hustonj |
Punza, Varisian Dirge bard
Growing up in a Varisian Cravan, Punka found himself surrounded by superstition and evidence of the validity of such superstition. A major part of that evidence was the power of The Harrow, and the women who wielded it.
Punza spent most of his life inside Ustalav, not that the borders meant anything significant to the caravan. This stacked superstition upon superstition in his mind. As he reached puberty, and would normally have begun deeper training in his role within the caravan, he began expressing The Gift.
He was expelled from the caravan in Ardis, as a violation of the natural order. Men are not supposed to have The Gift. The locals refused to trust Punza or have much to do with him. A boy just entering puberty and thrown out into the wolrd with no support is either going to turn to crime, find unexpected help, or have an extremely difficult time.
Punza found unexpected help. Professor Lorrimor discovered the poor lad and took him in long enough to set him up more comfortably. He helped Punza get set up with the local militia, where the boy worked as a servant, but had food, shelter, and time to learn and expand his horizons. Punza focused on learning more about The Harrow, The Gift and the world around him. As he got older, he continued practicing the entertainmet skills he had learned earlier in his life, and worked to expand his skills into the realm of the fortune tellers who use The Harrow.
In the last few months, he began patrolling with the militia, and learned more about cooperative tactical combat than he knew there was to learn. He was trying to decide whether to follow his heart and Gift, and try to work as a MALE Varisian Fortune Teller, or to follow convenience and security and formally become part of the Ardis militia. Whie struggling with this decision, he received notification of Professer Lorrimor's death, and the request for him to atend the reading of the will.
Thus, young Punza finds himself on the road to Ravengro, uncertain who he should be, without a place where he truly belongs, weilding gifts that mark him as strange and not to be trusted.
Init +1
Move 20'
Neutral Good
BAB+0 Melee+0 Ranged+1 CMB+0 (Str+0, Dex+1)
Whip +0 for 1d3-1 @ x2, S, nonlethal, reach, trip, disarm
Perform Aid Another for attack to provide +3 to hit
AC13 T11 F12 CMD11 (Leather+2, Dex+1, BAB+0, Str+0)
HP 9 (+1 Con)
Fort +1 (+1 Con)
Ref +3 (+1 Dex)
Will +3 (+1 Wis)
+1 Will vs Enchantments
+1 Trait vs Fear
* @ DC14 Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Spark
2 @ DC15 Level 1: Chord of Shards; Cure Light Wounds
Concentration: 1d20+Caster Level+4
8 Rds Bard Song (+Lingering Song)
1 Harrow Deck draw/Day for +2 to D20 roll based on suit any time later in day
6+2 Int+1 Skilled+1 Favored Class
Total Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Specified+(Conditional)
+1-Acrobatics 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+2 Appraise 2+0+0
+8 Bluff 4+1+3
+0-Climb 0+0+0 (-3 Load)
+2 Craft 2+0+0
+8 Diplomacy 4+1+3
+4 Disguise 4+0+0
+1-Escape Artist 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+1-Fly 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+1+Heal 1+0+0(+2 to stabilize)
+4 Intimidate 4+0+0
+7 Knowledge (History) 2+1+3+1 Bardic Knowledge
+7 Knowledge (Religion) 2+1+3+1 Bardic Knowledge
+3 Knowledge (All Others) 2+0+0+1 Bardic Knowledge
+1 Perception 1+0+0
+8 Perform (Dance) 4+1+3
+8 Perform (Percussion) 4+1+3
+8 Perform (Sing) 4+1+3
+5 Profession (Fortune-Teller) 1+1+3
+1-Ride 1+0+0 (-3 Load)
+1 Sense Motive 1+0+0
+6 Spellcraft 2+1+3
+1 Stealth 1+0+0
+1 Survival 1+0+0
+0-Swim 0+0+0 (-3 Load)
+8 Use Magic Device 4+1+3
Harrowed +1 Will vs Enchantments, 1 harrow draw/day +2 d20 roll by suit
Lingering Performance +2 Rds duration after cease Bardic Performance
Battlefield Disciple (Combat) +2 Heal to Stabilize, Performing Aid Another for Attack bonus grants +3
Making Good on Promises (Campaign) +1 vs Fear
010.0.0 Leather 15# +2/+6/0/10%/30' (Worn)
001.0.0 Whip 2# 1d3/x2/S/Disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip (Worn)
100.0.0 Harrow Deck (Belt Pouch)
005.0.0 Dancing Drum 3# (Worn)
002.0.0 Backpack 2# (Worn)
000.1.0 Bedroll 5# (Pack)
001.0.0 Belt Pouch .5# (Worn)
008.0.0 Ink (Pack)
000.1.0 Inkpen (Pack)
000.8.0 Iron Pot 4# (Pack)
010.0.0 Journal 1# (Pack)
000.2.0 Mess Kit 1# (Pack)
010.0.0 Mirror .5# (Belt Pouch)
000.0.1 Soap .5# (Pack)
000.1.0 Torches (10) 10# (Pack)
002.5.0 Trail Rations (5) 5# (Pack)
001.0.0 Waterskin 4# (Pack)
FREE0.0 Entertainer's Outfit 4# (Worn)
146.8.1 coin spent, 33 Gold, 1 Silver & 9 Copper on hand
57.5# total carried - 27# without Pack
33# Light (+~/-9/30'/x4)
66# Medium (+3/-3/20'/x4)
100# Heavy (+1/-6/20'/x3)
Suit (d6)
Hammer (Str) 1
Key (Dex) 2
Shield (Con) 3
Book (Int) 4
Star (Wis) 5
Crown (Cha) 6
Card (d9)
LG 1
NG 2
CG 3
LN 4
N 5
CN 6
LE 7
NE 8
CE 9
