Robert Hauglin 13 |
Some points that came up:
No hero points or vigor points.
No common human language.
You can dip your stats below 10, I do not recommend this. For every point you drop your stat below 10, you get one point to spend else where on your stats.
Barbarian, bard, cavalier, cleric, druid, fighter, gunslinger, inquisitor, magus, oracle, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, summoner, witch, wizard, are your class chooses.
The races are: Dwarf, elf, half elf, human, gnome, halfling, half orc, cat folk, rat folk, tengu.
Robert Hauglin 13 |
Purchase: Each character receives a number of points
to spend on increasing his basic attributes. In this
method, all attributes start at a base of 10. A character
can increase an individual score by spending some
of his points. Likewise, he can gain more points to
spend on other scores by decreasing one or more of his
ability scores. No score can be reduced below 7 or raised
above 18 using this method. See below for the costs of each score.
After all the points are spent, apply any racial modifiers the character might have.
You get 15 points.
Score Points/ cost
7/ –4
8/ –2
9/ –1
10/ 0
11/ 1
12/ 2
13/ 3
14/ 5
15/ 7
16/ 10
17/ 13
18/ 17
mjmeans |
First character try. I haven't decided yet. Robert will have to okay it, then if anyone wants it, holler. If they holler before me, they get it.
CR 1/2
Male Elf gunslinger 1
None medium humanoid (elf)
Init +6; Senses Low-light, Perception +6,
Languages Common, Elven
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12
hp 11 (1HD)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Ranged pistol +5 (1d8/x4)
Melee sword, short +1 (1d6/19-20)
Ranged sling +5 (1d4)
Face 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Abilities Str 11, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 8
Special Qualities Deadeye, Deeds, Deeds, Elven Immunities, Grit, Gunslinger's Dodge, Gunsmith, Gunsmith, Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision, Quick Clear, Silent Hunter, Up Close and Deadly, Weapon Familiarity, Weapon Proficiency,
Feats Armor Proficiency, Light, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms), Gunsmithing, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Rapid Reload (Pistol), Simple Weapon Proficiency
Skills Acrobatics +8, Acrobatics (Jump/Underground) +4, Appraise +1, Bluff -1, Craft (Alchemy) +5, Craft (Untrained) +1, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Intimidate -1, Perception +6, Perform (Untrained) -1, Ride +8, Stealth +4,
Possessions sword, short; leather; explorer's outfit; weapon cord; black powder (dose/gunsmithing) (x20); bullet (firearm/gunsmithing) (x20); coin (copper piece) (x5); coin (gold piece) (x16); earplugs; gunsmith's kit; powder; powder horn; smoked goggles; twine (50 ft.); Pistol ; Sling ; Backpack [ Bedroll; Blanket; Flint and Steel; Rations (Trail/Per Day) (x4); Rope (Hemp/50 ft.); Soap (per lb.); ];
The reason for the gunsmithing* in the possessions entry is because a gunslinger is allowed to manufacture their own black powder and bullets at 10% of the regular cost as long as the gunslinger has a gunsmith's kit. The items in the backpack are the items that the gunslinger can choose to drop to avoid being encumbered. Total gp was 175 + 10 gp for the first (free) outfit. Remainder is 16 gp, 5 cp (as shown). Current weight carried (not including backpack) is 33.42 lbs. Max light load is 38 lbs. Packpack contains 21 lbs).
Robert Hauglin 13 |
To mark: Your character has no name. No alignment. Do you believe in god? There's no "common language", if you mean a human language, choose one of the following: Osiriani, Skald, Kelish, Hallit, Polyglot, Varisian, Taldane. Under Special Quality you have Up Close And Deadly, I can not find this. You have a Weapon Proficiency, but it does not say what weapon it belongs too.
On your character sheet, you have Init +6 (if this is initiative, I get +4 from Dex). Under saves, you have Will +1 (I get a 0, your class and Wis stat mod are 0). I can not find smoked goggles, what book is it in, how much are they and what benefit does it give you? I not sure how you are working black powder (dose/ gunsmithing) (x20) and bullet (firearm/ gunsmithing) (x20).
You have Acrobatics listed twice. I'm not sure what the second one is for. Is this were your 5th skill point went to? (Acrobatics, Craft-alchemy, Perception, Ride).
mjmeans |
Smoked Goggles are in Advanced Player's Guide, p.182.
Up Close and Deadly is from Ultimate Combat, p.51.
I wass assume that all items and rules in the following books are allowed, with the exception that only those specific races and classes you mentioned are allowed, even if they are otherwise listed. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Core Rullebook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic (but not Words of Power), Ultimate Equipment, and Advanced Race Guide (singe you list cat folk as a race choice and that is where they are detailed).
The freely available PCGen program v6.00.0 also has several interresting datasets that might be fun, but I've not inluded anything from them in the character build: Orcs of Golarion, Dwarves of Golarion, Faiths of Purity, Inner Sea Primer and Pirates of the Inner Sea.
Are any of these additional sources or any other sources allowed?
The race Wayang form the Advanced Race Guid look interresting. Small size but with darkvision. I'm also working on a Cavalier character choice. Possibly Beastrider.
mjmeans |
Gunsmithing, form Ultimate Compnat, says "If you have access to a gunsmith's kit"... "You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. " PCGen doesn't take that into account, so I had to create custom item entries to account for the lower cost. The note gunsmithing* in the equiment for the character documents that the cost was lower than the regular book cost for non-gunslingers.
Robert Hauglin 13 |
Smoked Goggles are in Advanced Player's Guide, p.182.
Up Close and Deadly is from Ultimate Combat, p.51.
I wass assume that all items and rules in the following books are allowed, with the exception that only those specific races and classes you mentioned are allowed, even if they are otherwise listed. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Core Rullebook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic (but not Words of Power), Ultimate Equipment, and Advanced Race Guide (singe you list cat folk as a race choice and that is where they are detailed).
The freely available PCGen program v6.00.0 also has several interresting datasets that might be fun, but I've not inluded anything from them in the character build: Orcs of Golarion, Dwarves of Golarion, Faiths of Purity, Inner Sea Primer and Pirates of the Inner Sea.
Are any of these additional sources or any other sources allowed?
The race Wayang form the Advanced Race Guid look interresting. Small size but with darkvision. I'm also working on a Cavalier character choice. Possibly Beastrider.
I run everything through Herolab, may not be perfect.
Robert Hauglin 13 |
Gunsmithing, form Ultimate Compnat, says "If you have access to a gunsmith's kit"... "You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. " PCGen doesn't take that into account, so I had to create custom item entries to account for the lower cost. The note gunsmithing* in the equiment for the character documents that the cost was lower than the regular book cost for non-gunslingers.
At regular price you went over; at 10% of cost, I come up with a higher gold amount (not counting the goggles). I'm too busy/ lazy to go to ALL the books, so I run everything through Herolab. I know herolab is not perfect. So it's a trade off.
mjmeans |
Robert: The idea of the two characters I built were intended to be starting points for any player who wanted to use it. Like a pregen for PFS. However, I like the cavalier I jsut sent you the best and will take that for myself.
Name: Rokko Hassard
Deity: None (no religion at this time, althrough he has lived in the wilds for most of his life he has yet to come to the conclusion that there is a deity responsible for nature and the natural world.)
Language: Common (Taldane)
Common is a relative term used to denote the most prevalent human language spoken in a particular region. For instance, Taldane (see below) is the most widely spoken language in Avistan and Garund and so is referred to as Common in the Inner Sea region. In Tian Xia, however, the most widely spoken language is Tien (see below), and so that is classed as Common on that continent. It may be that on other continents, other human languages are classed as Common.
His horse has Endurance and Improved Natural Armor and Leather Barding. Although the horse does not have armor (light) proficiency, the non-proficiency penalty for wearing leather armor is 0. The additional animal trick is Attack II which allows the animal to attack any monsters rather than jus the normal one per Attack. i.e. the horse has taken two tricks as Attack, per the normal rules. I've assumed max first HD and avg additional HD for companions, Horse 2 HD therefore has HP: 16. Correct me if I'm wrong. Other info for this cavalier's mount: Stats: 16/13/15/2/12/6, BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD 16, INIT +1, AC 17, Flat 16, Touch 10, Fort +5, Ref +1 Will +1, Gender Male, Size Large, Vision Low-Light, Load(L) limit 230 lbs, AC Penalty +0, Max Dex +6, Move Walk 50. I believe that's all you need. Equip is shown on the main screes in the location "not carried".
Robert Hauglin 13 |
Only you and Carol do not have characters.
In DD/ADD 1st ed, Common was "a mesh-mash of all the human tongues", "a trade language". Common was the language of the Humans, in a world where all humans spoke the same language. In Pathfinder, the Humans speak many languages. So in my games (mechanics), Common does not exsist. If your character wants to see it that way, that's OK.
mjmeans |
Referring to the one and only I sent to you though Suzy. The "see below" is because I copied the "Language: Common (Taldane)" definition from another source. The source goes on to list all the human languages (not revevant to this discussion). I should have deliniated the difinition quote with some call-out or indention, but I didn't see any way to paste HTML formatting into the post. Apparently this site uses the old UBB code formatting which I did not notice at that time. Allthe CMS and forums I've been using for the last several years have a WYSIWYG editor that handles all the embedded codes. It's sad that paizo is stuck in the 20th century.
Anyway, I'm going with Rokko as my character. PCGen just lists Common as the language, and I picked Taldor as the Human Ethnicity. (That's not on the copy I had originally sent you because it was open for anyone to try). But, since I want it I picked Taldor and therefore his Common human language is Common (Taldane). His int is too low for any bonus languages, so that's all he knows. Although the Mwangi Expanse (and it's common language Polyglot) fits the character concept better. If you think that's a better choice, I'll change Human Ethnicity to Mwangi Expanse.
