[5E] The Defense of Wood Creek Village (Inactive)

Game Master Jiggy

Location: Wood Creek
Day 8: Morning

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Grand Lodge

Here is the picture that I want to use as Corson. I will start to make my alias this weekend. I wish I could make this my avatar. Has Paizo made an option to use custom avatars? ;p

Silver Crusade

1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Nice! I can work with that. More soon.

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Crax Craghorn is here, he is ready to defend the Wood Creek Village with his life.

This village regarded him as an outsider orphan when his father dumped him here before leaving, it wasn't until he'd grown into his adulthood that the bullies stopped picking on him.

The towering 6 foot something red Dragonborn features a charismatic smile and well-featured muscles, however all these good looks only go towards making him more intimidating to the villagers. The large ivory horns that jut from his head don't help, especially with one that was broken in a bullying-gone-wrong accident when he was younger.

His sorcerer abilities manifested in a stunning display when a group of bandits attempted to raid the town and he saved some local school children from being cut down. His bravery had finally earned him a place in the village even if its only as a hero to children.

Crax is just looking to belong, he wants so badly to feel acknowledged that he'll go to great lengths in an attempt to prove himself. He believes he'd be a good friend, if he had any.

Three words to describe him: Honest, Hard-working, Lonely.

I need to make a statline still, but I wanted to get this entry in, sooner rather than later :) !

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Jango the Halfling Bard is Exuberant, Witty and Curious

Jango would vote for the wall.

Jango climbs up onto a chair, to be more easily seen, and addresses the town meeting.
" Surely, a wall would better serve the community. The keep is intriguing and I'd love to explore it myself, but in times of trouble it would be difficult to move the sick and elderly to the keep and everything we work so hard for here in the town would be left undefended. "

Jango Silverstring :

Class: Bard 2
Passive Perception:
Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven.

Age: 74, Height: 2'10" Weight: 38lb
Short, even for a Halfling, Cade has sparkling hazel eyes, sandy brown hair with flecks of grey through it.


Str: 8 (-1), Dex: 15 (+2), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 16 (+3)

Saves: Dex, Cha.

Str: -1, Dex: +4, Con: +1, Int: +2, Wis: +0, Cha: +5

13 (Leather Armour)

Dagger: +4, 1d4+2
Shortbow: +4, 1d6+2

Skills: Acrobatics, History, Performance, Persuasion, Stealth. (Jack of all Trades)

Acrobatics: +4, Animal Handling: +1, Arcana: +3, Athletics: 0, Deception: +4, History: +4, Insight: +1, Intimidation: +4, Investigation: +3, Medicine: +1, Nature: +3, Perception: +1, Performance: +5, Persuasion: +5, Religion: +3, Sleight of Hand: +3, Stealth: +4, Survival: +1

Racial Features:

Lightfoot Halfling:
Ability bonuses: +2 Dex, +1 Cha.

Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Brave: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Naturally Stealthy: Can attempt to hide when obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.

Class Features:

Spellcasting: (Spell Attack: +5, Spell Save DC: 13)
-Spell Slots: 1st: 3
-Ritual Casting: You can cast spells you know as a Ritual if they have the Ritual tag.
-Spell Casting Focus: You can use a musical instrument as a spell casting focus.
-Cantrips known (2): Mending, Minor Illusion.
-Spells known (5): Cure Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Comprehend Languages, Faerie Fire, Detect Magic.

Bardic Inspiration: As a bonus action on my turn, choose one creature within 60ft. That Creature gains a 1d6 Bardic Inspiration die that can be used in the next ten minutes to add to one ability, attack or save roll. It can be used after the roll is made but before the gm says the roll was successful or not.

Jack of all Trades: Add half proficiency bonus to non proficient ability checks.

Song of Rest: self and allies regain extra d6 Hp after short rest if they can hear/see my performance.


Jango has made his living in Wood Creek as an entertainer for quite some time now. He probably did your 5th name day party and maybe your father's as well...

When he's not entertaining he can often be found in the town square, busking or mending some child's toy.

He can also often be found at the towns Inn in the evenings, playing a tune or telling a tale. Jango is friendly with the Ferdinand the proprietor there and has pretty much had a permanent room there since his small house burnt down some 17 years past...

Jango rolled into Wood creek around 53 years back, a young halfling ready to settle down after a mysterious past in the big city and some intervening years adventuring. Now with some laughter lines on his face and flecks of grey hair in his sandy brown hair, he feels he's done splendidly. He loves the small town, though he still ventures out for a wander every few years to gather more tales, jokes and tunes.

With the coming expansion and talk of strengthening the defences Jango has it in his head that he'd like to lend a bit more of a practical hand. Just you try and stop him! Young whippersnapper!

Background Feature:


Costume x3 (gaudy jester,
Entertainer's pack.
Healing potion
Leather armour
Short bow

Money: 15 gp

Other Proficiencies:

Armour: Light
Weapons: Simple, Hand crossbow, Longsword, Shortsword, Rapier.
Instruments: Lute, Flute, Fiddle.
Disguise Kit

Silver Crusade

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Holly Berrythwaite

Female halfling paladin 2

Descriptors Courageous, friendly, chipper

Str 14
Dex 13 + 2 = 15
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 14

The short female standing before you might be mistaken as a child were it not for her sparkling chainmail armor, well-used and honed greatsword, and the laugh lines around her eyes.

Holly Berrythwaite grew up in the town of Wood Creek, the daughter of the halfling farmers Arlo and Maple Berrythwaite. However, Holly never gained the penchant for farming, always feeling like she was destined for service to a cause greater than herself. She befriended the local priest and has devoted herself to the defense of the town and the worship of __________. (I still need to decide on a patron deity, and would welcome suggestions.)

"Look," the halfling addresses the crowded room with a presence greater than her stature would suggest is possible. "We all want what is best for the town that we love and call home. Building a palisade around the town will serve for now, but it lacks vision for the future. Besides, that will take manpower—manpower that is needed on the farms and in the fields," she gestures with a smile to her parents and brothers seated toward the back of the room.

"Instead, I volunteer to lead a small party to the keep. We can secure the structure, and investigate its potential as a bastion for the town. Who here is with me?"

Silver Crusade

I have a character concept in mind but I'm new enough to 5th edition that I thought I'd better ask some questions.

The basic concept is a mild mannered healer who loves animals and nature. He is a circle of the moon druid, using wild shape largely as a means of understanding animals. I am planning on having my personality mildly change when I wild shape (flavour, not mechanical.) Only when really necessary or really angry will he change shape into something like a bear

I'm going to want to interact well with wild animals. Is that handle animal? If it is, would I use wisdom or charisma?

The moon druid wild shape ability, at first blush, seems VERY powerful at low level. Is it in fact overpowered and I should instead play a Land druid?

Given that (even at level 20) you'll only be able to hold your form for 10 hours and it flat out replaces your ability scores (and from what I have seen/read, you don't get your magic items), it's less broken than it seems.

As far as interacting with animals goes, there is a wisdom skill called Animal Handling which should meet your needs.

I've made an Alias for Jango with a complete character sheet. Full spell descriptions in spoilers etc.


Silver Crusade

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Pavel is a NG level 2 Human Moon Circle Druid who is Compassionate, Passionate, and Curious. The son of a town wisewoman he has taken after her and is now a healer. He is unusual in that he takes on some of the personality of animals that he wild shapes into and sometimes his emotions cause him to wild shape when his reason would have him stay human.

