Hi, I am checking for interest for a Jade Regent AP.
I would allow all PAIZO classes and stuff but you need to go through the Player's guide and figure which of the NPCs you want to snuggle up to and which you want to make angry(I really would like to have some tension, so everyone needs to have a friend and a foe, so to say)
So a solid background is a must for roleplaying.
20 point buy at level one and one campaign trait is required.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or write it in the thread.
I am looking for five players and would like to get rolling by the 23rd of July.

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Never played Jade Regent but would be interested in trying.
I have a number of ready-to-go characters with solid backgrounds, able to choose whichever based on what would be good for your party.
Nathaniel, Half-elf Summoner Synthesist (tanky mage)
Arkwright, Half-elf Magus (gishy mage)
Mordecai Shrykeson, Human Oracle of Bones (Necromancer)
and Achimas, Human Paladin/Oracle of Lore. (tanky healer.)

Shanosuke |

I have a concept I have made for this campaign and have been waiting to put forth.
From the Lands of the Linnorn Kings I have an Ulfen named Jorland The Shuhite
Some time had passed and eventually Jorland became a disturbance in his homeland so he left. He traveled south until his pockets ran dry and he ended up in sandpoint. There Jorland was out of money and had no work. That is when he got a job at the Rusty Dragon working as a cook for the owner, Ameiko.
Time had passed and Jorland and Ameiko became good friends. He stayed at her in and would work during the day as a volunteer town guard and in the evening he would work the kitchen at the rusty dragon. Jorland and Ameiko got along well and would often share stories of each others homelands. Jorland didn't have many nice things to say about The Land of the Linnorn Kings though, he hated his homeland. He was fascinated by any story of the dragon empires that Ameiko shared. A place where everyone was around 5' 4". Warriors there were messured by deeds and might, not by height. Jorland would spend much time going over old records that Ameiko had. Though he had some desire to see the dragon empire, he was content just to stay here working for Ameiko here at the Rusty Dragon. Someday when he had saved up enough money, Jorland would start a life here and settle down. Maybe even ask Ameiko to be his wife. That was a bit of a stretch though, but you never know.
In his time here in Sandpoint, Jorland became familiar with others in the city. In particular the nice old woman Koya, who occasionally shared recipes and cooking advice with him. She was respectable enough. Then there was Sandru. A merchant of some sort. Jorland never truly came to trust the man, always figured Sandru was into shady business of some sort but never had enough ambition to figure out what. Then there was the "other" ranger Shalelu. The TALL elf girl who also patrolled the town. Many held Shalelu in such high regard but Jorland saw her as nothing less than competition. More often than not, Jorland would work hard fro the guard only to constantly be overshadowed by Shalelu's deeds. It was enough to make his blood boil, not only was she a woman and taller than him by a good margin, she was also a better ranger than he was. The two butted heads on more than a few occasions.
In spite of all this things were relativity peaceful, however, Jorland's adventurous blood craved for something more. Hopefully, there would be an opportunity to do something great and signifcant, maybe something grand enough to catch the heart of the woman he desired and to secure his place in history....and definitely show up that elf for once.
Jorland is an Ulfen male. Short with dark hair and beard. Stocky build but has a somewhat attractive appearance and personality in spite of that.
His motivations are usually curiosity or the desire to outdo Shalelu in greatness whenever he can get the chance. And of course to impress Ameiko. He is a decent person to talk to, just don't get him upset, he's the cook after all. Jorland only really gets upset about statements seeming to regard his height.
Jorland is a Ranger of the beast master Archetype but I will be taking at least two levels in Ninja. Jorland has spent some time going over the ninjitsu arts from books and has been practicing them. He typically wields a heavy wooden shield and either a morning star or battleaxe. He will also enter combat armed with Javelins as well for distance fighting. He is a very well rounded warrior and would serve as the party's Tank, survivalist, and cook.
This is a bit of the grits and gravy. Been wanting to go through this campaign ever since it came out. Been just waiting for one to show up in recruitment.
IF you need more info or for me to change some things, let me know, I will fix what is needed.