Human, Varisian
+2 Charisma
Norml Speed
Bonus Feat
Languages Common (Taldane), Varisian, Hallit, Skald
Bard (Dirge bard) 1
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance 8 Rds/Day
Countersong (Percussion or Sing)
Distraction (Dance)
Fascinate (Save, not skil roll)
Inspire Courage +1 (Specify when used. no skill roll)
1 1st level spell per day (+1 Attribute)
4 Cantrips Known: Detect magic, Light, Prestidigitiation, Spark
2 1st Level spells known: Chord of Shards; Cure Light WOunds
Simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip
Light Armor & Shields
Points Race
.0 10 S 10 +0
.3 13 D 13 +1
.2 12 C 12 +1
.5 14 I 14 +2
.2 12 W 12 +1
13 17 H 19 +4
Naught |
The Headsmen's beautiful daughter is ready to roll!
Female Changeling Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1
NG Medium humanoid (changeling)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 14 (1d12+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +3 (1d4+2) and
. . Greataxe +3 (1d10+3)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Traits Savant, Subject of Study
Skills Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Perform (Storytelling) +8, Survival +7
Languages Aklo, Common, Varisian
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Hulking Changeling (Annis Hag) (Ex) The changeling gains a +1 racial bonus on melee damage.
Subject of Study (Aberration) Professor Lorrimor approached you as part of his studies, as he had heard that you had survived a recent encounter with a strange monster or had another fateful encounter. Interested in the conditions of the run-in and the means by which you avoided death or injury, he met with you and maintained frequent correspondence until several months ago. The scars of your experience and his continual reminders of the encounter prompted you to hone your skills lest you someday face the same type of creature again. The professor assisted you in this endeavor, providing you with insight into the anatomy and defenses of the creature that attacked you.
Years of study have improved your combat effectiveness against your chosen foe. Choose a non-humanoid creature type (and subtype if outsider). You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls against creatures of this type. See the ranger favored enemy suggestions for a list of creature types most likely to appear in this campaign.
Talented You are a virtuoso musician, actor, or storyteller. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with a single Perform skill (your choice), and all Perform skills are always class skills for you.
Fast Movement (Ex) A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian's speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian's land speed.
Rage (Ex) A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.
The years passed and the girl grew up to be a beautiful maiden, happy, energetic, and extremely aggressive. She would continue in this happy traveling life till her adolescence, when one misty morning while the sun was still asleep she heard a song being sung to her, and only to her. No one else could hear the beautiful music no matter how hard she tried to get them to listen which saddened her greatly. As days went on the song began calling to her more and more, growing stronger with every note, while at the same time growing fainter, forcing her to concentrate her everything in order to hear it. Until one night when she couldn't sleep due to the song she thrust herself up from her covers and ran into the woods nearby where the song had been coming from, or had appeared to be. She was unsure of how far and how fast she ran until to her deepest misery the music died, the singer having given up on her. It was then that she realized she was a stranger in a stranger place, with nothing familiar around her and no familiar faces to comfort her. Cursing her decision to listen to the song in the first place she left her fate in Desna's hands as she began to wander in the woods, going deeper and deeper until the sun itself was blocked out by the trees.
It was here that her life would truly begin because as she wandered she was set upon in the darkness not by wolves nor bandits, but evil itself given shape. A fluttering shrieking mass of tentacles descended upon her and locked itself around her neck in some grotesque cross between a bite and a kiss. Freezing hot and burning cold ran through her veins as her consciousness faded. To her death she thought until without warning the creature released her and skittered back into the darkness, letting her slump onto the forest floor. The burning, twisting sensation continued in her neck and head as she heard voices approaching and then herself being lifted from the ground. The last sight she saw before she fell to her fever was large clumps of hair falling raining down in from of her face.
