Clebsch's Reign of Winter

Game Master Clebsch RoW

Our brave adventurers are the only hope in a cold, cruel world.

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Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Clebsh , about the mirror image discussion , you said :

"The Mirror Image spell says: "Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your images instead. If the attack is a hit , roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment." Since a grapple is a combat maneuver which is an attack, it's going to have a chance that when you try to maintain the grapple, you try to grab a figment. I know an argument could be made that Domitian already has hold of the bird, but the rule is a game mechanic that isn't meant to map logically to every situation."

For me, the fact that Domitian is only maintening the grapple implies the attack is not an hit. so no need for him to roll .
All others , even those trying to assist for the first time would have to roll.
Now this is my point of view but you are the DM and have the ultimate decision.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

I agree. I don't see maintaining a grapple as a hit at all. Like actual grappling it's retaining your hold/maintaining control of the situation.

Initiating a grapple should be subject to mirror image since it's grabbing the target. Once they're grapples, and unless said grapple breaks, maintaining the grapple should not, since you haven't let go and the images don't affect your grasp on what you're already holding.

Sovereign Court

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | || Current Map ||

The wording is you must make a check .... not attempt a grapple ...

So you are saying this 'check' is an attack, but a check is more akin to a skill check.

Anyone else joining the grapple would be attacking and need to do its stuff...

Others have indicated that Mirror Image is an illusion, which is visual and sound, not touch ... if you are touching a visual illusion, you know which is the real image and which is not by touch ...

But hey all rules are subject to the GM's ruling's anyway ...

The Most Important Rule
The rules presented are here to help you breathe life into your characters and the world they explore. While they are designed to make your game easy and exciting, you might find that some of them do not suit the style of play that your gaming group enjoys. Remember that these rules are yours. You can change them to fit your needs. Most Game Masters have a number of "house rules" that they use in their games. The Game Master and players should always discuss any rules changes to make sure that everyone understands how the game will be played. Although the Game Master is the final arbiter of the rules, the Pathfinder RPG is a shared experience, and all of the players should contribute their thoughts when the rules are in doubt.

Copied straight from the PRD ...

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Slightly different topic, but one that might render this mirror image debate moot for now.

The witchcrow attempted to cast Mirror Image while grappled and succeeded on the concentration check. However, the witchcrow did not attempt a concentration check to cast defensively against the owl next to it.

In your view, did the witchcrow need to make a second concentration check to cast defensively and avoid the AOO from the owl, or are casters allowed a single concentration check against all ongoing effects? Because it's possible that the witchcrow should have failed in casting mirror image.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Whatever happens the owl should get an attack of opportunity without the images being there ... good think Dom.

Defense Spurhorn 3

I've read these, but won't have time to reply until Wednesday. Busy time at work.

Defense Spurhorn 3

I don't have much time, so I must again beg patience as I deal with a heavy work load complicated by not being quite over my illness and needing rest and sleep when I can get it.

I will check on the issue with the AOO. I don't think there is any provision for having a single concentration check cover multiple triggers. I'll roll another concentration check to cover casting defensively and see if the owl gets an AOO.

As for the other arguments about the mirror image interacting with the maintaining the grapple, the important point to stress is that terms like "attack" and "hit" have to be interpreted in their game mechanical sense, not any literal interpretation.

An attack is any act that requires rolling a d20 and adding either BAB or CMB versus either an AC or CMD. In this definition, the steal combat maneuver is an attack as is reposition. A hit is any time an attack succeeds. It does not require any actual hitting as we might think of it in terms of fighting. Likewise, maintaining the grapple just means rolling another grapple check, which makes it an attack. One can't assume this can be accomplished without having to change ones grip and potentially grab one of the limbs of a mirror image instead of the real thing.

(Also, keep in mind Domitian is perched in a tree, fifteen feet above the ground trying to keep a grip on something that is about 3 feet tall, double the size of raven or crow and he is contending with five illusory ravens all flapping wings and flexing talons. It's a very dramatic image that I hope everyone appreciates.)

The other point to remember is that we are arguing over how a spell works. We can't really apply logic to what must happen with spells; all we have to go on is the spell description and the game mechanics provided. So if the spell description provides a game mechanic that is unambiguous, I'm inclined to stick with that.

All that said, I'll have to see when I can advance to game play thread. It may not be until Friday. After this week, my schedule changes again and goes back to a more normal one of working from about 8 AM to 3 PM (and just two classes, not three), Monday through Thursday, so my posting ought to become constant after I finish out this week. Thanks for hanging in there.

Defense Spurhorn 3

It turned out to be a moot point how the mirror image spell interfaced with maintaining a grapple, but in case anyone is interested, I found a rules discussion on this topic (link below). I added a post with our situation and my ruling to see what comments it might bring.

Most of the same arguments were presented in this thread that some of you posed and they had some support, but my argument was also presented and so the issue wasn't really resolved. See what you think and check for future posts to this thread to see what others think.

I always want to do what's right by the rules but I don't want there to be any hard feelings if I rule differently from how the players think. Ultimately, the good of the order is more important than being right, so I always consider that when making a ruling on such an issue.

Grapple and Mirror Image

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

I never realized how much of an utter nightmare this AP is for a ranged character.

Defense Spurhorn 3

The penalty for the snow is harsh, but once this part of the first book is concluded, it should settle down and be more of a normal environment for melee. Nightmare or not, Ingrit has made some important hits with her bow.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

When you say "normal environment for melee", are you saying I'd be better off refocusing on melee? Because dealing with -4 on every attack for an entire AP or most of it would be ridiculous. At that point I'd just rebuild or replace the character. Or do you mean the perpetual snowfall eventually comes to an end?

Defense Spurhorn 3

The constant snowfall is an artifact of the effect that is bringing winter into Taldor in the summer. After this part concludes, that aspect ends. You will still be dealing with winter conditions much of the time, but not snowfall all the time. I meant melee in the general sense of fights, not melee versus ranged.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey


Defense Spurhorn 3

How do you interpret the duration of the control effect over cold creatures? The Domain ability references another feat (Command Undead) which says the effect is like (Control Undead). The spell has a duration of 1 minute per level, but the feat says the targets who fail the save get a new save every day, so that sounds like it lasts until they fail the save.

Also, I just noticed, the effect is supposed to be limited to a number of hit dice of creatures controlled equal to or less than your caster level. Technically, that would have prevented the effect (Izoze has 3 hit dice), but too late to retcon that. Just keep in mind the limit exists.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

I'd say the type of control and what you can do with it would be "as Control Undead" but the save each day does indicate that the duration is ongoing until the creature saves.

At which point tey'll probably be pretty pissed....I would be.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

I would also say it is a control not a charm ...
You can force the creature to take actions or respond to questions but he would probably try to mislead the controller

Defense Spurhorn 3

The more intelligent the controlled creature, the more likely it would attempt to resist, but Izoze is a pretty simple creature, barely intelligent enough for language use, so I've not tried to role play that.

Defense Spurhorn 3

My computer is in the shop, so if I don't have time to post at work, I won't be able to post in the evening. Hope to have it fixed soon.

Defense Spurhorn 3

It looks like I'll have my computer back Wednesday but it will be with a new hard drive, so it may take a few days to get back in business.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Leaving on holidays in about 12 hours
I do not think I will be able to post till 2 May in the evening
Feel free to make me act if it makes sense .

Defense Spurhorn 3

Will do. Thanks for the heads-up/ Have fun.

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Actually, Dom cannot parry riposte as he used his AOOS already.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

It's been a crazy day - I finally read the spoiler and realized that Dom got hit by Reduce Person!

His attack bonus is evened out (+1 size, -1 str). Falcata damage becomes 1d6+4. On the bright side, AC +2.

@Damiano - have a great vacation!

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

@GM Clebsch - Damiano is on vacation, so you may have to play out exactly how he might manage to grease up the troll. Step 1 would seem to be getting a visual on Dom, followed by Step 2, casting grease in the direction Dom is swinging his sword.

Defense Spurhorn 3

It's been a while since hearing from Ingrit, Erland, and Eianar. Let us know if anything in RL is problematic. This is the boss fight for control of the portal, so if things slow down too much, it will take some of the fun and excitement out of it. Post when you can and let us know if there will be a delay.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

I've been waiting to post in order as you requested.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Yeah just waiting on Einar.

My plan is to use sleep he on the troll, dunno if that needs to wait on Einar or no.

Defense Spurhorn 3

I don't want to 'bot Eianar if I don't have to. If he hasn't posted by tonight, I will. Thanks for being patient.

