Coreans Disciple's page
50 posts (246 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
I will be out of town next week. My apologies to everyone, but I really need the break from work.
GM Charles
Go with what ever you have planned for Seebo, I will just have to live with whatever comes my way.
Thanks for the reply. There is only one way I'm giving up my subscription rights and I've got no plans on dying anytime soon. So Igues I'll just have to put up with the USPS extortion.
Have you guys ever thought about a PDF version of the subsciption, I can only speak for myself but I've usually read PF before the hard copy gets to me.
Thanks Heaps
I have a friend who has a character already to go and he can post at least as often as me, if that's OK. If I post too slow let me know and I'll try to do it more often.
Cosmo and crew,
Due to the increase/change by USPS my postage cost has increased by nearly 50%, I would like to change my PF subscription to PDF only, from the end of "Curse of the Crimson throne"(PF 13 onwards I think).
This should free up some funding for other Paizo goodies.
Thanks heaps
given that all of us have low light vision, would it be safe to say that we would have just continued on when the torch went out?
I've run the full Burnt offerings with only 3PC's, I had one PC as a covert member of the PF society, this gave me the option of adding the NPC I thought would best fit each part of the AP as it presented itself. It also adds a bit of a back story to one of the PC's.
The aid can be added when necessary, in the form of assistance from the PF society to one of it's lesser members. If the group dynamics change so does the NPC. My PF member also has to make regular written contact and reports, I use the Sage in Sandpoint as the PF contact/conduit. This also means I can feed some extra info when required.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I will be away from thursday (midday Aust EST GMT +10) 20.3.2008 until Sunday 30.3.2008. So my last post will be 21.3 and the next possible 30.3.2008.
charles and others,
I have the gnome cleric already to go when ever we get the word. I like the idea of a party of little people.
I actually made one of my players a member, by telling her that she had been introduced to it by a family member (uncle). My version of the pathfinder society requires an introduction, sort of like the Free Masons. I also have her reporting to magnimar on a regular, letter type basis each letter is worth a few extra XP.
This is her first time at playing D&D, so she gets different feel and a little something extra. As my group is only 3 players, her affiliation to the Pathfinders allows me to give them an NPC where necessary, and feed little bits of extra info as they go.
The speed with which Erik Mona responded to this thread, shows how much attention the Paizo crew py to what is going on. Given this, I would agree with Sebastion, when they know, we will know. Everybody should leave them be, and let them build pathfinder
Brisbane -- Northside
I've talked to a couple of you in the chat.dmtools.org. (shameles plug for Liliths efforts) I didn't realise there wer somany of us Aussie lurking.
Coreans Disciple
Lord of the Southern Reaches
Grand Marshall of OZ
I was in and out for most of the session, so I would like to thank Lisa and Vic for their time. I would also like to thank Lilith for the work she put in and the transcript as well.
Cry Havoc,
I haven't played PbP before, but if you need someone to fill a spot due to atrition or whatever I would love to give it a go. Being in Australia, makes getting into games a little difficult with the time zone thing.
I too will lurk with interest if you don't mind.
I recently became a true convert, by subscribing to Pathfinder, I used to pickup the occasional Dungeon. I would be listed as a charter subscriber if I had understood the model being used.
[i]What do you think? Assuming the third Pathfinder Adventure Path, Second Darkness, remains 3.5, will you stick around? [i]
YES, I, like some of the others here, am willing to put my money where my mouth is and would willing commit to a 2yr subscription even considering the exchange rate.
[i]But how is the 4.0 hype treating you these days?[i]
I couldn’t care less about the WoTC hype, it reminds me of Microsoft releases
[i]Do you plan to start up a new 4.0 campaign on day 1?[i]
NO! I won’t even start a campaign under 4E version 1, I will wait for the 4.XX version.
Having said all that I, expect the Leadership at Paizo, and leaders you are, to do what is necessary for the continued survival and prosperity of the company. Without your survival and prosperity we will have nowhere else to go
I don't expect to be playing 4E at all it will more likely 4.999 by the time they get it right! The group I DM for are the target audience for WOTC and they are already hostile to them. They save their money to buy the books and now WoTC want them to spend again. my group already no way. They're happy and I am too. Paizo give me 3.5 till death us do part.
I started running burnt Offerings and for the goblins I've used some really old minis' I have the mold for. they came from Prince Augustine, these came out in the eighties, I think. Some of the older gamers may remember them, the scale is smaller(a traditional 25mm)making the goblins smaller and even less imposing on their own.
It's coming,it's coming! Long way down under to OZ for the pidgeons to fly. Can't wait to view it, hope the hone doesn't ring and my boss doesn't look.
I deal out the XP after a rest period of at least 1 night of rest.
I have trained my players to think ahead and have the next level ready. it's a real incentive, if they aren't ready they have to wait till the next time we play. It means that the other players who are ready give them a hard time, because they're not powerful enough.
Generally it only happens once!
