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![]() Hello All, been forever since I DM'ed PFS and well as such I am hazy on some points. First I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this, as it was the closest thread I found. Second my issue: So I will be running 7 - 05 School of Spirits, and as a GM I can apply the scenario for credit, and in that Chronicle there is an either, or, option either this happened or this happened, and the players get the benefit of that choice on their chronicle. Now my question is How do I as GM getting credit handle this, do I just pick one, or do I get both? For those who don't know; some info can be handed in/kept/destroyed and the choice affects which boon you get on your chronicle. ![]()
![]() One of my players really wanted to play Iron God's back when we the tech guide came out. And I said, with this book alone you could make a pathfinder based hardcore sci-fi game, all I had to do was figure out how space combat would work and give some new uses to some skills, and with a few more minor tweeks I had the mechanics for a sci-fi game. I went so far as to build a mechanic for creating customised space ships, with abilities and bonuses based on the kind of stuff they can outfit them with. I spent the next few months coming up with the setting, and my friends were warping about a neighboring galaxy. Recently they helped seed a Formian Queen on an uninhabited world, and are now working for the military to find an ancient Aboleth super weapon. ![]()
![]() Well you can always advance him using the animal companion rules instead of class levels. Also there wouldn't be any hindrances for him if he is a sorcerer, assuming he can talk, if not then he will need silent spell, which will suck but it can work. Alternatively he could be a druid without spells until 6th level when he can take wild speech feat. Or maybe there is a druid archatype that drops spells for more companion stuff or wild shapes, not sure. Personally I like the idea of a fox alchemist who has a hireling to brew his potions for him, interpreting what the fox needs and when. Fox fighter could be cool, with weapon focus bite and other feats that focus on natural weapons, wearing a suit of full plate with a slide down visor amuses me. A fox brawler or monk would be terrifying As would a fox witch with a fox familiar. ![]()
![]() On the topic at hand, I agree with Rynjin. I never found the Barbarian to be broken, though it that might stem from the fact that nobody I play with tries to break any class. I ran a game one time where three Etins attacked the party while they were in the forest, and between the druid and the summoner in the party, the Barbarian just left the fight altogether and waited at the wagon for two team mates to finish the fight. Those same two players had to let the poor barbarian fight stuff later in a dungeon while pulling their punches so she could have a turn to do something. ![]()
![]() Purple Dragon Knight wrote: Look at it this way. If you don't make it fair to the dumb kids, all the dumb kids will be trying to become smart kids. And you'll end up with one single martial class that's the be all and end all, etc. etc. etc. Either you keep the class diversity and fix the barbarian, or throw the whole ecosystem down the toilet and everyone plays barbarians... rinse, lather, repeat until all classes are gone and the wizard remains... alone... all powerful... looking out of his tower's window... sad... Yea but before that we get; Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! ![]()
![]() What's in the box? wrote:
Yeah that module is brutal to level ones. I mean you can't help but kill the 5ed Kobold but there are just so darn many of them. Every five feet 6 more kobolds and a cultist. I found that once the party made second level they were smashing their foes left and right with little effort. Especially once our cleric realized he could attack twice in a round with his bonus actions. Also don't feel bad about inserting a potion or two on a dead cultist, cuz they will need it. It's only 50gp to buy for 2d4+2 hp returned. But that is my hiccup with the system. I bought the DMG and read the player crafting rules, and if I understand it correctly it would cost at least 100gp to make a potion one could buy for 50gp. ![]()
![]() I find the best way to start any game is to have the players collaborate while making their characters, that way everyone can intertwine their characters backstories. I don't know if Giant Slayer will be as restrictive in this department as some other APs like Skull and Shackles which has the characters just press-ganged into service. But if not then it might be worth it. As for running the game, well most of it will be handed to you with the AP but what isn't you can look up early and write down on index cards or on a laptop so you don't have to look up things every five seconds. Like spells creatures can use or special monster abilities, and the like. Also don't be afraid to divy your work load out to the players. I personally hate Initiative tracking and leave it up to the players, because I like doing things old