Call of the Forgotten Realms

Game Master Charles Evans 25

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Sorry for the inconvenience, I will be away from thursday (midday Aust EST GMT +10) 20.3.2008 until Sunday 30.3.2008. So my last post will be 21.3 and the next possible 30.3.2008.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Hmmm. I wasn't quite expecting you to be quite so firmly into role-playing, which is leaving me (as a DM) very proud of you on the role-playing count, but with mixed feelings on others. Please note, this is *NOT* a published module that I am running; I am creating situations based on (pre-edition change) FR campaign setting information, with my own touches added to 'fluff' and flavour, and logically extending in whichever direction you choose to go. I am currently revising my notions with regard to future situations for where and how to leave pointers towards things. :) I try to play as fair as possible with characters created from solely basic classes.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Would you think that it's likely that you will have lost concentration on the detect magic over the past couple of rounds, or would you think that even whilst running in fear it might have been possible to maybe keep a hold of it with concentration checks?

Male Hobbit, Carnivorous Expert 7, Ranger 3 (favored enemy: edible), Candlemere Cultist 7
DM Charles Evans wrote:


Would you think that it's likely that you will have lost concentration on the detect magic over the past couple of rounds, or would you think that even whilst running in fear it might have been possible to maybe keep a hold of it with concentration checks?

As this seems to be a discussion thread, I would gauge that based on how far he was running in fear - between outright fear and 'running' I would say 'no' off the cuff regarding maintaining concentration.

This has been an interesting PbP to read so far Sir Charles and crew. :)

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
Turin the Mad wrote:
DM Charles Evans wrote:


Would you think that it's likely that you will have lost concentration on the detect magic over the past couple of rounds, or would you think that even whilst running in fear it might have been possible to maybe keep a hold of it with concentration checks?

As this seems to be a discussion thread, I would gauge that based on how far he was running in fear - between outright fear and 'running' I would say 'no' off the cuff regarding maintaining concentration.

This has been an interesting PbP to read so far Sir Charles and crew. :)


Davkul was running as the result of an effect similar in end result to cause fear (having failed a will save) for a duration of 2 rounds; as it turned out it was moot in the circumstance anyway (since they didn't express any desire to hang around attempting to detect magic in the brief discussion which followed. Unfortunately the PHB isn't too clear on the interaction of fright and maintaining concentration; had it been a panic I would have thought that concentration would automatically expire, the 'drop anything that you're holding' being both literal and mentally figurative', but I see a grey zone where it might be possible for a concentration check each round (treat as a distraction) for fright situations.

Male Hobbit, Carnivorous Expert 7, Ranger 3 (favored enemy: edible), Candlemere Cultist 7
DM Charles Evans wrote:


Davkul was running as the result of an effect similar in end result to cause fear (having failed a will save) for a duration of 2 rounds; as it turned out it was moot in the circumstance anyway (since they didn't express any desire to hang around attempting to detect magic in the brief discussion which followed. Unfortunately the PHB isn't too clear on the interaction of fright and maintaining concentration; had it been a panic I would have thought that concentration would automatically expire, the 'drop anything that you're holding' being both literal and mentally figurative', but I see a grey zone where it might be possible for a concentration check each round (treat as a distraction) for fright situations.

Aye, although I would probably use the "difficult footing" or whatever similar circumstance the PHB outlines for the DC of the check. After 2 rounds plus however long the spell had been up beforehand, at what I gather to be very low-level characters, the spell would have expired regardless due to the duration being so short.

Male Gnome Bard 1

sorry to say i think i have to bow out of this game its a little to crowded for me, and i'm also struggling to find to the to post. i'm pretty sure the group will be fine without me. all the best of luck.

dear Gm just to say i will be away from the 15th to 20th april, please carry on without me, i may be able to get to a computer but probably not!

