Khristov |

I barely understand things about US property law. Japanese law gives me a headache. I think they said they're remodeling and upgrading it.

Clebsch RoW |

Has everyone had time enough to level up and update their profiles? No big rush, but soon enough there will be some possible fights so it would be good to have your improved hit points and such.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

I should be up to date!

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Have there been any items that the party members would find useful and wish to purchase? I am interested in pooling our available resources buy the Belt of Constitution +2 for 3400 gp, for Dom to use. It's being sold at a discount, will give him a bit more staying power, and also it's an easy item to pass around the party as we find more belts. It'll also lighten our encumbrance load so we can loot more stuff from the tower. I'll happily forego future loot shares to repay the gold in the future.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

@GM Clebsch - Can I get the value of the following items:
From Post 1429:
Silver Diadem
Clear Gem
Jeweled Necklace
3 Rings with blue gemstone
3 Piles of Furs (is each pile worth just 4gp or is it more?)
From Post 965:
Sapphire (is it 600 gp?)
Trying to scrounge up enough wealth for the belt and distribute the potions of feather step and leftover wealth to the party. I think it's cleaner to just do the accounting here instead of roleplaying it, and then we can be ready to move on.
*Edit* - we can also just move on now, since we seem to be ready for it. If so, can I just backtrack a little and convert more of the gold pieces into gems with Rolf?

Clebsch RoW |

We can assume purchases have been made and items sold or exchanged before going to the White Weasel. I'll get the values of the items Domitian asked about later tonight. I'll set up the next major encounter later tonight as well, but I'll be out of town on a camping trip Thursday through Saturday with only phone posting possible, so things won't really take off until the late weekend.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Cool, that works for me!

Clebsch RoW |

Silver Diadem: 300 gp
Jeweled Necklace: 400 gp
Clear Gem: a nearly flawless diamond: 500 gp
Rings with blue gemstone: 75gp each
Sapphire from the guardian doll: 600gp
The furs have no value given by the AP text. Trade goods list various pelts as being worth 2-3 gp for the most common types of pelts, which is likely for the source. Assuming 3 pelts per pile, 2.5 gp per pelt, 3 piles would be worth 20 gp (assuming some slight price reduction for being used.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Accounting Post
Wow, that's a lot more than I expected!
Total gold is 4948.3. Dom uses 3400 on the Belt of Mighty Constitution +2, leaving 1548.3. Dividing by 5 (excluding myself) means that everyone gets 309.66 gp, which can probably be held in some combination of coin and gems as desired. Please add this to your inventory.
Also, there are 4 Potions of Feather Step to distribute. Please announce and claim one if you are interested; otherwise I will just assign them shortly.

Ingrit |

Aside from that Ingrit will pick up 40 more arrows. 2 gold 6 lbs

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Eianar has been out for a while, his character has been out in another game I'm in. He might be having a hard time with the passing of his dog, being ill, and perhaps other issues. I think it makes sense to bot him, hoping he will return soon.

Eianar Drudsson |

Hi Guys,
Sorry about leaving you in the lurch, but not being in any games for the last few weeks, (months), has taken a great big weight off my mind. I didn't realise just how much stress that was putting on me, signing in and looking at stuff and responding. I've really enjoyed playing with you guys, but for my peace of mind I think its time I left the boards for a while.
This has nothing to do with you, its just where I am at the moment.
I wish you luck in the future and hope the game goes well.

Clebsch RoW |

Thank you for letting us know. Hope things get better and you can rejoin when things are not so stressful.
In the meantime, I will recruit a replacement for Eianar. If you decide you want to rejoin later, I think we can work something out.
Peace be with you.

Clebsch RoW |

We will play out this melee with me controlling Eianar. If anyone knows a reliable player whom you would like to invite to join the AP, let us know and notify the player. I recently have had to replace a player in the other AP I'm running and it went pretty smoothly and did not require an open recruitment, which can be a gamble in terms of getting a reliable player who will mesh with the group.
Also, I think I'll change the name of the campaign to reflect my being the GM instead of Black Tom.

Erland Frey |

Need a healer?
I mean, sure, we could use some channeling positive energy, but Erland is pretty darn good at the party healing, especially when combined with Ingrit's long-term aid skills.
Not that I'm turning down a full cleric, of course, just sayin'

Domitian Olavsgaard |

I suggest someone who wants to stand in melee. Could be full BAB, rogue, bard, whatever. That'll take some heat off Dom.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Or a 5 person party is fine.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Damiano Delstrego |

No offence meant , Erland
While a free CLW by person by day is good, Domitian needed more than that in the combats before we were 3rd lvl .
It might change now that you have access to CMW of course :) I never played a witch so have no idea of how good as healers they are in the long term

Clebsch RoW |

Opportunities to craft potions might be scarce as the PCs will be on the move and without proper equipment or a place to work it; plus one can produce only 1 potion per day. I think having either a cleric or another type that has access to cure spells would be good, such as oracle or shaman.
If nobody has a player in mind to invite, I can reopen the recruitment and see what we get.
Alternately, I can create an NPC to journey with. The AP has an NPC who is available to go with the party to provide them with help in navigating Irrisen. I could modify this NPC to have cure spells.
Or I could run Eianar as an NPC.
Let me know what you want.

Domitian Olavsgaard |

I suggest someone who wants to stand in melee. Could be full BAB, rogue, bard, whatever. That'll take some heat off Dom.
I'm an idiot, thought of Khristov as a ranged combatant for no reason, when he's melee. So I retract this statement.
A wand of cure light wounds would go a long way in healing, if that's available.
I will let Ingrit see if she gets someone; otherwise I could spread the good word.

Ingrit |

I have someone I highly recommend who should be chiming in here at some point to introduce themselves.

Clebsch RoW |

Welcome Jesse. There are some ideas above. Someone who can provide reliable healing would help, but there are other options.
Are you familiar with the adventure path? If not, get a copy of the player's guide and look over the campaign traits and suggestions and check out the PC profiles for some idea of what the party has available. What you want to play is more important than anything. It is an adventure path so you will be playing the character a long time if we can keep going to the end.
The PC you are replacing is a druid.
You have a bit of time to work on things. The current melee will take a bit of time as it is just starting and there are six five enemies to deal with plus a house afire. The character will be 4th level. It probably should be someone who is a native of Irrisen, but there are ways of incorporating someone from outside Irrisen. It could be someone who followed after the PCs from Taldor or someone who ran afoul of the local winter witch and is languishing in a cell in the Pale Tower, which the PCs are soon to be trying to invade.
Edit: The AP suggests that PCs will be 17th level by the end of the path, in case that matters.
A wand of cure light wounds would go a long way in healing, if that's available.
Let's see if one is available in town.
1-75=Available: 1d100 ⇒ 73So, yes, one is available.
If the party has the funds, you can assume you picked up a wand of cure light wounds from someone in town for 750 gp, 50 charges.

Ingrit |

The current melee will take a bit of time as it is just starting and there are six five enemies to deal with plus a house afire.
With us inside....and two small children.....yeah this is that kind of party.

![]() |
I know of the AP, but I have never played it (excepting one game that fell apart when the DM disappeared during the first encounter).
From the comments above it looks like you are just looking for a healer, nothing else specific (Domitian's most recent comment indicating that you seem to be all right for melee combat, and Ingrit seems to have a good handle on ranged attacks). Erland also looks to have some good support healing. I'll see what I can whip up that will help!
I see from your initial recruitment thread that you started with 20 point buy and 2 traits. Do you use any of the following:
* Background skills
* Variant multiclassing

Domitian Olavsgaard |

Yes to background skills. I defer to our DM about VMC though I am good with it.
If the 5 of us have 150 gp each to to spare, we can buy ourselves a CLW wand, which should really help. Are folks okay with that?
-Posted with Wayfinder

Clebsch RoW |

Were it me, I'd make a straightforward cleric or druid. Both have the range of divine spells that will be essential in the long run. While the party might get by with a wand of CLW right now, eventually you'll be wanting spells like lessor restoration and remove disease and remove blindness. Rather than get a wand for each of those, and possibly have to use UMD to make it work, better to have someone who the next time he/she prepares spells can just prepare what's needed.
As for fighting skills, the party has 2 people who are solid fighters. Khristov as a bard is more of a secondary fighter and support caster. Damiano and Erland are arcane casters, so they aren't so strong in melee. So a cleric or druid can wade into melee and hold his/her own but when needed, he/she has the spells to deal with the damage everyone suffers.
Being able to heal by channeling makes clerics a little more appealing than druids, but that's not a crucial point. Having a druid with an animal companion that can fight can also help shore up the fighting side of the equation. Plus druids eventually can change into animals, which can be a very helpful thing not only for fighting but for scouting or getting through small spaces, etc.
Just my 2 copper's worth. I have a PhD in religion, so I'm partial to clerics and druids.
If you're so inclined, there is the paladin, which can heal with lay on hands but is a solid fighter. There is also the inquisitor and the oracle, both of whom have divine spells and some interesting features that could make for interesting PCs.
Incidentally, a cleric of Milani might be interesting. There are plot elements in the AP involving underground cults of Milani working against the winter witches.