school, which means no laptop for me, and dozens of papers and notes all around, so Initiative just is one thing too many for me. I tend to play almost exclusively with friends, but when I did play in Pathfinder Society on a regular basis as the GM I had to read and try to follow their standards of play since it is an organised campaign and not my own. To that end they released a few documents that helped new GMs with how to run the games for society play, and honestly the documents they made are just as relevant to non-society play as they are to society play, so I would suggest picking those up and thumbing through them. They are free by the way and located here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/gmResources As far as resources go the Narrators Guide also has advice for GMs on how to run a game. Ultimately though just have fun and the nervousness will go away, don't be afraid of making mistakes, because even the most hardened and experienced GMs make them. ![]()
![]() Okay so I was saddened by the fact that by the time I was able to get off of work and buy tickets for GenCon's PFS The Sky Key Solution, I was locked out of the Normal Mode, but was able to get a ticket to it for Core Mode. Which means I won't be able to play my Skald I built last GenCon, who's first chronicle was the Legacy of the Stone Lords, whom I had been specially saving for the Sky Key scenarios and in particular The Sky Key Solution. So After much sadness I decided what the hell I will buy generic tickets and maybe I will get to play her, but if I can't I will at least be able to play in the event. Which brings me to my conundrum, I can't decide what CORE campaign character I want to play, A Elven Barbarian, who worships Calistra, and thinks with his emotions rather than facts; or, A Human Cleric of Abadar, who sees the goals of the Pathfinder Society as a means to proselytize the virtues of civilization to those who might otherwise never know them. And I would love some advice on what to pick, because I am 50/50 on both of them at this point. ![]()
![]() Ok so I was a kickstarter backer for the MMO and got this nifty PFS legal super dungeon with it. And I want to run the first level this Saturday, but finally reading through it, there really isn't any kind of story outside of the individual levels, with the exception a couple of weak generic plot hooks to get you inside. Now once inside there is plenty or teaming with one faction over another sort of stuff, but getting in is meh. Now I was wondering can I alter the story slightly to give it a more pathfinder society feel. Like maybe a venture captain sent them there to delve the dungeons depths or something? Nothing too big just something more than you see a dungeon, have fun. ![]()
![]() I logged on today to report the sesion I ran tonight and noticed that a new legacy of the Stone Lords suddenly popped up on my list of sessions as a player and it has: Player played this scenario previously at Gencon in the notes area. But the date for it's input is the same as Gencon's date and it has not been there until at least the past two or three days. And while it has my full society number and character number it reports as my Real life name as opposed to my character name. Also the original input from Gencon is still there, just have two now, and I don't really know who to tell about this. ![]()
![]() I ran my players through this last Thursday. And My team tried pretending they were harbor pilots while their sneaky assassin snuck below deck and occupied the people down there including the captain, so no letter burning, I was very proud of them on that one. That being said by the end of it the pathfinder slave was 1dmg away from death and the whole party had dropped except the paladin who was prone for almost the entire fight, and won, pretty much soloed the rest of the bottom half of the ship by himself. ![]()
![]() Thank you all for the replies. Sorry about taking so long to respond back but I have been really busy with work and today I just finished running my group through Trial by Machine. That last boss almost killed them. As to the people requesting more information on the player's choices that have me saying no more often than naught; in large part it is related to the races allowed, race feats, and the occasional conversation about using archetypes that were not allowed. This is because some of my players have been looking for home games to use their pet character ideas in, that were mostly on the banned list; one of the others was simply bored with the majority of the core races and was not impressed with the ones they did allow straight from a book without a chronicle sheet. ( on that note why is the tiefling and asimar no longer allowed? It is my understanding you can be either with completion of the correct scenario, but still...) And in general they were saddened by the fact that pets can't be made sentient, anthropomorphic,or in anyway special to them. And loot... that was and is still kind of a headache. All that said I think they settled on characters that do make them happy and they are slowly but surely getting used to