Chaosorbit's PFS 7-06/7-08: To Judge A Soul (Inactive)

Game Master Chaosorbit

Handout 1

Handout 2


Judges Tower

Judges Realm

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The Exchange

F Kitsune Oracle/7 (HP 52/52 | AC:22 [+1 Buckler; +1 vs Performance Weapons*] | T:15 [+1*] | FF:18 [+1 Buckler] | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+7 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc:+5 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-6
Lv1: 8/8 | Lv2: 7/7 | Lv3: 5/5 | Heat Aura: 2/2 | Touch of Flame: 8/8 | Wings of Fire: 7/7 | Eastern Mysteries: 1/1

"Is there something we can do to help the new Bakten?" Miyako asks Twig.

"Can we find his new reincarnation?"

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Oh noes! Part 2 is starting... must level up fast...

Mido currently in a tantric state of meditation is merely physically present at the briefing as he contemplates his own errors and his next steps towards perfection.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Twig replies Time will tell walk lookers. New Bakten will be making known when ready.

You contact Amari Li with your report.

Several weeks have passed since your return to Amanandar. Since the death of Venture-Captain Bakten Shengrah, New Oppara has been in mourning. The heavens echo the city’s grief, bestowing shrouds of inky storm clouds on the city, rolling down from the Zi Ha Mountains to the north. On orders from the Lantern Lodge, all local Pathfinders have cloistered themselves within the samsaran guru’s sanctuary, combing his libraries for clues that might explain the strange resuscitation of Bakten’s candle of conveyance, for none of the sages of Amanandar can explain how the candle still burns when Bakten’s soul has departed.

As the black clouds hurl blizzards from above, an unlikely source of aid appears at the sanctuary’s gates: an elderly elven noblewoman stumbles in, frostbitten and half-delirious. It's none other than Lady Ishigo Shiori.

“I came to atone,” she cries, “Bakten was once Malash—a hero. But what was Malash next? That evil woman! I loathed her so. I thought she stole my love’s heart, and blamed her next life, Bakten, too! But if he knew nothing of his own veiled life?”

Her ancient hands clutch a weather-beaten scroll case, as if it were a lifeline. “Tell me he is not dead, please!” She begs, “If Bakten is fallen, I fear the shrouded one may rise and doom us all!”

This is designed to be a soft start, so please take the time you need to get your characters updated. We'll just ease into it and wait till everyone says they are ready, before we proceed past the intro stuff.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

"Lady Ishigo Shiori, please come in, sit by the fire." Elska takes out a warm fur from her pack and wraps the elven noblewoman in it. "Can we get you some tea or coffee?"

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Thank you Elska, yes some tea would be lovely. Lady Ishigo accepts the fur, shivering, and makes her way toward the fire, taking a seat.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 42/42 |AC:18 T:13 FF:15,| CMD: 22/25 vs Disarm/26 vs trip/28 vs grapple | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +4 | Perc: +10, Init: +2, Speed 30ft, Sense Motive: +7| 4 of 5/day left Martial Flexibility, CG Human Brawler 5, Unarmed Strike +10, 1d8+4 20, x2. Brawler’s Flurry, +8/+8 1d8+4, 20, x2.

Watching the interchange between Elska and Lady Shiori, he'll make them both a cup of tea and walk over to sit with them and give them their tea.

"Yes, it is a rather dire situation, Bakten new's reincarnation is a troublin' matter and we hope to either find who they are or hope they made themselves known to us soon."

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Lady Ishigo Shiori leaps from her chair Bakten lives!

Then settling herself down.

Or rather a new Bakten or a new someone.

That is good news indeed and makes it all the more important to find out who and where he is. She adds further. After you Pathfinders visited Jinin, I realized if Bakten himself recalled nothing of the shrouded one, then perhaps she was a separate soul entirely. Word soon spread that you had told Daimyo Haraka Kasashige Lord Mata Ryuu was under psychic control and it all began to make sense. So I sent one of my daughters to ransack Ryuu’s chambers. I had to know what creature had ensnared him centuries ago. She brought me this scroll.