Note - If you think Moon Circle is too powerful at the lower levels I'd readily change to Land Circle


How I created character:

Variant Human (+1 to Wis and Con), Feat (Healer), extra skill (Survival)
Created background : Village Healer. Based mostly on Folk Hero.
Skill Proficiences : Medicine, Animal Handling
Equipment Proficiencies : Healing Kit, Musical Instrument
cash: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 x 10 gp

Pavel Human L2 Druid
Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
hp 15
AC 15 (lthr, shield, dex)
Prof Bonus+2
Saving Throws Int, Wis
Attacks sickle (+4 attk, d4+2) or sling (+4 attk, d4+2)
Skills Animal Handling(+5), Nature (+2), Medicine (+5), Perception (+5), Survival (+5)
Armour ProficienciesLight and Medium armour (non metal only),
Weapon ProficienciesClubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tool Proficiencies Herbalism Kit, Healing Kit, Flute
Languages Common, Druidic
Racial Traits Nope
Class Features Druidic, Wild Shape, Moon Druid Circle, Ritual Magic, Spellcasting, Spellcasting Focus
Equipment lthr armour (10 gp), shield (10 gp), sickle (1gp), sling (1sp), sprig of mistletoe (1gp), 2 healers kit (10 gp), explorers pack (10 gp). fishing tackle (1gp), travellers clothes (2gp), herbalism kit (5gp)
Cantrips Known Druidcraft, Guidance
L1 spells known Animal Friendship, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Speak with Animals, Thunderwave


Pavel was born into a local sheep owning family, a little better off than some but by no means wealthy. His mother was a local wisewoman, helping to heal those who could not afford to purchase healing magics.

Almost as soon as he could talk it was obvious that Pavel was going to take after his mother. He was fascinated by nature in all its manifestations and had a true touch with animals along with a green thumb. He quickly learned almost everything that his mother could teach.

Seeing his potential, his mother put him in touch with a druidic circle nearby. Also impressed by the boy, they accepted him as a student.

Since then he has mastered the rudiments of Druidic lore. He never left the village, his mentor coming to him in the evening in the form of an eagle

When he adopts the form of an animal his personality shifts a little towards that of the animal. In general, this is fine with him. However, sometimes when completely in the throes of some passion he finds himself inadvertently changing shape into an animal. Once, the sight of a travelling merchant beating his sick donkey to death enraged him and he found himself turning into a Brown Bear and attacking the merchant. It was only by the barest trace that he managed to control himself before killing the merchant, fleeing into the woods to calm down.


Pavel is generally a quiet, modest young man who clearly shows an intense fascination with nature. His caring and compassionate nature is quite obvious on even the shortest acquaintance.

Beneath that calm surface however there is a passionate soul waiting to escape. Sometimes it is seen in the joy that he can take in the simplest things, sometimes it is seen in the sadness that illness or death can bring, sometimes it is seen in a rage bordering on that of a berserk.

Pavel is absolutely fascinated by animals and seeks to learn more about them. One of his favourite activities is to cast speak with animals and animal friendship and to then turn into the form of an an animal. Together with his new friends he can discover what it truly means to be a cat, a deer, etc.

In general he is a follower and not a leader, a healer and not a warrior. Except when his passions become inflamed. Although it has been close, he has never yet let his passions completely override his moral instinct but it has been close. His greatest fear is that sometime he will step over the line. He is reluctant to turn into forms like the Bear, doing so only in greatest need.

As Pavel speaks, his voice starts out quiet and calm but towards the end he gets more and more impassioned.

"I have to agree with Holly, it is better to reclaim the keep than to build walls around our town. The keep can far more easily be defended, from there a handful of warriors can hold off hundreds.

Who wants to have to go through a gate every morning to get to ones fields? Who wants their neighbours to know every time they go in and out of town? Who wants their freedom restricted?

And there is another side to it. To build the walls would require us to fell a great many trees. But the forest is good to us. It provides us with food, especially in winter and spring. It keeps the winds off us. It yields up herbs to save lives, spices to make our food tasty. It shelters the animals.

And it is defended. If we cut down trees for no good reason we risk angering its guardians. Far better to keep them as potential allies."

Narnel smiles, shakes his head, and addresses the others at the meeting.

While the arguments in favor moving the defense of our fair village to the keep has some merit, it is more of a long term solution that does nothing to address any immediate threats to the safety of our citizens. The wisest path would be to fortify the immediate proximity of the village proper from the threats of the outside, and independently work on the keep. This way, we could safely make the move over time, while we are still protected.

