Trose - Clone |

When we get back together:
"Ugh, a miserable a dreadful night if e're there was one, but I feel better having taken the time. We cannpt be sure the little clockwork assassin won't show up later, but each day the chances grow less."
"Lets be on the road again, and make for the ferry."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The group finally get back together again after in Garlmouth. The two Flamics and the Karrn have a leisurely trip with the half-orcs and the mules to the town. Trose, Janosz and Runzyl, after fortifying themselves with a hearty breakfast at a roadside inn, trudge back to Wroat and borrow some riding horses from the Tharashk office there. By early afternoon, the party is reunited at the Ferry Tavern, a large hostelry and the last stop before crossing the river.
The ferry itself is a large is a large, flat barge, connected to each shore by a length of very stout chain. Using elemental-powered winches, the ferry is hauled back and forth across the Dagger River, which at this point is about 1/4 of a mile wide. For a fee of 4gp per person and pack animal or mount, the ferry operators (House Orien, of course) run a scheduled service four times a day to the city of Galethspyre. Named for the needle of grey rock which points skywards from the centre of town, the dockside bustles with rivermen, merchants and customs agents.
It is probably mid-afternoon. You might wish to linger a bit and spend the night in town. Also, you haven't fully purchased your gear for the big trip north, and there might be other business you wish to conclude or enquiries you might wish to make.

Janosz Frogshanks |

We need:
-Tents. Either a bunch of small ones, or a couple of bigger ones. I'd go with smaller ones, as they are easier to take up and down, as well as transport with us. We also need mats and sleeping bags.
-Food, both for us and for our mounts. The outdoorsy types can forage a bit for food and hunt fresh meat, so I'd recommend getting trailbread and other portable foods. How much depends on how far we are going. Which brings us to...
-Maps. We only have an approximate location for this ruined castle. We do want maps that show the terrain on the way there. Special concerns: water features and abrupt elevation changes. Also, knowing if we can graze and water our mounts along the way would be good to know.
-Trading goods. Those we meet might not be interested in exchanging services or goods for money. Instead, they might want food, or shiny trinkets or something else. We should ask around and hear what traders or prospectors bring with them when they go to Droaam.
-Things that'll make traveling easier. I'm tinking ropes with grappling hooks, climbing gear with pitons, lanterns that will work if it is raining, that sort of thing.
Having said that, we don't want to get too loaded down either... Planning this sort of thing isn't easy!

Lightbringer |

“I have little experience in camping, wilderness travel, or, in fact eating. I will defer to Janosz’ wisdom on these matters. I will contribute 50 gold pieces to the fund.
“On the matter of maps; the best maps of Droaam are likely to be possessed by House Tharashk and the Brelish Military. Trose will likely to be able to get some maps from the Tharashk enclave that is our short term destination; I would think we would pass some Brelish fortifications as we approach the border – I could see if I can convince the local commander to give me access to maps, troop strengths and such.”

Rodergo Xativa |

"Looks like 250 miles to Ardev, 100 more to Castle Arakhain, and then 200 miles more to Orcbone.
10 bedrolls 50lbs 1 g.p.
3 flint and steel 0lbs 3 g.p.
2 hammers 2lbs 1 g.p.
2 grappling hooks 8lbs 2 g.p.
2 bullseye lantern 6lbs 24 g.p.
20 flasks of oil 20lbs 2 g.p.
2 ropes, 50 ft 20lbs 2 g.p.
5 tents 2man 100lbs 50 g.p.
10 waterskins 40lbs 10 g.p.
15 days rationsX9 135lbs68 g.p.
so far, 381 lbs. and 163 g.p.
so, we need at least two more 16 gp mules, with 15 days (150 lbs) food 7.5sp, and saddlebags 12 g.p.; this is 29 g.p. per mule x2=58 g.p.
That puts each extra mule at carrying 190 lbs of gear and 150 lbs of feed to make a 12-15 day trip to Ardev. They'll be medium encumbered for a day or three, until their feed gets eaten down. So we can make 16 miles per day the first few days, then 24 miles a day the last few.
This trip estimate runs us 221 g.p. to Ardev."
300 more miles should be another 12-20 days, so 20x9/2=90 g.p. food and 20x5x12=12 g.p. mulefeed. So another 102 g.p. to Orcbone."
221 divided by 5 (I remember Trose is broke) is 44 gp each; I'll kick in 45 g.p. We'll still buy the rest of the food in Ardev and Castle Arakhain. Any additions or improvements or gaping holes in this plan?
It of course doesn't include the price of a map."
eat your heart out, yellowdingo.
"Oh, yeah. 88g.p. divided by 5 is 17 g.p. each, I'll kick in 20 g.p., for the ferry. Totals 61 g.p. each, me 65 g.p. for this plan right now, with 20 more g.p. each later for food in Ardev."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

I think it will take more than a couple of hundred gp to move the economy of Galethspyre. Also, you won't be going to Castle Arakhain - it is the private estate of the King of Breland.
You should probably count on enough food to get to Ardev, then repurchase there, then to Orcbone, and then for your trip to Cragdeep. It is close to harvest time - there will be plenty of surplus.

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This doesn't make much of a difference price wise, but we already have some of these items so we can reduce a little. Before shopping we already have:
4 flint and steels (LB, Janosz, Rodergo, & Trose),
4 Bedrolls (Ezreal, Runzyl, Rodergo, & Janosz),
5 Waterskins (Ezreal, Runzyl, Rodergo, Janosz, & Trose),
1 50' rope (Rodergo- Trose has a silk rope and Janosz has 20', but I won't count that one against the 2nd 50' rope to purchase),
1 grappling hook (Janosz),
and one party member who needs no water food or sleep. Maybe LB wants a bedroll to kick back and humanize with the rest of us? That would be nice of us : )
4 sp back for bedrolls, 3 gp for flints, 1 gp for a grappling hook, 1 gp for rope, 6 for waterskins. 11.4 off the total- split 5 ways is 2.28 back- so final total is 58 gold 7 silver, 2 copper each. I don't think that amount gained was worth the checking required to figure that out : ) I'll have to eventually sell something to make the 20 gold for the next installment, but I have some scrolls I could sell at a profit.

Rodergo Xativa |

Cool! I'll modify weights and such sometime...
I was just trying to provide a starting point.
I also think that though it's not safe to assume we'll have encounters with treasure to loot along the way, we'll manage somehow, so the next gob of goldpieces in price isn't that big a deal. We're adventurers, by Crom!!!

Ezreal Farlowe |

You can leave the weight the same except for one waterskin. Otherwise we still have all the items we intended to get, but some characters can reduce those items from their personal encumbrance by moving it to their mount's saddlebags. Thanks for working all that out Heathy. It's a lot of work being the group accountant like that.

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Create food and water isn't an option yet, but create water is a 0th level clerical spell. It could save us a lot of lugging water weight around since it will create 6 gallons per casting.
Also, I think it is safe to assume there will be an inn or small village every day, 2 at most along the way. Lets not burden ourselves with food, and plan on several restocks along the way.
and does anyone think a cart or a wagon might have some value?

Rodergo Xativa |

You can leave the weight the same except for one waterskin. Otherwise we still have all the items we intended to get, but some characters can reduce those items from their personal encumbrance by moving it to their mount's saddlebags. Thanks for working all that out Heathy. It's a lot of work being the group accountant like that.
No prob's. I woke up from a nap, and started doing it...
Curious; I couldn't figure out the encumbrance weight ranges for a magebred mule.We'll have to ask about inns along the way. I mean, the closer we are to Droaam, the less likely for them to be able to maintain a business a day's ride out into the wilderness. If I was a Droaam bugbear, I'd make a good living off of hitting Brelish inns for fun and profit.
How much would a wagon cost, and how slow is it?

