Act one: Greywater hollow (Inactive)

Game Master Archae

a fresh beginning in a new type of apocalypse. The world is a jungle, Nethys has disappeared, arcane magic is weakening. So many mysteries...

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Female Elf Barbarian 3 l HP 18/18 l Init +4 l AC 15/12/13 l Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +3 l Perc +7 l Rage Rounds 8

The question is where. My irl group uses a google doc but we can maybe use the discussion tab of this forum?

Dirty Commoner/2 || HP: 0/0, AC: 10 (10, active buff) (FF: 10 [10 w/active buff] T: 10) || Init: +0, Fort: +0 Ref: +0 Will: +0 || Per: +0

I don't see why not.

Male Dwarf Rogue 3. AC15. HP 25. Init +2. Perception +7. Fort +3. Ref +5. Will +2.

It's no secret Targan is a bit touchy with all the new people in the party, when he'd gotten comfortable with his old crew. So some chat will probably make things a bit smoother.

Female Elf Barbarian 3 l HP 18/18 l Init +4 l AC 15/12/13 l Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +3 l Perc +7 l Rage Rounds 8

Alright then! I'll set the scene and anyone is free to make the first post.

It's a nebulous time after the defeat of Bitey and before our intrepid heroes venture forth to conquer the castle. The campfire is dimmer than it was during the nighttime battle but it still serves to cook breakfast. The sky is clear but the air is not. The pervasive smell of the swamp reminds all of the desecration of this once fertile land.

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Akkad steps outside his tent, the inside still in shambles. His clothing cleaned with moderate success. Vimana isn't around for her part, not haveing been summoned yet today.

"What is for breakfast? We're going to have something of a higher standard than rations I trust?"

Female Elf Barbarian 3 l HP 18/18 l Init +4 l AC 15/12/13 l Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +3 l Perc +7 l Rage Rounds 8

Alata kneels by the fireplace, her head down. Her spears lays across her lap.

Without opening her eyes, she responds "I am afraid not, Honorable Master Conjurer, Prince Akkad Min-Alqadima. This swamp provides little game to hunt. The malign spirits must be cleansed before non-toxic life may return to this land. But that must wait, unfortunately. Perhaps we can return and you can cleanse the swamp."

Male Human Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 3

Gene is in the middle of changing into his banded mail suit, carefully securing the pieces over his clothes. He glances over at Akkad and Alata and moves over to them.

"Morning," starts Gene. "So what was that thing that attacked us last night?"

Female Elf Barbarian 3 l HP 18/18 l Init +4 l AC 15/12/13 l Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +3 l Perc +7 l Rage Rounds 8

"I do not know the particular details but I know it is evil. Perhaps Vimana can enlighten us?"

Female Elf Barbarian 3 l HP 18/18 l Init +4 l AC 15/12/13 l Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +3 l Perc +7 l Rage Rounds 8

How many more armors are left?

Male Tiefling (Qlippoth spawn) Oracle Level 4 /Bloodrager Level 1 | 23/43 hp | AC: 20(Shield spell / 24) / T: 11 / FF: 19 (23) | Uncanny Dodge / Resist: 5 Cold,Fire, Electricity | Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +3 | CMB: +8, CMD: 19| Init: +5, Perception: +4, Darkvision


Male Human Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 3

I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out of the game :( I'm really not having fun anymore.

The party is excellent, and the players are awesome. Things were a lot of fun at first, with a lot of interesting scenes thanks to everyone's masterful roleplaying. But ever since our very first combat, things have kind of ground to a halt :( With these last two or three weeks being the worst.

Thanks for the game everyone, but it's time I moved on.

Male Dungeon Master Dungeon Master / 21 levels

On that note, and it has nothing to do with Gene and more to do with me making a realization.

One i should have made a long time ago...i'm no good at gming, like no good at all. it's just not something i can reasonably do and keep up with.

with apologies i'm resigning from the gm seat from today onward.

Female Elf Barbarian 3 l HP 18/18 l Init +4 l AC 15/12/13 l Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +3 l Perc +7 l Rage Rounds 8

I'm sorry to hear that, GM. I thought you were fine.

A tip for the future is to make combat faster. Give everyone a day to respond and then bot them if they don't.

I hope you reconsider in the future and PM if you do. I don't care if it's another campaign 'cause I've got a ton of characters ready to roll.

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