Caldor Brehgan |

Martinaj responding again with Simon Petivo, a dirge bard (though he considers himself a priest of Desna, and several sources have stated that bards are often members of Desna's clergy). He uses a bow in combat, and focuses on supporting the party with bardic performance while using spells to debilitate enemies. Anyways, here's his story. His initial connection is to Ameiko. They were childhood friends, but there's a little more distance between them since he left the church of Shelyn (they're still basically friends, though). He doesn't much trust Sandru because of his ties to the Sczarni, even if Sandru himself isn't really involved. As far as the campaign romance options go, he might find himself drawn to Shalelu, but he doesn't really know here at this point.
Instead, Simon fell in with the children of the Kaijitsu family. They themselves holding Shelyn as their patron goddess, it was only natural that he ran into them from time to time, and they were much more interested in artistic pursuits than playing at "soldier and goblin." He grew close to all of the children of the family, but as Ameiko was only a few years older than him, it was to her that he became closest, and as children they were nigh inseparable, with the fiery young noble helping to coax Simon out of his shell and embrace his more adventurous tendencies. In time he came to look on her as an older sister.
As he neared adulthood, Simon entered the clergy of Shelyn, following in his mother's footsteps. Life was pleasant, but a bit mundane. Something gnawed at Simon, but he had good friends, a loving family, and no real enemies (though the gang that Jubrayl was rather insistent in its protection rackets), so in spite of his bouts of restlessness, Simon decided that relative uneventfulness was a small price to pay for such an idyllic life. In time, he took over most of his mother's duties, began courting a nice young girl named Mara, and was getting ready to settle down. And then the goblins came.
He was attending the Swallowtail festival with Mara during the raid, and to his horror, she was one of the first victims of the attack. The two were confronted by a cackling goblin, who, when he realized there were too shocked to put up a fight, toyed with them for a bit, jeering and laughing as it herded them down an alleyway before falling upon Mara with it's blade. Simon looked on, paralyzed in horror and unable to act, as she was butchered before his eyes. A guardsman noticed the incident before the goblin could turn its attentions on Simon and dispatched the beast, but Mara was already gone, and Simon later learned that his mother had perished when their house was set ablaze. Everyone said that Sandpoint was fortunate, that a group of heroes had prevented the raid from being far worse than it could have been, but Simon felt as if he had lost his entire world.
He fell into a deep depression after that, pushing away his dearest friends and quickly caving to whatever demands the Sczarni made of him. He found his faith slipping. He had lived his whole life believing that whatever might come, ultimately the world was a place of unrivaled beauty, and the decent and righteous would reap its rewards. The truth was, though, this had happened. This sort of tragedy was a part of the world, and it was not beautiful. He left the clergy against his friend Ameiko's objections, and then he began studying other faiths, trying to find one that made sense, and for a time found himself tempted by dark and dangerous cults.
One day, as he was walking outside of the city, he saw a dead stag. It looked to have taken an arrow in the side and expired later, and had begun to rot. Scavenger had been picking at it, and it was every bit as gruesome as he new the world to be. And then he saw a vibrant blue butterfly touch down on one of its antlers. It made for a strange juxtaposition, to be sure, but it got him thinking. Yes, there was death and loss in the world, but that did not mean it was absent of beauty. He pondered this over the next month, and in the end, decided that there was still good to be found in the world. He even began to notice good arise from misery. Soon, rich, fertile grass began to spring from the spot where the stag had decomposed. For the first time he was able to appreciate the craftsmanship in the house that has replaced his own after it burned down. He decided he would accept the world, and understand it in its entirety. He decided also, that Shelyn's idyllic worldview was to skewed, too naive, for him to achieve this. And so it was that he found himself converting to worship of Desna.
He began to recognize cycles in the natural world, and learned to accept the bad with the good. His art began to take a slightly more somber turn as he attempted to include both of these elements in his songs. He began to sing about loss, but there was redemption and hope sometimes as well - they were hardly the self-pitying melodramas he had been crafting a year before.
Haunted by his inability to act as his dear Mara was slaughtered, he also began learning how to fight, serving in Sandpoints town guard as well as in the temple. He found he preferred to work outside of town, keeping threats from the wilderness in check. It let him see a bit of the world outside of the town, and he began to realize how sheltered he had been as a youth. His old restlessness began to return, and this time, it was more difficult to ignore. Today, Simon looks around town and he no longer sees people the way he once did, and he realizes he isn't the man he once was. Old friendships have cooled, old ties have been cut, and he is beginning to wonder if it might not be time to embrace his old wanderlust and explore the world beyond the borders of Sandpoint, or even Varisia.

Max Hellspont |

Greetings! I've been toying with the idea of a Tien human ninja. Her family has served publicly as servants of the Kaijitus since before their migration from Minkai, but it reality they have always been secret protectors and bodyguards of the family. She would be a childhood friend of Ameiko's, but would not think very highly of Sandru since he and his brother took Ameiko away from a life of safety when they took her adventuring. I can have the character together later this evening.

Caldor Brehgan |

I want to make a minor modification to my character's current standing with the major NPCs, now that I've given the relaionship rules another look. So here's where Simon currently stands with those four...
Ameiko (Competative Relationship): My campaign trait also links me to Ameiko. Ameiko was Simon's best friend during childhood and all the way up through adulthood until the last couple of years. After Simon rejected the teachings of Shelyn, things have been a bit tense. He now finds himself moving in a different direction from his old friend - he still calls her a friend, but more from fond memories than from the current state of their relationship. She's still a bit angry at him for what she views as a minor heresy, and he now thinks that devotion to Shelyn is naive and the tenants are superficial. Now their interactions mostly consist of cool greetings or heated debates.
Sandru (Friendly Relationship): When Simon was a child, Sandru would often rescue the youth from the bullying of his older brother Jubrayl, though a lack of common interests saw that they never interacted much beyond that. In recent years, they've grown closer, however. As Simon grows more curious about the larger world, he often comes to Sandru with questions about his travels, and has even spoken with him at times about accompanying him on his next caravan.
Kolya (Friendly Relationship): Simon only actually met Kolya recently, when he converted to the clergy of Desna. He regards her as something of a mentor, but more than that a kindred spirit. Both of them now follow the same path, and both of them want to see more than the world than they have, lamenting at times over what they consider to be wasted years (or at least years that have not been spent as well as they could have been). He often comes to her for advice on spiritual and philosophical matters.
Shalelu (No Current Relationship): Simon has not yet met Shalelu. He's heard of her, and seen her a few times, but never spoken to her. When he was younger he thought she was actually a little intimidating, but after his recent recent changes, he finds himself drawn to her when she does enter town. He's still not certain why, but now he finds her intriguing, though he's a bit embarrassed that he thinks so much on it even though he's never actually met her.