Trembling, Shiori proffers a letter

Handout 2

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Adopted by Gnomes) Warpriest 4, AC 16, T9, FF16, (CURRENT AC 17/T10/FF17, 3 DEX DAMAGE); Init. -1; CMD 14; hp 24/24; [ON FIRE] Fort+5, Ref+0, Will+7; Percept. +3; Diplom. +9; Fervor 5/5; Blessings 7/7; Sacred weapon 4/4 rounds

Giltman takes his turn reading the letter, and scratches his head.
"I'm sorry, I think I don't understand what it means."
[dice=Kn. religion on "lord of envy"?]1d20+4[/dice]

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

"Giltman, may I?" Elska takes the letter from her friend when he has finished reading it.

"Huh. That's interesting. I don't think I'd like to see this 'eon of night' come to pass. I would prefer to face these storms." She smiles and adds, "Honestly, they remind me of home." She passes the letter to the next person.

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 Elska might know something?

I am going to spend 2 more Prestige to get a wand of endure elements while we are still in New Opparra. Those Prestige Points will come off of the chronicle from this scenario (#7-08), if that's ok with you, Chaosorbit?

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Mido studies the scroll with stern gaze and nods as things fall into place for the wise old Gnome.

OOC I think I know who this lord of Envy is...he digs the Naginata

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Maps and Handout

@Elska see discussion re: endure elements

At Giltman's request Lady Ishigo elebraotes.

Perhaps I should start near the beginning, Lord Mata Ryuu and I were devoted to one another. But one day I saw him dallying with a samsaran woman whose hair was a black shroud. He swiftly rejected me, and he was never the same man after that. Her face shows the pain of this slight still grieves her to this day.

She continues, Samsarans are rare in Jinin, and in my centuries I have known truly only one despite its many shells, Bakten. Then another was Jujanil, the evil creature who stole my love’s heart. I was certain that she was one of Bakten’s past lives, a being of the same soul, but now I am not so sure. I made a terrible mistake, and now we may be doomed. Clearly ashamed her voice grows shakey as she goes on.

When I learned that Bakten was nearing the end of his cycle of reincarnation, I sought to fulfill an old oath—to kill the woman who stole my one true love. I arranged for some assassins to visit Bakten, as I believed he was once that same woman. But the truth is more horrible, now that the scroll has come to the light of day.

Regaining some of her strength she puts the final piece into the puzzle. What if this ‘other soul’ she speaks of is Malash—and Bakten? What if Jujanil were somehow separated from her other incarnations and is waiting, now, for Bakten’s soul to leave, before she can arise?”

That's why it is so important that he did not yet pass on to enlightenment and why we must find out if I'm correct, it is of utmost urgency. Please launch an immediate expedition to the Black Grave Tower, find out if I'm correct.

Between Elska, Giltman, and Mido you actually know a good deal about the Lord of Envy.

Fumeiyoshi, Lord of Envy, is one of the 20 prominent deities of Tian Xia. He was once known as the God of Night. However, he grew jealous of his brother Tsukiyo’s love for the goddess Shizuru. This envy led him to fratricide, and he became the patron of dishonor, envy, graves, and undead. Fumeiyoshi often manifests to his worshipers as a nearly skeletal crimson humanoid with three eyes, jagged tusks, and twisted claws. His unholy symbol is a red demonic face, and his sacred animal is a wolf, sometimes shown devouring a freshly killed hare, the sacred animal of his brother Tsukiyo. His favored weapon is the naginata. Envious of the living, Fumeiyoshi grants eternal unlife to his most devoted servants. He particularly loathes samsarans, as their souls evade his clutches through reincarnation. An undead samsaran would be a favored follower of the dark god.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

Elska looks stern, "That is a tragic story, Lady Ishigo. I am so sorry for you. You have been so kind to us, it would be our pleasure to help you learn the truth, right Bo?" Elska elbows Beauregard.

"How far away is this tower? How do we get there? What do you want us to do when we arrive? And what if we should face this Jujanil?"

Elska peers outside, "These storms look pretty bad, should we wait until they let up? Nuk and I will be fine, but I worry about the others," oblivious to the rudeness of her remark, she looks at her friends.

Elska will share with her friends the portion of Fumeiyoshi's story that she is familiar with.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 42/42 |AC:18 T:13 FF:15,| CMD: 22/25 vs Disarm/26 vs trip/28 vs grapple | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +4 | Perc: +10, Init: +2, Speed 30ft, Sense Motive: +7| 4 of 5/day left Martial Flexibility, CG Human Brawler 5, Unarmed Strike +10, 1d8+4 20, x2. Brawler’s Flurry, +8/+8 1d8+4, 20, x2.

"Hah, of course Elska, we'd love to help out." preferring his waterskin to tea or coffee or booze right now, Bo will listen to his companions rattle off what they know about the Lord of Envy "I'm not a godly man, by no means, a cleric of Saranrae and a cleric of Lamashtu both take a punch the same, I am sure these cultists of Foomooyooshoo will too."

Bo only has cold-weather gear for an outfit so he'll probably be good.

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Mido could prepare endure elements so he should be alright

Let us seek out this tower but first you must tell us all you know Lady Ishigo

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Adopted by Gnomes) Warpriest 4, AC 16, T9, FF16, (CURRENT AC 17/T10/FF17, 3 DEX DAMAGE); Init. -1; CMD 14; hp 24/24; [ON FIRE] Fort+5, Ref+0, Will+7; Percept. +3; Diplom. +9; Fervor 5/5; Blessings 7/7; Sacred weapon 4/4 rounds

"Yes, definitely. We will aid you in this endeavor. "

The Exchange

F Kitsune Oracle/7 (HP 52/52 | AC:22 [+1 Buckler; +1 vs Performance Weapons*] | T:15 [+1*] | FF:18 [+1 Buckler] | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+7 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc:+5 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-6
Lv1: 8/8 | Lv2: 7/7 | Lv3: 5/5 | Heat Aura: 2/2 | Touch of Flame: 8/8 | Wings of Fire: 7/7 | Eastern Mysteries: 1/1

In case we require it in addition to our boon, I have endure elements on my spell list.

"Ready to go when everyone else is," Miyako says, and gets up to leave.

"Oh wait, isn't someone named Seoni joining us?"

Miyako sits back down. "In that case we have some time left to... uh... I don't know... Someone wants to play a game?"

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Lady Ishigo looks slightly relieved for the first time. Excellent, I knew you could be counted on.

Pulling another parchment from her robes, The Black Grave Tower is a secluded pagoda of black basalt high atop the Wild Peaks of Zi Ha.

She unrolls map of the nearby mountains showing the most direct route to the tower.

I was able to find this map, it should lead to the tower.

Some of you may know more about the Black Grave Tower

Know History or Geography DC15:

Locals shun the tower, believing it to be haunted.

Know History or Geography DC20:

When the pagoda was built, a pilgrimage of crimson-clad priests traveled the lone mountain pass to christen the tower in the name of the Lord of Envy, the god Fumeiyoshi.

Know History or Geography DC25:

The funds for the pagoda’s construction came from the Mata house in Jinin, although a raven-haired samsaran supposedly oversaw its completion.

Lady Ishigo continues, I've arranged to have cold-weather gear delivered this afternoon for you all. It will be bitter cold and windy in those mountains. Also, I've brought you this, hopefully it will be helpful.

She produces a wrapped cloth, opening it she reveals a single bone-white arrow.

arrow of slaying (undead):

This +1 arrow is keyed to a particular type or subtype of creature. If it strikes such a creature, the target must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 50 points of damage. Note that even creatures normally exempt from Fortitude saves (undead and constructs) are subject to this attack. When keyed to a living creature, this is a death effect (and thus death ward protects a target).

With this offering she states, No such creature hails from the realm of the living. With this arrow’s purity, may you fell the beast that has vexed me for so long. Do this for me and help free my love from this monster’s thrall.

Feel free to ask more questions if you have them and you may purchase additional equipment in New Oppara before departing into the mountains. If you need any additional items.

