Chaosorbit |
You are in Absalom!
Feel free to start introducing your characters. Game starts on 8/25.
Kivuli Greyfeather |
A small figure pads into the room. If he is wearing any armor, it is lost under the layers of charcoal gray fabric wrapped around his body. His veil one notices dark skin, but it is heard to determine his race.
Crios Greymantle |
A graceful fellow with raven black hair, blue grey skin, and sharp features enters the room shortly after the smaller figure.
Standing just under six feet tall and with a slender build, he is dressed in vibrant robes that are a mix of reds and yellows layered over shimmering satin blue and trimmed with metallic gold and copper feathers. He walks with a staff which is carved and dyed to appear as entwined asps, one white and one black.
His curious eyes crinkle with delight as he sees the smaller figure before him. "Kivuli Greyfeather." he says with genuine happiness in his voice. "It is very good to see you my friend. It seems we are once again present for a larger than normal gathering of our peers. I am excited to see what is in store for us this time."
Reavis Smoot |
An ugly, red-skinned Tiefling waltzes into the room and looks at the assembled with a shrug. Decked out in mithral shirt, he carries an well-used alchemist kit on his belt and a fancy longbow on his back. His dirty clothing indicates that perhaps he doesn't care much for his appearance or the opinions of others.
"So, what is this time? I swear to the gods if they send me back to Tian Xia one more time I'm gonna start throwing bombs inside the Grand Lodge."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
Boards ate my post, grr..Hear we go again.
Before Smoot's entrance...
The rogue strides up to his friend, hand extended. "Crios Greymantle! I hearding a rumor we am working together once again." The wayang grips the aasimar's forearm before leaning into an 'bro-hug'. Unfortunately, their size difference turns the whole affair into a rather awkward moment.
****After Smoot's entrance****
"Me an not knowing where we being dispatcheding on this mission. Pleasing to make knowing you. I are Kivuli Greyfeather and this is my friend, Crios Greymantle." The wayang reaches out a hand in greeting to the latest arrival.
Reavis Smoot |
Surprised that anyone would want to shake his hand, Reavis stares at Kivuli for a moment before returning the shake, "Just Reavis is fine. I'm tired of almost dying on these things so I hope this one is actually easy and not on the other side of the freakin' world."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
"Well Mister Just Reavis, it is gooding to meet you. If it helps you feeling to be better, Crios and I just returninged from a mission to a comet. Auturn's Tear. Not sureing what side of the world it was, but am thinking it was this side." If the rogue has any qualms about the fiend-tainted alchemist, he does not seem to show it.
Reavis Smoot |
"Well, truth be told, that sounds pretty awesome. You fight any aliens?" Reavis asks with sudden interest. "At least if you die there everyone else gets a good story out of it. And if you don't die and the news gets around, you're going to be a popular guy at the taverns if you know what I mean."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
"No 'aliens', but plenty of elementals and their Lords. So far, I have no seeing more popular anywhere yet. I will keep my hands crossed."
Crios Greymantle |
Smiling at the tiefling, and nodding along with the discussion so far, Crios eventually interjects,"Kivuli is absolutely correct. We did not fight any aliens, but we did meet some."
After only a small pause, he explains further, "There were some four armed giants that were definitely alien, and they were quite friendly once we were able to converse properly with them. They understood a version of draconic that was close enough to our familiarity to make work for us."
Thinking for a moment, he raises one finger as if to make a point of interest, "The only other possible sign of aliens was the strange ship we discovered. Kivuli was able to actually get it partially operational, and that was instrumental in our overall success on the mission."
Switching back to the talk of the enemies that they encountered, "The primary threat though was indeed, elemental."
Reavis Smoot |
"Heh, a ship in space and giant aliens ain't too bad. I wonder who's porridge I peed in to get skipped over for that one. Ah well, you guys bring back any souvenirs? Like asteroid rocks or space metal? You can do a lot with space metal."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
"Well...we had to leaving in hurry. No timing for mining."
Crios Greymantle |
Crios shows the still fresh scar from his nearly fatal battle with a xorn. "Does this count as a souvenir?" he says with a grin. "I will remember the trip quite vividly because of this. Thankfully I was with a very resourceful group."
-Posted with Wayfinder
Kivuli Greyfeather |
Shakes his head a little sullenly, "Still am never got to casting that Lightning Bolt spell. That would have been some remembering." He then lightens up almost immediately, "Well, who knows what opportunments this assignment will having!"
