Vinroot the Drunken Treant

Rakdon Tripus's page

704 posts. Alias of DoubleGold.

Full Name

Rakdon Tripus


Rite of Knowing Conrasu


Fighter 7: HP:108/108, Spd:25, AC:25, Fort:14, Ref:14, Will:13, Perc:13, 1/1 Focus Points







Special Abilities

Fielded Agent




Count Ranalc




Mwangi, Rasu, Elven



Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Rakdon Tripus

Class Abilities and Racials
10 HP, Medium, 25 Feet, +Con Wis Free, -Cha
Sunlight Healing: Heal 1d8 HP per every 2 levels, once per day as a 10 minute rest. Currently 3d8.
Trained in Acrobatics and 3+int skills
3rd Level: Bravery
ASI's: Dex, Con, Int, Wis
Fighter Weapon Mastery: Bows, master in Bows
Expert in Fortitude
Expert in Reflex
Expert in Will (Bravery)
Expert in Perception
Expert in simple weapons
Expert in martial weapons
Trained in advanced weapons
Expert in unarmed attacks
Trained in all armor
Trained in unarmored defense
Trained in fighter class DC
Battle Surveyor
Weapon Specialization

Class Feats
Automatically: Shield Block
Automatically: Reactive Strike
1st Level: Point Blank Shot
2nd Level: Ranger Archetype
4th Level: Basic Hunter's Trick: Monster Hunter
6th Level: Advanced Hunter's Trick: Gravity Weapon

Skills Feats
Risky Surgery: Background
2nd Level: Quick Jump
4th Level: Continual Recovery
6th Level: Steady Balance

General Feats
3rd Level: Toughness
Gained from Ceremony of Knowledge: Untrained Improvisation
7th Level: Fleet

Ancestry Feats
1st Level: Conrasu Weapon Familiarity
5th Level: Ceremony of Knowledge

Acrobatics (12), Athletics (13), Nature(Master 15), Medicine(Expert 13), Occultism (11), Stealth (12), Survival (11), Thievery (12), Surgery Lore (11).
Untrained Skills: Arcana (4), Crafting (4), Deception (1), Diplomacy (1), Intimidation (1), Performance (1), Religion (4), Society (4).

1. +1 Striking Taw Launcher (4th level item)
2. Armory Bracelet Minor (3rd Level item)
3. +1 Frying Pan (2nd Level item)
4. Half-Plate (1st Level item)
5. Everburning Torch: 15 GP
6. 4 Healing Potions Minor: 16 GP
7. Healer's Tools: 5 GP
8. Thieves' Tools: 3 GP
9. Belt Pouch: 0.04 CP
10. Adventure's Pack: 0.7 GP
11. 3 Sheaths: 0.03 GP
12. Ordinary Clothing: 0.1 GP
13. 50 Wooden Taws: 0.5 GP (Used 14)
14. 137.63 GP
15. Pay 2 Gold for Carvan
16. 2 Weeks Rations: .8 GP
17. +1 Striking Composite Lonbogw: 100 Gold
18. 30 Arrows: 0.3 Gold

1. Taw Launcher +17 to hit, +12 to hit, +7 to hit. 2d10+3 Modular. Deadly d10. Range 100, Reload 1. Can use Point Blank Shot. Bow, have crit specialization of being pinned.
2. Frying Pan +16 to hit, +12 to hit, +8 to hit. 1d4+6 Blunt damage. Fatal D8. Club
3. Longbow: +17 to hit. +12 to hit. +7 to hit. 2d8+5 Piercing. Range 150. Can use Point blank shot.