The Exchange

F Kitsune Oracle/7 (HP 52/52 | AC:22 [+1 Buckler; +1 vs Performance Weapons*] | T:15 [+1*] | FF:18 [+1 Buckler] | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+7 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc:+5 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-6
Lv1: 8/8 | Lv2: 7/7 | Lv3: 5/5 | Heat Aura: 2/2 | Touch of Flame: 8/8 | Wings of Fire: 7/7 | Eastern Mysteries: 1/1

"Shall I take the arrow?" Miyako asks her allies. "Or do you want it, Elska?"

I have +8 on shots with my longbow.

She jumps off her seat again and moves over to the door. "I'm ready to leave. No more questions!"

Grand Lodge

HP: 42/42 |AC:18 T:13 FF:15,| CMD: 22/25 vs Disarm/26 vs trip/28 vs grapple | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +4 | Perc: +10, Init: +2, Speed 30ft, Sense Motive: +7| 4 of 5/day left Martial Flexibility, CG Human Brawler 5, Unarmed Strike +10, 1d8+4 20, x2. Brawler’s Flurry, +8/+8 1d8+4, 20, x2.

"Its either way, Miya, it is a rather precious arrow." Turning toward the Lady, "I also have no further questions. Seems pretty easy, climb this mountain, lay seige to a castle at the top and kill everything inside."

Bo stands up, flexes, stretches then cracks his knuckles and neck. "Let's do this!"

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Lady Ishigo looks sheepishly at Beauregard, I would hope you free, rather than kill Lord Mata Ryuu.

Later in the day, as you make preparations, Cold Weather gear arrives for you all and you set off on your travels.

The arduous journey into the Wild Peaks in southern Zi Ha takes approximately 10 days on foot. While the travelling is hard, it is not overly dangerous on the morning of the tenth day, while in the lowlands, you encounter a group of yak herders, tending there yaks. High peaks loom nearby.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

Knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

"Miyako, you should certainly carry the arrow."

I had already come to that conclusion when I read about it last night. :)

Before setting out, Elska will buy 20 days of trail rations for herself.

While traveling, Elska will hunt and forage for food for everyone.
Survival, take 10: 10 + 10 = 20. That is enough to provide for myself and 5 other people.

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Knowledge History1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Reroll with +1 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Mido thinks long and hard about the tower then as he has cleared the cobwebs begins to retell what he knows of it.

The black grave tower is said to be haunted. In fact I recall a tale about when the pagoda was built. It is said that a pilgrimage of crimson-clad priests traveled the lone mountain pass to christen the tower in the name of the Lord of Envy, the god Fumeiyoshi.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

"That sounds scary! Bo, I'm glad you are going to be there."

Elska ponders, "Should we pick up any holy water?"

Elska will buy 1 flask of holy water (25 gp) before setting out.

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Adopted by Gnomes) Warpriest 4, AC 16, T9, FF16, (CURRENT AC 17/T10/FF17, 3 DEX DAMAGE); Init. -1; CMD 14; hp 24/24; [ON FIRE] Fort+5, Ref+0, Will+7; Percept. +3; Diplom. +9; Fervor 5/5; Blessings 7/7; Sacred weapon 4/4 rounds

"Undead-slaying in a haunted tower. Sounds like we're perfect for such a job. I am ready to help in this endeavor."

Grand Lodge

HP: 42/42 |AC:18 T:13 FF:15,| CMD: 22/25 vs Disarm/26 vs trip/28 vs grapple | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +4 | Perc: +10, Init: +2, Speed 30ft, Sense Motive: +7| 4 of 5/day left Martial Flexibility, CG Human Brawler 5, Unarmed Strike +10, 1d8+4 20, x2. Brawler’s Flurry, +8/+8 1d8+4, 20, x2.

Bo makes an active gesture to deactivate his Amulet of Mighty fists, "These undead will receive no mercy from me!"

The Exchange

F Kitsune Oracle/7 (HP 52/52 | AC:22 [+1 Buckler; +1 vs Performance Weapons*] | T:15 [+1*] | FF:18 [+1 Buckler] | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+7 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc:+5 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-6
Lv1: 8/8 | Lv2: 7/7 | Lv3: 5/5 | Heat Aura: 2/2 | Touch of Flame: 8/8 | Wings of Fire: 7/7 | Eastern Mysteries: 1/1

Miyako stares at the yaks. "Those animals look funny."