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
Donnie 'Nine Lives' Everstrum wrote:
sorry to say i think i have to bow out of this game its a little to crowded for me, and i'm also struggling to find to the to post. i'm pretty sure the group will be fine without me. all the best of luck.

Acknowledged; sad to learn it, but if time in Real Life is short so be it. Continue to read, by all means, and thank-you for finding the time to explain that you are unable to carry on.

Raven 34:
Your holiday dates are duly noted, although they leave me wondering how long easter holidays run for on the south coast!

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

At present I find I am not sleeping too well. There may be some occasions for the foreseeable future where I have to defer responses until times when I am less tired, in order to produce coherent posts. Apologies for any delays resulting from this.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Sleep situation improving after a stressful week. Hoping to maintain a more regular standard of posting now.

I seem to be having some serious trouble posting to the Call of the Forgotten Realms thread. not a single post has gotten through since Saturday. I am going to simply do a proxy here in the hopes that you can post it to the board in my name.


Having cast detect magic himself and looking at the room, (I assume from seebo's later post that I found nothing) Davkul does a quick search of the room in the hopes of turning up evidence as to who killed Pophilov or why he was killed.

Search: (1d20+3=12)

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Sorry to hear that you have been trying to post on the thread but failing. I will do a copy & paste into my next post for you and Seebo, to indicate to Seebo what Davkul's actions are and that you are still around. If I have the time I will fire off an email to the PostMonster inquiring if there is anything wrong with your account, or if it just seems to be the boards playing up.
Just checked the PbP and discovered your last one got through! :)

Hmmm. I wonder if Pres Man/Bronx is having the same difficulty? I know he's been posting around the boards generally, but apparently not on the PbP thread. That email to the PostMonster is starting to look a good idea.

I have noticed that posts going to the PbP threads that have spoilers in them seem to fail much more often than plain text do. maybe that has something to do with it.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
LongreachJones wrote:

I have noticed that posts going to the PbP threads that have spoilers in them seem to fail much more often than plain text do. maybe that has something to do with it.

I have personally had no difficulty with posting on Call of the Forgotten Realms, but did find a thread last week in the Crimson Throne section of the Pathfinder forum, where it was impossible for me to even open a box to start to type a message in, and yet here was no indication from the PostMonster that the thread had been locked, and I do not think that I saw anything which should have been a reason for the thread to be locked.

Strange things seem to be happening with posting recently.... of late I have noticed an apparent rise in the ease with which Internet Explorer causes me to double-post if I am not careful.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

It has now been more than two weeks since Longreach/Davkul posted on the threads, and he appears to have been inactive on other parts of the boards, so far as I can determine. At this point I am having to assume that some sort of real life catastrophe has overtaken him, rendering him unable to post (he has been apparently absent from several other PbP games, also) and for the immediate future it looks like I shall have to run Davkul. I am considering opening a position for another player/character in consequence.

DM Charles Evans wrote:
It has now been more than two weeks since Longreach/Davkul posted on the threads, and he appears to have been inactive on other parts of the boards, so far as I can determine. At this point I am having to assume that some sort of real life catastrophe has overtaken him, rendering him unable to post (he has been apparently absent from several other PbP games, also) and for the immediate future it looks like I shall have to run Davkul. I am considering opening a position for another player/character in consequence.

hi everyone! i think we obviously wait for davkul, i think you (dm) should run the character, but i am not really sure we should get any more players, the game runs fairly slowly as it is and adding in any more player would make it even slower,if you are concerned about party balance then my suggestion would be to put in a few npcs or maybe allow the players to run an additional character (i would happily do so!), im happy whatever happens and i am really enjoying this (my first) play by post


I have a friend who has a character already to go and he can post at least as often as me, if that's OK. If I post too slow let me know and I'll try to do it more often.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

I am still waiting for a response to the last email which I sent to you, CD, or at least which I thought that I sent to you. Do I need to send it again? (Inquiring about potential feat choice of your friend).