Kuriq |
A medium sized humanoid walks into the place and dazzles the crowd with robes so white as if he shone like a lantern. He is easily recognisable as a devout crusader for the Dawnflower with his white scarf, scimitar, and the holy symbol hanging from under the scarf.
As he walks into the establishment, his features become more prominent. He bears a sharp face with a pencil moustache, skin is an unusual pink, with eyes gleaming with fire. And he carries a finely crafted bow and a colorful assortment of arrows.
He looks around with judging eyes. "The name's Kuriq..."
Crios Greymantle |
"Well met." comes Crios' friendly reply as he turns to face the man in white. "This is Reavis and Kivuli and my name is Crios. A pleasure to meet you."
As he takes in the resplendent robes of the newcomer, he nods in appreciation, "A follower of the Dawnflower I see. That is wonderful."
Ranalus |
A Half-elf in dark clothing slips into the room. He gives a slight smirk at seeing the Dawnflower symbol, and announces himself quietly.
"Greetings. I am Ranalus, 'Servant of Ranalc'. I bring blessings of sacred Darkness to aid our mission. For the night restores us all, does it not?"
Kivuli Greyfeather |
"Me am always being comfortable in the night time." The turns to Kuriq, "Not that the breaking sun is a badness. Is all for the greater goodnessing, no?"
Kuriq |
Kuriq turns his head to greet the group. In reply to Crios, he explains a somewhat vague dark past. "Indeed it is, it was only by Saranrae's good graces that I'm not a dead junky."
Turning then to Kivuli and Ranalus, he maintains a wry manner, "I'm no stranger to the darkness..." Moving himself then to a seat, to continue in chatter.
Anduris Kreel |
Anduris steps into the room looking at the others and catching up with the conversation. He steps forward amongst the other people in the room the trappings of his trade jingling softly as he moves. He taps out the content of the churchwarden pipe onto the floor then searching, without immediate success, for more Andoran longbottom weed.
Heh! Ye be 'ere ah'ready. 'Spose it be good that yer all comf'table in the dark. Seems most 'o the time there be that in any good 'venture. Anduris is me name. I hope 'eh have ah variety of skills that can help us through this.
Chaosorbit |
So rather than preparing for a mission you've actually gathered for a grand banquet. The fourth and final day of training has come to a close at the Grand Lodge of Absalom, heralding the end of this year’s Torchbearing.
Pathfinders the world over attend this annual symposium to share their knowledge, teach each other new skills, and reinforce their connections across the Inner Sea and beyond. To celebrate the end of festivities, the lodge is hosting a grand banquet in the visiting agents’ honor. You find yourself in your present company for dinner. A refreshing winter breeze blows through an open window, flickering torches and sending papers scattering. The smell of freshly baked desserts fills the air while initiates clear away the remnants of the first course, delicious jumbo prawns imported all the way from the Varisian Gulf.
Over the past three and a half days, you've perhaps attended a variety of classes, from Golarion’s history to spellcasting techniques, or ran obstacle courses or the traditional triathlon all put on and taught by the Three Masters (Kreighton Shane, Sorrina Westyr, and Marcos Farabellus), along with other notable Pathfinders.
Feel free to share what you've learn over the last 3+ days, also, let me know if you have the Restful Pathfinders’Lounge vanity.
Kuriq |
Attempting to keep good impressions, Kuriq masks his inner grim by attempting to keep jovial mood throughout the festivities. It has been somewhat successful.
"How peculiar, had I known of the existence of an Ioun stone, I might have invested in some earlier."
Ranalus |
"It's good to see how well the lodge has rallied since the Aspis attack. I heard about the battle with Aram Zey in such vivid detail that it was as if I were there."
Ranalus just applied the credit from a certain scenario where we played the Consortium agents...
Reavis Smoot |
"Hey, did you guys know that there's actual tooth fairies that rip your front teeth out with big pliers? The First World is one mess up place." Reavis relates with a hearty chuckle between shots of rum.
Anduris Kreel |
Anduris searches fitfully around in several of his pockets sewn neatly into his garments until finally with a satisfied grin he pulls out what looks to be a set of false teeth.
"Ya never can be to prepared if'n ye be deal'en with the fey."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
"I was hoping to hear more about Osirian artifacts. Maybe nexting timely. They am needing an obstacle course for shortened races. Too highly were some of the fencings."
Chaosorbit |
The table conversation is light and informative. A fruity, sweet salad is served next and matches the conversation quite well. You all feel your training this week has been beneficial.