Defense Spurhorn 3

Text preformatted Statistics Form

Above is a text document you can you to quickly get your character stats into the preferred format for posting in your profile. It is a tremendous timesaver for me as GM to have this data in this format so I can check things like to-hit bonus, CMB or any other detail I might need. Just download the document, enter the details for your current level and copy/paste it into your profile.

Khristov is the one I have the most trouble with as he does not have certain important elements anywhere on his profile, like BAB. Most others are fine, although if you have the information in a different format, it would be appreciated if you would eventually edit the information to appear in the standard stat block format.

We are in this for a long haul and over the years, it will save me a lot of time to have the information I sometimes need as GM easily available. Thanks.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

Does the troll being ablaze affect the miss chance percentage?

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Doesn't the troll's regeneration not work for each round it receives fire damage? I saw that you had it regenerate 5.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

You're right.

A creature with this ability is difficult to kill. Creatures with regeneration heal damage at a fixed rate, as with fast healing, but they cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning (although creatures with regeneration still fall unconscious when their hit points are below 0). Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, cause a creature’s regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the attack. During this round, the creature does not heal any damage and can die normally. The creature’s descriptive text describes the types of damage that cause the regeneration to cease functioning.

So as long as he's on fire or takes any fire damage in a round, his regeneration is switched off.

Defense Spurhorn 3

Sorry. I was interpreting that the damage caused by fire does not regenerate but other wounds continue to regenerate each round. I'll adjust the post momentarily.

Defense Spurhorn 3

After a couple more encounters, everyone will be leveling up to 3rd, so be thinking about your choices and ask questions if you have any.

I recommend you look over what knowledge skills are covered and which are not. As you rise in levels, it's always a good idea to have someone in the party who has a chance to make all the knowledge rolls. Bards and wizards (and witches) are the natural candidates to have a wide range of knowledge, but I'd recommend everyone put at least 1 rank in each knowledge skill that is a class skill by the time you are 3rd level.

I just looked over everyone's background and found Damiano and Khristov don't have any background story in their profiles. Please take some time to give at least a thumbnail description of where the character was raised, where he/she has been, and how he/she came to be an adventurer. Include as much colorful detail as you feel inclined to give beyond that so I can include some of those tidbits in my narration.

For example, several characters are from Irrisen, so should you end up in Irrisen (not sure how you will do that as it is miles north of Taldor), I might include an NPC who knows your character or his/her family. For those who have included your background story, I enjoyed reading them and look forward to integrating elements from your background as the story advances, if possible.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

Going to be sticking with Ranger. Skirmisher archetype doesn't kick in until 5th so everything would be as normal.

Though I may want to add the Toxophilite Archetype especially given the recent experience shooting at a number of things smaller then me).

I'd have to retrain Wild Empathy (which I have yet to use) for Arrow-Splitter. No retrain needed for 2nd level since I already chose Arhery as my combat style.

I'm still on the fence about it though given how grueling this AP is, giving up Endurance may not be worth it.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

Treasure haul

four potions (Featherstep)
a silver diadem,
a single gem that appears to be a diamond or similar clear stone,
a jeweled necklace,
a small painting of a walled city in winter. The image is dominated by a delicate ice castle amid a glacial lake, with the walled city in the background, mostly low buildings except for a clock tower toward the far side.
3 rings each with a single blue gemstone,
a decorative filigree longsword scabbard,
small scrimshaw sculpture of dancing sprites surrounding a piping satyr. All of this rests on a bed of coins.

2457 gp

3313 sp

1760 cp. At 50 coins per pound, the whole chest weighs over 150 lb.

48 gold pieces
spear of manhunting. Valued at 3925 gp, it is a +1 boar spear, which has a 2-foot blade that extends from a heavy crossbar. Designed to catch and hold humanoid prey, a spear of manhunting automatically resizes to match the size of its wielder when grasped. Once per day on a successful critical hit, the wielder of a spear of manhunting can cast hold person as an immediate action on the target hit by the attack (Will DC 13 negates). The hold person effect immediately ends if the spear is dropped or withdrawn, such as by making additional attacks with the weapon.
Caster level 3; aura: faint enchantment. The standard boar spear for a medium human does 1d8/x2 and weighs 8 lb.

four blue white gemstones - ice diamonds," a form of quartz, each worth about 100 gp.

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

The Loot Table is updated! I added a bunch of blankets, furs, and bearskins; not sure they're worth anything but at the very least they're thematic of the desire to stay warm. Also, I separated the gold from the silver and copper. I am planning to keep the gold and hide the silver and copper, if the GM allows.

