Aubrey's Eberron campaign. (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Runzyl 23
Gnarly 18
Rodergo 17
Lightbringer 15
Janosz 14
Kobolds 10
Bool 8
Ezreal 7
Trose 6

Go Runzyl.

HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1

(Init) Choom 16+3 = 19

The elf, not wasting a second, suddenly leaps forward with a furious war cry, slamming into the kobold across from him in hopes of avoiding any trap that may lay between them.

Leaping Bull Rush! Jump check to clear the 10' gap (my intended destination is D5): 6 + 11 + 5(AP) = 22. Can't believe I had to blow an AP on that... Bull Rush attempt: Natural 1. Dammit. I knew this was going to happen sometime. At least I get Mobility against the AoOs from the guys in C5 and E5 for that charge. :D

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

meatspace is crazy now...unless I can post again soon, as my turn seems to be approaching,...and unless things change drastically, Rodergo shall hold action to heal anybody who looks badly hurt.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)
Rodergo Xativa wrote:
meatspace is crazy now...unless I can post again soon, as my turn seems to be approaching,...and unless things change drastically, Rodergo shall hold action to heal anybody who looks badly hurt.

Huh...never mind; I'll stand to do my attack when my turn comes up; though I still might delay--I don't know yet...I don't want to get all hurt up before the big boss fight with the Triune.

lol--home early to watch kids while my wife did something;
my first post they were all screaming. NOW they're all sleeping. It's eerie, I tells ya! I don't know how fakey copes.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Choom steps forwand and carefully aims his crossbow at a Triune Guard.

5' step to D9, firing at B5. Attack roll 3+5=AC 8. Nah.

Gnarly jogs forward, hefting his crossbow. Once close enough, he drops to a kneeling firing position and pumps two bolts into his target.

Move to D7, fire twice at B5. Attack rolls 17 and 18 - man, my Excel Random Number Generator is on fire! That hits AC 21 and 22, they do 7+1=8 and 9+1=10 points of damage.

Updated initiative:
Runzyl 23 - D6
Choom 19 - D9
Gnarly 18 - D7
Rodergo 17 - C9
Lightbringer 15 - C7
Janosz 14 - D8
Kobolds 10 - B5, C5, D5, E5
Bool 8 - ?
Ezreal 7 - ?
Trose 6 - ?

Rodergo's next.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Rodergo moves to e6 and hits(?positive thinking...?) the kobold in e5 with his mace.

r12+3=15; damage 4.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Lightbringer steps forward, already swinging his greatsword at the kobold directly in front of him.

Attack C5: roll:10 + 6 (AP) + 8 –1 (PA) = 23.
Damage: 6+3+2 (PA) = 11

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Janosz sprints forward, nimbly spinning past friends and foes alike. Once in place, he swings his flail at the back of his chosen foe.

Tumbling to A4 - Tumble check 12+6=18 - before attacking the kobold in B5. Attack roll 13+8+2(flank)=AC 23, damage 8+3=11. If Gnarly's crossbow artistry has already brought the little bugger down, I tumble to B4 and do the same to the C4 kobold instead.

And then... kobolds!

Not sure if Janosz can attack after that tumble - you move at half speed when tumbling and that move is about 25', or the equivalent of a double tumble. You can tumble, or you can attack without flanking - your call.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

I forgot about the half speed part. I do want to attack, though - I'll just move to B6 and attack B5 without flanking. I thus hit AC 21.

Already hit by Gnarly's crossbow bolts, the kobold on the far left is felled by Janosz's flail.

B5 is down.

The kobolds strike back, but fail to penetrate the defences of the three adventurers. Bool moves up and manoeuvers round the melee, but takes a couple of wounds as he does so. Perhaps shaken by the pain, his attack is ineffectual.

Bool moves to B5, takes two AoOs for 15 damage, and misses his attack.

Now Rod or Ez.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I believe Ithuriel was headed out today, so I'll take up Ezreal now. I've got him starting in C10 since he never specified.

Ezreal takes aim with his wand over Lightbringer's shoulder and releases a crackling orb at the wounded kobold, striking it directly in the face.

wand of electric orb at the kobold in C5: Nat 20! + 6 = 26. Crit confirm: 15 + 6 = 21. Damage: 4 + 1 + 1(PBS)= 6. 12 if crit. ZAP!