Each of you may choose one skill. For the duration of this adventure, you will either treat it as a class skill or gain a +1 bonus on checks with that skill if it was already a class skill.
Over the preceding days you may have picked up a bit of information in passing.
You learn all of the information whose DC is equal to or less than the result of your Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) check.
Kuriq |
Kuriq will choose Kn. Planar as the class skill.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Although he considers himself somewhat a recluse, Kuriq is notably social and manages to divulge some information from whispers around the corridors.
"I've heard that during the course the Three Masters keep their eyes out of outstanding agents who embody the Pathfinder Society Ideals. A reward is said to be even passed at the end of the Torchbearing..."
Ranalus |
"Dealing with the Fey is mostly a matter of watching your words. Don't be rude, and don't make promises you can't keep. At least, so it has been in my experience. Oh, and of course,
try not to make assumptions about what you see. But there are such wonders in the First World. I hope to have a mission there soon."
He wears an odd holy symbol, an eye with a crescent moon pupil.
Taking Knowledge (Local) as the class skill for this mission.
Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Well that paid off!
"I too have heard such reports, Kuriq. I have also heard that Pathfinders may disappear for hours during these events, allegedly to be brought before the Decemvirate for unknown reasons."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
I will take the skill bonus to Escape Artist.
Kknow, Local, Take 10: 10 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + 9 + (4) = 23
In response to Kuriq, "Am those the specialed Wayfinders I hearings about?"
Crios Greymantle |
diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Choosing Know engineering as my skill for this mission.
"I am glad we have met friends who are so in the know, as it were. I have learned much while here, but I appreciate your insights as some of the most valued." Crios says as he twists and stretches. "The obstacle courses were particularly invigorating I found."
Pulling out a heavy tome he points while mentioning, "I myself found time to study some very interesting engineering while I was here. This was something I was surprised by. Did you know that using slaked lime and a volcanic ash known as pozzolana, you can create a sticky paste that combined with volcanic rocks called tuff, creates a hardened material that could effectively endure chemical decay. Think of the possibilities! We could build things that will last millennia and all without magic! Simply fascinating!"
Reavis Smoot |
I'll take Knowledge (local) as a class skill for this scenario.
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
"Heh, that sounds cool, but I usually leave some collateral damage around me wherever I go so they would never pick me as one of their special 'head of the class' Pathfinders. I don't think meeting the Decemvirate would be all that interesting anyway, it's not like they're going to invite me to their beach parties." Reavis says in a matter-of-fact tone with a casual shrug.
Chaosorbit |
As Chelish Reds for Zarta Dralneen's private cellar and Dark Ales from the Five Kings Mountains flow, the main course arrives succulent rack of lamb or tender filet's from fine Andoran cattle. The mouth watering meal concludes with the dessert course, all manner of fine pastry from baker's right here in the City at the Center of the world. As you enjoys the sweets, a small origami swan flutters through the room and lands on the center of the table. In moments, it unfolds itself into a crisp and crease-less piece of paper.
You know all of the information about the Blakros family whose DC is equal to or less than the result of your Knowledge (nobility) check.
You know all of the information about the Blakros museum whose DC is equal to or less than the result of your Knowledge (local) check.
You know all of the information about Nigel Aldain whose DC is equal to or less than the result of your Knowledge (local) check.
Reavis Smoot |
Knowledge (local) Blakros Museum: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Knowledge (local) Nigel Aldain: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
"Blakros Museum, eh? Heard there's a exhibit going on there on the Shining Crusade. That Aldain guy has supposedly been researching it. Never been to the museum myself, but I heard stories."
Kuriq |
Don't have any of those Kn. skills.
"I know nothing of this Museum nor the people behind it," mutters Kuriq sternly."But trouble is no stranger to us, and we best start our preparations. Those who practice evil must see the light."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
Know, Nobility: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 9 + (1) = 25
Know, Local (Blakros): 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 9 + (2) = 20
Know, Local, Aldain): 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 9 + (3) = 28
"I have hearing the sponsors dealing with unscrutibly organizations. Aldain be also worried for magic intrusions, spending muchly to improve the museum, including golems."
Ranalus |
Local, Museum: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
"Shadow magic is at work in the museum... Possibly a portal to my Lord's realm? In any case, the inside of the museum can be larger than the outside. Perhaps I can be of assistance."
Local, Nigel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
"Yes, I know a bit about Nigel Aldain. A former Pathfinder, still works with us. A good sort, though as of late far too interested in the Shining Crusade; zealots never do any good for the common people.
