Janosz Frogshanks |

"sigh" heal myself 5 h.p.
Heal Janosz 6 h.p.
Brushing ash out of his eyes, Janosz can't help but shake his head and laugh. "I have to agree, Lightbringer - there seems to be a trap there." He gingerly touches his face. "Feels like the burns are mostly healed up already, Rodergo. But will your healing magic give me my eyebrows back? They'll grow out in time, I guess..."

Trose - Clone |

"Let me look at... WAIT!!!"
I watch helplessly as my trap disarming technique is duplicated with costly results. Watching the flames rush towards me, I dodge, nimbly, and take cover behind a molecule, while the flames wrap around to either side.
Unharmed, I stride up to the gate and attempt to disarm the trap.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

After a tense moment, there is a click and Trose is able to remove the phlogiston coil from the mechanism. With a bit more fiddling, he unlocks the gate.
Trap disarmed, gate unlocked. 125xp each.
Past the gate, the corridor turns sharp left and goes up a short flight of stairs. At the top is a landing.
Listen check, DC 15:
If you got 20 or more on the above Listen check, and if you speak Draconic:

Janosz Frogshanks |

Listen 9+12=21. Unfortunately, Janosz doesn't speak Draconic (I think - I've forgotten to list his languages. How about Common, Orcish and Sylvan?)
"More of 'em up the stairs," Janosz mutters. "Or maybe just one with a personality disorder. Stay here for a second; come running on my signal."
Grinning like a mischievous schoolboy, Janosz grabs the crispy kobold Lightbringer used to fry the party with and tiptoes up the stairs. Then, with a feral roar, he flings the corpse as hard as he can around the corner. Seconds later, be pops around the corner, bow at the ready.
That should set off any prepared actions they might have. Move Silently check to get real close and surprise them: 15+8=23. Let's get the little buggers!

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

OK, back to add some stuff to the map (hope you didn't throw it away!).
The corridor runs from K-L/14 to K-L/23, with the portcullis between K-L/21 and K-L/22. Then, it turns east, with stairs up at M-N/22-23. The landing is at O-P/22-25, and then stairs head up again at M-N/24-25 to a doorway on the west side of M/24-25 (assume it is 10' wide for convenience).
Janosz throws the corpse and then springs round the corner, seeing a doorway at the top of more steps. In the doorway are a couple of kobolds and one throws a glass sphere of some kind down the stairs while the other quickly slams the door. The sphere hits the bottom of the stairs and shatters, and a foul-smelling green gas swiftly billows to fill the stairs.
The cloud fills squares M-Q/22-25, DC 14 Fort save or....
DC 18 Spellcraft of Alchemy check:

Lightbringer |

“If that cloud is an inhaled poison I should be safe from it,” says Lightbringer. “But if that door is locked and trapped that may do us little good.”

Janosz Frogshanks |

Fort 11+6=17. Could I hear keys or latches being turned? Listen 13+12=25.
"Son of a..." Janosz hacks and coughs, but is otherwise unharmed. "There's just a couple of 'em!"
If I couldn't hear a lock being engaged, I try to kick the door open. Opposed STR check or something?

Lightbringer |

Lightbringer jogs up the stairs to stand beside Janosz. Fort save needed?
If the ranger seems about to force open the doors, the warforged lends his broad shoulders to the endevour, barging at the doors.
Strength check: nat20+2 = 22

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Fort 11+6=17. Could I hear keys or latches being turned? Listen 13+12=25.
There was a sort of clunking noise as the door closed
Lightbringer and Janosz shoulder-barge into the door, which bursts open. Inside are six kobolds. Two are armed and armoured like the soldiers outside, whereas the other four are unarmoured and considerably less muscular, and carry daggers. A table with piles of paper - seemingly plans and schematics - is pushed in a corner. The walls of the room are covered with levers, pulleys, windlasses, strange glowing glass tubes of different colours - some red, some yellow and some blue - and, hanging from the ceiling, a larger version of the glass orb in the guardroom. From the orb, voices squawk in Draconic.
If you speak Draconic:
The kobolds yell raggedly and charge.
OK, some details on the room. It is a simple square, 30' by 30', occupying G-L/24-29. There is a door (through which the PCs enter) at L/24-25. There is another at G/26-27. The armoured kobolds are at K25 and J28, and the unarmoured kobolds are at K24, I26, I27 and K27. Janosz and LB are at M/24-25, the rest can place yourselves as you see fit, but the cloud of gas is still there in the stairs.

Lightbringer |

Janosz Frogshanks wrote:Fort 11+6=17. Could I hear keys or latches being turned? Listen 13+12=25.There was a sort of clunking noise as the door closed
So it's locked ... and possibly trapped. Still want to try this? A locked door is probably too tough for us to barge down.

Lightbringer |

We'll give it a shot anyway, as Janosz operates on pure adrenaline right now. Once he bounces off the door, he'll slow down and try to think. Did our monstrous Strength check budge the door?
Alright. *Bang* ... 24.