Qorin |

Male Human (Varisian) Summoner 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10. . (+1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Spear +1 (1d8+1/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +1 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Ranged Crossbow, Light +1 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Summon Monster I (6/day)
Summoner Spells Known (CL 1, +1 melee touch, +1 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Magic Fang (DC 14), Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser
0 (at will) Open/Close (DC 13), Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Mending
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Augment Summoning, Spell Focus: Conjuration
Traits Best Friend: Ameiko (Ex), Resilient
Skills Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +7, Linguistics +5, Spellcraft +5
Languages Celestial, Common, Minkaian, Varisian
SQ Eidolon Link (Ex), Life Link (Su), Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex)
Combat Gear Crossbow, Light, Spear, Studded Leather;
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Best Friend: Ameiko (Ex) +1 vs foes threatening friend.
Eidolon Link (Ex) You have a link with your Eidolon, but share magic item slots.
Life Link (Su) Sacrifice HP to prevent that much damage to your Eidolon.
Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex) Personal spells can be cast on your Eidolon instead.
Spell Focus: Conjuration Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Summon Monster I (6/day) (Sp) Use summon monster spells as spell-like abilities, with durations measured in minutes instead of rounds.
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and his silver wolf "companion."
Male Quadruped
CG Medium Outsider
Init +2; Senses Darkvision, Scent; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12. . (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 11 (+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Bite (Bite) +3 (1d6+3/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Grab
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +3 (+7 Grappling); CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Feats Step Up
Skills Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +6, Survival +1
Languages Common
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Grab (Medium) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Step Up You may make a 5' step closer when your opponent makes a 5' step away from you.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Managing a herd offers long stretches when there is nothing to do, and Sunac found ways to fill his time. Naturally, he practiced the magic that he knew, finding ways to subtly alter the summoning spells he had been taught. He often reached into the multiverse to look for company during his lonely hours on the hillside pastures.
When Mithril first appeared to him, it was as a silvery wolf. For months, he kept the Eidolon's existence a secret, as he desperately searched for some understanding of what it was. Over that time, the creature's appearance became less unnatural, until it could pass for a large silver-haired dog. Then it became common enough to see the two of them arrive at the Rusty Dragon for a few pints in the evening. Most people didn't give Mithril much thought beyond saying she was a little big for a herd dog, and Ameiko knew the importance of keeping secrets.
Things would have been fine, were it not for Shalelu, the elven ranger, who came upon him in the pasture one morning and asked far too many questions about Mithril. Ever since then, whenever Sunac has seen Shalelu, there has been an edge of suspicion in the elf's eye, as if she suspects that Mithril is not quite what she seems. Thus far, she has made no accusations and Sunac has kept out of her way, but there is no doubt that he resents having to avoid her. Ameiko has told him that Shalelu would be fine with the Eidolon, and it is just the mystery that makes the elf suspicious, but neither Sunac or Mithril are willing to take that risk.

Jingoro |

Jingoro was born a happy and healthy baby, though his mother noticed strange sounds and small items being moved around, though noone else was in the house. As he grew older, she would sometimes catch him speaking to himself, though he insisted he was speaking to relatives. Miho assumed they were just the imaginary playmates of a lonely child. In reality, they were the spirits of ancestors who spoke to Jingoro and looked after him. He saw it upset his mother to speak of them, so he kept his ghost-family to himself.
When he grew old enough, he began to work oddjobs around Sandpoint to help out. Ameiko Kaijitsu, the owner of the Rusty Dragon took a particular interest in Jingoro and offered him a job in the Dragon, bussing tables, bartending, etc.
Jingoro is a fit young man with short black hair and expressive brown eyes. He favors white clothing, even though at the end of a shift, it's usually grown a few stains and smudges. His easy smile and cheerful attitude make him a favorite at the Rusty Dragon despite the fact that glasses and dishes have an unfortunate habit of breaking in his presence.
Trait:Younger Sibling (Ameiko-though not aware of it)

Lina |

Submitting Lina, Human Oracle of the Heavens.
Lina is a young woman of slight build, with slightly olive skin and features which betray her obvious Varisian heritige.
Campaign Trait: Hero Worship (Ameiko)
All that came crashing down when screams erupted through the crowd and green death cut down my parents before my very eyes. The hideous creatures laughed as blood filled the streets – and all I could do was stand frozen and watch. I was carried away from the town square by the stampeding crowd, and by the time I clawed my way back they were just two lifeless cold dolls as if discarded in the street. I stood there for what seemed like hours lost in despair, having lost everything. Finally I started walking, not knowing where to go, and soon found myself on the road south from Sandpoint.
My head was spinning, and images of death and butterflies seared into my mind as I trudged onward into the night. By the time I stumbled into Magnimar, I was ragged, exhausted, hungry, and cursing Desna for my loss. Four years passed like a blur, working odd jobs to keep myself fed, but never staying in one place long, as my hatred of Desna got me thrown out of taverns and inns all across Varisia.
It was on the lonely road from Korvosa, on a clear starry night that I was suddenly blinded by a light brighter than the sun. My vision began to clear only slightly, and I saw what looked like a giant butterfly floating in the air above me. A voice spoke to me, “Why must you hold such anger? Desna holds no malice towards you, and never has wronged you. We have clouded your vision that you may one day see clearly. Now go back to your birthplace, where The Great Dreamer has an important role for you.”
The darkness of the night returned, and I collapsed in the grass next to the road. When I came to, I felt changed – though my sight was nearly gone, a heavy weight seemed lifted from my heart and I began the long journey back to the home of my childhood.