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Rodergo moves to e6 and hits(?positive thinking...?) the kobold in e5 with his mace.

r12+3=15; damage 4.

That's what I'll do; don't know if it was a vanishing post before...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Rodergo Xativa wrote:

Rodergo moves to e6 and hits(?positive thinking...?) the kobold in e5 with his mace.

r12+3=15; damage 4.

That's what I'll do; don't know if it was a vanishing post before...

I can see the one from before just fine.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

right on!!! Damn gremlins, makin' me paranoid...

Smoke rises from the joints of the battered armour of one of the kobolds, having been battered by Lightbringer snd fried by Ezreal. but it still stands, barely.

Rodergo swings but fails to hit his target.


m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)


Male Human Rogue 3/Urban Ranger 1/Dragonmarked Heir 2

I am going to ready an action to replace anyone in our front line if they go down.

OK - putting Trose at C8, poised and readied.

Back to the top - Runzyl.

Frustrated by his failed charge, the elf lashes out at the wounded kobold to his left first, his twin blades whipping over his head in vicious arcs.

I'm in D6 right now, so the first attack is at the kobold in C5. Attack #1: 16 + 7 = 23. Damage: 1 + 4 = 5. If that kills C5, then the next attack is against D5. If C5 is still standing, then this attack goes to him. Attack #2: 4 + 7 = 11. Miss anyway.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Choom relaods his crossbow. Gnarly delays until initiative 12.

Now Rodergo.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

r3--Rodergo misses.

Another foe falls!

C5 is down.

Now LB.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Lightbringer swings at kobold D5: 18+8-2 (PA) = 24. Damage: 6+3+4 (PA) = 13.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Janosz runs up to the next enemy, swinging his flail at its head.

Move to E4, going via D3 to avoid AoO's . Attacking D5 - roll 12+8+2(flank)=AC 22, damage 6+3=9.

Gnarly picks a path next to the closest kobold. Finding a weak spot, he buries his axe into its side.

Tumble to C5 (check 9+9=18), attacking D5. Attack roll 14+5+2(flanking with Rodergo)=AC 21, damage 7+1+5(sneak attack)=13.


Another kobold falls to the assault. The last one swings at Runzyl, and wounds him in the leg. Bool, meanwhile, swings and misses.

D5 down. Runzyl takes 6 points of damage.

Now Ezreal.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Seeing his allies perfectly in control of the situation, the mage lowers his wand and simply watches his surroundings.

No sense in wasting a charge on one lousy kobold. Ezreal will go full defensive, looking around to make sure nothing is coming up from behind or anything.

Now Trose.

Male Human Rogue 3/Urban Ranger 1/Dragonmarked Heir 2

"Mayhaps we should take a prisoner? Never hurts to know what is around the next corner."

As though it will be necessary, I ready another action to replace someone who falls, but otherwise I just speak.

Trose's comment registers in the elf's mind and he acts accordingly, taking a swing at the kobold's weapon rather than the kobold itself.

Sundering. The kobold gets an AoO against me because I don't have improved sunder. Sunder roll: 2 + 9 + 4(two-handed weapon) = 15. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll roll crappy. If I succeed, damage: 4 + 5 = 9.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

after Gnarly Rodergo will do this:

I'll hit e5 again. r17+3=20; damage r8 with my mace in his face.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1
Rodergo Xativa wrote:

after Gnarly Rodergo will do this:

** spoiler omitted **

Keep in mind that Gnarly delayed. Thus, the updated initiative is:

Runzyl 23 - D6
Choom 19 - D9
Rodergo 17 - C9
Lightbringer 15 - C6
Janosz 14 - E4
Gnarly 12 - C5
Kobolds 10 - E5
Bool 8 - D4
Ezreal 7 - C10
Trose 6 - C7 (?)

Also, as Janosz now flanks E5 with Rodergo, Rodders hits AC 22. Pow! Socko! Lightbringer's up.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Lightbringer takes a 5 foot step to D5, points at the kobold with his sword and booms out “Surrender!”

