About Naught1: 10hp Bloodrage, Hag Bloodline, Claws of the Hag, Roland, Iron Will
Traits Savant, Subject of Study
Rose colored glasses 5g Explorers outfit 10g* 8lb Studded leather 25g Greataxe 20g umbrella 2g 3lb kit, Scrivener 2g 1lb kit, Barbarian 8g9s 16lb kit, fishing 5s 3lb Book of stories 100g 20lb Background:
Although tales of the Varisian Wanderers varies from that of swindlers and thieves to star watchers and dream chasers the one thing everyone can agree about them is their loyalty to family. So it comes as little surprise that one early morning when the sun was still asleep that a group of Wanderers were packing up their camp when one of them discovered in their locked carriages a basket with a female newborn resting peacefully within it. No amount of guessing, questions, or explanations could reveal to them how whoever left the child with them had gotten past them without their noticing so they ascribed the child to be good omen from Desna herself and took her in and bestowed upon her the name Naught, the child from nothing. The years passed and the girl grew up to be a beautiful maiden, happy, energetic, and extremely aggressive. She would continue in this happy traveling life till her adolescence, when one misty morning while the sun was still asleep she heard a song being sung to her, and only to her. No one else could hear the beautiful music no matter how hard she tried to get them to listen which saddened her greatly. As days went on the song began calling to her more and more, growing stronger with every note, while at the same time growing fainter, forcing her to concentrate her everything in order to hear it. Until one night when she couldn't sleep due to the song she thrust herself up from her covers and ran into the woods nearby where the song had been coming from, or had appeared to be. She was unsure of how far and how fast she ran until to her deepest misery the music died, the singer having given up on her. It was then that she realized she was a stranger in a stranger place, with nothing familiar around her and no familiar faces to comfort her. Cursing her decision to listen to the song in the first place she left her fate in Desna's hands as she began to wander in the woods, going deeper and deeper until the sun itself was blocked out by the trees. It was here that her life would truly begin because as she wandered she was set upon in the darkness not by wolves nor bandits, but evil itself given shape. A fluttering shrieking mass of tentacles descended upon her and locked itself around her neck in some grotesque cross between a bite and a kiss. Freezing hot and burning cold ran through her veins as her consciousness faded. To her death she thought until without warning the creature released her and skittered back into the darkness, letting her slump onto the forest floor. The burning, twisting sensation continued in her neck and head as she heard voices approaching and then herself being lifted from the ground. The last sight she saw before she fell to her fever was large clumps of hair falling raining down in from of her face. When she next awoke she found herself in the abode of one Professor Lorrimor, a kind old scholar whose acquaintance had brought her to him while he had been searching for game. He was gentle and patient as he questioned her about the attack and where she had came from. It was only when the question was finished and she begin to feel a bit of unease about hear head that he handed her a mirror and she finally saw what she had become. Her beautiful hair had all been replaced with a dark writhing mass of tentacles and her ears had extended and stretched out to form bat like wings which despite fluttering with her mood didn't seem to impair her listening capability. He explained that she had been attacked by a hideous creature known as a Vargouille, which reproduce by infecting others with a kiss. He escaped himself but allowed her to stay as long as she needed. Looking within the mirror she saw not horror nor ugliness nor beauty, she simply saw herself, perhaps how she had always seen herself, or how she was supposed to see herself. When she was well enough to walk she thanked Lorrimor profusely for his hospitality and then set out back into a world a stranger, now with a permeant reminder to be ever wary of those thing that dwell in the dark corners of the world. Years passed since her meeting with Professor Lorrimor and in that time she had thrived, wandering from Belkzen to Varisia and back again, collecting stories, fables, and information about creatures that dwelled in the dark from the races and cultures she encountered. Until one day she found a letter addressed to her, asking for her appearance most urgently at Ravengro. The letter signed K. Lorrimor. Appearance:
Standing at an intimidating 4'10" this 19 year old female has pale skin marred by countless scars and nicks. Due to her partial Vargouillism she how has a head full of writhing black tentacles instead of hair, sharp pointed teeth more at home in the mouth of a shark rather than a cute girl, ear lobes that have stretcheds out into what resemble bat wings, and black eyes with golden irises. She dresses in simple garb and armor which she covers up with raggedy brown robes, giving off the impression of a swamp hermit or a druid rather than a fighter. Loot: