/FF: 21* - Resist: Fire 5, Electric 5, Cold 5 - Perception: +8*, Darkvision 60' - Fort: +8, Ref: +12*, Will: +2* (+1 vs Curses) - CMB: +5, CMD: 21* - Speed: 30' - Init: +6*

Reavis moves into the room and tosses a Frost Bomb at the Devil.

RTA Frost Bomb + Point-Blank Shot + Mutagen + Bless: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 15
Damage: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (4, 5, 4) + 8 = 21
Miss Square is applicable: 1d8 ⇒ 5

If the devil has a terrible touch AC and that hits, it also needs to make a DC 18 Fort save or it's staggered for 1 round.

If that misses, then the devil, purple Kellid, and the female Kellid all need to make DC 18 Reflex save. Failure means they take 11 cold damage, success means they only take 5.

I jinxed myself when I called out those higher rolls earlier.

Dark Archive

Amazing Inspiration (1d8): 8/8 | Disolution's Child: 1/1 | GM Reroll: 1/1 Wayang Unchained Rogue 3/ Investigator 7 | ~HP: 60/60 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 17 Flat), CMD:23, Fort:+4, Ref:+13, Will:+7, Init:+5, Perception:+22 (+23 for traps) / Trap Spotter 10'

The wayang carefully slides to his left before responding to the demon verbally and with his blade.

"Upi qtrgrt frsyj yp vpmgomzrmy? upi eoaa gomf id zptr yjsm eoaamh yp sofr upi om yjsy trhstf!!"

"You prefer death to confinement? You will find us more than willing to aide you in that regard!"

Adamantine Estoc, Bless, Bane, Inspiration: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 1 + 2 + (4) = 25 for damage: 1d6 + 14 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 14 + (3, 6) = 29

If the kellid or Medda has a reach weapon, then it would be a 27 to hit and an additional 2d6 damage for Sneak Attack.
If flank: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout


DC 18 Fort save v. Frost Bomb: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Anok slam 1: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 1 = 22
damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 3) + 4 = 9

Anok slam 2: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 1 = 22
damage: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4) + 4 = 12

Kuriq bestows the Dawnflower's blessing on the party. Kivuli scores a strong hit on the devil. Medda and the Twinhorn warrior all take steps backward. Medda casts a spell.

Spellcraft DC16:

Shield cast on the phantom.

Reavis finds hit hard not to hit the massive armored devil, the frost bomb damages the devil, but doesn't do as much as Reavis would have expected.

Anok steps forward slamming the devil, the old warrior feels blessed by Sarenra, as the devil is unable to avoid either of his slams.
Then Ranalus critically damage's the devil with a precise arrow which finds an exposed piece of the creatures neck.

Round 1

Devil 70 dmg
Kivuli 12 dmg

Round 2

Crios and Anduris are up will give a few more hours before moving to the next round.

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