Lightbringer |

Reflex save: 12+
Assuming Runzyl’s kobold went down, that should trigger LB’s readied action, as he can now move past Runzyl? – although he ma pick up a few AOOs.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Reflex save: 12+
Assuming Runzyl’s kobold went down, that should trigger LB’s readied action, as he can now move past Runzyl? – although he ma pick up a few AOOs.
The kobold falls under Runzyl's blade.
(LB gets his readied action - but you will take the relevant AoOs depending on your movement.)

Lightbringer |

Lightbringer moves past Ceshto and Arek, Runzyl and Trose to reach the remaining kobold combatants, trusting in his adamantine plating to protect him as he runs the gauntlets of the enemies weapons.
Once in position, he turns and scythes his greatsword back at the last kobold in the line.
Move to T5, attack kobold at T6.
Attack roll: 14 + 8 +4 (AP) –2 (PA) = 24
Damage: 6 + 3 + 4 (PA) = 13

Ezreal Farlowe |

Init carryover-
Runzyl 24
Trose 22
Arek 21 (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Ezreal 16+
Choom 16-
Janosz 15
Gnarly 14
Lightbringer 10+
Bool 10-
Ceshto 6+ (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Rodergo 6-
Kobolds 4

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Init carryover-
Runzyl 24+
Lightbringer 24-
Trose 22
Arek 21 (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Ezreal 16+
Choom 16-
Janosz 15
Gnarly 14
Bool 10-
Ceshto 6+ (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Rodergo 6-
Kobolds 4
(Because of LB's readied action.)
(The AoOs on LB both miss.)
(Now Trose.)

Trose - Clone |

Not sure exactly where LB showed up, so add flanking and sneak damage if i can use a move action to get a flanking bonus.
I move to get the best advantage I can on the guards, thrusting with my rapier.
Attack: 10+7+2(AP)=19 (21 if flanking)
Damage: 5+2=7 (12 if flanking)

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Gnarly shakes his head, realising he is unlikely to hit the little creature while surrounded by its taller adversaries. Instead, he darts with surprising nimbleness through the melee, to stand behind it. Peering along the corridors, he yells in disbelief, "By Onatar's silver beard - there's more of the little f@++ers up here! How many can they have?"
Tumbled to T6. He isn't really flanking as he has his crossbow in his hands, not a melee weapon.
Bool swings his axe but the kobold parries with some panache. Choom simply lies in the corner of the guardroom and trembles as crossbow bolts whizz about.
Now Rod.

Runzyl Steelsong |

My map is all kinds of screwed up now. Hopefully this will be over soon...
Invigorated by the cleric's healing, Runzyl wades into battle once more against his tiny adversaries, his blades whirling around with ferocious speed.
5' step to R6. Full attack on the kobold in S6. Attack #1: 12 + 8 = 20. Attack #2: 12 + 8 = 20. I don't believe either of those hit.

Gurney |

Not likely with Gurney having just spotted more of them coming down the hall. Maybe we should include coordinates on the next init chart to make sure we are all on the same page before the next wave hits.
Which isd impressive since I am actually in another game, on another material plane...

Lightbringer |

Sorry, I just realised that LB should probably go now too, since he’s moved forward in the init order.
Lightbringer takes another heavy two handed swing at the kobold, quothing “Your luck ends here evil one.”
Attack: 19+8-2 = 25, crit confirm: 6+8-2 = 12. Damage: 8+3+4 = 15
If that brings it down he will move as far as possible towards the next wave of kobolds.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The kobold's luck runs out under Lightbringer's sword. Its helmet crushed, it flops to the floor.
Lightbringer looks up and sees two more groups of four kobolds - one to the north and the other to the east - equipped in the same way as the others with halberds and crossbows, but their armour is haphazard and piecemeal, as if half-donned in a hurry before they rushed to battle. In both directions Lightbringer can dimly past them to what look like large rooms beyond with bunks - possibly barracks.
The nearest group is north - you have the movement to get to them.
I'm going to redraw the map with new coordinates, since things have got a bit out of hand. Please bear with me. Also bear in mind that I am describing only part of the map - so choose a big piece of paper.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