My HP is accurate, at 12/21 and could use some healing.

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

Evenly distributed the coins and other chest contents would just be an extra 25 lbs per person.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Will take 3rd level as Arctic Druid... so no surprises there then ...

Not sure what to take for the feat though...

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |
Ingrit wrote:
Evenly distributed the coins and other chest contents would just be an extra 25 lbs per person.

That might work. There are some spare chests lying around.

Once our 3rd level comes, Dom takes another level in Swashbuckler. Not sure about the feat yet, could be Combat Reflexes or Power Attack. Normally I'd take Power Attack in a heartbeat, but it also imposes a penalty on the Parry/Riposte which leaves me conflicted.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 4
Quick Stat Reference:
AC=19, HP=10/15, Fort/Ref/Will: -2/8/4, 1st level spells: 4/4, 2nd level: 2/2, Archaeologists' Luck: +1 6 rounds/day

Khristov takes another level in Archaeologist bard. Getting some Trap Sense and maybe a skill-oriented feat. Haven't decided yet.

Defense Spurhorn 3

As you're updating loot tables, if you're not sure of the worth of something, keep track of where you got it, so later I can check the value.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 4
Quick Stat Reference:
AC=19, HP=10/15, Fort/Ref/Will: -2/8/4, 1st level spells: 4/4, 2nd level: 2/2, Archaeologists' Luck: +1 6 rounds/day

I've put up a short backstory on my page now. It's not a very long and detailed one, since this character is a replacement for a dead PC so it was kind of haphazard but it's something.

Defense Spurhorn 3

I'm a big believer in the value of fitting your character into the world. It's the difference between playing a kind of video game character whose main goal is killing monsters, finding treasures, and gaining experience, and a character who does those things as part of his life experience. One way is to do it a little at a time, adding aspects as they occur to you.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Erland is increasing his Intelligence by +2 (big surprise, I know)

Skills: Knowledge (Planes) taken

Spell & Hex DC's increase by 1.

RE: taking stuff - I'd say we dump the copper, take all the furs, food, firewood, and survival gear, along with all the real valuable stuff.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 4
Quick Stat Reference:
AC=19, HP=10/15, Fort/Ref/Will: -2/8/4, 1st level spells: 4/4, 2nd level: 2/2, Archaeologists' Luck: +1 6 rounds/day

Khristov is gaining 2 points of dexterity.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Damiano is also increasing his intelligence

Does this mean I win now two new skills (one by level) reotractively?
I saw that Erland did so but that surprised me so I prefer to ask

Female Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 87/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold effects/ +15 cold environment/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if non lethal) Reflex: + 12 Will: +5 : Perception +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey

Ability Scores section of the SRD, or Core Rule Book p.554, Appendix 1: Special Abilities:

Permanent Bonuses: Ability bonuses with a duration greater than 1 day actually increase the relevant ability score after 24 hours. Modify all skills and statistics as appropriate. This might cause you to gain skill points, hit points, and other bonuses. These bonuses should be noted separately in case they are removed.
In specific reference to this being a change from 3.5, James Jacobs notes on the Paizo boards that

All bonuses are retroactive when an ability score increases, be they bonuses to damage, to skill ranks, to hit points, to saves, to skill checks... all of them. Skill ranks not being retroactive are a 3.5 convention we specifically removed from the game because it was a weird exception to the rule, and since now there are no exceptions to this rule, there's no need to specifically state that skill ranks are retroactively granted if your Intelligence goes up.

There seem to be a lot of Pathfinder questions lately that fail to understand the general principle that unless there's a specific exception noted, yes, everything happens according to the general rule even if it's not listed out specifically. This is a case of that.

The most prominent exception is the Headband of Vast Intelligence, which gives you extra skill points but locks them to one specific skill and doesn't let you choose. However this is NOT to be generalized to other items; for example the robe of runes and some intelligence-boosting ioun stones do not explicitly bear this restriction and therefore would give you skill points as normal. It's tricky though, because even other similar intelligence-boosting ioun stones do have that same restriction! An item follows the general rule of giving back skill points unless it has a clause saying it doesn't. And if it doesn't, make sure and note what you spend those skill points on in case you lose them.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Yup, Ingrit has the right of it.

Same way, at Level 4, when I go from 19 to 20, I'll get another skill point x level ranks.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Cool ! Guess I was still used to the 3.5 rules
Thanks guys !!!

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