Dragonserpent |

Couple of rules questions as I cobble together my master spy.
1. Would you allow me to create my own poisons using these rules?
2. In some unofficial errata somewhere, it was suggested that Inquisitor's of Irori get the improved unarmed strike feat instead of martial weapon proficient in their Deity's favored weapon.
3. Would you allow any 3.5 material as far as feats go, namely bracers of murder from Drow of the Underdark and the feat Darkstalker from Lords of Madness?

Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates |

What's your feeling on 3rd Party material? Rite Publishing released 101 Special weapon properties. Disorienting is a special quality from the book that costs a +1 bonus.
Disorienting: when a disorienting weapon successfully deals damages to a creature, that creature must make a Will save (DC 10+½ the wielder’s character level + the wielder’s Strength or Dexterity modifier), or the creature for 1d4 rounds suffers a -4 circumstance penalty to initiative checks, attack rolls, Acrobatics, Fly, Jump, Perception, and Swim checks. Also whenever the creature moves, it must roll 1d8 to randomly determine the actual direction traveled. If the save is successful your opponent is immune to this weapon’s disorienting special quality for 24 hours, but not its disorienting burst special quality if it possesses one (see below). This is a mind-affecting curse effect. Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; confusion; Price +1 bonus.
It seems to be a good choice for a giant hammer. I'd also be willing to negotiate a nerf to it if you think its too strong (lowering the penalty to 2 or 3 or removing the random movement effect).
Furioes can still be useful for when you can't get GMW on your weapon.
John can cast it for like 15 hours. I'll only not have it when we're ambushed, I suspect. I think it makes sense to switch it out if someone can spare me the spell slot.

Watcher Uatu |

What's your feeling on 3rd Party material? Rite Publishing released 101 Special weapon properties. Disorienting is a special quality from the book that costs a +1 bonus.
101 Special Weapon Properties wrote:Disorienting: when a disorienting weapon successfully deals damages to a creature, that creature must make a Will save (DC 10+½ the wielder’s character level + the wielder’s Strength or Dexterity modifier), or the creature for 1d4 rounds suffers a -4 circumstance penalty to initiative checks, attack rolls, Acrobatics, Fly, Jump, Perception, and Swim checks. Also whenever the creature moves, it must roll 1d8 to randomly determine the actual direction traveled. If the save is successful your opponent is immune to this weapon’s disorienting special quality for 24 hours, but not its disorienting burst special quality if it possesses one (see below). This is a mind-affecting curse effect. Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; confusion; Price +1 bonus.It seems to be a good choice for a giant hammer. I'd also be willing to negotiate a nerf to it if you think its too strong (lowering the penalty to 2 or 3 or removing the random movement effect).
Tik-Tik wrote:Furioes can still be useful for when you can't get GMW on your weapon.John can cast it for like 15 hours. I'll only not have it when we're ambushed, I suspect. I think it makes sense to switch it out if someone can spare me the spell slot.
I don't mind some 3pp, but that weapon is something I can causing issues if used by a PC or NPC.
edit:Since you only have to make the save once per 24 hours I guess I can deal with it. The random movement will have to be done away with though.

Watcher Uatu |

I did fill the last slot, but I do plan to do another one after this one, or if this one does not cause me any issues one may start sooner.
If I start another one anytime soon I will send you a PM since most of the PbP games start at lower levels, and the chances for higher level play are hard to come by.

Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates |

I don't mind some 3pp, but that weapon is something I can causing issues if used by a PC or NPC.
edit:Since you only have to make the save once per 24 hours I guess I can deal with it. The random movement will have to be done away with though.
OK, We'll nix the random movement, which I think is dumb anyway. If you feel at any time like the penalty is too much we'll adjust it down some, no problem.
I'm just tired to death of all the normal weapon properties. Thanks for being open to trying this.

Watcher Uatu |

Mouse I am about to look over your character first since I think you reported as being ready first. I will post here if I have any questions.
You have gloves of arrow snaring and Inheritor's Gauntlets and they take up the same magic item slot.
What is the caster level of the "Permanency Greater Magic Fang +5"
Everyone here is what I would like for you to do, and this is only for the ability scores.
Str 24 (Base 16, racial modifier +2, belt +4, level up +2)
PS:The level up is for the boost you get every 4th level.

Antal 'Mouse' Abdul |

Oh right. Thanks for noticing those.
GMF +5 can only be reached with level 20. I counted CL20 for both the permanency and the GMF. Since Permanency is not a usually found spell, I counted a CL20 scroll of that too.
EDIT: Fixed, but now I have 3.7k I don't know what to do with.

Watcher Uatu |

Oh right. Thanks for noticing those.
GMF +5 can only be reached with level 20. I counted CL20 for both the permanency and the GMF. Since Permanency is not a usually found spell, I counted a CL20 scroll of that too.EDIT: Fixed, but now I have 3.7k I don't know what to do with.
Handy Haversack or
Flying Ointment
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 2,250 gp; Weight —
This preparation of herbs includes belladonna, mandrake, and foxglove (also known as “witch's glove”) in a base of rendered fats. When rubbed over the skin, the ointment grants the subject the ability to fly (as the overland flight spell) for up to 9 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, overland flight; Cost 1,125 gp
PS: I still need a stat breakdown.

Watcher Uatu |

Thanks Mouse. I think I am getting blind in my old age.
Your Crunch is approved.
As for you being in town, the groom a young noble, has known you for a while, and he is asking you to be there to see him get married.
He lets you know of that a number of other adventures known by the bride are also on the way. He would like for you to meet them at a small town on the border of Taldor so that all of you can arrive at the same time.