She shrugs and continues to walk toward the party's destination. "Let's gooo!"

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

"Yep, let's get a move on!" :) I'm really excited to head to the spooky tower.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 9 HP 58 | AC 21; Touch 13; FF 19 | F +8; R +9; W +8 | CMB+7; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +6 Bard 9

A tall man enters the room with a lute strapped to his back. A raccoon climbs up on his shoulder.

Greetings fellow Pathfinders...I am Kelson a bard from Andoran. This is my friend Fastpaws. Perhaps I might know something of the tower.

know History: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

- - -

Kelson dawns the cold weather gear and follows the party.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Right before you depart New Oppara you are joined by Kelson, a bard, sent by Amari Li to provide your further assistance.


The herders shoot you disapproving glances as you move forward on the only trail. It leads through a 3-mile-long pass surrounded by steep cliffs. You climb higher and higher, the higher you climb you begin to feel the punishing cold, the wind blows fiercely cutting you from seemingly every angle, and constant snowfall makes travelling tough. When the exceedingly hostile conditions threaten to end your travels, you activate the small statuette of a yeti cradling a child given to you as a gift from the villagers of Dallo. Suddenly, a sort of protective bubble seems to surround the group, you no longer feel the effects of the altitude, the cold seems less punishing, the wind seems move around you without hitting you, and while the snow still hampers your speed the going seems easier. While before you often couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you from whiteout conditions, you now seem to be able to see through the swirling snow with little effort.

gm rolls:

Beauregard: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Elska: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18
Nuk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Giltman: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Kelson: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Master Mido: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Miyako: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Beauregard: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Elska: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Nuk: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Giltman: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Kelson: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Master Mido: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Miyako: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Just as you think you'll never reach your destination, you see a crude wooden sign juts from the ice at the foot of a natural stair formation. Beyond, the mountain’s ridge drops away suddenly. The sign is written in something other than common.

speak Aklo, DC 20 Lingustics, Comprehend Languages:

The sign say "Turn back, for the world as you know it ends here."

A short distance ahead the sudden drop signals the end of one range and the beginning of another. Far below, the cracking squawk of shifting ice answers the thunder in the sky above. A rickety rope bridge extends across the gap, flapping like a flag in the relentless winds. The far end is shrouded in spirals of snow. On the other side ahead a jagged tower stretches 50 feet into the sky before disappearing into the thick storm clouds and blinding snow flurries.

Judges Mountain

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 9 HP 58 | AC 21; Touch 13; FF 19 | F +8; R +9; W +8 | CMB+7; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +6 Bard 9

Kelson wanders over to the wooden sign scratches his head and stares at it. Hmmm beats me what it says...

Linguistics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Linguistics 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Hmm ancinet Aklo...I'm not fluent in the script... Mido muses as he incants the words of a spell. a short moment latter he concludes.

"Turn back, for the world as you know it ends here."... The gnome reads out aloud. Well if Pathfinders were so easily disuaded...

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

Earlier: "Welcome to the group, Kelson." Elska smiles warmly at the bard. "What a cute little racoon friend you have there."



Elska draws her bow. "Well, I'm a little scared. I'm glad we are all here together." She moves up front by Bo. "Stay close, Nuk."

Elska squats down, squints, and looks the place over.
Perception, take 20: 20 + 14 = 34

Grand Lodge

HP: 42/42 |AC:18 T:13 FF:15,| CMD: 22/25 vs Disarm/26 vs trip/28 vs grapple | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +4 | Perc: +10, Init: +2, Speed 30ft, Sense Motive: +7| 4 of 5/day left Martial Flexibility, CG Human Brawler 5, Unarmed Strike +10, 1d8+4 20, x2. Brawler’s Flurry, +8/+8 1d8+4, 20, x2.

Earlier: I wonder what the deal was with those Yak herders," Bo shrugs and continues on his merry way putting the yaks behind him in both thought and stride.


Noticing that they've reached the end of their journey, Bo will draw that idol out and use it for an endure elements.
"Hah, nothing to worry about, Elska," Bo moves up to examine the bridge "this bridge looks rather rickety, let's be careful crossing it."