I know the museum is backed by the Blakros family, but I couldn't care less about the nobility of Absalom. My allegiance is more with the outcasts, the exiles, and the forgotten than with the powerful. Still, if Nigel needs assistance, we should go to him. For the Society."
Anduris Kreel |
Know Local, Blakros: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Know Local, Aldain: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
"Well, nothing I know will be add'n ta anything ya already know so keep yer minds ta think'n an maybe we can come up with more ah someth'en we don't know...ya know."
Crios Greymantle |
know local, Blakros: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
know local, Aldain: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
As the group discusses what each member knows about the Blakros Museum and the curator, Nigel Aldain, Crios nods with each new revelation.
"You all bring up interesting view points. I have never met Nigel myself, but I have it on good authority that he only resigned from our group after marrying Dhrami Blakros. Once he did that, he took the position of curator at the museum as it was part of his marriage contract."
He points out, "The sad thing is that ever since he became the curator, the museum has suffered one trouble after another. He doesn't really work for us, but each time he has a mishap, he asked the Society to help him clean up."
"Nigel is a curious sort, wanting to stand on his own but always coming back to us for help. I think he just wants this exhibit to go off without incident so that he can prove he doesn't need us anymore, more as a point of pride than out of any real animosity. I would imagine that is why he has spent so very much money on security."
Chaosorbit |
Feel free to continue the conversation. We are holding until later today, when the Overseer will launch us into the next phase.
GM Granta |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The front doors of Skyreach burst open with a loud crack. Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin strides to the edge of the platform, with a slender elf dressed in practical but expensive clothing trailing meekly behind. The red-faced venture-captain addresses the crowd in a booming voice.
“Pathfinders, I regret interrupting the festivities, but we have something of a situation. Approximately twenty minutes ago, unknown forces invaded the Blakros Museum. Fortunately for everyone involved, the Torchbearing is about cooperation and helping our colleagues, so let’s think of this less as an inconvenience and more as an opportunity to practice what we preach.”
The elf, Nigel, exhales sharply, then speaks, “Now, Ambrus, I’ve spent a king’s ransom fortifying the museum from all sorts of invaders: sentinels from the Golemworks, magical wards from the Arcanamirium, and even contracts for guard beasts, both magical and mundane—spared no expense. I didn’t want to come here, but I’ve got no choice.”
Valsin’s forced smile cracks slightly, showing his annoyance. “Out with it, Nigel. Get to the point.”
“Someone broke into my museum and set off the magical protections! I was preserving priceless Shining Crusade pieces for our new exhibit when the first alarm activated. I sent for district guards and went to investigate, but by the time I arrived, the thieves had already locked themselves in my study. They somehow caused the Shining Crusade relics to fly around the museum and attack my sentinels. Everything is going haywire! The magical traps started to target me, the sentinels are not responding to my commands, and—”
Valsin holds out a hand to steady the increasingly agitated elf. “The last you knew, the thieves were still in your study?” Nigel nods. “Very well. Pathfinders: the Seekers should prepare to teleport directly into the Blakros study—“
“That won’t work,” Nigel interrupts, “The study is magically sealed. After that dreadful Numerian exhibit, I turned it into a magical safe room. The robbers must have figured out how to activate it; no one can get in or out while the wards hold. I can work on breaking the wards, but meanwhile my sentinels are smashing up the collection. Some of those priceless relics are on loan from your own Society lodges, so helping me is really helping yourselves.”
“Fine.” Ambrus Valsin takes a deep breath and then turns to the assembled Pathfinders. “Pathfinders, go to the Blakros Museum, secure any relics you can, disable the security systems, and apprehend the looters if possible. Stay safe.”
@Table GMs: You may now run Part A on page 10 and Part B on page 14, in whatever order you choose. Please do not proceed to Part C yet.
Chaosorbit |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
And we are off
You make your way to Museum with your fellow Pathfinders. Dozens of Wise District guards surround the Blakros Museum. You find yourself within ear shot of Venture Captain Valsin as he approaches. The sergeant nods to Ambrus Valsin as he approaches, a subtle smirk dancing across the venture-captain’s face. The museum itself is alight with swirling whorls of color and the sounds of metal and stone clashing. Occasionally, brief flashes of light burst from the front entrance, illuminating a toppled banner that says “Legacy of the Shining Crusade.”