the new way they have to think about loot. There are tons of laughs and they generally like the scenarios I have run them through I just wanted to make new players feel welcome too by saying no gently, when needed, and was hoping maybe someone would have a great line they use or something to that affect. As to the player who just cant make it by start time; it is because of school, and well that comes first. As for me running on weekends, it just isn't an option I have two really bad days off for doing this kind of thing, Tuesday and Thursday, and my boss needs me on my set schedule too badly to let me get weekend nights off. The players who can make it are not to thrilled with the idea of having to split the game but are okay with BigNorseWolf's idea of letting him jump in late so he can get the three encounters, so I will pass the idea by him next time I see him. As for my first star, well that is thanks to Skull and Shackles, I have GM'd through most of it with my home group on Tuesdays, and found out I can add it to my society credit, so I did. I only have two regular society games under my belt Confirmation and Trial by Machine. ![]()
![]() Hello everyone! I am new to the whole Pathfinder Society thing and wanted to ask some questions. I got my first taste of society play in at Gen Con and loved being able to play for the first time in literally years, even if it is a really restrictive and cut down version of the game. Which leads me to the first of my questions. (I will use spoilers to keep this from being a post with giant blobs of text.) Question 1:
I find it hard to sell the idea of society play to people, because in my community there are very few Pathfinder players, and even fewer that can meet on the days I run, and fewer still that are willing to accept the harsh restrictions of Society play. Most are severely turned off by the massive list of banned content, and when asking me about valid builds I find my answer being more often than not "no".
Now I try to put a positive spin on it saying that it is the cost of being able to drop into any game and that the rules are there to keep it fun for everyone and keep cheating to a minimum. I also tell people that their actions and decisions help to shape the future of the factions in the society play story. And while I have a group of players willing to accept those rules, it is only four of them and I need/want to be able to encourage new people to game in society play; How do you guys/gals sell society play to people and make them think it is a good idea and a fun one? Question 2:
I also have one other player that due to his scheduling and the hours of operation of the game store we game at can never make it to a game at it's start and can only arrive mid way through and watch enthusiastically while I apologize that I cannot let him join late because the game is for credit. It's also a shame because he is so enthusiastic about wanting to play but since I only have four players I cannot really throw him into another group on another day. Is there anyway I can let him join for full credit? I know people can get half credit when they leave early but I don't know about joining late, and even if he could join for half credit; with only four players he would not be able to keep up with them on half credit. I just hate saying no to someone who wants to play. Question 3:
We are all assumed/ required to own or have access to the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Are we going to have to buy another one in the future with the new Factions and new vanities? Or are the old vanities still going to be legal for purchase once the new factions come on line? Those are my biggest questions. ![]()
![]() Wow a request for Lubbock, Texas was my very first result on the gamer connection board. Mind officially blown. Anyway I run a PFS (Pathfinder Society) game at Mad Hatters House of Games on Thursdays at 2pm. I only have 2 chairs left, if the regulars show up that is, at the minute. But maybe if enough people start showing up for the games we can get two tables going. I post my game on the event board for pathfinder society, so you can see what I will be running. ![]()
![]() sorry it took so long to reply but I just now had time to get online and check my posts. Vic Wertz wrote:
Sure thing; I will type them a letter as soon as I finish typing this one. Edit: Typed up and sent. ![]()
![]() They have long since been opened and played, couldn't return them if I wanted. Though it is nothing card sleeves wont fix (which I plan to do anyway), with the exception of the green pencil/crayon stuff on the front. I just wish it hadn't happened, again its a gripe not me raging, though were I Paizo, I would demand that the quality care get stepped up a notch. Since I get damaged cards quite frequently I can't imagine it is a rare occurrence, and something like that might affect future sales. ![]()