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Ezreal Farlowe wrote:You can leave the weight the same except for one waterskin. Otherwise we still have all the items we intended to get, but some characters can reduce those items from their personal encumbrance by moving it to their mount's saddlebags. Thanks for working all that out Heathy. It's a lot of work being the group accountant like that.No prob's. I woke up from a nap, and started doing it...
Curious; I couldn't figure out the encumbrance weight ranges for a magebred mule.
We'll have to ask about inns along the way. I mean, the closer we are to Droaam, the less likely for them to be able to maintain a business a day's ride out into the wilderness. If I was a Droaam bugbear, I'd make a good living off of hitting Brelish inns for fun and profit.
How much would a wagon cost, and how slow is it?
I think Dragonmann posted the details for the Magrebred template above, somewhere. A quadruped's weight allowance is twice that for a biped of the same strength, I think, plus it is more if you are large instead of medium.
You are right about the inns. The regularity will tail off as you go along, though it shouldn't be too bad towards Ardev. I'll stick up a post this evening (AMT) with various skill checks you can make to work out what you are likely to face on the way to Orcbone.
A wagon sounds a little OTT - a couple of extra pack mules should be enough.
EDIT: Magebred template:
Easier to train
1 of:
a)+10' to one movement type
b)thick skinned: +2 more AC
c)tracking breed: +4 survival (tracking)
+4 to one physical stat, +2 to other physical stats
Int 2
1 bonus feat:
a) alertness
b) athletic
c) endurance
d) improved natural attack
e) multi attack
doubles cost of animal
I assume you are going for fast, strong mules.

Rodergo Xativa |

That's cool...we should make better time without hauling hundreds of pounds worth of oats and barley. I'll have to re-modify food purchases when we know something about the nature of the trip...so everybody hold your gold's for the time being.
I'd also like to know how far the keep of the ogre bastards is from Orcbone, and the availability of supplies there. Might have to reeely stock up if we can't buy oats and gewgaws in Orcbone without a big hassle from the fartknockers that live there.

Lightbringer |

"You are indeed a priest of many talents Flamebearer. As Ezreal suggested, I have no need of a tent or bedroll - I will be keeping watch nights. You said you were planning to procure two - person tents; if the weather gets particularly severe, I may seek shelter in one of your tents if that is alright.
"I will pay a full share for the equipment."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Knowledge (Geography) check, DC 10 (anyone can try this one untrained):
Knowledge (Geography) check, DC 15 (trained only):
Knowledge (Geography) check, DC 18 (trained only):
Knowledge (Geography) check, DC 20 (trained only):
Knowledge (History) check, DC 15 (trained only, except for Ezreal, Rodergo and Lightbringer):

Rodergo Xativa |

took 20 on the know: history dc15:
"Breland escaped much of the last war's venom and froth. Orcbone, however, was fought over by my countrymen, Aundair, and the Eldeenfolk. The closer we come to Orcbone, the more it will weigh on our hearts, as more scars in the land and husks of the remnants of battles there become evident. I counsel caution; for there is no telling what leftover revenant, what battlefield haunt, we will disturb."

Janosz Frogshanks |

Made all the knowledge (geography) checks except the first... Don't have any ranks in knowledge (history), unfortunately.
"The journey from here to Ardev will probably be relatively uneventful, as we will be passing through settled lands. Beyond Ardev, however, the terrain gets rougher, emptier and far less traveled. Before we get to Orcbone we'll see the old hobgoblin monument to their Six Kings - something to look forward to!"
"Beyond Orcbone, the trip to Cragdeep is about 180 miles. There used to be a road there from Orcbone, so the actual journey should not be too arduous - probably about 6 days. Cragdeep sits in the foothills of the Byeshk Mountains. Also, Droaam is a wild and dangerous place with many monsters, and the weather in the mountains at this time of year is likely to change often and violently."

Lightbringer |

"It is good that we have knowledge of the places we are heading. Well, if we have purchased everything we require - let us be on the road. There will be places to restock as we go, should we prove to have forgotten anything."
ie, lets get this show on the road!