@pauljathome - I don't think you need to worry about Circle of the Moon being overpowered; it looks to me like the whole point of that option is to be the "fighty" druid as opposed to the "casty" druid. The idea (as I see it) is to use Wild Shape to turn yourself into something comparable to a fighter or a barbarian, and use your spell slots for rather meager self-healing instead of actual, potent spells. Contrast this with the Circle of the Land, who instead gets more spells per day (which is pretty significant) and more spell preparations (which is also pretty significant).

Of course, your bear/lion/whatever form won't be able to just whip out a bow or cast a spell when you encounter a flying enemy or an enemy on the other side of an obstacle or whatever, and the restriction on swim/fly speeds isn't lifted for CotM. So basically, the CotM druid gets to absolutely brutalize straightforward slugfests, in exchange for substantially reduced versatility (both in and out of combat). Seems fine to me.

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Reference for myself, character submissions so far:

Narnel Falerathon, elf monk.
Cedany, human wizard.
Corson, human paladin.
Felthis Stonecleaver, dwarf rogue.
Enzio, ???????
Torbar, dwarf druid.
Crax Craghorn, dragonborn sorcerer.
Holly Berrythwaite, halfling paladin.
Jango Silverstring, halfling bard.
Pavel, human druid.

So that's:
2 druids
2 paladins
1 wizard
1 sorcerer
1 bard
1 rogue
1 monk
1 unspecified, unless I missed something.

Looks about right to me.

"No-one wants to see the forest unduly harmed Pavel, but I am sure that as a community we can work with the forest folk to make this work. Keeps and castles tend to lead to lords and rulers - and such folk seldom work with the people they rule, no matter how benign they may seem. Better to manage our own defenses.
Besides, how much wood will it take to rebuild the first time bandits or goblins burn down all our homes while we cower behind stone walls?"

Narnel nods.

Well put, Cedany.

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Even with the list of submissions so far, I'd already be hard pressed to narrow it down to 5-6 PCs... and there's still more than a week of recruitment left. Cripes, I'm gonna have some hard decisions to make.

Still, that's a good problem to have. :)

#firstworldproblems =P

Okay, here is the start for Corson, still have to put up my stats in the subtitle.

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Folding his arms, bowing his head, "We must think of the children, a wall would keep them safer than a keep a few miles out," Looking around at the other towns folk in the room, "Sure a castle'd be nice, but we must protect everyone, today,"

Maybe you could shorten the application time due to excessive responses?

Well, part of the reason I picked the date I did was because I'm going on vacation from this Thursday through the following Tuesday and didn't want to begin the campaign with a GM absence. :/

Still, I might have to consider alternate possibilities (especially considering the rate of new submissions has now dropped dramatically). Having a week of "recruitment" that consists mainly of folks who have already applied sitting and waiting for the official deadline doesn't sound much better than what I was originally trying to avoid.

Hm... I'll have to think about this a bit.

Since several of us have started an "in-character" conversation roleplay, we can continue to do that until you come back. That would be fine with me... It will allow us to get more comfortable with our characters.

I'm also still here rolling around ideas for a submission. The compiled list was very helpful actually, since I wanted to try and come up with something that wouldn't step on other folks' toes too much. I'll post in when I have something solidly finished.

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Okay, after thinking it over a bit, I'm going to go ahead and shorten recruitment. I've gotten lots of quality submissions, and there's no need to leave this open for another week just to wait.

Recruitment will remain open through end of day Wednesday, October 12th. If you're still interested in submitting a character, please do so by then. I will announce a party the following day.

Thanks for all the great submissions!

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Thanks! Good Luck to all!

Jiggy, mind if I change Corson to a Fighter (Battlemaster)? It won't change his concept.

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Nothing's final 'til recruitment closes. :)

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Okay, Corson is updated as Fighter. I decided that since he was never as gifted as the other squires, he learned how to optimize the effectiveness of his armor (Heavy Armor Master) and spent his training time learning tricks to keep viable in combat (Battlemaster).