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Relic Rob/Ashan Ackanya:
Did CD/Seebo pass on my thoughts in the email which I sent him that Ashan might possibly have encountered Seebo & Nim at some point in Sundabar?
Will e-mail the PostMonster to attempt to discover if any light can be cast on Longreach/Davkul's continuing absence...

Hi Charles,

Yes CD did pass on the information.
I believe that would be a good way to be written in.
If you have any modifications or thoughts for my character, please feel free to suggest them.
I chose to start with the rogue as to fit with the background.
I will be looking to proceed from here as a sorcerer.
I hope this will fit with your storyline.
I will watch these posts for your reply.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
Relic Rob wrote:

Hi Charles,

Yes CD did pass on the information.
I believe that would be a good way to be written in.
If you have any modifications or thoughts for my character, please feel free to suggest them.
I chose to start with the rogue as to fit with the background.
I will be looking to proceed from here as a sorcerer.
I hope this will fit with your storyline.
I will watch these posts for your reply.

I have been checking the character sheet; if you could confirm for me how much starting gold you assumed that you had to spend on gear, please? I allowed the others maximum gold (as if they had rolled it) for starting gear, before going into offering regional appropriate bonus equipment; I would not have any problem offering the same with regard to Ashan.

I have been checking the character sheet; if you could confirm for me how much starting gold you assumed that you had to spend on gear, please? I allowed the others maximum gold (as if they had rolled it) for starting gear, before going into offering regional appropriate bonus equipment; I would not have any problem offering the same with regard to Ashan.

CD passed on the starting information you gave them and assumed I would start with the same, (5d4 x 10 = 200g)subject to your approval.

I forgot to list my weapons, and armor, originally.
This has now been rectified.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Thank you for filling out your equipment list with those items; I was wondering where some of the gold had gone to.

With regards to background, since Ashan does not have any ranks alloted to 'Sense Motive' would you mind if I keep open (possibly for much later down the line) the exact nature of the business which took the elderly gentleman (who was a mentor for a while) away? At present I'm not sure whether or not he would be likely to feature again, but I might be interested in keeping the possibility open.
For the record for the others, at present it seems likely that at some point Ashan ran into Seebo & Nim in Sundabar, (probably as part of whatever scam Seebo was organising), and Seebo might have had some sort of help, on the periphery, from Ashan with that. At the moment it is open why Ashan left Sundabar and ended up in Deadsnows (looking for adventure he travelled with a merchant possibly carrying supplies for year's end to Deadsnows is one possibility?) and whether he did so before or after Seebo & Nim's own departure from Sundabar.

As to bonus equipment, would you be interested in: (1) A magnifying glass, 2 flasks of holy water & 1 application of universal solvent, (2) upgrading a weapon to masterwork quality, or (3) upgrading your leather armour to masterwork studded leather?
Alternatively, you can take an extra 100 GP worth of equipment of your choice.

Will get the equipment done for you tonight our time. (about 10 hours from now.
Background your suggesting is fine with me.
Looking forward to having a go at this for the first time, as it makes me pay attention to details.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Relic Rob:
At present, I'm not certain where to introduce your character; would you prefer Ashan to be located in town somewhere, where Nim & Bronx may end up bumping into him, to trek up to the Red Star offices (as the snow is closing in) presumably to see what is going on with the interviews, or do you have a preference for something slightly more exotic?

I believe bumping into Seebo (as I know him)would be preferable to me; but whatever you think will work best with your storyline is suitable.
I will play to where ever you can fit it appropiately.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Relic Rob:
As arriving in town today (30th Nightal, 1383 DR) might be a bit tricky for most travellers with the snow, I'm going to work on the basis that Ashan stayed at least the previous night in one of the town's two inns (either 'Glittergold's Nugget' (the rowdy one, which has a couple of dice tables and a 'reformed' orc bouncer in the common room), or 'The Black Bear', which is more of a regular inn for travellers to stay at). On waking up (or at least turning up for breakfast) Ashan would almost certainly hear some of the rumours circulating the town regarding the invasion of 'magic beetles' the night before at Mrs. Prestwick's boarding house, with over-sized bugs appearing and vanishing in flashes of light and one or more guests chased off into the the forest. Would this have merited any interest from Ashan?