OK, the new map - A to V across the top, 1 to 29 down the side.
The guard room is at A-F/10-15, and has the four exits as before - a corridor running north from C-D/9 (blocked by a portcullis), a corridor running south from C-D/16 (blocked by a portcullis), the corridor running west from A/12-13 and the corridor running east (currently the one occupied by the fighting) at G-P/12-13.
At the eastern end of the corridor is a large room at Q-V/10-15 (it actually extends further east than that, but we don't need to worry about it). This has four kobolds standing in the entrance, holding crossbows (at Q12, Q13, R12 and R13) but not armoured (in any meaningful sense - just the odd helmet plonked on in a hurry).
The corridor running east-west is crossed by a corridor running north-south at K-L/10-23. At the north end is another large room at I-N/1-9 (which extends further north than this, but again don't worry). There are four more kobolds here, equipped and attired like the other, at K8, K9, L8 and L9.
The corridor running south is blocked by a portcullis (between squares K-L/13 and K-L/14. Looking down it, there is a side passage at M-P/18-19 and another portcullis between K-L/21 and K-L/22. After that, it turns east at M/22-23 beyond.
By my reckoning, assuming my map is up to date, the characters are at the following coordinates:
Janosz F12
Rodergo F13
Ezreal F14
Choom F15
Arek G12
Ceshto G13
Runzyl H12
Trose H13
Bool I12
Gnarly J13
Lightbringer K10 or L10
Now Ezreal.

Lightbringer |

As Lightbringer cleaves down the last kobold, he calls back “Get into the corridor. Grab Choom, we need to know which way to go!” before dashing off to L10.

Lightbringer |

As Lightbringer cleaves down the last kobold, he calls back “Get into the corridor. Grab Choom, we need to know which way to go!” before dashing off to L10.

Ezreal Farlowe |

Wand in one hand, Ezreal turns to look at the cowering kobold from Orcbone. "On your feet your majesty! It's time to move. Let's go!" So saying Ezreal ducks around the corner and rushes forward to the junction firing a crackling blue orb at one of the kobolds facing Lightbringer.
MA: Move to K13
SA: Lesser Orb vs K9
Ranged touch 19+6 = 25
Damage 5+2 = 7
Thought about picking him up, but I could only move 20 if I did and I'd end up boxed in sharing a square with Choom- unable to act.

Janosz Frogshanks |

Blah. I left my map at home. I'll post my new coordinates when I get a look at it later.
Spotting a new group of enemies, Janosz scrambles towards them and fires at the closest one.
Moving as far east as I can, firing at the closest kobold in the semi-armoured group in the eastern room. Attack roll 13+9=AC 22, damage 6+2=8.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Gnarly tries to open up on the kobolds down the corridor, but simply curses as his beard gets in the firing mechanism of his repeater.
Rolled a 1. He spends the rest of his round pulling his beard out of his crossbow.
Bool follows Lightbringer round the corner. However his enthusiasm get the better of him and he ends up sending chips flying out of the stone wall rather than hitting a kobold.
Also rolled a 1. Arek and Ceshto will delay until after Rod so they can act this round.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

He did act - I wrote it last night but the board ate it. Normally it delays showing up but this one has literally disappeared, which is a bit concerning. I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it, so thanks for pointing it out. He moved to I13. It is worth pointing out that he is barely conscious still.

Runzyl Steelsong |

Runzyl clambers down the hallway, panting all the way, and delivers a clumsy but powerful swing at the kobold before him.
Move to P12 (40'). Attack kobold in Q12: 15 + 10 = 25. Damage: 5 + 7 = 12. It's not actually a charge (I can't due to fatigue) so my AC is unaffected. If this kobold survives that hit, he will be my Dodge target. If he doesn't, then the kobold in Q13 will be it.

Trose - Clone |

"Hand me those halberds when i get to the top," I shout to whoever is closest, while sheathing my sword and begining to climb.
My intent is to slip the halberds through the grating at the ceiling. Hopefully we will be in control of when it opens.