Every generation twists words to make them sound new. When I was growing up, "hot" meant it was cool. "Cool" meant you liked it. "Bad" was good. The next generation came up with "rad" (radical) to mean something that is good. "Twisted" meant it was crazy, in a good way. And here you are with the next generation of slang. Not all slang is good. I'm glade you speak up to inappropriate behavior. Sometimes hearing it from their peers is the only way they will learn.
Cmh wrote:
Sorry I took so long to get back to you, as my family and I were on vacation. No changes needed, you are fantastic! Thank You!
I did not feel like making two lists to list everyone. John spoke Elf, which everyone but Brown Deer and Rokko understands. Then he repeats in Taldane. Leaving only Brown Deer lost to what is going on. Since Erin has no interest in the game, Brown Deer becomes a tag-along. John has been speaking Elf to everyone but Rokko and Brown Deer from the get go. And to Rokko he has been speaking Taldane. So, yes you understood him. One way this can be corrected is if we did the game via e-mails. You would get an e-mail of what you see/ hear/ know/ made your roll. I do not mind if everyone wants to do this. The bad: all the players will get your e-mail address. As far as Pezock, shame on Pezock for treating people the way he got treated. :)
mjmeans wrote:
You are correct, this is the first time Rokko has heard of the map. I can post it to Carol's facebook. I can not alter/ mark it. You started in the north north-east and you are now in the south-west.
Mystwalkur wrote: I would rather have to deal with a small band than a large group, they are likely to know a lot more about this place than us, I think one or two of us should approach the camp and the rest should stay concealed to lend aid should things go badly. Averys to Mystwalkur: "They are cannibals, do you want to become lunch?" John to everyone:
Everyone: You travel half a day then camp. Rokko and Sasha catch up to you. Mystwalkur and Msadventure you notice that Evan is not with them.
That night you sleep. The next day, you travel half a day when you come across a small collection of plank and thatch buildings. Behind these buildings, is a two story ( + light ) lighthouse. In the center of all the buildings, is a fire with a large kettle-pot. You see four humans doing daily work ( making rope, sharping weapons, fixing tools, etc. ). They are talking to each other in a language you do not understand. You are still standing in the jungle. Averys turns to the group and says, "They are dumb as monkeys. However, a monkey with a sword is still dangerous."
mjmeans wrote:
I've been pronouncing it as Avery(s) as in Avery Brooks with a "s" after Avery. I realize it was not in character, but I did not get the reference since I was not pronouncing it the same way as you.
Hmmm, designed for a man sized target eh? Did you roll a strength check for my horses strength to break the tripline or whatever it was tied to and therefore not be tripped? He did break the line, that's why he's laying on his back with his legs up in the air. Draw my sword and look around. If potential threats are present, and it is certain they are hostile, then attack. Otherwise, I don't make the first move, just ready and full defense. "A minute passed. Then another. Then, another minute. Then... another minute passed. Then another minute passed. And another. A further minute passed quickly, followed by another minute, when suddenly, a different minute passed, followed by another different minute. And another. And yet another further different minute. A minute passed. I glanced at my watch. It was a minute past. This was it. A minute passed. After a moment, another minute passed. I waited a minute while a minute passed quickly past. And then, a minute which seemed to last an hour but was only a minute... passed." -- Excerpted from Monty Python. You can hear Episode Nine of 'A Minute Passed' tomorrow night at a minute past. If no threats, a quick check to make sure my horse isn't bleeding and is capable of going on. Then get back on and get out of there. At least 1/4 mile. Then stop and let him rest for 10 minutes or so while I double check his leg and give him some feed and talk to him to settle him down a bit before we go on. Sasha comes back for you, "This is no time to be playing in the mud, let's go!" Luke walks with a limp.
To Torenath: Torenath: As you follow the group, they go passed a giant crab that they are not afraid of. They are lead by a birdman. It dawns on you that if you follow the group and pretend to be part of the group the birdman will not know who's in the group; and the group might think that you are one of the birdman's friends. They go inside by way of a hatch in the back of the crab. Do you follow?
For everyone in the giant crab: The interior of the crab is 26' diameter and 10' high in the center. It smells lightly of seafood. There are no furniture, you're sitting on the floor. He offers smoked sculpin (a small fish) and raw sea urchins to eat. Above you are ropes and pulleys that most likely are used to move parts of the giant crab. Pathfinders tengu do not have wings. Their arms are like human arms and their hands are like bird feet. Their legs are like human legs, but their feet are elongated and are like bird feet. Speaking in elf: "I am Pezock, and you all are?
mjmeans wrote:
We are taught to travel light. I'll do better to find the group if I'm on foot.
Torenath wrote: Not knowing whether this band of travelers or the half-elf following them is friendly or not, I will follow at a discreet distance and observe them. It starts to down pour rain and gust of strong wind begin to push you around, a typical storm for these parts - sudden. The half-elf decides to join the group she was following and they all move forward.