Let me know. I'll send you the final character PDF showing the Human Ethnicity after I hear back from you.
Robert Hauglin 13 |
Referring to the one and only I sent to you though Suzy. The "see below" is because I copied the "Language: Common (Taldane)" definition from another source. The source goes on to list all the human languages (not revevant to this discussion). I should have deliniated the difinition quote with some call-out or indention, but I didn't see any way to paste HTML formatting into the post. Apparently this site uses the old UBB code formatting which I did not notice at that time. Allthe CMS and forums I've been using for the last several years have a WYSIWYG editor that handles all the embedded codes. It's sad that paizo is stuck in the 20th century.
Anyway, I'm going with Rokko as my character. PCGen just lists Common as the language, and I picked Taldor as the Human Ethnicity. (That's not on the copy I had originally sent you because it was open for anyone to try). But, since I want it I picked Taldor and therefore his Common human language is Common (Taldane). His int is too low for any bonus languages, so that's all he knows. Although the Mwangi Expanse (and it's common language Polyglot) fits the character concept better. If you think that's a better choice, I'll change Human Ethnicity to Mwangi Expanse.
Let me know. I'll send you the final character PDF showing the Human Ethnicity after I hear back from you.
I will only see this character if you post it here. I do not use email. Suzy apparently sees her email as often as I do.
Carol Yager |
I will be sending you a new PDF of Ms.A.
Please note she is A HALF_ELF; not an elf.
I made several changes as performance Oratory is not a good choice as there must be a common language for that to work. So I changed to Sing which is like any musical not dependent on language.
The PDF I will send to you through FB.
Still working on where I'm from but I am in search of my parents and am only passing through Chelax. I don't like too much evil all in one place it is too out of balance. one of the next ports has a large half-elf population where I my want to look into birth records.
I know that it takes a human and an elf to make a half-elf but Ms.A only has an int of 10 :)
Carol Yager |
Oh I just looked at the game and I have no idea how to post what. when is mark really talking or doing or what should I really know? (other than not reading the spoilers)
I think I need some BLOGGING 101 classes.
Also the reason this is being posted soonish after the one above is because I lost the original stuff I typed and the second attempt to post too.
Robert Hauglin 13 |
Go here to tell me what your character is doing,
Below this box, where it says "how to format your text" is where you can do special text. However, you only need use "..." when you speak and (...) when you want to talk out-of-character to the players or to the GM.
mjmeans |
FYI to all players. Don't use PCGen 6.00.00 to build a Half-Elf character. It has problems because it doesn't treat a half-elf as its own race, it treats it as a humanoid of subtype elf and human, which is wrong.
The development team is aware of the problem and has begun to code fixes. One of them went in about an hour ago. Version 6.01 was about to go into release candidate status before this happened.
I will be working with the development team over the next week to test it and make sure that human and elf race traits can't be picked by half-elf characters and to make sure that the adopted trait can't be used to pick a racial trait (like bonus feat).
Carol Yager |
I guess I'm confused. Mystwalkur said it was not safe here to "An Elf" you asked which one. there was no reply to that yet. So as you were calling me an elf I said if he was talking to me what I'd do. but if there are two other Elves then I go sit off to myself.
As to "as many ways to say thank-you as I'd know"; personally as a child I could say thank you in six languages I could not speak. Also out of High school I could sing songs in Latin, Spanish, French Italian, German,and there is "skatt" (however it is spelled) which is singing that is language independent.
I guess I am just too use to the real old school DnD Bard who has the ability to comprehend languages without a spell.
If I had know there were this many differences with pathfinder bard; maybe I should have picked something I am not so familiar with.
Sorry I never played the text based MMOs nor do I Blog or did I even look into how this posting game thing works. I guess I have a steeper learning curve than I thought I would.
Robert Hauglin 13 |
I was hoping to have people talk to each other. On the island, the PCs need to rely on each other more than ever. I was hoping that the PCs, who have no reason to mistrust anyone (well, maybe one), to find who they can and can not talk to. I was hoping for the PCs to set up communication lines. I was hoping the PCs would rally themselves together to survive the island. This group is very chaotic.
Mystwalkur was left on the beach as well. The way Erin and I took what Ray said was that you will not be on the island long -- he brought up ships out there. If you left the beach how can you get there attention? Sasha, in mother fashion, invited a child, Brown Deer, who in turn invited a cat person because she likes cats. We do not know if Mystwalkur accepted the offer or not.
I never played a bard in any game so I do not know what they can or can not do.
I am glad you can speak six languages. The halfling speaks halfling and by his body language you know that he does not understand Ms.Adventure.
mjmeans |
I think what she means is that nearly everyone knows how to say hello, goodbye, please and thank you for many languages that they cannot otherwise speak. Any languages that are common in the cities they grew up in. But it's not really common for people to go to that level of detail in their character back story.