When she next awoke she found herself in the abode of one Professor Lorrimor, a kind old scholar whose acquaintance had brought her to him while he had been searching for game. He was gentle and patient as he questioned her about the attack and where she had came from. It was only when the question was finished and she begin to feel a bit of unease about hear head that he handed her a mirror and she finally saw what she had become. Her beautiful hair had all been replaced with a dark writhing mass of tentacles and her ears had extended and stretched out to form bat like wings which despite fluttering with her mood didn't seem to impair her listening capability. He explained that she had been attacked by a hideous creature known as a Vargouille, which reproduce by infecting others with a kiss. He escaped himself but allowed her to stay as long as she needed.
Looking within the mirror she saw not horror nor ugliness nor beauty, she simply saw herself, perhaps how she had always seen herself, or how she was supposed to see herself. When she was well enough to walk she thanked Lorrimor profusely for his hospitality and then set out back into a world a stranger, now with a permeant reminder to be ever wary of those thing that dwell in the dark corners of the world. Years passed since her meeting with Professor Lorrimor and in that time she had thrived, wandering from Belkzen to Varisia and back again, collecting stories, fables, and information about creatures that dwelled in the dark from the races and cultures she encountered. Until one day she found a letter addressed to her, asking for her appearance most urgently at Ravengro. The letter signed K. Lorrimor.
nightdeath |
Here is Drasven Hammers
Dwarf Ranger (Warden)
Abit of hs background:
Soft Cultured Voice: "You owe me"
Rough, snarl with a tinge of pain: "Yeah I do so what do you want?"
Soft Voice: "Nothing for now but that was a huge risk you took when you offered to be that child's replacment hostage instead. I'm Professor Lorrimor."
Rough, snarl with a tinge of pain: "Yeah? You see anyone else looking to step forward? Evil is evil and good is good but both are just words, Professor" The last said more as a snarl than anything else."I would spare the child pain and would rather not bury yet another one."
Professor Lorrimor: "You have buried many?"
Rough, snarl with a tinge of pain: "Too many? Far too many.....over the last decade far too many."
Professor Lorrimor: "So you have sought death or an end?"
Rough, snarl with a tinge of pain: "I seek to end this depravity any way I can."
Professor Lorrimor: "I see. Well now You owe me and I aim to collect maybe some time in the future. You're quite interesting...dwarf....."
Rough, snarl with a tinge of pain:"The name's Drasven Hammers. You send that note when you need to collect on that favor. Never you worry. Old Drasven will pay his debts if I'm still alive."
That was 20 years ago. Now clutching a letter in his hands, a well travelled dwarf perched upon a cliff looking over the quiet town has arrived. All to fulfil a promise made. Drasven Hammers never fails to keep his word especially when he's still alive. With a brace of daggers on his chest, a symbol of what was used to saved him, Drasven looks over the town and with a huff turns towards the path leading downwards.
To his destination.
"Durn Professor had a lucky shot in his eye that's took him three daggers to take off that dammed ghoul."
He mutters.
Aliseya Belododia |
Aliseya - Hey! I remember you. Hope all's been well!
Hanging in there, thanks and likewise! Playing in a S&S AP here, still going after half a year despite the disappearance of two players and our first GM. Seems there is hope for a PbP game to last. Speaking of which...
I get nervous whenever I get mentioned now. lol the paranonia is getting to me.....
Maybe my character Reijo is getting under your skin, lol. :)
Leim Heldrus |
I might rearrange some of the crunch but I put together a quick back story for Leim. He's from Ravengro (or possibly a neighboring village) and his campaign trait is 'subject of study.'
When Leim was young he witnessed his family cat give birth to a litter of kittens, one of which was a runt who passed away several days after birth. This experience piqued his curiosity in the cycle of life and death. Throughout his adolescent years he felt drawn to the worship of Pharasma as he found more examples of the beauty and sorrow present in the cycle.
Five years ago, while visiting his grandmother's grave, Leim was attacked by a ghoul and nearly killed. He was saved by the groundskeeper of the cemetery who chased the ghoul off and rushed Leim to the church of Pharasma for healing.
During his recovery, professor Lorrimor visited Leim to learn more about the attack. It was during these conversations that Leim convinced himself that he must hunt the undead monster and put it to rest.
Several months passed before Leim was healthy and courageous enough to begin hunting the ghoul who had nearly ended his life. He spent many evenings hiding near the graveyard, peering through the fog, fantasizing about enacting his revenge. Several times he saw not one but several ghouls return to the graveyard to dig up recently buried corpses. He was too frightened to intervene and the scene haunted his dreams for many nights.