Jacen Featherfoot |

Here is Jacen Featherfoot, Halfling Alchemist. I'll finish filling in the crunch tonight, but the background, traits, and tie-in are all there.
Befriended by Shalelu, somewhat antagonistic towards the brash Sandru, Jacen likes the Sandpoint area. Now, if only there was something to do around here...

Kelvin Dral |

I present Kelvin Dral, Tierce's Cavalier extraordinare. Crunch and Backstory are in the alias
I took the trait Best Friends: Sandru as I was going to take the same with Ameiko, but it seems most people are going with her as their NPC.
My character also has a crush on Ameiko, but I can only take one campaign trait, so it's mostly for RP purposes

Cuàn |

I have an idea for a Sylph Druid using the Sky Druid Archetype from the ARG.
She'd be a Friend of the Family, actually being a childhood friend of Koya which works just fine considering the long lifespan of Sylphs). Her father, whom she travelled across Varisia with was in turn a childhood friend of Koya's grandmother, their families having connections more than a century into the past. The fact that she actually left for months at a time before returning to visit was one of the many reasons little Koya wanted to travel. It is painful to her to see her friend growing old but knows that that is the fate of one with her lifespan. She returned to Sandpoint recently because she finally received the green light from her father and is now a druid of her own instead of a novice.
She doesn't get along with Shalelu, mainly because their views on how to deal with the world differ. She prefers a hands off approach, letting things regulate themselves and only interfering in the direst of circumstances. She respects her and her skill but they rub each other the wrong way.

