All over a bit of Drift Rock (Inactive)

Game Master Azih

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Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Sorry to hear that Astri! I hope you feel better soon. And that whatever is dragging down your mood goes away :)


Another wish I have is to roll above 10 on an attack roll again some time ... Maybe we'll actually need pumpkin to clean up for us!

I understand completely Astrianna. We can put in a break for the game for a week or so? It's fraught time.

Prospero and Cueta to go.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Sorry, will get a post up ASAP.

Work decided to go into overdrive. Will let you all know when I can post again.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Okay! Take care :)

Let's aim for Friday most like.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Sounds good, GM! Good luck getting the work wrangled!

I might start a patreon. If you guys can cover my salary then I will commit to posting once a day on weekdays, and once on the weekends.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Aha if I were rich, supporting GMs would definitely be something to do! Would be neat ...

You guys will get a weekend post.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

That's nice, though I think we are perfectly fine with you taking a rest over the weekend. Don't want you to feel overworked :)

Finally. Done. Also pic

Corpse marine

Hope everyone had a good weeked. I'll try and bot Cueta and Prospero by end of day or early tomorrow if no post.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Sorry all, I thought I'd posted. I'll get a post up this afternoon.

Ahhhh... you know what. This combat has gone on long enough.

Happy Thanksgiving America folks.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:


So we can either try to fight our way into the Stellar Degenerator... or we could take the Corpse Fleet dropship, rough it up a bit, and use it to sneak past all the other ships by claiming to be delivering Osteth to the Stellar Degenerator. The problem is getting out, but we're going to have that problem even if we take the Sunrise Maiden. This is looking like a one way trip regardless unless we can pull off something heroic.


N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Hmmm, both options seem to be primed for some serious badassery on our parts. Cueta is more a straight line kinda girl, but her player would appreciate the subtlety of using the drop ship.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

We should check that it does have life support and the like, unless we want to be on armour support for that long :p

Also it feels wrong to not let the Sunrise Maiden/Pumpkin join us for this last bit...

But it *is* a clever idea.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Oh! Hybrid idea! Maybe they have a transponder or something of the like we can loot from their ship?

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Oh I like that Leila. Though they'd just have to look out a window. The Corpse Fleet doesn't have windows on their ships right? Structural weakness. :p

A transponder and claiming the Maiden is captured might work, but that assumes we can get close to the Degenerator. I get the feeling it's not going to be so simple.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Bit of a pickle here. I don't know if the five of us could sneak onto the capital ship using the transponder idea and try to sieze control. If their fleets have been launched we wouldn't have to contend with fighters but that ship probably has really mean weapons... and we don't have any sort of cloaking.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Mm. Not to mention a *lot* of undead critters to go through - even if it is just the flight crew.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

If we can't see a reasonable way to fix this, what about an unreasonable one? This formation of suns can't be too stable can it? If we could somehow poke one off-course ... Or just a moon :P

To give you guys a sense of the scale.

The Corpse Fleet super colossal is twice as long as the diameter of Absalom Station. It's basically a world ship. You all would know that patrolling every part of a ship that size is impossible. The Sunrise Maiden or any other ship is basically a gnat in comparison.

Vek or any amount of naval war lore would know that warships like these basically have fleets of tiny ships of their own to ward off any detected threats. But most of those have been sent off to ring the Degenerator, take out weapon platforms, or gain control of the control moons.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

So ... it's big enough that we might actually hit it with a moon? >.>

Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Astrianna does have an excellent point - why is the Corpse Fleet’s main ship hanging back? If they think it’s not safe yet, then that’s something we can use to our advantage.