And do you have any questions, regarding either rules or in-game knowledge of the setting???

The appearance and dis-appearance of the bugs would certainly interest me, as I have started study to become a Sorcerer.
I am currently catching up on some of the background, by reading about the battle that occured, as I would take the chance on listening to all the rumors, and first hand accounts on what happened.
Any other background would be appreciated.
I will avoid reading anything past where the party split up, that is until you start putting in where you want me to start responding.
I believed I stayed at "The Black Bear".

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Relic Rob:
If you could please make a Gather Information check for Ashan (using & linking to Invisible Castle) so that I can gauge what he manages to pick up during breakfast regarding the beetles?
Due to events which transpiring elsewhere in the game, I now have some flexibility for starting him in the morning, and am just about ready to introduce him to proceedings.

DM Charles Evans wrote:

Relic Rob:

If you could please make a Gather Information check for Ashan (using & linking to Invisible Castle) so that I can gauge what he manages to pick up during breakfast regarding the beetles?
Due to events which transpiring elsewhere in the game, I now have some flexibility for starting him in the morning, and am just about ready to introduce him to proceedings.

Gather Information 1d20+6=24

Screwed up on how to post the first roll. (this one worked)
I am listing to anyone and everyone who has a story about last night.
If you would like this can be posted onto the game board.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1
Relic Rob wrote:
DM Charles Evans wrote:

Relic Rob:

If you could please make a Gather Information check for Ashan (using & linking to Invisible Castle) so that I can gauge what he manages to pick up during breakfast regarding the beetles?
Due to events which transpiring elsewhere in the game, I now have some flexibility for starting him in the morning, and am just about ready to introduce him to proceedings.

Gather Information 1d20+6=24

Screwed up on how to post the first roll. (this one worked)
I am listing to anyone and everyone who has a story about last night.
If you would like this can be posted onto the game board.

Hurrah! I have got up the first post for Ashan. If you would like to respond on the PbP thread, under your alias, and spoiler tagging appropriately (since in theory none of the other PCs has any idea what Ashan is upto). If you could copy that Gather Information link in as well, please.

If you use Internet Explorer, you can usually identify recently visited pages in the history log (unless you have disabled the loging pocess), which might give you the page reference for Invisible Castle dice rolls which you thought that you had ended up 'losing'. I am not informed if such features are available with other web browsers however.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

DM ruling:
Sneak attack damage does not apply to splash weapons, and I am dubious about it applying to touch attacks generally. As far as I can understand, sneak damage is supposed to represent striking at a creature's 'vitals', hence the lack of applicability to undead & constructs. Any creature who has 'vitals' where a splash weapon can damage them that badly ought to be taking extra damage from ALL forms of attack.
Special circumstances (particularly strong acid versus a limestone golem??) may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Sorry, I've been meaning to post on this one for some time, after seeing Squirrelloid raise the issue on one of the Pathfinder threads.

If anyone is going on holiday/vacation over the summer, and is going to be absent for any dates, I would appreciate some guidance as to when I can expect those absences. If enough people are away, it would make sense simply to stop posting for a while, if individual 'side-treks' would not make sense to the circumstances at the time. I may be taking a break myself, although this has yet to be determined.

GM Charles

Go with what ever you have planned for Seebo, I will just have to live with whatever comes my way.

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Thread bump

Mad Geologist 5/Dungeonmaster 4/Writer 1

Being involved with PaizoCon UK, here in Birmingham, from the 10th-12th July this year (we may be going out the evening of the 10th, before the convention proper starts) I may be absent from posting for a number of days around that period.

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