Two barbarians, cut through my abandoned temple dungeon with moderate ease. Then they roll exceptionally well to find a secret door. Both decide to go in, door locks closed behind them. Air tight, the only way out is to read the inscription on the bottom of a sarcophagus in the room.
Barbarians can't read unless they spend the skill points.
Try starting as dwarven fighter/4 (gains the extra feat) then cleric/3(cure mod wounds) then dwarven defender/9 this gives the self healing meat shield with clout. I don't have my DMG handy but I think you need to be level 7 for dwarven defender this could be modified in the fighter area if dwarven defender is sooner.
Trade goods (gold, jewelry, statuettes, etc) should sell for full price. All other items, especially magic items should sell for half price.
I agree with this, it can seriously unbalance a game if the PC's don't have to work hard for the things on their wish list. If you want to add something extra, try giving the PC's a charisma check to see if they can get a better price. A roll of 1 decreases the price, it adds the haggling system into the game for a bit of realism but takes up some game time.
Why do dead characters lose all their gear?
Dead characters should lose their gear! Think about it, if your friend/comrade dies would you give his/her gear to a stranger who came along. No way, you'de send it or it's value back to his/her next of kin.
Here's a different idea try using a 10% XP penalty, if that drops a character's CL so be it, if not it only sets them back in gaining the next level. I have actually played under this system and it works pretty good. The DM in question also outlawed True Resurrects.
The DMG outlines (p106)how high a cohort or follower can be and how many a PC can have. Remember that a PC needs to have the leadership feat and be at least 6th level. The rules are quite good and I agree that cohorts and hirlings are under valued/ used. Something else to think about might be the use of a cohort mount.
Greyhawk: 60
- Homebrew : 31
- Forgotten Realms : 26
- Eberron : 22
- Planescape : 14
- Dark Sun : 11
- Ravenloft : 11
- Al-Qadim : 9
- Mystara/Hollow World : 7
- Dragonlance : 7
- Ptolus : 6
- Birthright : 6
- Spelljammer : 6
- The Styes : 5
- Wilderlands of High Fantasy/City State of the Invincible Overlord : 5
- Iron Kingdoms : 5
- Kara-Tur : 3
- Freeport : 2
- Council of Wyrms (v.3.5): 2
- Oriental Adventures / settings : 2
- Maztica : 2
- Wheel of Time : 2
- Scarred Lands : 1
- Diablo : 1
- Everquest : 1
- Ghostwalk : 1
- kingdoms of Kalamar :
- Midnight :
- Sundered Reaches :
- Warcraft :
Festivus, this is a great piece of work, as a spreadsheet DM, myself, I appreciate both your gift and the amount of work you have put in.
Coreans Disciple
I agree with what has already been said by the others here, one bad roll (fort in your case) can have that impact. You might want to look carefully at what your PC's gained by way of magic items off the now dead NPC's, this could have an effect on they strengh/power.
Another option for your story could be that these were "supposedly able" leiutentants to something/someone bigger. Dragon maybe?
Happy Birthday from OZ to Fake Healer, good luck in court, and I'm glad we don't have your system down here.
I drive for a living, so I don't get to checkin during work hours. But due to the time differential between the US and OZ it doesn't matter much :)
Happy Birthday from the land down under.
hope I'm not to late.
I've read a lot of REALLY Good advice from everybody on this thread, some of which I will take note of myself! One hint that was given to me when I started to DM was TAKE NOTES, lots of them! This helps you as the DM to evolve the storyline and tweak it where necessary.
Start with low level PC's(1-3), I know as a player I get more attached to a PC I started from low level.
For a reason for the PC's being together, try compulsory militia service. This also gives you the ability to guide/send the PC's where you want them to go (initially).
Just my 2cp worth, OH, and don't be afraid to come back to the message boards for advice.
zerotkatama wrote: Question: Since Mayaheine has Bastard Sword as her favored weapon, does that mean a cleric taking the War domain gets EWP: Bastard Sword? Although the rule book says "Free Martial weapon proficiency with deity's favoured weapon", I feel that it's not too much to stretch the reading to, Free weapon proficiency. After all if you going to devot your life in the service of a Deity, giving weapon proficiency is a small price for your god to pay. Or work on the principle, that the church would ensure that all clerics would be familiar with the deity's choice of weapon.
I went to a local homewares store and bought a couple of meters of vinyl(approx AU$12 per meter), used a fine permanent marker to do the 1" grid. So now I have a battlemat that nearly covers my gaming table. (Hint: get a light colour) :)
Don't forget that the only way a cleric can be true neutral is that he/she has a Neutral deity. This aside, as I read the rules you can still cast the inflict spells and stuff, if that's what you're wanting. It just means you can't spontaneously cast them. Like Celestial, I also have trouble with your favoured enemy and rebuke/command undead combo.
I'm suprised you let him go so far without consequences. I don't think you're being hard at all. I think the one constant in fantasy and real life is "do the crime, do the time".
I have 2 events, that are remember around the table where I play. One I get praise for the brings laughter and derision.