Readying an action – if the kobold attempts to flee, attack or reach for an item of equipment (any false moves basically), LB will attack him, r:12+8 = 20, Damage: 11+3 = 14

The kobold slashes Runzyl's arm as he chops at the creature's halberd (8 points of damage). Runzyl bites a big chunk out of the weapon's haft with his blade, but fails to chop it in half. Rodergo also hits the kobold with his mace, denting its helmet.

As Lightbringer offers quarter, the kobold soldier simply presses its attack, wounding Runzyl again with a slash across the stomach - another 8 points of damage, and yes, I am aware that Runzyl has a very good AC at the moment. Lightbringer's sword sweeps down, narrowly missing the lizardling by a whisker.


m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

"I hit something!!!"

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

Pounding the kobold into dust. Attack roll 11+8+2(flank)=AC 21, damage 3+3=6.

Gnarly moves to G4 and swings at the kobold. Attack roll 14+5+2(flanking through Janosz' Distracting Shot ability)=AC 21, damage 6+2+4(sneak attack)=12.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:

As Lightbringer offers quarter, the kobold soldier simply presses its attack, wounding Runzyl again with a slash across the stomach - another 8 points of damage, and yes, I am aware that Runzyl has a very good AC at the moment. Lightbringer's sword sweeps down, narrowly missing the lizardling by a whisker.


Is this an AoO or some other kind of out-of-sequence attack? Otherwise, both Janosz and Gnarly attack before the kobold - it is its turn now. Of course, if we didn't bring it down and it now attacks Runzyl, it's a wash.

<shrug> I dunno. You killed it, anyway. End of combat.

The final kobold fanatic falls.

After a few moments when everyone has their breath back, Choom points at the door to the east. "The Hall of the Sky Dragon."

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

"Excellent. Now, mind that talking orb." Janosz points to the orb in the corner and lowers his voice, before looking at Bool and Runzyl. "You guys definitely need some patching up before we enter the great hall."

Runzyl nodded at Janosz's appraisal of his injuries. Between breaths, he looked at Trose first, then Lightbringer. "No more prisoners," he seethed.

Male Human Rogue 3/Urban Ranger 1/Dragonmarked Heir 2

I will gather up some cloth from the fallen kobolds, and wrap up the chalk that i have in my bag. Then proceed to crush the chalk with my dagger hilt.

Poor man's dust bomb

Trose - Clone wrote:

I will gather up some cloth from the fallen kobolds, and wrap up the chalk that i have in my bag. Then proceed to crush the chalk with my dagger hilt.

Poor man's dust bomb

Ooo - tricksy!

By the way - xp for the last few encounters = 700xp.

hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength

Lightbringer nods briefly to Runzyl's comment.

Whilst waiting for Rodergo to heal Runzyl and Bool, Lightbringer prepares his potion of shield of faith and his magic weapon spell. He waits for Trose to assess the state of the doors (locked, trapped or otherwise) before taking the potion or casting the spell.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Healing runzyl-
8+8+7=max; 3 charges.

Healing bool-
9+5+7=max; 1,2,or3 charges?

Subtracted 4 charges; waiting on a call for the other two...

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Casting protection from energy-fire on myself, unless Runzyl wants it.
Shoot, I can heal myself....

Does anybody want shield of faith or magic weapon?
I have two of each.

I might as well shoot for the moon here.

Male Human Rogue 3/Urban Ranger 1/Dragonmarked Heir 2

"If you can turn the Flame's light onto me, I won't be denying the glory."

magic weapon on rapier, and shield of faith please

As for the door:

Search: 13+12=25

Disable Device (if necessary) = 17+8=25

Open Lock (again if necessary) = 13+8=21

Rodergo Xativa wrote:

Does anybody want shield of faith or magic weapon?

I have two of each.

I might as well shoot for the moon here.

You might want to save some of those for your ranged healing since you can't heal at range with the wand.

m ROD! CLERIC 6 EXORCIST SLVR FLAME 5exp =125,535(cast as a 9th level cleric)

Yeah, that's true. I'll hold back the prot energy: fire, and the shield of faith and magic weapon.
Trose can have what he requested.

Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1

"'Ere you go, buddy. This'll make you harder to hurt." Janosz hands Bool his potion of protection from evil, before chugging one of his potions of shield of faith. After that, he pours viscous oil down into his quiver. "I'm ready for anything."

Protection from evil on Bool - his Will save isn't the best. Shield of faith and Magic weapon on me.

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