![]() I too have a rather severe color difference in my cards as well, but since I never bothered learning which card has which back that doesn't bother me, plus I plan to sleeve them all eventually. My real gripe is that I have a ton of actually damaged cards straight from the box, most of the expansions I have bought have had one or two cards that have had portions of their backs removed, like they were taped and then had the tape removed along with portions of the picture. Which makes those pretty easily marked. I just remove them since so far none have been villain or henchman cards, and since I intend to sleeve them all eventually I guess it wont matter too much, but still. The worst damages for me were the sins of the saviors set where it looked like a lot of the cards had been drawn on with a green pencil or crayon, Since they are fine lines that don't mess with the card text I just deal, but I spent a lot of money thus far on this game, and while it is a ton of fun, I am not very pleased with the quality control demonstrated by the printers. ![]()
![]() my friend and I play with the paladin and the barbarian (2 player game)and we haven't had any problems. Also during book three and beyond all basic boons and banes begin to be removed as they come up so it keeps it fresh. And besides there have been some encounters where we didn't think we could make it through, so if your worried about difficulty I wouldn't it ramps up hard in places but not so much you can't keep up even with more cards. ![]()
![]() I don’t know how things are for you, but I am the son of a Roman Catholic Deacon. Which was um let’s say… trying, at times when it came to the subject of Dungeons and Dragons. My mother and father are very understand people but for most of my teen years did not fully trust D&D and when I first started playing it the old “It’s Satan’s Game!” arguments made their way to my mother and father’s ears. And well my parent’s never said I couldn’t play the game but they did sit me down for a great many awkward conversations about the game. I think one of the arguments I gave them that had the most impact on them was the fact that Dungeons and Dragons requires a lot of academia to play. Not only does it assume one can read but that one can read on a fairly advanced level in order to comprehend what it is helping you to do, It requires a fair bit of math, not the most advanced math but still math and my personal favorite argument was that almost all of Dungeons and Dragons has some basis in actual myth and literature and while it was not necessary to know these old tales and books it was a wonderful jumping on vehicle for learning about the history of literature and storytelling in general. I assume and correct me if I am wrong but the major fear about the game from your religious leaders is demons and in particular Satan, The Devil, Great Deceiver, ect ect, and his/its using the game to damn your immortal soul to Hell. If this is not your case I apologize for reading too much into your posts and hope that the previous part of my post helps you. For me this was the case and while yes there are demons and really big bad ones (by game standards) in the game there are just as many angelic and benevolent forces in the game. And while it is entirely possible to play an evil game to bring about the destruction of a fictional fantasy world it is much more likely you will be playing in a game where you are an epic or up and coming epic hero who’s goal it is to destroy the evil bad guy and rescue the princess and become rich. I would venture to bet most every single for profit adventure released by just about anyone falls into the category of stereotypical good guy gets the rewards category. When I told my religious elders and parents that there were in fact holy and angelic forces built into the game’s lore and mechanics they seemed to back down a bit but never fully accepted the rest of my story about the game being a vehicle for wish fulfillment. The only way I was able to solve my version of your problem was to finally convince them of that fact, which I did when I explained that playing D&D was like playing cops and robbers when I was kid, the only real difference was that when I said bang bang your dead! I had a system of mutually agreed upon rules that in a somewhat random and more or less fair system established that the other person was indeed shot dead by my gun in a fun and completely imaginary abstract way. I hope my tale helps you in some way but just let your peers, parents, and elders know that the game is really nothing more than harmless imaginary fun with a group of friends ![]()
![]() K here is my Character. Azure the Male Merfolk Fighter. Azure Character Sheet:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Character Name : Azure
Class and Level :Fighter 5
Favored Class(es) : Fighter
Strength : 15 (+2) 7 point buy + 0 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Maximum Load : 000 lbs.
Hit Points : 55
Base Melee : +7 5 BAB + 2 Str + 0 misc
Combat Maneuver : +7 5 BAB + 2 Str + 0 misc <- CMB
Armor Class : 24 10 base + 9 armor + 0 shield + 2 Dex + 2 misc + 1 Misc
Fortitude : +8 4 base + 4 Con + 0 misc
Conditional Bonuses and Penalties : +1 bonus on will saves against fear. (From Bravery)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Your maximum ranks in a skill are equal to your total level.