Leim sought professor Lorrimor and confided in him, telling him the details of what he had witnessed in the graveyard. The professor helped him come to terms with his fear and helped him better understand the nature of the ghouls. This information bolstered his confidence and on his next graveyard stakeout, Leim rushed the ghouls and brought one down while the others fled. He returned to the professor to tell him of what happened and their relationship strengthened.
He continued to study with the clergy of Pharasma and was allowed to accompany higher ranked clerics as they went on patrol around the borders of Gallowspire with knights from Lastwall. These patrols provided the subject of many discussions with professor Lorrimor whit whom Leim began to establish a respectable professional bond.
armlessbaby |
Just to let you know DM, I do have a concept made. Just finishing it up, I don't like submitting incomplete ideas or a poor concept. I will have to get used to the pace you set and hope my job doesn't get in the way, but we will see. My character is going to be a human warpriest of Iomedae, taking the subject of study trait, not hailing from Ustalav. That is all the details I will give until I finish.
Larek Greystone |
I present Larek Greystone, human oracle of stone.
Traits: Reactionary, Subject of Study
Will post character sheet later!
Yog Sothoth's Blues |
Glad to see everyone is getting concepts in. I figure, since it did come up in one particular conversation, that I'd be fully out in the open about the more graphic nature of this AP and how I plan to run it. I'm incorporating a lot of Lovecraftian horror into parts that were, beforehand, more Gothic-flavored, and as a result, some of the sub-themes and situations have changed in the story. I don't do a lot of gore, typically, in terms of my posts, but there will be some considerable body horror elements in places, quite a bit of blood/guts (though not a tremendously excessive amount; I don't like splatterpunk), and possible allusions to sexual assault, though nothing like outright rape or anything should be an issue.
Mostly, I wanted to get this right out in the open so nobody's surprised, and so anybody who these kinds of situations might be an issue for has a heads-up on the matter. Pathfinder, especially, seems to have a pretty diverse gaming community, and I just like nipping things like this before they sprout and become problems. I have had a player (just one) quit one of my games before because it gave them recurring and vivid nightmares. Caveat ludii.
Andras Telor |
Otm-Shank here, presenting Andras Telor, Elven Wizard and would-be champion of Ustalav.
Finally finished with the background, I have a couple things to finish up on the crunch yet, a trait, feat and selection of my arcane bond but otherwise he should be ready to go.
I'll be finishing up the last few details later today but I wanted to get Andras in the running.
Let me know if you have any question/suggestions?
Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |
Started reading Lovecraft about the time I hit puberty. Of course, that was the Randolph Carter stories, which weren't as...
squicky, as his more Mythos adjacent/Cosmic Horror works, but still, not really a problem here.
I mean, come on, I made up a Changeling, the one race guaranteed to have the spectre of sexual assault & body horror 'baked in' as it were...
Skorn |
I think this AP requires what you are talking about Yog, to bring out the flavor. No problem here. My greatest hope is that this AP actually scares me a little. :) That said, I do not think gore and shock is required for good horror writing. Sometimes a creepy setting and some random sounds is all it takes for the PCs to create their own horror.
Jovalson |
Hello and thank you for offering to run a very spooky and graphic Carrion Crown campaign. I've read through the players guide and I'm familiar with the gothic horror themes.
I'd like to propose my dwarf monk (Qinggong Archetype) - Dagnobar. His background and character sheet are in the profile. About his background - he's heard the rumor that Lorrimor might be a necromancer and potentially even related to his mother's demise (or gone missing) in Ustalav. He doesn't jump on the rumor as truth since his encounter with the professor made him seem an unlikely necromancer, but the possibility does intrigue Dagnobar obviously. Dagnobar's a big believer in Honor and Justice, but he wants proof, not rumors.
I've really wanted to play a straight up monk, and a 25-point buy system is about the best way to finally do it. If possible, I'd like to add some vows later on depending on the situation that would enhance the roleplay.
Malcolm d'Varre |
Hey Yoggy-baby :7)
Just finishing the details and buying things. What are your thoughts on Eastern armor/weapons? Banned? Allowed? Some in some out?
No particular feelings on my part either way just wondering how widely I should cast me net-of-consideration.
Note to self: Get EWP Net-of-Consideration.
Aliseya Belododia |
@Yog - To repeat a lot of previous posts, sounds perfect for me. By all means, bring on the horror. :)
@hustonj and nightdeath - Lol. Reijo doesn't hide... not for long, at least. Funny, I have been toying with taking a gunslinger level at some point... dual pepperbox assault is certainly a possibility. ;)
Skorn |
Worked on my Pally last night. Crunch is complete but am still polishing my background.
I really tried to go two-weapon fighting, but pallys just do not get the feats to support that build. I could do it by dipping fighter at level 3 I guess. Hmm… Running out of time. Thoughts? I'd go divine hunter except this AP seems like one you really do not want to give up immunity to fear. :)