Silver Crusade

@Jiggy: I've made a last-minute change to my character. I've decided that Holly Berrythwaite has held to some of her farming background, so she is going to multiclass Monk/Paladin. I'm not sure yet which way she will focus. You can see her character sheet here.

I have created a custom background (farming) and have chosen Animal Handling and Nature for my background skills, as they seemed appropriate.

She fights with a nunchaku because it is a threshing tool that she had a lot of practice using on her family's farm. I am using the stats for a club.

Thanks. :)

The Fox wrote:

@Jiggy: I've made a last-minute change to my character. I've decided that Holly Berrythwaite has held to some of her farming background, so she is going to multiclass Monk/Paladin. I'm not sure yet which way she will focus. You can see her character sheet here.

I have created a custom background (farming) and have chosen Animal Handling and Nature for my background skills, as they seemed appropriate.

She fights with a nunchaku because it is a threshing tool that she had a lot of practice using on her family's farm. I am using the stats for a club.

Thanks. :)

Sure, but make sure you read the multiclassing rules carefully, as they're a bit different from Pathfinder. You don't necessarily get all of your second class's 1st-level stuff when you multiclass. Also be aware that stat boosts are based on class level, not character level. Folks miss that a lot.

In particular you don't get any proficiency (including skill, tool, weapon, armour, saves, etc) unless the table on P164 tells you to.

Silver Crusade

Thanks. I understood the ability score boosts but missed the proficiency bit. Which is fine. I'll ask a friend to double-check me. :)

Edit: I have corrected the character to reflect those changes. She took Paladin first, then Monk. I just swapped out her starting chain mail for gold for now, but I'd really like to replace it with something a bit more monastic.

I'm picturing her paladin training and monk training as combined into a single monastic order, rather than two different orders, if that's ok.

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Today is the LAST DAY of recruitment. If you're interested but haven't finished your submission yet, get it in before you go to bed tonight! :)

Enzio the swordsman, listens intently to the conversation around him. Enjoying the mixed opinions of the Wood Creek. A slow smile is hidden as he take a drink from the mug of ale.

His blue eyes scan the crowd, seeing the ones likely to be Prey ad which ones would be Predator. The defense of a village will need a strong sword arm when defending or attacking potential threats. If the group is too competent, that would potentially mean less adversaries to spill blood.

He enjoys this primal feeling, realizing that this Village will never be the same once this group gets through with it.

Whether it be to fire from the fireplace, or his own burning need, Enzio's blue eyes sparkle with fierce elation.

The door to the tavern bangs open as the wind picks up and rushes into the room. A compact man in his mid-twenties, armored and a warhammer resting on his shoulder, walks in and looks around at many faces that he has not seen for years. The prodigal son returns! With a warm smile and a slight shrug of apology, he closes the door behind him.

He moves toward the fireplace to warm himself in its heat. The man picks off a piece of moss from his cloak and tosses it in the fire. Setting down his pack, he holds his helm in the crook of his arm as he listens to the debate going on around him.

Dark Archive

Mmmrpmph. Some of us went on vacation last week, and thought we had plenty of time to submit a cleric. :(

Good luck to everyone. =)

My apologies to anyone who didn't get to submit. Even so, I'm already having to cut out characters I like, so here we go.

The party will consist of these characters:

Corson, human fighter
Crax Craghorn, dragonborn sorcerer
Holly Berrythwaite, halfling palamonk
Pavel, human druid
Cedany, human wizard
Narnel Falerathon, elf monk

There's more I'd like to add, and I almost considered stretching to 7 PCs, but I don't think I could GM well for such a large group. Thus, sadly, I must draw the line there. Thanks for all the wonderful submissions. I'm quite honored and flattered by all the interest in this campaign. :)

To those selected, go ahead and dot the Gameplay thread so you can get this game added to your Campaigns tab for easy access. I'll put up the advancement chart and get things started in the Discussion thread momentarily.

Thanks again, everyone!

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