All over a bit of Drift Rock (Inactive)

Game Master Azih

Current Track:

A farwell, an ending, a beginning

Empire of Bones Maps

The Group all pictures including final

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N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Busy start to the week for me - I may not get a post in until Wednesday. Please bot Cueta as needed. Default mode: hit bad guys with the pointy end of things, avoid doing egghead stuff.

You guys are in C4 on the 2nd slide map.

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N Android Mechanic 11 | HP:82/82 SP: 117/117 | RP: 10/10 | EAC 31, KAC 35| F: +12, R: +17, W: +9 (+2 vs disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep) | Init: +11 | Perc: +19, darkvision 12 mt. | Speed 50ft | Force Field 5/20, Charges 18/20 | Current battery laser: 16/40, street: 30/40 Active conditions:

Sorry for the absence.
Work is still very busy, but at least the amount of meetings has decreased a lot.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

You can make it! I am still waiting to go back to work and may have completely lost my mind. I wouldn't know if I had gone truly crazy, right?

Unblocked the rest of the map 'cause everything is mapped in the future.

C8 Central Operations
C7 Workshop
C6 Living Quarters
C5 Robot Command Terminals.

I've got a few days off and Canada Day coming up so posting may be sporadic!

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Happy Canada Day! Sorry, still digging through work. Hope to get caught up this afternoon/evening.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Happy Canada Day to you!

Happy Canada Day gift! The Kishalee empire had a lot of trees with very distinctive red leaves and brown rodents with flat tails and large teeth. And they're all in your memories now!

Oh and are you going straight to C8? If so marching orders please.

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Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None

Leveled up! I think folks are going to be pretty happy with Vek's new toys - zenith revelations! Specifically, Stellar Acceleration (Vek makes a full attack as a standard action, then he and all friends within 30 ft get haste for a minute) and Wormholes (pick two points and let anyone you want zip back and forth between them as if they were adjacent). Of course, we have to wait until the third round of combat for those to even be an option, so please try to contain your excitement until then. XD

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CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Leveled up.

+1 BAB,

+1 Will

+1 Reflex

Ability score increases:

+1 dex

+1 con

+1 wis

+0.5 Cha

Now at 100(!) skill points, +10 more this level

+1 diplomacy
+1 perception
+1 Sense motive
+1 Culture (Celestial)
+1 Computers
+1 Acrobatics
+1 Athletics
+1 Profession: Video Personality
+1 Intimidate
+1 Bluff

New Improv:

Inspiring Oration (Ex)

Language-Dependent Mind-Affecting Sense-Dependent

You can use inspiring boost as a full action. If you do, all allies within 60 feet of you regain a number of Stamina Points equal to twice your envoy level + your Charisma modifier (up to their maximum); at 15th level, this increases to three times your envoy level + your Charisma modifier.

Once an ally has benefited from your inspiring boost or inspiring oration, that ally can’t gain the benefits of either improvisation again until they recover Stamina Points following a 10-minute rest.

As with the inspiring boost envoy improvisation, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to add your envoy level to the number of Stamina Points regained. You must have the inspiring boost improvisation to select this improvisation.


Two more levels until Astrianna becomes a Mega-celebrity, at which point she will become insufferable and you will have to eject her out the airlock.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Leveled up!

Put stats in str/con/wis/cha just to get something :)

Put skill points in what I had maxed plus a pair into athletics.

Picked up Cloaking Field as my exploit.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

I hope to get leveled up tonight.

Vek, I think your new toys sound very cool!

Astri, though Cueta may roll her eyes a bit, her player is very interested to see what she does with her mega-celebrity!

For marching order, Cueta can take point.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Level up:

+1 fort
+1 ref
+6 hp
+6 stamina +con

+1 str
+2 dex
+2 con
+1 wis

Skills (7): +Acrobatics, Athletics, Mysticism, Perception, Piloting, Sense Motive, Survival

SPD: +1 1st, +3 3rd
Spells: Remove affliction

Class abilities: Starflight

Big fight upcoming. Will post tomorrow.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Oh! Order! As we usually do I think ... Ummm so Leila at the rear? Or behind cueta/vek - depending on where we thing we need our backup backup melee :P

Vek is rearguard, Cueta is point, Prospero, Leila, and Astrianna in the middle in that order. You guys lost initiative.

Liberty's Edge

Astrianna Sparacello wrote:
Two more levels until Astrianna becomes a Mega-celebrity, at which point she will become insufferable and you will have to eject her out the airlock.

More insufferable!? Is that even possible :D

Anyhow, Prospero-4 level-up (nothing exciting...):
Stat: Dex +0.5, Int +0.5, Con +1, Wis +1
Bab: +1
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1
Skills +8
HP +6, SP +6+CON, RP +1
Bypass: (house rule) computers and engineering +1

Trick: tech tinkerer

Cueta and Vek to go!