Rodergo Xativa |

Appended purchase list to reflect new distances and Ithuriel's notation of equipment:
6 bedrolls 30lbs 1 g.p.
2 hammers 2lbs 1 g.p.
2 grappling hooks 8lbs 2 g.p.
2 bullseye lantern 6lbs 24 g.p.
20 flasks of oil 20lbs 2 g.p.
2 ropes, 50 ft 20lbs 2 g.p.
5 tents 2man 100lbs 50 g.p.
5 waterskins 20lbs 5 g.p.
12 days rationsX9 108lbs55 g.p.
so far, 314 lbs. and 142 g.p.
so, we need at least two more 16 gp mules, with 12 days (120 lbs) food 6sp, and saddlebags 12 g.p.; this is 29 g.p. per mule x2=58 g.p.
That puts each extra mule at carrying 157 lbs of gear and 120 lbs of feed to make a 11 day trip to Ardev. They'll be medium encumbered for a day or three, until their feed gets eaten down. So we can make 16 miles per day the first few days, then 24 miles a day the last few.
This trip estimate runs us 200 g.p. to Ardev."
420 more miles should be another 13 days, so 13x9/2=59 g.p. food and 13x5x12=8 g.p. mulefeed. So another 69 g.p. to Orcbone from Ardev."
142 divided by 5 (I remember Trose is broke) is 28 gp each; I'll kick in 30 g.p. We'll still buy the rest of the food in Ardev and Castle Arakhain. Any additions or improvements or gaping holes in this plan?
It of course doesn't include the price of a map."
eat your heart out, yellowdingo.
"Oh, yeah. 88g.p. divided by 5 is 17 g.p. each, I'll kick in 20 g.p., for the ferry. Totals 45 g.p. each, me 50 g.p. for this plan right now, with 14 more g.p. each later for food in Ardev."

Rodergo Xativa |

Finally, looks like the ride is 6 days there and 6 days back from Orcbone to where we're going. 15 days of food(?) we'll wait until Orcbone, and see how the money looks; oughtta be less than 20 g.p. each; that's an off the cuff estimate. I'm not going to nail it down until we're in actual Orcbone, and know what our state of financial affairs is.

Trose - Clone |

In an effort to was away some of the foolish shame of running myself broke, I make my way to the Tharashk enclve, and seek out the half-orc, Hawl.
"Greetings, cousin, I was given your name as someone who might be looking to have something brought towards Orcbone, or perhaps beyond. My companions and I are about to set out with what amounts to a tiny armored column, so I figured if you had something sensitive to be moving, something might be arranged?"

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Hawl d'Tharashk is a fairly elderly half-orc with silvery hair and astoundingly bushy and luxuriant eyebrows. These waggle thoughtfully at Trose's request.
"Hmm, dunno know if there's anything much I need round Orcbone, or need to get there. But I ain't spoken for a long time to a fella there who I used to know, back in the day when we used to hunt down nasties in the mountains round there. Ask after Gnarly, give him my regards, tell him there's a welcome for him if he comes down the road to the 'Spyre. Here's 50 gold for your trouble.
"Whatcha doin' round there, anyhow?"

Trose - Clone |

"Whatcha doin' round there, anyhow?"
"We took a commision to find a missing Cannith heir. Apparently he was tangled up with Daask, and they shipped him to the court of an Ogre warlord in Drooam."
"From what we have uncovered, Tharashk has tried to make some inroads with these ogres, but they were too, uncivilized to see the benefits. I am playing the sideline that a punch to the eye, or if necessary a sword in the gullet, of the warlord may foster a more flexible attitude," I say with a wry smile adorning my lips.
Well it is all true, at least, I think to myself, even if it isn't all the truth.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The eyebrows rise and Hawl grins. "Ogre-bashing - did my share of that in the War. Gnarly yer man - knows that area like the back of his hand. Just don't pay too much to some of his stories - over-active imagination," he laughs.
OK, I think we are done, unless someone else has something they need to do.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