Laughter and derision: Playing in rolemaster game as a ranger the party was cornered by the constabulary(corrupt). So we decided to just knock them out and run for it. I rolled 100 (I flick my sword from the ground with my foot and catch it)which put me the critical table them proceeded to roll 100 again nothing but a complete beheading.( so much for the knock out)
Praise: Party enters room full of mohrgs (12), Cleric(me) gets initiative casts mass heal, mohrgs reduced to 4hp and party fully healed. DM shakes head, not at all happy.
Zherog wrote: Yep, I agree. DMs should find ways to allow every PC shine from time to time. I also think it's important for DMs to shut down a PC from time to time (sending undead towards the rogue, flying archers attacking the melee specialist, etc). The key is to not fall on one extreme or the other. I agree that letting them shine once in a while is great, it adds some enthusiasm to the players and gives them, that I'm important feeling. But beware some of the best laid setups of the DM can undone real quick. As a PC I destroyed my DM undead attack and healed my party with one well time mass heal, he was not impressed, but the party found it awsome, my PC paid for later. :)
We have a Forest Lake in Brisbane, Australia too. Which country are you in ozziedog?
Corean -- the God in the longest campaign I played, in which I was the Cleric. This was also the highest level Char I've ever managed Level 1 - 16.Death was self inflicted, my own Destruction spell reflected back at me!
Hate to be a killjoy but Paladins are Lawful good according to the PHB alignment p43.
Khezial Tahr,
Having played a number of clerics from ver 2 through to current, I reckon I've earned the right to comment. At the lower levels the cleric can be little more than a walking healing wand, BUT a mid levels and above there are very few things that cn stand in his/her way. Don't just look at the character feats and skills, a cleric can gain huge benefits from selected magic items (periapts of wisdom, cloaks of charisma etc). Cleric becomes healer, 2nd fighter, artillery support, diplomat and with certain domains, the 2nd trap finder. But as the DM don't force anyone to play a cleric or any other character for that matter.
30+ degrees Celcius is an average spring/summer day here in Brisbane OZ. I don't know what your complaining about. My wife won't take her jumper off until it's over 28C. Winter here and it's a pleasant 23C.
Sorry for the confusion :)
Really good concept, but being in OZ means I'm out. Would be really interested in how it all goes, please keep us posted.
I'm interested in giving it a go. No problem with once a day posting, but like dryder I have a time differential issue. (Brisbane Australia)
Everybody is asking for a hardcover, I'm a little different as I use my laptop for all my D&D, I would love to have an Ebook version. Easy to transport, easy to ship, lowers costs all round and good for the environment (Druid pleasing)
What Fatespinner says is about right, but I think you do have to have the feat in question. I think it was changed in the errata.
I always roll attacks in the open, but roll any damage behind the screen. I'm not a big one for fudging rolls but this gives me some slack if I need it. I too use the random totally insignificant rolls tactic and just playing wiht the dice also helps.
I use the method of a safe place to stash things. In your case Alustan would be willing to look after the treasure until the PCs are ready to move out of Diamond Lake, then they have to take it with them. Random encounters with itinerant merchants can also prove useful.
Ensigilled wrote: One of my players had become obsessed with finding out what lay bwyond the impassible collapse in chamber 3 of the Whispering Cairn. She is a druid, and apparently unimpressed with the other numerous draws of the dungeon, applied her daily alotment of spells to solving this riddle.
She approached the cave-in and stated that she was casting SOFTEN EARTH AND STONE (pg 280). I quickly reviewed the spell and told her that she achieved no effect beyond softening up a few feet of stones and digging through to find more stones barring her way.
This caused her to accuse me of cheating (because she admitedly glimpsed at the area beyond when I held up the map once), caused me to dodge a pencil thrown at me, and ultimately resulted in postponement of the game until next week. AND THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO Z'S TOMB!
After a night of reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I was technically, if not thematically (probably not a word but...)right in denying the party access to the chamber and pulling out AGoW prematurely. Still, the spell is a tricky one to read. My arguments are as follows -
1) SOFTEN EARTH AND STONE explicitly states that "When the spell is cast, all natural, undressed earth OR stone in the spell's area is affected."
The word "OR" suggests to me at least one or the other. The cave-in is most likely comprised of both.
2) Furthermore, it strikes me that this spell is designed for a solid two-dimensional surface, say the ground under one's feet. While it can affect depth (1 to 4 feet) it seems unlikely that the collapse would be affected greatly due to it's density and the variety of it's makeup.
3) The campaign states that it would take weeks to tunnel through. Even if the PCs in my campaign could alter the physical makeup of the collapse wouldn't it still be as difficult to tunnel through? All they did, in essence was turn 20 tones of rubble into 20 tons of clay.
Please my fellow DMs, my campaign needs your help. I look forward to reading your numerous and various responses.
A quick reference to the DMG page 18 "DM cheating and player perceptions" paragraph 2 lines 1 and 2 clearly state that as the DM you CAN'T cheat!