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

@Astri, Hmmm, Cueta will still take the charge, but I think Cueta will need to go after one of the cultists, with her longsword not effecting the shades (and I assume, the shadow boss either).

If your actions are better spent elsewhere, that works too. Cueta can magic missle the shade and start working towards one of the cultists, with the intent to be there in two rounds.

Also, relatedly:

@GM. Cueta's fly speed is 60 ft. Can she get to a cultist in one move action at that speed?

Well the cultist right behind Astrianna is very close to everyone.. With a 8 metron fly speed you can get to anyplace in the room in a single move action as well as deep into C6 with no need for a charge.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Yeah I'm gonna have to think about what to do now.

GM, Astri already used a move action to move into the room last round, I don't know if that changes anything?

Ah, yeah. The sniper would shoot at whoever it could see out of C6. If Astrianna moved past someone else than someone else would get shot and the latest cultist would move up to Leila most probably.

Any volunteers? I could do a random roll to determine who is standing just south of the c8 door to get targeted.

Unavoidable part of theatre of the mind sadly.

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Hmmhm. Leila usually doesn't get shot at much, so maybe it's her turn.

Plus she has immunity to flat footed and, should someone miss her, she could try and use Unfriendly Fire :D

Her stats aren't great to cover either but might be worth a shot? :P

That would fit since it looks like Leila was the only one left in the hallway. All agreed?

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Nods enthusiastically after glancing at remaining SP.

Done, Astrianna is in C8 so being the only one still in the hallway, Leila got hit by sniper and has a very angry cultist right next to her instead.

Astrianna and Vek to go.

Male NG Vesk Soldier 1 / Solarian 12 | Stamina 130/130 HP 95/95 | EAC 28 KAC 31 | CMB +19, CMD 39 | F: +11, R: +8, W: +8 (+2 vs fear, +2 vs spells, SLA) | Init: +7 | Perc: +16, SM: +4 (+1d6), Low-Light Vision | Speed 30ft | Unattuned 0/3 | Resolve 12/12 | Force Field: HP 20/20 Charges 20/20 | Haste 10/10 | Active conditions: None

I've been hoping Astrianna might be able to pull off her anti-slow routine again, but this time with exhaustion. Sorry for holding things up!

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Yeah sorry, I said I would do it a few days ago. If we make it to level 12 I can start permanently removing conditions instead of suppressing them!

Will bot Leila by end of day today or early tomorrow if no post!

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Oh. I'll get right to it :)

Work got real busy. I'm probably going to be on a daily "Can't update yet!" post in Discussion for at least a few days.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Good luck getting the work sorted out, GM!

Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

Aye take care! I hope it isn't too bothersome :)

Yeah, not today.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

Very busy for the next couple of days. Please bot as needed. Cueta will try and kill any corporeal foes, starting with the sniper.

Not today though! Maybe tomorrow.

It's going to be a race between Cueta and me to see who comes back first.

N Female Human Soldier 1 / Mystic 12 | HP: 83/83 | STAM: 109/109 | EAC: 28 KAC: 28 | F:+10, R:+8, W:+14 | Init: +8 | Perc: +24, SM: +20 | Speed 6 met | Spells: 1st: 4/6 2nd: 2/6 3rd: 5/5 4th: 2/4 Resolve: 4/10 Healing Touch: 1/2 Ammo: 20/20 Starlight Form 9/11| Active conditions: see invisibility; energy resistance 10 electricity, fire, acid); mindlink; superpowers; darkvision

I should be back today or tomorrow so I may beat you! Hope the work is going well, GM.

Work is going pretty good at the moment for a change. And I"ve got a long weekend coming up too! Will try and find a moment to bot Prospero if no post by tomorrow though.

Prospero to go will bot midday tomorrow if no post.

Day got away from me me. Update tomorrow.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:

Is there anything we can do to help the cyberfight?

If you've got computer skills then for sure. There is more than one console to access in the room.

And there's something else that could help. Open to other ideas also.

CN Female Half-elf Iconic Envoy 13| Sp: 104/104 | Hp 78/78 | RP: 8/13 | EAC: 23 , KAC: 24 | Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +12 (+14 vs enchantment) | Init: +4 | Percep: +19, 12 Metron darkvision | Conditions:


Monster ID Modifiers:
Culture +32, Engineering +33, Life Science +32, Mysticism +29, Physical Science +33. Include Alien Archive bonus! +2 vs Items
| Sp 117/117 Hp 80/80 | Rp 10/11 | EAC 26 KAC 27 | Fort +10; Ref +16; Will +12; +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Emotion | Evasion, Uncanny Agility | Init +8 | Per +23; Trap Spotter |

I must admit I really have no idea of how starfinder cyber combat works. Will read up on it tomorrow if I get the time. And yell at Cueta to start crushing ai nodes :P

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