The broad-shouldered, middle-aged Ulfen man salutes, a somewhat bemused expression on his face. “Well met, Venture-Captain Valsin. I am Svaralk of Asleifar, Sergeant of the Learned Guard. The Guard appreciates your assistance.” He points to his subordinates, “Our initial attempt to quell the animated relics within failed. I’ve ordered the Guard to withdraw and form a perimeter.”
Ambrus Valsin returns the sergeant’s salute, a gesture of mutual respect. “You once served in Grand Prince Stavian III’s Ulfen Guard, did you not?”
Svaralk nods, “That’s right. Afterwards, I retired to Absalom and have served this city for seven years. This is not the first catastrophe I’ve responded to at the Blakros Museum, though none has been quite so dramatic as this. As if anyone needed further proof of the museum’s reputation for trouble.”
The Ulfen confides to the Venture-Captain, “After Nigel Aldain harangued me for dereliction of duty in not immediately retaking the museum, I’m in no rush to sacrifice the lives under my command until the warring creatures inside wear each other down.” He holds up a hand and shakes his head, “I don’t hold Nigel Aldain’s outburst against him. I recognize the elf is rightfully concerned—albeit rather precious—about his exhibit.”
Svaralk turns to your team of Pathfinders and says, “Before you enter, I can provide you an overview of the museum’s layout and tell you that there are animated relics and guard animals on the ground level, and clockwork creatures skirmishing with each other on the floor above. We also have an especially challenging problem in the gardens at the southeast corner of the museum grounds. Some kind of magical runes displaying swarm-like behavior, more magical devices really than living creatures. They proved too complicated a challenge for me and my guards; we simply lacked the skills to disable them.”
Pathfinders you may go 1) straight ahead toward animated relics; 2) to the right toward toward guard animals; 3) to the left and upstairs toward clockworks; or 4) around back to the gardens for swarm wards. Once 3 are in agreement we'll head there.
Anduris Kreel |
"Come to tha Lodge and relax ah'while he says. After yer near death 'xperience ya need ta be take'n er easy fer ah'while he says. Well, since there be nowhere in tha infinite layers o'abyss to rest may as well getten back ta business. Suppose I am in."
Kivuli Greyfeather |
Well, I have an adamantine weapon for the relics, and a decent 'disable device' for the swarm (but only Alchemist's Fire if it goes sideways) for the swarm. My preferences in order are 1) animals 2) swarm 3) relics 4) Clockwork.
With an assuring confidence to Svaralk, "We am up for any challenge!"
Ranalus |
I'd expect there is more to dealing with the relics than just smashing them with adamantine weapons; some clever solution may be in order. Likewise for the rune-swarm, the usual tactic of alchemists' fire is probably not the right course of action.
Ranalus has a decent Disable Device but can't do magical traps; still, Kivuli's check is so high that the swarm would be my first option. Nigel's guard animals we'd prefer to subdue rather than kill, I would think. Ranalus hates to kill anything he doesn't need to. Anybody have good options in this regard?
The clockwork constructs I think we can just smash and get them fixed later.
My preferences are 1) rune-swarm, 2) relics, 3) clockwork, 4) animals.
"Where do you need us the most?"
Reavis Smoot |
I have a +17 for Disable Device with mutagen and my bombs are usually pretty effective against swarms although maybe not these ones.
As the group arrives at the museum, Reavis takes the opportunity to drink his dexterity mutagen and an extract of Barkskin.
Changes to scores will be reflected in Reavis' status line. Please note these include Initiative and Perception.
"Let's take those swarms out, it should be fun. Unless you guys rather take on the animals. I ain't too hot about the clockwork or the relics, they tend to resist my bombs too much. I should have invested in adamantine arrows."
1)Swarm, 2) Animals, 3) relics, 4) Clockwork
Crios Greymantle |
Clockwork items usually can be susceptible to disable attempts too. I think with our skill set there we can do well vs them. Bash or disable.
The swarms will be challenging unless they can also be disabled, and it sound like they might be able to be. my preference is 1)clockwork,2)rune-swarm, 3)animals(we can take -4 to hit for non-lethal if we must, but they will likely be the easiest to defeat, but they may be the most damaging to us), and 4) relics
Crios Greymantle |
"hmm... we seem to be at a crossroads. Dealing with the rune-swarm seems to be the one area highest on everyone's lists of where to go, so let us be headed there, as there is no more time to waste!" and with that Crios leads the group to the area with the swarm, casting shield once near even though he doesn't expect it to offer any help.