[ ] Acrobatics : +00 0 ranks + 0 Dex + 0 class + 0 misc - 0 armor
Languages : Common, Aquan, Draconic, Sylvan
Trait #1 :
Level 1 Feat :Improved Initiative
Armor : Masterwork Blue Dragon Scale Full-Plate
Weapon : +1 Keen Trident 1d8 19-20x2 10ft reach Piercing Special Ability: Brace
Armor: Masterwork Blue Dragon Scale Full-Plate AC:+9 MAx Dex: 1 (2 with Armor Training) ACP: -6 (-5 with Armor Training) Speed: 20ft Other Equipment :
Money : 135 GP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Level 0 0 spells per day 0 bonus DC 10 (10 + level + 0 ability)
Level 1 0 spells per day 0 bonus DC 11 (10 + level + 0 ability)
Level 2 0 spells per day 0 bonus DC 12 (10 + level + 0 ability)
Level 0 :
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - I have a backstory for him but it is really late here and I am tired. That; and sleeping on the details of the backstory wont hurt either. ![]()
![]() I was in a previous JR game that died and the character I made for it I love, so I would like to propose him a second time. Eden Nightseed: Background:
Eden was the offspring of a rather unholy matrimony in which his father was an Anti-Paladin and his mother an Elven woman who happened to catch his eye. Needing a vessel or host for his evil deity (leaving which one up to the GM) to inhabit for evil purposes unknown he had his way with said Elven woman who once pregnant escaped back to her people in the Churlwood.
The Elven woman asked the elder druid to forgive her for leaving and begged that she be allowed to come back. He agreed and had the clerics cast divination spells focused on the boy. To their horror they discovered the boy had no soul and was simply in essence a stillborn. The woman begged the druids to do something and the elder cast a miracle spell hoping that it might give the boy life and purge him of the evil taint about his body. The spell worked and the boy was born normal and healthy, but the mother died during the childbirth; which the druids took as a bad omen. The boy, was perfectly normal with the exception of bright golden eyes, the evil that the druids feared was completely gone. The druids named the boy Eden and gave him his mother’s last name of Nightseed. They allowed him to live in their community and taught him the ways of the wild, but little else. He grew up largely ostracized because of the events revolving around his conception and birth, and the fact that he was half human. He simply grew up faster than the other children and never quite fit in personality wise. His life in the Churlwood was more or less normal, but incredibly lonely. Raised by no one but a grizzled and incredibly old she wolf named Tisa, Eden grew up largely removed from even druid society and as such learned little about how to interact with others. At the age of 14 he was sent to gather the local Nymphs and Satyrs for a winter celebration, and while out searching he was ambushed by evil cultists working for, unknown then and still unknown to him, his father. They beat him and began transporting him back to Magnimar where his father waited. The cultists didn’t make it very far. Tisa the old and rather worn out looking she-wolf sensed Eden was in trouble and interceded. Like a nightmare unleashed from the Hells Tisa ripped, clawed, and tore at the cultists killing all but one who managed to flee. When Eden made it back to the grove and the Elder learned what had happened he forbade Eden from ever leaving the grove again. Eden was forced to find ways to keep his mind busy which he did mostly by playing with the animals and exercising his body. One day the Ranger Shalelu dropped by the grove as she did from time to time. But this time she dropped by when the others were all off immersed in one of their major rituals, leaving Eden of course behind to watch over the grove. Eden had been asleep under a tree as was his routine during this particular religious event. Amused by the Half-Elf whom she had seen before but never really spoken with, she cleared her throat startling him awake. She introduced herself and asked where the Elder was. Eden replied and told her that the druids were off performing a ritual and when asked why he was not there explained that they didn’t really want him there or anywhere for that matter. One thing led to another and in the end both began talking about their pasts, in no great detail on Shalelu’s part but she did listen and enjoyed Eden’s company while she waited for the Elder. When he arrived she thanked Eden and tossed him a necklace with