Ezreal Farlowe |

I can't make any significant impact on that portcullis without expending spells that would be better used elsewhere. I'll continue to use the wall as cover, ducking around and blasting the eastern kobolds with my wand until the gate is down.

Lightbringer |

I think we might be better off hacking the gates down than succeeding on a DC25 disable check followed by a DC25 open check. If Runzyl and LB work on the gates (presuming I actually get the right one this time) I think we can have it down in two rounds.
As soon as he can, LB will dash to the east gate and hack at that with full power attack. 13+8-5 = 16 to hit. 8+3+10 = 21 damage.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

"Keep working on that gate. I'll keep the little lizards occupied."
I'll shoot the nearest kobold in the eastern corridor. Attack roll 20+9+1(PBS)=AC 30, crit confirm 14+9+1=AC 24. amage 6+2+1(PBS)x3=27 points of damage. Take that!
The portcullises give them partial cover - +2 to armour class - not that that matters here. A hunkered-down kobold gets an additional +1 to AC.
Janosz's arrow thuds into a standing kobold. It staggers back a few feet but stills seems to be conscious. It reaches into its belt pouch and withdraws a potion, but it is too shaky to drink it yet. Lightbringer smashes at the portcullis and again it bends under his assault, but doesn't break.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

I can't make any significant impact on that portcullis without expending spells that would be better used elsewhere. I'll continue to use the wall as cover, ducking around and blasting the eastern kobolds with my wand until the gate is down.
Ezreal's first attack jolts one of the approaching kobolds, but they keep coming.
That was your first hit on the last page. Please roll your next.
By the way, a general comment to everyone - if you don't specify a kobold I will roll randomly as to which one you hit when you attack at range. I'm not saying you have to specify - you don't have a lot of time to carefully take a bead - but just so you know.

Runzyl Steelsong |

After freeing the trapped cleric and receiving his strength-bolstering magics, Runzyl follows Choom's guidance to the east gate where Lightbringer smashes against the bars with his sword. Moving swiftly, Runzyl half-hisses, half-growls at the warforged.
Aubrey, using the roll that I made earlier, as you said I could.
The elf pulls at the gate with all his might, the iron groaning under the strain.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

You should wait until I tell you if you have lifted the portcullis - you haven't. It is locked in place (unlike the one on Runzyl and Choom which wasn't locked because it couldn't descend fully - a priest and a kobold were in the way). So it has a higher DC to lift. However, any others are free to help you, including the half-orcs.
By the way, I feel I should reiterate that Choom is on 0hp.

Runzyl Steelsong |

You should wait until I tell you if you have lifted the portcullis - you haven't. It is locked in place (unlike the one on Runzyl and Choom which wasn't locked because it couldn't descend fully - a priest and a kobold were in the way). So it has a higher DC to lift. However, any others are free to help you, including the half-orcs.
By the way, I feel I should reiterate that Choom is on 0hp.
Oh, sorry, I'll edit. I thought they were all the same. That check would've gotten me a 27 then.

Ezreal Farlowe |

When he realizes the elf's plan Arek can't help but respect the simplicity of it. He calls out "Ceshto, help!" and the two mercenaries rush to either side of the elf, straining against the gate.
Double Aid Another:
Arek 20+2 = 22
Ceshto 11 +2 = 13
Brings the total to 31

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

When he realizes the elf's plan Arek can't help but respect the simplicity of it. He calls out "Ceshto, help!" and the two mercenaries rush to either side of the elf, straining against the gate.
Double Aid Another:
Arek 20+2 = 22
Ceshto 11 +2 = 13
Brings the total to 31
Yup - that'll do it.
With the help of the two half-orcs, the bolts holding the gate in place are ripped from their moorings and the gate lifts up. Of course, the kobolds don't fail to notice, and a hail of crossbow bolts whistles through the small guardroom.
Everyone try a Reflex save, DC 13. If you fail, you take 1d8 damage. If you fail by five or more, you take 2d8 points of damage.
The soldiers on the other side of the gate drop their crossbows and take out their halberds, ready to engage the invaders.
OK, back to initiative. The gate needs to be held open for people to go through - anyone doing so provokes an AoO from a nearby enemy. On the plus side, the kobolds elswhere cannot hit you with crossbow bolts once you are in the tunnel.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