OK, let’s hit the road. I’ll assume you spend the night in Galethspyre and then head off down the road in the morning.
The following morning, a mule train heads off down the Ardev road. Twelve mules, carrying ten riders, set off through the north gate out of Galethspyre, leaving the bustle and stink of the city behind. The road continues through lush fields, following a course roughly parallel to the Dagger River. As the sun rises, workers come out to tend the ripening harvest of grain, vegetables and fruit. Wagons trundle by bearing produce towards Galethspyre, driven by sun-browned farmers and drawn by patiently plodding horses, and drovers herd sheep and cattle towards the market, assisted by trotting piebald dogs. As the sun rises higher and the dew dries the ears of corn in the fields, teams of harvestmen wielding scythes work their way across the golden sward, followed by women who gather up the harvest and carry it off for threshing and milling. While Breland is sometimes considered by outsiders to be synonymous with the metropolitan clamour of Sharn, most Brelanders live a simpler life, dictated by the seasons and the soil.
The region around Galthspyre, similar to Wroat, is surrounded by cultivation. Settlements of varying sizes – some large villages with inns, village greens and rustic temples to the Sovereign Host, others little more than a few dwellings and barns with livestock nosing about – dot the landscape. To the east, the valley is bordered by low wooded hills, while the western side disappears into a greenish-purple haze, turning crimson as the sun begins to set.
Eventually, saddle-sore after their first extended stint in the saddle (except for Runzyl, who is a skilled Valenar rider, and Lightbringer, who does not suffer from such frailties) the group arrive at a large roadside inn, The Drover, presumably deliberately situated to be about a day’s ride outside of Galethspyre. With large stables, it is a fairly simple matter to hand over the mules to the stable lads and stagger into the taproom. The innkeeper, and bulky, ruddy faced man – funny how they all look like that – pours everyone a frothy ale and plates of mutton, gravy and vegetables appear to slake the appetites of the travellers. The weary riders then collapse into comfortable beds as night draws in.
The food, ale and accommodation will cost 5sp per person per night – standard D&D rate – and stabling the mules will cost 5sp per mule. These costs can obviously be avoided by roughing it, but you avoid using up your own supplies by staying in an inn. Also, if the weather is poor you might need to make survival checks to avoid fatigue effects and so on in the wild. Up to you – I’ll assume you stay here tonight and you decide in future.

Rodergo Xativa |

That's 11 g.p. I kicked for it. Somebody else kick tomorrow...
Is it safe to assume that if we stay in an inn overnight, I don't have to subtract feed and rations for that day?
Also, overnight at the inn, I will replace my aid spell for the next day for the whispering flame candle walkie talkie spell, and make 2 candles that last 3 days.

Runzyl Steelsong |

Thought I'd respond to this:
The following morning, a mule train heads off down the Ardev road. Twelve mules, carrying ten riders, set off through the north gate out of Galethspyre, leaving the bustle and stink of the city behind.
Runzyl has a light warhorse, not a mule. He's the scout and has distributed his load amongst the other pack animals to keep his mount unencumbered.
Runzyl thanks Rodergo for the generosity of paying for their room and board for the night. He remains largely quiet during meal time, chiming in occassionally with advice for those who complain of saddle sores. When the evening is done, he rests quickly and awakens well before the others, seeking out Lightbringer to engage in small talk while they wait for the others to rise.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Thought I'd respond to this:Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:The following morning, a mule train heads off down the Ardev road. Twelve mules, carrying ten riders, set off through the north gate out of Galethspyre, leaving the bustle and stink of the city behind.Runzyl has a light warhorse, not a mule. He's the scout and has distributed his load amongst the other pack animals to keep his mount unencumbered.
Runzyl thanks Rodergo for the generosity of paying for their room and board for the night. He remains largely quiet during meal time, chiming in occassionally with advice for those who complain of saddle sores. When the evening is done, he rests quickly and awakens well before the others, seeking out Lightbringer to engage in small talk while they wait for the others to rise.
Ooo, touchy about the mules! Sorry, my mistake, got lost in the poetic moment.