Race |
AC 12 (15 Mage Armor) | HP 16/17 | SAVES: ST+2;DX+2;CN+1;IN+5;WS+3;CH+2 | PER+1; ATH+4 | Free, secretive, helpful |
Classes/Levels |
| 4/4x1st / 3/3x2nd (DC:13; Attack: +5) |
About Cedany
Cedany Villanova
Chaotic Good Female Human Outlander Wizard, Level 4
STR 14
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 17
WIS 12
CHA 14
HP: 21/21
Proficiencies (+2)
Weapons Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Lt Crossbows
Saves Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Survival
Tools Violin/fiddle
Languages Common, Fae
Wanderer: Can always recall the layout of terrain, settlements and other features around me. Can always find food and water for self +5 people provided land is capable.
Feat Keen Mind:
> Always know North
> Always know number of hours until Sunset
> Can Accurately recall anything seen or heard within last month
Ritual Casting
Arcane Recovery: 1/day after short rest recover ½ wizard level in spell slot levels (rd up) (2)
School of Conjuration
> Conjuration Savant: ½ gold and time to copy conjuration spell into spellbook
> Minor Conjuration: Can use action to conjure up an inanimate object in hand or within 10ft (not in an occupied space). No larger than 3 feet a side and no heavier than 10lbs. Appears as a non-magical object I have seen. Object is visibly magical radiating dim light to 5 ft (disappears after taking damage, using this ability again or 1 hour).
Spells (DC:13; Attack: +5)
4x Cantrips known
7 prepared spells
Slots: 4x 1st level; 3x 2nd level
Spellbook:(* denotes currently prepared)
Blade Ward (1 action, Self, VS, 1rd) Until end of next turn gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage from weapons
Prestidigitation (1 action, 10ft, VS, up to 1 hr): Create one of following effects within range:
> Intant sensory effect (shower of sparks, puff of wind, faing music, odd odour
> Instantly light/snuff a candle, torch or small campfire
> instantly clean/soil an object no larger than 1 cubic ft
> chill warm or flavour 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour
> Make a colour, sall mark or symbol appear on an object/surface for 1 hour
> Create a nonmagical trinket or illusory image taht can fit in hand and lasts until end of next turn
May have up to 3 non-instant effects active at one time. Can dismiss as an action
Ray of Frost (1action; 60ft; VS; Instant) Ranged spell attack for 1d8 cold dmg and -10ft speed until next turn. (increases to 2d8 at 5th, 3d8 at 11th and 4d8 at 17th.
Mending (1 minute; Touch, VSM; Instant): Repairs a single break or tear in an object, provided break/tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension.
Color Spray (1 action; 15ft cone from self; VSM; 1rd) Affects 6d10 hp of conscious creatures, in ascending order of current hp. Blinds affected creatures for 1 round.
Comprehend Languages (Rit; 1action; Self; VSM; 1hr) Understand meaning of any spoken language that can hear. Also understand any written language the can see, if touching the surface the text is written on. Can read approx 1 page of text/minute. Deos not decode secret messages etc, only literal meaning.
Detect Magic (Rit; 1 action; self; VS; Concentation/10 minutes) Sense presence of magic within 30ft, seeing magic aura around visible creatures/objects taht bears magic and learn school of magic (if applicable). Blocked by 1ft stone; 1" metal, thin sheet of lead or 3ft dirt.
*Feather Fall (1 reaction, 60ft; VM; 1min) in response to self or creature within 60ft falling: Choose up to 5 falling creatures within range, rate of descent slows to 60ft/round and if lands within spell duration takes no falling daamge and lands on its feet.
Identify (Rit; 1min; Touch; VSM (100gp pearl); instant) Apply all the following to creature/item touched:
> Learn Properties of magic item, how to use them, attunement requirement, and charges.
> Learn what spells are affecting an item/creature and what they are
> If item was created by a spell learn what spell created it.
*Mage Armor (1 action, touch, VSM, 8hrs, unarmoured target’s base AC set to 13+Dex mod.
Unseen Servant (Ritual Conjuration; 1 action; 60ft; VSM; 1hr) Invisible mindless force that performs simple tasks for the duration. AC10 1hp, Str2, cannot attack, can spend bonus action to command servant to move 15ft and interact with an object, ends if servant moves more than 60ft away)
*Witch Bolt (Conjuration) 1 action, 30ft, VSM, Conc/1minute) Ranged attack on hit target takes 1d12 lightning dmg, each turn for duration can deal additional 1d12 damage with an action (no attack required). +d12 per additional spell level used.
*Detect Thoughts (1 action; Self; VSM; Concentation/1min)
> Can read surface thoughts of creature (with Int 4+) within 30ft, can shift target as an action or probe as an action
> Probe: target Wis Save or gain insight into reasoning, emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind. If target saves Spell ends. Target knows that it is being probed regardless of pass/fail on save and can use it's action to make a contested Int check to end spell.
> Can also detect presence of thinking (INT 4+) creatures within 30ft (blocked by 2ft rock, 2" metal or thin sheet of lead), once creature detected can read as per 2 options above without sight of creature.
> Questioning leads to changes of thoughts.
*Misty Step (Conjuration, 1 bonus action, Self, V, Instant, teleport 30ft to a visible unoccupied space
*Suggestion (Enchantment, 1 action, 30ft, VM, Concentration/8hrs) Suggest a course of activity to creature within range, must be worded to sound reasonable.
*Web (Conjuration, 1action, 60ft, VSM, Concentration/1hr) 20ft cube of web, requires anchoring to at least 2 solid masses or collapses on itself. Creatures in web require Dex save or restrained, restrained creatures can make Str check vs spell save DC. Webs are flammable, burn away in 1 round causing 2d4 fire to any creature that starts its turn in web.
Gear 210gp
Arcane Focus (Silver & crystal necklace)
Explorer’s Pack
Hunting Trap
Travellers Clothes
Potion of Healing
Magical Gear
Cloak of the Manta Ray While wearing this cloak with the hood up you can breathe underwater, and have swimming speed of 60ft. Pulling the hood up/down requires an action.
XP: 3055 / 6500
Cedany grew up as part of a nomadic traveller clan, and spent her formative years wandering, and learning the arts her mother passed down to her. As a coming of age her people traditionally leave the clan to live on their own for time, learn new skills and knowledge to strengthen the clan (and thin out the numbers, as they often have more children than the lifestyle can support). Cedany drifted for a while, testing her skills and then settled down in Wood Creek.
She set up shop, selling flowers and occasionally tending to wounded, while she doesn’t advertise her magical abilities, she has used them in defense of the village before and most of the village know at least some of what she can do, if not the specifics.
Cedany keeps up her exotic appearance, preferring traditional decorated skirts, headscarves and large hooped earrings. Though in her heart she's decided she'd rather be settled where she is, than seek out her people again, not that it's out of the question eventually. Her lightly olive skin and decorative tattoos betray her as a foreigner, even if her exotic clothing and accent did not.
Originally intended to be a Diviner, but looking at the 1st diviner ability it's likely to cause as many problems as luck is, so switched out to Conjurer.
Intending to stick with wizard, though not adverse to dipping somewhere else if it seems to fit at the time, if we don't have a healer Cedany will likely dip a level of Bard to add cure to the spell list and be able to manage the basics.