At the moment we need new inits from everyone. At the moment I have:
Arek 21
Ezreal 16+
Choom 16-
Gnarly 14
Lightbringer 10+
Bool 10-
Ceshto 6+
Rodergo 6
Kobolds 4
Trose ?
Janosz ?
Runzyl ?
Currently, Arek, Ceshto and Runzyl have lifted up the portcullis. It will need to be held in place by two people to ensure that the others can get through, and they will need to be in squares adjacent.
The bolts whistle across the room, shattering on stone or piercing flesh. Both Bool and Ceshto are hit, but receive only flesh wounds. Choom, however, takes a hit to the chest and pitches over, limbs twitching, blood staining his white suit.
Bool and Ceshto take 11 and 8 points of damage, leaving them with 12 and 18 hp respectively. Choom takes 7, putting him on -7.

Runzyl Steelsong |

Init: Nat 20! + 4 = 24. (I swear I'm not fudging these rolls.)
Reflex: 15 + 8 = 23.
Runzyl twists to one side to avoid the hail of bolts as he calls out to the others on the west side of the room.
"Bring me my sword!"
He left it on the floor @ K5 because he needed both hands to lift the portcullis on Rod.

Lightbringer |

Init: Nat 20! + 4 = 24. (I swear I'm not fudging these rolls.)
Reflex: 15 + 8 = 23.
I know - I can see you rolling them on DMtools!

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Final initiative:
Runzyl 24
Trose 22
Arek 21 (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Ezreal 16+
Choom 16- (but moot, as he is unconscious)
Gnarly 14
Lightbringer 10+
Bool 10-
Ceshto 6+ (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Rodergo 6-
Kobolds 4
Bool stoops and tosses Runzyl his scimitar (as his last "non-initiative" action before we go back to initiative) which the elf deftly catches (as a free action - I'm good to you, I didn't even ask for an action point).
I'm assuming Arek and Ceshto are holding up the portcullis, and are just inside the tunnel at Q5 and Q6 respectively - they will have to stay that way until everyone comes through, or someone relieves them. The four kobolds are 10' way from them (or the first row is, the second being 15') at S-T/5-6 and have swapped to halberds. One of the ones in the back row (at T5) is sporting a big arrow in its chest and currently has a potion in its hand. The others are combat ready. Immediately behind the kobolds is a crossroads in the tunnels – the tunnel to the south in this crossroads is blocked by another portcullis.
Runzyl can choose to be in the tunnel too, either at R5 or R6, given he hefted up the portcullis too, though he could choose P5 or P6 if he prefers. LB is probably in P5 or P6 after his chopping at the portcullis. Bool is at K5, from where he lobbed Runzyl's sword. Choom is unconscious in K6. Gnarly has reloaded and is in K3. Everyone else is in the guardroom somewhere - please pick a spot as you begin to post in order of initiative.
Anyone still in the guardroom by the time the kobolds get their initiative has to make more Reflex saves to avoid getting hit by crossbow bolts, as above. However, as the ones in the east tunnel are going to melee, the rate of fire is reduced and so the DC drops to 10. If you are prone, you get a +2 bonus to that save, and another +2 if you occupy a space in the corners of the room.
Now Runzyl.

Lightbringer |

Runzyl's in R5. Are these tunnels high enough to jump over the kobolds? I'm guessing that, since they are "kobold-sized" tunnels, the answer is no, but I can hope.
Aubrey earlier described the tunnels being 10 ft high. Mind you, the kobolds are carrying halberds...

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Runzyl's in R5. Are these tunnels high enough to jump over the kobolds? I'm guessing that, since they are "kobold-sized" tunnels, the answer is no, but I can hope.
Your Rage is about to fizzle, so unless you spend more action points you might be too knackered to do it. Yes, there is room to jump over them if you so desire. However, the DC will be in the region of 30 because you have to effectively jump over 4 of them (instead of 1 last time) and you will take 3 AoOs as they are not flat-footed and that is the number carrying weapons that will threaten you as you go over. The reason you managed it last time with the rat-rider was because you got a natural 20, and you still had to spend an action point to attempt it. You barely have a run-up too, this time. Up to you, but it looks vaguely suicidal to anyone with a rational mind.