Ezreal Farlowe |

The smell of rotten eggs and spoiled milk fills the corridor and Ezreal covers his mouth gagging. "It's not poison! If you can avoid throwing up you'll be fine."
As the door bursts open he listens intently from the landing, and shouts out, "They're calling out the rat riders and mages! Let's make this fast!"
Listen: 13+2 = 15
Spellcraft: 13+13 = 26 (stinking cloud) Lightbringer is immune to nausea
Fort: 14+3 = 17
Kadesh Fort: 14+2 = 16
Init: 20+3 = 23
Start @ P24

Janosz Frogshanks |

Of all times, this is when Aubrey's big post disappears... Thank god for that recent posts function! Initiative 14+3=17. Janosz starts in M24, Lightbringer in M25
Reposted for convenience (unless I'm the only one who can't see it):
Lightbringer and Janosz shoulder-barge into the door, which bursts open. Inside are six kobolds. Two are armed and armoured like the soldiers outside, whereas the other four are unarmoured and considerably less muscular, and carry daggers. A table with piles of paper - seemingly plans and schematics - is pushed in a corner. The walls of the room are covered with levers, pulleys, windlasses, strange glowing glass tubes of different colours - some red, some yellow and some blue - and, hanging from the ceiling, a larger version of the glass orb in the guardroom. From the orb, voices squawk in Draconic.
If you speak Draconic:
** spoiler omitted **
The kobolds yell raggedly and charge.
OK, some details on the room. It is a simple square, 30' by 30', occupying G-L/24-29. There is a door (through which the PCs enter) at L/24-25. There is another at G/26-27. The armoured kobolds are at K25 and J28, and the unarmoured kobolds are at K24, I26, I27 and K27. Janosz and LB are at M/24-25, the rest can place yourselves as you see fit, but the cloud of gas is still there in the stairs.
Final question - are the beefy kobolds properly armoured, or did they put on their gear hurriedly?

Ezreal Farlowe |

Arek - Fort 2+3 = 5, Init 8+4 = 12, @ O23
Bool - Fort 10+4 = 14, Init 11+0 = 11, @ P23
Ceshto - Fort 16+4 = 20, Init 3+1 = 4, @ P22
Gnarly - Fort 9+3 = 12 (+2 dwarven vs poison?), Init 4+6 = 10, @ 024
Choom - Fort 16+1 = 17, Init 17+3 = 20, @ P25
That leaves N24, and O25 for Trose & Rodergo
Ezreal 23
Choom 20
Lightbringer 18
Runzyl 17+
Janosz 17
Trose 16
Arek 12 (nauseous)
Bool 11
Gnarly 10 (nauseous?)
Rodergo 7
Ceshto 4

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The two armoured warrior pile in to block the door, while the others hang back nervously. One gets a telling blow on Janosz.
The two big lads block the doorway at L24 and L25 respectively, and swing at Janosz and Lightbringer with their halberds. Janosz takes 9 points of damage. The kobold at K24 moves back to I24.
Choom isn't the heroic type either, so it's LB next.

Lightbringer |

Lightbringer swings mightily at the armoured kobold in front of Janosz, trying to take it out of the fight as quickly as possible.
Attack kobold at L24:14+8+5 (AP) – 2 (PA) = 25.
Damage: 7+3+4 (PA) = 14

Janosz Frogshanks |

As Runzyl can't get to anyone before me, I assume he delays a microsecond.
Following his comrades' example, Janosz batters the kobold in front of him with his flail.
Attacking L24. Roll 15+8=AC 23, damage 9+3=12. If the kobold falls, I tumble to L26. Tumble check 13+6=19.

Runzyl Steelsong |

Seeing the way cleared by his companions, the elf charges boldly forward and attacks the back row of kobolds with a ferocious yell. He quickly skirts around his foe, securing a position behind the enemy lines.
Kobold in L25 is my Dodge target. Moving to J24. This provokes an AoO from L25, but my Mobility and Dodge will hopefully save me. Spring Attack vs. I24: 13 + 10 = 23. Damage: 1 + 8 = 9. After the attack, I move around my target (assuming it's still alive) to H24. This provokes an AoO from I26 (if it has a melee weapon ready). Spring Attack avoids the AoO from the kobold in I24.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The remaining kobold soldier slashes Runzyl's leg as he dashes past - 8 points of damage - but the elf barrels on regardless. He chops down the lightly armed and armoured lizardling in front of him. You can manoeuvre somewhere else, since you post assumed that he would be standing up at the end of your attack.

Runzyl Steelsong |

You can manoeuvre somewhere else, since you post assumed that he would be standing up at the end of your attack.
Very good. I'll move to H26 instead. I'm impressed (and somewhat afraid) that the armored kobold hit a 25 AC.
FYI, I've sustained 20 damage total so far. Still have 33hp left, just wanted to make the cleric aware. :)

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Trose slithers up beside the kobold fighter in the door and delicately places his rapier through a gap in its armour and into its side with surgical precision. Tumble to L24, sneak attack with flanking from Janosz, 16 points of damage.
Gnarly is somewhat more direct, standing next to Lightbringer and bringing his axe down on the little fighter's arm. Move to M24. 6 points of damage.
With Arek able to do little more that hurl the contents of his stomach on the stairs, Bool moves up and, with the kobold still recovering from his swing at Rodergo, round its back. His axe cleaves the creature's head from its body, coating the ceiling and drenching everyone nearby with blood. He roars an Orcish warcry in jubilation. Move to K25, 15 points of damage.
The remaining, unarmoured kobolds drop their weapons and fall to their knees, pleading in Draconic.
If you speak Draconic:
End of combat. Don't have access to my DMG (it is packed away) so I'll give you the xp total later.

Ezreal Farlowe |

Ezreal moves into the control room to escape the noxious fumes, but not before they overcome Kadesh. The bird sways on his shoulder finally spreading it's wings to get to the ground, but heaves and vomits mid air on the way.
"They surrender. No point in killing all of Choom's people, and they can tell us where to go- maybe shut down traps or draw defenses away with this control room."
2nd Fort save: 13+4 = 17
Kadesh: 4+2 = 6

Lightbringer |

Lightbringer nods at Ezreal, accepting the kobolds’ surrender.
“We must make haste,” he states. “Choom, do you know how to use this apparatus? Which way to the throne room and how far?”
He turns to the others. “I suggest we close all the gates except those in a direct line between here and the throne room. It will hinder the enemies movements. The question; do we leave a rear-guard here to secure the control room?”