He'll draw out his tekko-Kagi and begin wielding it, just in case combat should break out.

perception to see anything out of the ordinary?: 10 + 10 = 20

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Elska notices three sets of large humanoid footprints leading towards the bridge.

With the help of Beauregard, you also make some observations about the rope bridge. It crosses a river 30 feet below. Teardropshaped floes of ice normally drift downstream, although a recent avalanche deposited a huge pile of packed snow directly beneath the bridge.

@Mido - I'm assuming that was a comprehend languages spell.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague in giants?
Survival, take 10: 10 + 11 = 21

"Careful friends. There's been someone in the area recently. Judging by the size of those prints, the bridge should be sturdy enough for us to cross. But we better search it for traps, just in case."

"Nuk, VERJA!" Elska points at Bo.

"Nuk, DEFEND!"

Elska moves forward quietly and inspects the bridge.
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Apparently there is a surface crust on this snow.
Perception, take 20: 20 + 14 = 34 Takes 1 minute, during which time I'm a sitting duck. :)

Grand Lodge

Male mastodon animal companion 3┃hp 29/29┃AC (16), T (10), FF (15)┃CMD 18┃F+6, R+6, W+2; evasion ┃Init +2 | Per +8; low-light, scent┃speed 40 ft┃gore +6 (2d6+3/19-20), slam +6 (1d6+3)┃Acro +6, Surv +5┃dire collar 0/1
Attack (×2), Come, Defend, Down, Flank, Exclusive, Fetch
conditions: shaken

Nuk trumpets and moves into a guarded stance in front of Bo.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Perhaps giants, definitely humanoid and size large.

Nuk moves into position and guards Beauregard. Elska takes time and inspects the bridge. Cross-able, but dangerous. The wind whips it around a good bit, and careful footing is need to make sure each step is solid.

Speed greater than 5' per round requires a DC12 Reflex save or fall.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

Elska whistles, "Nuk, KOMA!"

"Nuk, COME!"

When Nuk comes to her, Elska gets the rope out of his pack saddle, ties one side off to his saddle, and the other she wraps around her waist. She stows her bow.

She crosses the bridge, paying out rope as she goes. Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 WHEW!

Once on the other side, she calls back to her friends, "I'm ready! Nuk and I will hold the rope for you. Start with the lightest, and we will go up from there!"

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

As Elska hurries across suddenly a Yeti with red eyes emerges as if from nowhere, just as Elska gets halfway across it begins shaking the bridge wildly.

Strength check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Elska give me a strength check.

Scenario did not allow for detecting the Yeti before the attack.

Beauregard: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Giltman: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
Miyako: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Master Mido: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Elska: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Nuk: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Yeti: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Kelson: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Round 1

Round 1 begins after Elska strength check, so pending that Beauregard and Kelson may act.

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

I will NOT be continuing across. Obviously.

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout


The sudden appearance of the Yeti does not shock Elska who sensed danger all along. Despite the violent shaking by the Yeti Elska holds firmly in place. The Yeti seems to be very aggressive and angry.

Beauregard and Kelson are up.

Grand Lodge

HP: 42/42 |AC:18 T:13 FF:15,| CMD: 22/25 vs Disarm/26 vs trip/28 vs grapple | Fort: +6, Refl: +6, Will: +4 | Perc: +10, Init: +2, Speed 30ft, Sense Motive: +7| 4 of 5/day left Martial Flexibility, CG Human Brawler 5, Unarmed Strike +10, 1d8+4 20, x2. Brawler’s Flurry, +8/+8 1d8+4, 20, x2.

Bo will move forward and get ready next to the bridge, grabbing ahold of his amulet and activating its merciful property.

mumbling under his breath"I guess we can show mercy on this yeti"

Then motioning to Elska"Come on, fall back, let's lure it onto our side!"

Silver Crusade

Male Human (Adopted by Gnomes) Warpriest 4, AC 16, T9, FF16, (CURRENT AC 17/T10/FF17, 3 DEX DAMAGE); Init. -1; CMD 14; hp 24/24; [ON FIRE] Fort+5, Ref+0, Will+7; Percept. +3; Diplom. +9; Fervor 5/5; Blessings 7/7; Sacred weapon 4/4 rounds

"A yeti... well then. Let it come to us, friends!"