Runzyl Steelsong |

Yeah, you're right about the suicidalness and, with the Rage expiring, the whole idea is probably hosed.
The force of the elf's battle fury gives out, his limbs going a bit slack and his posture stooping. Nevertheless, clearly exhausted, he steps forward with a furious snarl and lashes out at the front line of kobolds.
I'm in R5 and I believe there are kobolds in S 5-6. Therefore, I don't even need to step up for a full attack action. Rodergo's bull's strength is still in effect on me, so I have +4 STR from the spell but -2 STR from fatigue. Effectively, STR is still 19.
Both attacks at the kobold in S5. Attack #1: Nat 1 + 8 = 9. Attack #2 (if allowed): 13 + 8 = 21.

Trose - Clone |

I will fire at the kobold Runzyl just attacked, before I move up next to him, dropping my crossbow and drawing my rapeir on the way.
14+5+1(PBS)+2(AP)-4 firing into melee=18
If it hits: 8+1(pbs)=9
"That is rather more of them than I had hoped! If we can get a halberd or two we can brace the 'cullis"

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Just to clarify - final initiative:
Runzyl 24
Trose 22
Arek 21 (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Ezreal 16+
Choom 16- (but moot, as he is unconscious)
Janosz 15
Gnarly 14
Lightbringer 10+
Bool 10-
Ceshto 6+ (but not acting until everyone is through the portcullis)
Rodergo 6-
Kobolds 4
Ezreal sends a small orb of electric force at the kobold as it struggles to drink its potion. It jerks as Ezreal hits it, then slumps to the side, unconscious.
Kobold in T5 down. Choom is unconscious until healed, so it is Janosz next. Vatters may be unavailable, so we will wait and then I will DMPC him.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Janosz fires at into the melee, but his arrow misses its mark. He crosses the gauntlet of crossbow bolts to get closer to the action.
Roll to hit = 12 + 9 + 1 (PBS) - 4 (into melee) = 18 = miss. Moves to P5.
Gnarly also fires into the scrum in the corridor, and also fails to hit anything other than a wall.
Now Lightbringer. Also looking for a position from Rod, though I assume it will start somewhere near Choom. For reference, though he didn't say it explicitly, Trose is at R6.

Lightbringer |

Rather frustratingly for him, Lightbringer cannot get into combat. He’ll ready an action to move forward to attack a kobold as soon as the way is clear to do so. By my reckoning there are still three kobolds standing in the corridor at S5, 6 and T6 – is that correct?
“Bool, help the Flamebearer with Choom,” Lightbringer calls back. “Gnarly, get ready to move as soon as this corridor is clear.”

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Bool moves to O7, Gnarly to O5.
Choom's eyes flutter open. "Choom live," he says wonderingly, but he is plainly still badly wounded.
Those still in the room take the bolt gauntlet, as above but DC 10. Ez and Rod get an additional +2 because Bool is shetlering them with his body. Rolled for Choom, Gnarly and Bool - Bool takes another 4 points of damage, the rest passed. Rolled for Ez and Janosz too - both passed.
The kobolds in the tunnel press the attack. One gives Runzyl a light wound, bruising his ribs (4 points of damage) and the other hits Trose in the leg, drawing blood (6 points of damage).
Now Runzyl.

Runzyl Steelsong |

Wounded and weary, the Valenar continues his furious onslaught against his attacker.
Full attack against the same kobold as last round. Attack #1: 18 + 8 = 26. Crit confirm: 11 + 8 + 4(AP) = 23. Damage: 6 + 5 = 11 (22 if critical). Attack #2: 3 + 8 = 11. The kobold immediately behind this one will be my Dodge target as I'm reasonably certain the crit will kill this one. If I'm wrong, then this one will continue to be my Dodge target.