Alternatively, can we activate the defenses in the system and then use the distraction to get aboard the superweapon? Or do we want to focus on trying to take control of an undead world-ship? XD

You guys can throw out ideas in game and Osteth can respond with in game RP or I can just give you guys information here more around the table discussion style! Let me know what you guys prefer.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Well both me and Leila are curious about the whole moon flinging thing. Feel free to tell me it won't work either here or there :P

It's definitely possible as you are right that the whole system is an artificial creation. The problem is that to accurately manipulate the complex tecno magic web holding the system together to send a moon towards any target effectively will require a team working on multiple control moons. It is also will not be a quick process by any means.It's basically impulse movement of a large heavenly body across solar system distances.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Hmmh. What about the suns? If we could get them to collapse they might just squish the superweapon (or tear it to bits due to gravity). Not terribly fast/easy either I assume :p

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

^Would that squish us too? I have no idea what the ramifications of such an action would be. I think we can fly evasively and under the radar and get onto the world ship.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Uhhh maaaaaaaaaaybe not. The degenerator is much bigger and in the center of the system. But it'll certainly be exciting!

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Suns might be far enough away from eachother that not much would happen at all, on a relevant time scale, but they sure look really really close on the cool map :p

Map is not to scale!

The circular opening to the Stellar Degenerator’s demiplane is right at the center of the artifical solar system and has a diameter of half a million miles and is currently stable.

The massive vessel within has a conical shape and is mostly built from a material the PCs have never encountered or heard of (though parts of it are encased in rock, as if it were built into an asteroid). The superweapon is over 20,000 kilometrons long and has a mass of over 50,000 tons.

It gives off a faint energy signature, not much more than a docked starship, and it has a small amount of its own gravity.

Any more information you guys need?

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Hmm. Hmmmm. Probably. But not sure if we know what. Or if we can even get it :p

N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:

Sorry for the absence, again. We just moved, life is in boxes, and work is crazy - Stellar Degenerator felt so faraway concern :P

I kinda like the idea of flinging a moon, but I suppose it would be fairly easy to dodge.

Any chance there would be secret schematics of the supercolossal showing the location of ventilation shafts? :)

So far the safest place would be near the super-weapon? I mean if the Corpse fleet is not approaching it?

The Super colossal has sent vast majority of its fleet to secure the portal from which the Stellar Degenrator is emerging.

Good luck with the move. That stuff is always really hard.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

All right GM I just dumped a bunch of questions on our AI friend. Either we're going to have to go back to Absalom and get some help, or we're going to go jumping between control moons and start a systemwide collapse/start chucking moons.

Elreth might even help us destabilize the whole system, he DOES love destroying things. Actually on second thought we should probably destroy him so the Corpse Fleet doesn't get their hands on him. He'd probably help them access/use it.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Piss. 5 days isn't a lot of time, though it will probably take longer than that for the Corpse Fleet to figure out the wormhole technology.

I like the idea of piloting the Corpse Fleet capital ship directly into the Stellar Degenerator but we'd have to somehow seize the helm...

Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Well, that's 5 days more than the 0 days I thought we had. XD Still don't have any good ideas for taking out the Degenerator though.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Mm a bit short on time and means aren't we? But perhaps blockade running and fetching help is the most valid idea. Maybe.

There's little to no chance of getting to the Pact Worlds and Back without the Corpse fleet gaining control of a shiny new sun killer. Short timelines here.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Aye figures, but yeah was worth asking at least IC :)

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Just writing this down so I don't forget to post it later. What if we try to calculate a Drift jump that puts us RIGHT in front of the portal to the Stellar Degenerator so we can swoop in without having to fight through the normal space patrols? Then we activate the wormhole and get the hell out of there, whatever star system we arrive at we throw the thing into its sun before the Corpse Fleet finds us?

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

The SD is really, really big, right? If so, we would park our ship on the weapon, steal the weapon, and then send it into a sun? That could work.

If we could just use the weapon on the corpse fleet, as Leila suggests, that would save us from being hunted by the fleet's agents the rest of our probably short lives (being celebrities has its downsides, namely that the whole multiverse knows who we are).

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Osteth said a while ago that the Stellar Degenerator is an energy siphon, not really a weapon. She mentioned something about making a feedback loop with the energy if it were turned on one of the stars, but didn't seem keen on the idea and noted it would only destroy the SD.

I think we're either going to have to go after the SD directly or go after the Corpse Fleet capital ship. Those are our only options.

Sorry for shutting down so many great ideas. The AP really only has one correct option :p

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Mm figures :p

We just need to divine if that's the flagship or the weapon.

Leaning towards the flagship and cut off the head. Thoughts?

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