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Yes! Compreend language. My Domain spell for the day. No Pathfinder worth his salt should leave home without it...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 9 HP 58 | AC 21; Touch 13; FF 19 | F +8; R +9; W +8 | CMB+7; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +6 Bard 9

Kelson waives his hand in the air and murmurs an incantation.

glitterdust on the yeti DC 15 will save.

"Perhaps that will hold him off for a bit!"

Silver Crusade

Maps and Handout

Beauregard moves up, activating his amulet; Kelson casts glitterdust.

DC 15 Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Pass

The yeti manages to avoid the blinding dust and stares down at Elska with a frightful gaze.

Elska DC 13 Will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Elska is not afraid by the intimidating presence.

The yeti takes a step forward then appears to be casting a spell.

Elska DC18 Will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Nuk DC 18 Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Beauregard DC 18 Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Elska and Nuk begin to feel very sluggish.

An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. Creatures affected by this spell are staggered and can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). Additionally, it takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for decreased speed.

@Mido - Know Nature

Round 1 Judges Mountain

Round 2

All Pathfinder are up!

Grand Lodge

male Gnome Scholar Init +3 Perception +7, Darkvision, Speed 20ft HP: 40 AC: 19(FF 16/T 14) CMD: 12 CMB: +2 BAB: +2 Wil: +4 (Use charisma versus charm and Compulsiion +3 vs Mind Affecting) FORT: +5 REF: +6

Well if the Yet does nothing I can save myself the use of Bewildering Koan:) Which knowledge skill is needed toidentify yetis?Local or nature?

Kn. Nature 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Run as a full round action and bewilder as a swift action. Might as well burn through my ki-points early as they won't help me much against undead...

Mido spurts to the bridge where he faces the yeti eye to eye.

If the world as we know ends here is the world as you know on the other side of that bridge? Mido inquires of the Yeti hoping to distract it momentarily.

Bluff1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 9 HP 58 | AC 21; Touch 13; FF 19 | F +8; R +9; W +8 | CMB+7; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2 | Perc +12 | Stealth: +6 Bard 9

Kelson breaks into a rising tune about Andoran liberty. Fastpaws claps his paws in rhythm to the song.

"Lady victory she leads us to liberty..

Inspire courage +2 to hit, damage, +2 saves vs charm effects

Grand Lodge

LG Female human divine hunter (Erastil) 2, zen archer 2┃hp 29/35┃AC 17, T 17, FF 14┃CMD 16┃F+7, R+8, W+7 ┃Init +2 | Perc +14┃speed 30 ft┃Acro +8, Climb +7, Handle Animal +6 (+10), Geo +5, Hist +5, Nat +5, Rel +5, Ling +2, Snse Motiv +8, Splcrft +5, Surv +11 (+12, +13)┃Spells 1st—2/3 ┃Animal Focus 1/2┃Perfect Strike 1/1┃Active Conditions: antiplague

If it is ok, I am going to use my birthday reroll that James Jacobs gave me on that Will save.

Will save, DC 18: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Ugh.

Elska merely moves 15 ft. toward the friendly side of the bridge.

Reflex, slowed: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 1 = 14 :(

And she falls!

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

...a long way, apparently.

The Exchange

F Kitsune Oracle/7 (HP 52/52 | AC:22 [+1 Buckler; +1 vs Performance Weapons*] | T:15 [+1*] | FF:18 [+1 Buckler] | CMB:5 | CMD:19 | Fort:+4 | Ref:+7 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc:+5 | Speed:20) PFS#: 115025-6
Lv1: 8/8 | Lv2: 7/7 | Lv3: 5/5 | Heat Aura: 2/2 | Touch of Flame: 8/8 | Wings of Fire: 7/7 | Eastern Mysteries: 1/1

Miyako casts ant haul on herself, to negate all the penalties from carrying what's usually a medium load for the next ten hours.

Should've done that just a little sooner...

She then moves closer to the bridge.

@GM: I expect we'll finish the scenario before thus 10 in-game hours have passed, but please let me know if they pass while we're still playing.

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