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I was in a previous JR game that died and the character I made for it I love, so I would like to propose him a second time.
Eden Nightseed:
The Elven woman asked the elder druid to forgive her for leaving and begged that she be allowed to come back. He agreed and had the clerics cast divination spells focused on the boy. To their horror they discovered the boy had no soul and was simply in essence a stillborn. The woman begged the druids to do something and the elder cast a miracle spell hoping that it might give the boy life and purge him of the evil taint about his body.
The spell worked and the boy was born normal and healthy, but the mother died during the childbirth; which the druids took as a bad omen. The boy, was perfectly normal with the exception of bright golden eyes, the evil that the druids feared was completely gone.
The druids named the boy Eden and gave him his mother’s last name of Nightseed. They allowed him to live in their community and taught him the ways of the wild, but little else. He grew up largely ostracized because of the events revolving around his conception and birth, and the fact that he was half human. He simply grew up faster than the other children and never quite fit in personality wise.
His life in the Churlwood was more or less normal, but incredibly lonely. Raised by no one but a grizzled and incredibly old she wolf named Tisa, Eden grew up largely removed from even druid society and as such learned little about how to interact with others.
At the age of 14 he was sent to gather the local Nymphs and Satyrs for a winter celebration, and while out searching he was ambushed by evil cultists working for, unknown then and still unknown to him, his father. They beat him and began transporting him back to Magnimar where his father waited. The cultists didn’t make it very far. Tisa the old and rather worn out looking she-wolf sensed Eden was in trouble and interceded. Like a nightmare unleashed from the Hells Tisa ripped, clawed, and tore at the cultists killing all but one who managed to flee.
When Eden made it back to the grove and the Elder learned what had happened he forbade Eden from ever leaving the grove again. Eden was forced to find ways to keep his mind busy which he did mostly by playing with the animals and exercising his body.
One day the Ranger Shalelu dropped by the grove as she did from time to time. But this time she dropped by when the others were all off immersed in one of their major rituals, leaving Eden of course behind to watch over the grove. Eden had been asleep under a tree as was his routine during this particular religious event. Amused by the Half-Elf whom she had seen before but never really spoken with, she cleared her throat startling him awake. She introduced herself and asked where the Elder was. Eden replied and told her that the druids were off performing a ritual and when asked why he was not there explained that they didn’t really want him there or anywhere for that matter. One thing led to another and in the end both began talking about their pasts, in no great detail on Shalelu’s part but she did listen and enjoyed Eden’s company while she waited for the Elder. When he arrived she thanked Eden and tossed him a necklace with one tooth on it from an animal not native to the forest (lion) and told him to keep it, it was a gift she told him to remind him never to give up. Eden was confused but happy, he had never made a friend before and after that eagerly began awaiting her infrequent visits(Shalelu Crush).
After two years and on his 18th birthday Eden couldn’t take the isolation and disdaining of the druids any longer. He packed up his bag and decided to go find Shalelu, the only person who ever really seemed to enjoy his company. However he was stopped by Tisa. Eden made an impassioned plea to the she-wolf about wanting to live not just survive. In the end Tisa relented but decided to stay with the boy she had all but raised and ventured off with him.
Eden is a 5’8’’ Half-Elf who wears no armor or clothing on his well muscled upper torso and a pair of well worn leather pants and leather boots. He has piercingly bright golden eyes and an unkempt head of brown hair. He is almost always seen carrying yet another well worn item, a backpack full of items with a quarterstaff and wooden shield attached to it by leather straps.
Eden is always followed by the old she-wolf Tisa who seemingly would rather lie down than do much of anything else. But if she senses a threat to her or Eden it becomes quite clear that there is still a very deep reservoir of hurt left unleashed in this particular wolf.
Eden is very much a puppy in his actions; he almost always has a smile on his face and loves to have fun, but lacks some very fundamental social skills and bits of common sense. For example he doesn’t quite understand why people have such a big problem with nudity; after all animals don’t wear clothes, but after a few run-ins with authorities he has come to understand that at the very least the pants stay on. He is also a talker, not having had much interaction with other people Eden enjoys talking to others and even the slightest hello can lead to hours of mind numbing conversation.
Eden also seems to have quite a crush on Shalelu, which he thinks he hides well, but is pretty obvious to everyone. Even Ameiko, who doesn't quite trust that anyone could be as ignorant to the ways of the world as Eden is, and that he must be up to something(Rival).
Eden is always the first to make a friend and once done a solid unwavering ally. He is also not much of a fighter, he would much rather everyone get along, but when push comes to shove he does in-fact have the powers of the wilds on his side.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Name : Eden Nightseed | Race : Half-Elf | Height: 5'8"
Player: xxx | Gender: Male | Weight: 250lbs
Update: | Age : 18 | Eyes : Gold
Align : NG | Size : Medium | Hair : Brown
Deity : Great Wolf | Speed : 30ft | Hand : xxx
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Ability | Temporary | Class Level
Score Mod | Score Mod | Druid 1
STR 10 +0 | | xxxxx x
DEX 10 +0 | |
CON 10 +0 | |
INT 15 +2 |+2 for racial |
WIS 16 +3 | |Total Level: 1 Extra Feats: 0
CHA 15 +2 | |XP : xxxxx Next: xxxxxx
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc
HP : 9 xx | Init 0 : +x = 0 +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Total Armr Shld Dex Misc
AC : 13 = 10 + 2 + 1 + +
Touch : 10 = 10 + xxx + xxx + +
FlatFoot: 13 = 10 + 2 + 1 + xxx +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
SAVES Ability
Bonus Base Mod Magic
Fort (Con): +2 = 2 + 0 + +
Ref (Dex): +0 = 0 + 0 + +
Will (Wis): +5 = 2 + 3 + +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Base Total Base Str Misc | Base Total Base Dex Misc
Melee : +0 = 0 + 0 + | Range : +0= 0 + 0 +
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Combat Total Base Str Misc | Mnvr Total Base Str Dex Misc
Mnvr : 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 | Defense: +0 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Weapon: Quarter Staff Weight: x lbs
Move Name Type Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack |Melee | +0 | 1d6/1d6 | 20/x2 | - | B |
Charge |Melee | +2 | 1d6/1d6 | 20/x2 | - | B |
Weapon: xxxxxx Weight: x lbs
Move Name Type Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack |Range | +xx | xdx+x | xx-20/x2 | - | x |
Armor: Leather (pants) Weight: xx lbs
AC MaxDex Pen. SplFail Speed Special
+2 | +6 | 0 | 10% | 30ft | None
Armor: Light Wooden Shield Weight: 5 lbs
AC MaxDex Pen. SplFail Speed Special
+1 | 0 | -1 | 05% | --ft | None
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Skill Focus (Stealth)
Low Light Vision
Elf Blood
Elven Immunity
Keen Senses
Nature Bond - Animal Companion (Tisa)
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
0: 3
1: 1+1
0: 3 / DC 13
1: 1+1 / DC 14
2: / DC xx
x: / DC xx
SKILLS (Max Rank = Level, Class Skills get +3 bonus with at least 1 Rank)
Key Total Ability Class Misc
Ability Mod Mod Ranks Skill Mod
Acrobatics (Dex) + = + + +
Appraise (Int) + = + + +
Bluff (Cha) + = + + +
Climb (Str) + = + + +
Craft:_____ (Int) + = + + +
Diplomacy (Cha) + = + + +
Disable Device^ (Dex) + = + + +
Disguise (Cha) + = + + +
Escape Artist (Dex) + = + + +
Fly (Dex) + = + + +
Handle Animal^ (Cha) + 5 = 2 + 1 + 3 +
Heal (Wis) + = + + +
Intimidate (Cha) + = + + +
Knowledge:Geography(Int) + 6 = 2 + 1 + 3 +
Knowledge:Nature^ (Int) + 8 = 2 + 1 + 3 + 2
Knowledge:_____^ (Int) + = + + +
Linguistics (Int) + = + + +
Perception (Wis) + 9 = 3 + 1 + 3 + 2
Perform:_____ (Cha) + = + + +
Profession:_____^ (Wis) + = + + +
Ride (Dex) + = + + +
Sense Motive (Wis) + = + + +
Sleight of Hand^ (Dex) + = + + +
Spellcraft^ (Int) + = + + +
Stealth (Dex) + 3 = + + + 3(Skill Focus)
Survival (Wis) + 7 = 3 + 1 + 3 +
Swim (Str) + 4 = 0 + 1 + 3 +
Use Magic Device^ (Cha) + = + + +
^Trained only
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
GEAR (Weight):
Backpack (2lbs)
Caltrops (2lbs)
x2 Alchemist Fire (2lbs)
Smoke Stick (1/2lbs)
50ft Hemp Rope (10lbs)
10 days rations (10lbs)
Shield (5lbs)
Leather -pants/armor- (15lbs)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
LOAD: Light Medium (-3) Heavy/Max (-6) Lift (x 2) Push/Drag (x 5)
33lb 66lb 100lb 200lb 500lb
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Animal Companion
Ability MOD
STR: 13 +1
DEX: 15 +2
CON: 15 +2
INT: 2 -4
WIZ: 12 +1
CHA: 6 -2
Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc
HP : 19 xx | Init : +2 = 2 +
(two hit dice)
Total Armr Shld Dex Size Nat Misc
AC : 15 = 10 + + + 2 + + 2 + 1
Touch : 15 = 10 + xxx + xxx + 2 + + 2 + 1
FlatFoot: 12 = 10 + + + xxx + + 2 + xx
Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
FORT: 5 = 3 + 2 + + +
REFLEX: 5 = 3 + 2 + + +
WILL: 1 = 0 + 1 + + +
Key Total Ability Class Misc
Ability Mod Mod Ranks Skill Mod
Acrobatics (Dex) + 2 = 2 + + +
Climb (Str) + 1 = 1 + + +
Escape Artist (Dex) + 2 = 2 + + +
Fly (Dex) + 2 = 2 + + +
Intimidate (Cha) + -2 = -2 + + +
Perception (Wis) + 2 = 1 + 1 + +
Stealth (Dex) + 2 = 2 + 1 + +
Survival (Wis) + 1 = 1 + + +
Swim (Str) + 1 = 1 + + +
Base Total Base Str Misc | Base Total Base Dex Misc
Melee : +2 = 1 + 1 + | Range : +1= 1 + 0 +
Combat Total Base Str Misc | Mnvr Total Base Str Dex Misc
Mnvr : 2 = 1 + 1 + 0 | Defense: +4 = 1 + 1 + 2 + 0
Weapon: Bite Weight: x lbs
Move Name Type Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack |Melee | +2 | 1d6+1 | 20/x2 | - | p | Free Trip
Charge |Melee | +4 | 1d6+1 | 20/x2 | - | p | Free Trip
Share Spell
At his current build he is using one campaign trait and one non-campaign trait, so if only one is allowed I will edit as needed.
For easier reference his crush and focus of his trait is Shalelu.
And his rival is Ameiko in so much as she simply doesn't trust him.