Carol Yager wrote:
John to Ms Adventure: "Oh, you decided to join us after all." He says with wicked smile.
Carol Yager wrote:
She was using body language to explain your, the group, situation. You're harmless. Your not cannibals. We need shelter from the weather.
mjmeans wrote:
See March 29th. "Who can talk to who" "Do not touch him or his gear. Evan touched Ishiroi after he was dead, to give him Last Rites. There might be something contagious. Lets join the others." 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Spoiler: As Sasha picks up her gear, you notice a tatoo on Sasha's back. The tatoo is of two interlocking red insect legs that create an "N".
Mystwalkur wrote:
Averys 1d20 ⇒ 11 Brown Deer 1d20 ⇒ 17John 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Brown Deer, speaking Arcadian and using hand gestures like a Hawaiian dance , convinces the tengu to allow the group to take cover in his house.
mjmeans wrote: Sasha and her equipment is gone. I help Evan pack up whatever he has and load it on my horse. Get on my horse and help him up onto my horse behind me and tell him to hold on to my waist (and put his arms around my waist in case he doesn't understand) then we take off towards the direction the other castaways went keeping an eye out for Sasha. I stay to higher ground whenever possible to get a better vantage point, but also so as to not get caught in any potential flash flood area. You remember all to well the move your swordmaster showed you when you over extended your self. He laid the flat of his sword across the back of your neck, to show how vulnerable you are. This memory came flooding back to you as you reached for Evan/ Evan's gear and you feel the flat of a sword across your neck.
For Rokko: Finish packing up and do one last quick search of the beach for the rest of the castaways. Is the lean-to still there? Yes. Any sign of them or their gear at all? Evan is in a fetal position under the lean-to, still holding his bag. If not, I will assume the rest of the castaways packed up and went in direction that previous castaways went, and go that way. Sasha and her equipment is gone. Otherwise if the lean to and gear as still near the beach, I head looking for them, keeping toward higher ground, but under the tree line since I don't want to get into the high winds. If I spy a particularly high vantage point and the wind is low enough, I'll take it for a moment to spy the terrain. So, do you stay with Evan or look for Sasha?
Mystwalkur wrote:
Everyone who went with you is seeing the same thing, so there is no need to relay anything. Everyone speaks elf here, except Brown Deer. There is shelter right in front of you, all you got to do is pour on the charm for the occupant.
They yell at you as the rain, the wind and the thunder steal sound. I ask where are the other two (and describe them). "We have not seen anyone but you." Hastily pack my tent and gear, "We don't have time for that. Only what you can carry." I and my horse go with them. "We don't have room for your horse, Sir." If it's not possible to also rescue my horse (which is my animal companion (from Beast Rider archetype)) then I can't go. "It's now or never." A slight pause. "We 'er leaving now." They turn and leave down the hill to the beach. They board a dinghie and head for a black spot out in the sea. The only exception would be if there was no possibility to save my horse and it would die regardless of what I do. If the only way to save my horse would be to not go with them, then I will have to travel inland a 1/4 mile or so to shelter myself from the high winds until the storm passes.
Mystwalkur wrote:
Mystwalkur: You see, from a back hatchway, a birdman emerges waving a jagged bladed sword. He is screaming, "Your not going to eat me!"
Rokko: Who are you and where did you come from? Go where? "We are the crew from the ship Brine Demon. The Brine Demon is anchored off shore, but not for long." Please describe the men. Do I see the rest of the in-camp castaways?
For Torenath:
Spoiler: You hear noises from several people up ahead, so you sneak up on them. What you see is:
male catfolk dressed like a stereotypical pirate with a cutlas. A little human girl dressed in soft leather with a spear. A male human dressesd in scale mail with 2 swords. A female elf dressed in leather armor with a longbow. Depending on what Carol does, her character my or may not still be hidding behind them. A female 1/2 elf dressed in studded leather with a long sword.
For Rokko: Rokko:
On the first day after the group left, you realize Ms Adventure is nowhere to be found. On the third day after the group left, a storm rolls in. As you wait out the storm in your tent, you hear male voices, they do not match Evan. if you look: As you look out your tent, you see four men standing outside your tent looking at you. "The storm is getting worst, if you want to come with us, you have to leave now!" They loudly tell you over the strom.
Mystwalkur wrote:
You, John, Averys (and Brown Deer is tagging a long) are heading off to spy on the other humans to the south-west.
Spoiler: Whom do I estimate (based on size, build and mannerisms) are the most vulnerable among us, i.e. rank the others from what I see as apparently most vulnerable to apparently most capable of defending themselves?
Armor and weapons were listed before. A list of can-they-take-care-of-themselves in camp:
A list of can-they-take-care-of-themselves in combat: