All over a bit of Drift Rock
Game Master
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A little late but post is up.
N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:
Sorry for missing post windows... Times are still/again busy
If no other discussion I'll move on with A3 tomorrow.
Ooff today was a day on to A3 tomorrow.
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
Hmmhm. Didn't see any new post notifications, because apparently I was logged out, so that's annoying.
Please @me in the discord if things take time again. And I'll try to remember to check my logged-onness whenever there's a suspicious lack of posts!
I'm just glad you guys are fine with me botting as often as I do.
Also I guess it's good I didn't institute crit and fumble decks for rolls of double 10 or doulbe 1s.
CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
But crit and fumble deck are fun!
Also GM, was Leila able to repair that communicator?
Yeah sure, the communicator is yours to work with. It's a very low powered one though really only meant for short range communications so probably only works within this hanger.
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
That tells us how far he yelled for help at least!
Though there's probably relays somewhere. But we might be able to patch into those as well :)
Let's put it to a vote, double 10s and double 1s lead to drawing from a deck?
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
...that guy only had a communicator that could work within the hanger? The corpse fleet really sucks at giving its officers agency. Or decent equipment.
Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None
I'd vote yes as well - as long as it's not going to put too much strain on you, GM.
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
I'm up for that.
Should I hold my breath and see if Leila gets further crunched by that :p?
(Sorry a bit squished for free time myself. Will try and get an IC post up tomorrow asap!)
N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:
Thumbs up for crit/fumble decks. Might be epic or hilarious when they happen, although should be pretty rare.
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
Very busy today please bot if necessary.
So you guys have at least one gray force field. Is anyone actually using it? :p
CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
Astrianna has some open armor mod slots if anyone wants to swap their forcefield for the gray one. Prospero seemed interested?
I honestly really was expecting you guys to just shut the door :lol.
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
Oh yeah. That would be an option, wouldn't it?
Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None
Cueta seems like a good candidate for a force field as well, though I don't know what upgrades she already has equipped. Vek won't turn down a stronger shield, but other people get hit too and he's already got DR.
CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
I was going to shut the door but Leila started blasting!
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
Could always close the door *after* shooting a bit :P
Putting the force fields on the tanks seems reasonable. As mentioned in the ic channel, Leila wouldn't mind one either but hopefully the worm incident was an anomaly and not premonition :p
N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:
I won't mind the force field, but Prospero-4 doesn't get hit that much. Vek and Cueta should be the first ones to take it unless they have better already. Did we manage to make 1 or 2 of the force fields?
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
I think we made 2. As far as Cueta goes, she could probably use it but honestly that's another resource to track and Cueta's player has enough to track with her spells and daily powers. So I'm happy if it goes to someone else. Cueta can use healing as needed as her "force field."
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Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
Cueta Guiding Star wrote: Cueta can use healing as needed as her "force field." Ahh yes the "face field" :p
But that's an understandable concern.
N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:
Alrighty, Prospero-4 can take one of the force fields.
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
My wife is sick today, so I'll be taking on child-care for the day. Please bot as needed.
Hope everyone is doing well @Cueta.
I'm busy myself so will post tomorrow.
N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:
I only now took the time to look at the weapon loot from the slimes.
Prospero-4 will still use the old artillery laser as main weapon, but will install these to his power armor's weapon hardpoints:
impact scattergun
advanced crossbolter
and just carrying Yellow Star Plasma Rifle.
was there any ammunition for the crossbolter and scattergun (I had some for the scattergun already)?
Old weapons (red star plasma rifle, snub scattergun, Thunderstrike Streetsweeper) will be thrown away.
Bulk increases by one, still in light load.
I can apply the changes after this fight, since I didn't bring this up earlier.
Go ahead and retcon those changes in fur this fight Prospero. Each weapon has a clip or battery at full capacity.
New picture and music are up.
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Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
I enjoy the pictures and the music. Just wanted to say that :)
Scurry wrote: Prerequisites: Racial bonus to Dexterity, size Small.