Dark Netwerk |

Takeshi Kaijitsu
Male Human Magus (Kensai) 1
Note: I might swap some of the stats around or perform some other tweaks as I think on things further. Also still need to purchase equipment. Thinking about going bladebound too.
human Magus 1
Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2 ; Senses Perception +0
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+2 dex, +1 int, +1 dodge)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2
Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee Katana (One-Handed) +4 1d8+3 18-20/x2
Melee Unarmed Strike +3 1d3+3 20/x2
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +0, Cmb +3Cmd +16
Feats Dodge (PFCR 122), Improved Unarmed Strike (PFCR 128), Weapon Focus (Katana (One-Handed)) (PFCR 136-137)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Perception +0, Spellcraft +7
Traits Younger Sibling
Languages Common
Combat Gear Katana
Takeshi grew up in a household where conversation was minimal. The only one who hadn't neglected Takeshi was his older sister Ameiko, who was the only shining light in the dreary home. That was until Ameiko left home after an argument with Tsuto. Shortly afterwards, Takeshi became depressed and started acting up. After several beatings did not fix things, Lonjiku sent Takeshi away to the Turandarok Academy. Although his half-brother Tsuto was there as well, they never talked. Tsuto particularly cold with anything relating to his father.
It was at the academy where Takeshi learned arcane knowledge and found an exotic weapon, purpordedly from Tien, in the collection. The katana piqued his interest and Olsoari, the headmaster, offered him the opportunity to try it out, if he would spend time at the House of Blue Stones to calm his mind. The ploy worked, and Takeshi became a model student of both the arcane arts and of the martial, in the katana.
He was at the academy a year later when he heard of his mother's death. The death brought Ameiko back to the city, but, with the circumstances, it was not a happy reunion. During the funeral, Tusto and Lonjiku got into a heated argument which resulted in Tsuto leaving the city.
Takeshi visited her sister in her new tavern when he could, hoping to hear talks of her adventures, but she was reserved on the subject and warned him away from the idea of being an adventurer. Still, it was good that they could be together again, even for the short periods of their visits. Years passed and Takeshi decided to go the Arcanamirium in Absalom to complete his training in the arcane and magical arts. He kept in touch with his sister through letters. He was horrified to learn of the goblin attack on Sandpoint, it's causes, and the resulting chaos but was releived his sister was well.
Once Takeshi graduated, he decided he would head home to properly catch up with his siter.
I expect there could be a rivalry aspect with Sandru because of the closeness and shared experiences he has with Ameiko as she won't open up to Takeshi. Someone who kept her away during a dark period in his life.

Bladecatcher |

Kerrang made sure that Monarr was raised in orcish way. For Monarr, this mostly entailed near-daily beatings from his full-blooded peers. Despite being out-numbered and out-massed, Monarr gave as good as he got: for every black eye or fat lip he received, he made sure the other boys left with a limp or his teeth marks in their hides. In between fights, Monarr learned the unsubtle arts of orcish warfare. He wasn't swiftest or strongest, but he impressed the tribe's warriors with his exhuberance.
When the time came for Monarr's coming-of-age ceremony, the tribal shaman, being a traditionalist, refused to tattoo the tribe's totem on the half-orc's chest. Kerrang was furious at this snub, but didn't want to start a controversy in the tribe. Eventually, a compromise was reached: since Monarr was only half an orc, his totemic tattoo would only cover half his chest. In return, Kerrang wouldn't pull the shaman's arms out of their sockets.
Monarr was conflicted by this turn of events. In one sense, he was grateful for his father's intercession and proud to bear the tribe's mark on his skin. But he also wanted to be his own man; if he stayed with the tribe, his father's influence would always be a factor.
So, Monarr left the tribe, hiring on with a caravan passing through the Hold of Belkzen. The caravan's operator, Sandru Vhiski, liked the young half-orc's moxie. Monarr liked Vhiski's tales of his adventuring days and expressed a desire to one day set out on his own. Vhiski, understanding the youngster's wanderlust, agreed to let Monarr go when they reached the town of Sandpoint.
I just have to add one more trait, but everything else should be there!

Jingoro |

Perrah Snowenglen |

You wanted tension, then maybe this sneaky rat of a goblin can provide that. Khunki is a friend to Koya Mvashti and an enemy of Shalelu.
DMEDWIN, if its alright, I'll do the gear if he gets into your game.
EDIt: as a byproduct of Khunki's love of maps and friendship to Koya, he probably gets on well with Sandru.

Lysa Arianna |

My rival should obviously be Ameiko since I view her as a rival for attention from Sandru even though he just thinks of me as a younger sister. I do tend to be rather overprotective of him.
For the other two NPCs, Koya is her foster mother and both worships Shalelu and resents her at the same time for saving her, but not being in time to save her parents. So her reactions to her are a bit confused at times.

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I realize that we have a lot of people tossing their hat's in the ring for this so the slots might already be full up, but I wanted to post some idea's and see how they are received. I had worked up these ideas for Jade Regent actually when it looked like a friend was going to run it in person, but unfortunately he's going to be moving before we get the chance so maybe they will see some life in a PbP.
(I'll get information on who he is allies and enemies with in the caravan and a bit more details up when I fully make the chars tonight. If you like either one of them, I'm more than happy to write up real backgrounds.)
Guy Gibson CG Human Rogue
Though he left Andoran when just reaching his teens, many of its values were still instilled upon him. While he absolutely is all for clever tactics and rooking a fool into paying a bit extra, he has a strong moral stance and doesn't look kindly on out and out stealing.
I view him as being focused on ranged combat to a certain degree(throwing daggers specifically) and using the skills he picked up working in the circus to aid the party. Having assisted a more charlatan type magician with his act could do a lot to show in disable device and UMD skills, and of course being used to moving and setting up props for a show without being noticed by the audience could do a lot for stealth.
I figure having caught some of the other carnies doing something he strongly disagrees with, robbing customers or the like, would be a good enough excuse for him to have left and try to expand his travels further. A caravan going to the other side of the world is quite the opportunity!
Elias N Elven Wizard
Moving up in the hierarchy of the order, it would have seemed that being a researcher would have been all such a man could have desired. The church was always acquiring new books after all so it seemed there would be endless knowledge at his fingerprints, and for many years it was so.
However, reaching his 150th year, Elias had a bit of an identity crisis, realizing he was growing older and it wouldn't be long before his already not athletic form couldn't put any of its learning to real use he began to question his purpose. Pooling all this lore together may be a joy, but it wasn't a contribution. None of these books that were so magical to him would exist if no one went out to make the discoveries that filled them after all.
These thoughts filled his head for some time before Elias finally decided he had to do it before he grew too old. While not a particularly pious man, he decided to leave his fate in the hands of the god who he had worked under for so long. The god of knowledge should be able to tell him what to learn after all.
Taking the next book to arrive as his inspiration, a treaty on the Tian people, left him wondering whether it was the destructive half of his deity who sent him in this direction, he none the less resigned to send back knowledge of that strange land which was previously unknown(with the hope that he could manage to return to teach this information in his elder years of course) and began to make his preparation for the journey to the western shores and find his way to the lands beyond.
Elias is a fairly classical scholarly type, even tempered and extremely logical. He has the boy scout type view that preparation is everything and always seeks to understand what he faces, to calculate the best possible means of overcoming it and to ensure he has the ability to. To that end, he'll be a bit of a scroll hoarder, stocking up on more rarely used spells as scrolls so he can be ready for whatever may com.(Dire ape? I've got a scroll of charm animal. Save the witch from being burned? Repel wood on the torches.) As a caster he will be much more about battlefield control and buffing than being a nuker.

Kalistrine |

Offering Kalistrine, a Changeling Barbarian, cursed by a demon and trying to escape her mother's influence by traveling over the Crown of the World. Background is for another AP, but I'll update it for Jade Regent and include friends and rivals later this evening. This will not change her essential background, just the connecting details and geography.