Tik-Tik |

Or you could try using a vestigial arm discovery.
Thanks to you I have now imagined taking that discovery and the Tentacle discovery and making displacer best pseudodragon. It's a very creepy image in my mind.

Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates |

Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates wrote:I think that my sheet is now completely accurate.That cracked ioun stone is from Seeker of Secrets. You can keep it though.
Oops, forgot I even got that. Thanks for approving. I was running out of ideas for spending my last few gold.
I'm going to put a spoiler block in offense to address when I have GMW on from John. As we play, I might add a couple others for buffs I end up getting regularly (if any). That'll help both of us with book keeping.
Was everything else ok?
Sorry Thogg, I'm more of a self buffer unless I hand out Potions. Want a potion of enlarge person or alter self? :)
Sorry I didn't respond before. Having an occasional dose of Enlarge Person might be useful. Its a fairly small damage buff and a harsh AC penalty but it might be nice to be able to block a hallway or something. Thanks, Tikker.

Dragonserpent |

1. Would you allow me to create my own poisons using these rules?
2. Would you allow any 3.5 material as far as feats go, namely bracers of murder from Drow of the Underdark and the feat Darkstalker from Lords of Madness?
Just want to bump these questions since they appear to have been missed.
Anyone know any items that really mess with an undead's day? They seem to be the bane of poison, stunning fist, death attack, combat routine. *sighs*
Also, what are your thoughts on leadership? I thought it might make sense to represent the many and varied loyal folk to one of Adrian's plethora of personalities. I don't think any would come into play other than his cohort, would probably be an elven mystic theruge and fellow worshipper of Irori, and good friend (and possible romantic companion) of the tiefling's. Would our cohort come into play with us or would they remain as just part of the back story? Could she help craft things for Adrian?
Sorry for all the questions, and for the delay on putting together the character sheet. I have most of it written up on note pad, just need to put the finishing touches together and put it into forum format.

Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates |

Anyone know any items that really mess with an undead's day? They seem to be the bane of poison, stunning fist, death attack, combat routine. *sighs*
Undead bane would probably be the thing.
101 Special Weapon Properties has Undead Burst if you have a high crit range.
Bane Burst: a bane burst weapon functions as a bane weapon that warns you about a bane enemy’s attacks (you are never surprised by the chosen foe, allowing you to always roll for initiative in a surprise round when your chosen foe is attacking from surprise), it also explodes with additional bane damage upon striking a successful critical hit. This additional damage does not harm the wielder. In addition to the extra damage from the bane ability, a bane burst weapon deals an extra 1d10 points of bane damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra 2d10 points of bane damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add an extra 3d10 points of bane damage. Even if the bane ability is not active, the weapon still deals its extra weapon type damage on a successful critical hit. Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; rage; Price +2 bonus.
It's 3PP so you'll need Watcher's go ahead.

Watcher Uatu |

Watcher Uatu wrote:Thogg Smashes-What-He-Hates wrote:I think that my sheet is now completely accurate.That cracked ioun stone is from Seeker of Secrets. You can keep it though.Oops, forgot I even got that. Thanks for approving. I was running out of ideas for spending my last few gold.
I'm going to put a spoiler block in offense to address when I have GMW on from John. As we play, I might add a couple others for buffs I end up getting regularly (if any). That'll help both of us with book keeping.
Was everything else ok?
Tik-Tik wrote:Sorry Thogg, I'm more of a self buffer unless I hand out Potions. Want a potion of enlarge person or alter self? :)Sorry I didn't respond before. Having an occasional dose of Enlarge Person might be useful. Its a fairly small damage buff and a harsh AC penalty but it might be nice to be able to block a hallway or something. Thanks, Tikker.
Everything is good. I will have you meet up with the party about a mile outside of town.

Watcher Uatu |

1. Would you allow me to create my own poisons using these rules?
2. Would you allow any 3.5 material as far as feats go, namely bracers of murder from Drow of the Underdark and the feat Darkstalker from Lords of Madness?
Just want to bump these questions since they appear to have been missed.
Anyone know any items that really mess with an undead's day? They seem to be the bane of poison, stunning fist, death attack, combat routine. *sighs*Also, what are your thoughts on leadership? I thought it might make sense to represent the many and varied loyal folk to one of Adrian's plethora of personalities. I don't think any would come into play other than his cohort, would probably be an elven mystic theruge and fellow worshipper of Irori, and good friend (and possible romantic companion) of the tiefling's. Would our cohort come into play with us or would they remain as just part of the back story? Could she help craft things for Adrian?
Sorry for all the questions, and for the delay on putting together the character sheet. I have most of it written up on note pad, just need to put the finishing touches together and put it into forum format.
I did miss them, sorry about that.
1. You can use poisons that are in the core book, but no creating new poisons.
2. The darkstalker feat is a no-go. If I ever thought of allowing that feat I have to put some prereqs on it.
2B. The bracers of murder are approved.
I really don't know of anything that mess with undead that you can buy. Their 1000 immunities are why us GM's love them. :)
The crafting is not likely to do you much good, but you can try it if you wish. If you bring in a cohort it would already be traveling with you.
PS:If you meant could the cohort use her feats to help save on gold for character creation of the PC then I would have to say no to that.

Watcher Uatu |

Kaz you are good to go mechanically.
As far as your reason to go to Dalaston, you are trying to find a place to relax, and the bride who is your friend or at least an associate invites you to small town for a wedding. She also lets you know others will be coming and she ask you to meet with them in a small town so that everyone gets there at the same time.