Benefit: You gain the compression universal creature rule. In addition, you can occupy the same space as an ally of your size or larger without you or your ally taking any penalties for your doing so.
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CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
Thanks. I appreciate the appreciation of the extra effort!
Have a day off today so may or may not be able to post.
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
Don't stress your off-day for us. We can spend the extra time trying to find more ways to annoy the stranger :p
Congratulations guys. Level up!
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
I'll get on the level-up soon.
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
Woot! Will work on this this weekend!

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:
I just realized I didn't choose a feat at level 11 :x
So uhhh she'll take Kip Up.
Lvl 12:
+8 stam
+6 hp
+1 BAB
+1 fort, ref, will
+10 skill points I'm too lazy to list
Astrianna is now a:
Your reputation grows to the point that your name is ubiquitous.
The DC of Culture checks to recognize you is reduced to 5
(or 10 to recognize you out of context from your appearance
alone) and it takes only 1d4 hours to find a fan who meets a
generic description. In addition, fans give you a 10% discount
on purchased goods.
I guess her videos went viral when we're out saving the galaxy.
New Improvisation:
Sustained Determination (Ex)
As a move action, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to grant
an ally within 60 feet 1 Resolve Point that he can spend
to empower one of his abilities, even if he has spent all of
his own Resolve Points. The ally must spend the Resolve
Point before the start of your next turn; if he does not
do so, he loses the Resolve Point and you still lose the
Resolve Points you spent. You can’t grant the same ally
the benefits of this ability again until both you and your
ally have recovered your Resolve Points after an 8-hour
rest or its equivalent.

N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:
Level-up: (almost forgot Theme ability... thanks for reminding, Astrianna)
+6 HP, +9 SP, +1 RP
+1 BAB
+1 all saves
+8 skills
Hardened Systems (12th Level)
You understand the potential vulnerabilities of cybernetics and have tinkered extensively with your own to make them more resilient. The DC to hack your cybernetic augmentations via magic or technological means increases by 5, thanks to the devious security countermeasures you have added to them. Additionally, your cybernetic augmentations grant you electricity resistance 5; this resistance stacks with one other source of energy resistance.
Shocking Overload (Ex)
You can use your overload or override class feature to damage a creature. When you successfully use overload to cause a short in an electronic device in someone’s possession and the item’s owner fails their Reflex saving throw, that creature takes electricity damage as a result of the power surge. This surge deals 1d6 electricity damage per 4 levels of mechanic you have. When you use your override class feature to affect an android, drone, robot, or other creature with the technological subtype, that creature takes 1d6 electrical damage per 2 levels of mechanic you have and can attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier) to negate this damage.
Status: | Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |
Apologizes. It looks like I won't have time to sit down and update Leila until on tuesday.
No worries we're in a bit of a exploration mode right now anyway. Some computer aid rolls would be great, hint hint.
Actually looking at it again, the bonuses from the keys is higher than I thought. Congratulations Prospero, you hacked a tier 10 computer.
For hacking into a tier 10 computer, I'm going to give Prospero the ability to just access a computer tier 6 or lower without needing a roll. For assisting as I am sure they did, Leila gets to do so for tier 5 and lower, while Astrianna gets tier 4 and lower.
Let's call the Trait "Child's Play (X)" with Prospero having 6, Leila 5, and Astrianna 4.
Getting into the computer systems of battlestar type ultranought deserves something like that I think.
N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision
What does Cueta get for silently judging their bookishness, and being thankful no asks her to do these things?
In all seriousness, nicely done!
I'm having a little trouble finding time for updating too. Will get to it ASAP.
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Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None
No time to update Vek’s profile today, but what could come in handy right now is his Squad Leader theme ability that lets him automatically Aid an ally so long as he can attempt the check in question. And he is indeed trained in Computers.
Other than that, lvl 12 doesn’t bring much for Vek due to multiclassing.
And in unrelated news, this is my 10,000th post on the forums! Woo! XD