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Just figured I'd help keep track of what we have so far:
Shanosuke - Jorland the Shuhite - Ulfen Male Ranger (Beast Master)
martinaj - Simon Pitova - Human Male Dirge Bard
Qorin - Sunac - Human Male Summoner
Joy - Lysa Arianna - Human Female Cleric (Shelyn)
Zack Muad'Dweeb - Monarr - Half-Orc Male Barbarian (Scarred Rager)
Devastation Bob - Jingoro - Human Male Ancestor Oracle
Count Buggula - Lina - Human Female Oracle of the Heavens
Bigrin42 - Jacen Featherfoot - Halfling Warslinger Grenadier Alchemist
Tierce - Kelvin Dral - Human Male Cavalier
Pyris Magmus - Eden Nightseed - Half-Elf Male Druid
Dark Netwerk - Takeshi Kaijitsu - Human Male Magus (Kensai)
French Wolf - Khunki Earring - Goblin Transmuter
Tarlane - Guy Gibson - Human Male Rogue / Elias - Elven Wizard
Capricornus - Kalistrine - Changling Female Barbarian
Tim Woodhams
Max Hellspont (human ninja)
Cuan (Sylph Druid)
hgsolo (bard)

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I re-skimmed through the players guide and thought I would add a few more details to the backgrounds above along with the campaign trait that I would pick for either character. I'll still get actual stats up for them soon.
For a foil, I see him being a bit competitive and having a rivalry with Sandru. The two are quite similar in a lot of ways, but rumors of Sandru's connection with the Sczarni would lead to Guy having trouble trusting him. That they share a lot of skills and talents would have Guy wanting to use him as the way to show off his own ability.
I think his foil would be Koya. Not any sort of direct confrontation, but as a fortune teller he would have little respect for her profession. You figure out what comes by planning and logic, understanding the people you are dealing with and sound tactics, not by flipping cards or looking into a crystal ball. It is something he would be a bit derisive of whenever it comes up(though part of that certainly comes from the fact that he left his own path to fate when he chose where to go from the monastery).
Edit: Awesome post Buggula, very useful in seeing who is around.

Liu Na |

This is Max Hellspont's ninja Liu Na Pei, or "Luna" as the residents of Sandpoint call her. Somehow she became a half-elf instead of a human - it just fit better for the character concept. Her game statistics are in the profile, and her background is spoilered below.
Luna wasn’t always a tavern cook. Luna’s mother, Kasuri Pei, was a servant of the Kaijitsu family, one of the noble families of Sandpoint. Kasuri’s parents and their parents before were servants for the Kaijitus, and immigrated with them to Sandpoint. Luna resulted from an affair Kasuri had with a visiting elf glass merchant from Magnimar - Kasuri never told Luna his name, nor would anyone else in the Kaijitsu household.
Two years after Luna’s birth, the Kaijitsus gave birth to their daughter Ameiko. As children Luna and Ameiko played together and were as close as sisters, even though Luna was destined to be Ameiko’s servant when they both grew to maturity. Luna was quite upset when Ameiko ran away to become an adventurer with Sandru Vhiski, blaming the Varisian for taking her near-sister away from Sandpoint while she was left behind to lead the life of a servant. She was even more upset with Sandru when Ameiko came back a year later changed - purchasing the Rusty Dragon and living in the tavern instead of the Kaijitsu manor, and refusing to talk about what happened to her or her companions during their adventures. Still, when Luna’s mother was killed in a goblin raid on the town and Ameiko’s father was murdered a few days later, Ameiko quickly offered Luna a job as a cook and a place to live at the Rusty Dragon. Since that time the two young women have become good friends again, although Luna still holds a grudge against Sandru Vhiski and refuses to cook for the man or even speak to him whenever his travels bring him back to Sandpoint and the Rusty Dragon. To Luna, Sandru is little better than his Sczarni older brother Jubrayl.
What no one living today other than Luna knows is that her ancestors, the Pei family, were more than just servants for the Kaijitsus. For centuries the Pei family were a clan of ninja, serving as secret bodyguards and protectors of the Kaijitsu family. Prior to Luna’s birth, her mother Kasuri was the last of the line. Kasuri taught Luna some of the secrets of the clan, disabling locks and hidden traps throughout the Kaijitsu manor, moving silently across Sandpoint’s rooftops at night, and practicing the beautiful yet deadly combat techniques of the clan’s ancestral fighting fans. With her mother dead, Luna now bears the mantle of secret protector of the last of the Kaijitsus.
Thanks for your consideration!

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Alright GM, Since you said to go all in on one char instead of giving a couple options, here is the statblock for Guy Gibson.
Male Human Rogue 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +0
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Cold Iron Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Morningstar +1 (1d8+1/20/x2) and
. . Silver Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +1 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Point Blank Shot, Rogue Weapon Proficiencies, Two-weapon Fighting
Traits Childhood Crush: Shalelu (1/day) (Ex), Oregent Vandal
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +6, Bluff +5, Climb +0, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +7, Fly +3, Knowledge (Local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +4, Ride +3, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Varisian
SQ Trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Cold Iron Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Morningstar, Silver Dagger, Studded Leather; Other Gear Alchemist's Kindness, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Blanket, Chalk, 1 piece, Cup, False-Bottomed, Drill, Fishhook, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Keros Oil, Mirror, small steel, Parchment (sheet) (2), Piton (5), Pouch, belt (empty), Pouch, belt (empty), Powder, Rations, trail (per day) (2), Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Saw, Shaving Kit, Soap, Bar (50 uses), String (50'), Sunrod (3), Thieves' tools, Tindertwig (2), Torch, Wandermeal (per serving) (5), Waterskin, Whistle, Signal, Wrist sheath, spring loaded (empty) (2)
Childhood Crush: Shalelu (1/day) (Ex) Gain crush's favor & +1 to saves(DC15 Cha check). +1 vs foe threatening them.
Oregent Vandal +2 trait bon to dam vs things with hardness.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 +1 to find or disable traps.