one tooth on it from an animal not native to the forest (lion) and told him to keep it, it was a gift she told him to remind him never to give up. Eden was confused but happy, he had never made a friend before and after that eagerly began awaiting her infrequent visits(Shalelu Crush). After two years and on his 18th birthday Eden couldn’t take the isolation and disdaining of the druids any longer. He packed up his bag and decided to go find Shalelu, the only person who ever really seemed to enjoy his company. However he was stopped by Tisa. Eden made an impassioned plea to the she-wolf about wanting to live not just survive. In the end Tisa relented but decided to stay with the boy she had all but raised and ventured off with him. Appearance/Disposition:
Eden is a 5’8’’ Half-Elf who wears no armor or clothing on his well muscled upper torso and a pair of well worn leather pants and leather boots. He has piercingly bright golden eyes and an unkempt head of brown hair. He is almost always seen carrying yet another well worn item, a backpack full of items with a quarterstaff and wooden shield attached to it by leather straps. Eden is always followed by the old she-wolf Tisa who seemingly would rather lie down than do much of anything else. But if she senses a threat to her or Eden it becomes quite clear that there is still a very deep reservoir of hurt left unleashed in this particular wolf. Eden is very much a puppy in his actions; he almost always has a smile on his face and loves to have fun, but lacks some very fundamental social skills and bits of common sense. For example he doesn’t quite understand why people have such a big problem with nudity; after all animals don’t wear clothes, but after a few run-ins with authorities he has come to understand that at the very least the pants stay on. He is also a talker, not having had much interaction with other people Eden enjoys talking to others and even the slightest hello can lead to hours of mind numbing conversation. Eden also seems to have quite a crush on Shalelu, which he thinks he hides well, but is pretty obvious to everyone. Even Ameiko, who doesn't quite trust that anyone could be as ignorant to the ways of the world as Eden is, and that he must be up to something(Rival). Eden is always the first to make a friend and once done a solid unwavering ally. He is also not much of a fighter, he would much rather everyone get along, but when push comes to shove he does in-fact have the powers of the wilds on his side. Character Sheet:
PATHFINDER Character Sheet
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Name : Eden Nightseed | Race : Half-Elf | Height: 5'8" Player: xxx | Gender: Male | Weight: 250lbs Update: | Age : 18 | Eyes : Gold Align : NG | Size : Medium | Hair : Brown Deity : Great Wolf | Speed : 30ft | Hand : xxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ability | Temporary | Class Level Score Mod | Score Mod | Druid 1 STR 10 +0 | | xxxxx x DEX 10 +0 | | CON 10 +0 | | INT 15 +2 |+2 for racial | WIS 16 +3 | |Total Level: 1 Extra Feats: 0 CHA 15 +2 | |XP : xxxxx Next: xxxxxx --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc HP : 9 xx | Init 0 : +x = 0 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Total Armr Shld Dex Misc AC : 13 = 10 + 2 + 1 + + Touch : 10 = 10 + xxx + xxx + + FlatFoot: 13 = 10 + 2 + 1 + xxx + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SAVES Ability Bonus Base Mod Magic Fort (Con): +2 = 2 + 0 + + Ref (Dex): +0 = 0 + 0 + + Will (Wis): +5 = 2 + 3 + + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Base Total Base Str Misc | Base Total Base Dex Misc Melee : +0 = 0 + 0 + | Range : +0= 0 + 0 + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Combat Total Base Str Misc | Mnvr Total Base Str Dex Misc Mnvr : 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 | Defense: +0 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon: Quarter Staff Weight: x lbs Move Name Type Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special Attack |Melee | +0 | 1d6/1d6 | 20/x2 | - | B | Charge |Melee | +2 | 1d6/1d6 | 20/x2 | - | B | Weapon: xxxxxx Weight: x lbs
Armor: Leather (pants) Weight: xx lbs
Armor: Light Wooden Shield Weight: 5 lbs
Key Total Ability Class Misc
^Trained only
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc
Total Armr Shld Dex Size Nat Misc
Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Key Total Ability Class Misc
Base Total Base Str Misc | Base Total Base Dex Misc
Combat Total Base Str Misc | Mnvr Total Base Str Dex Misc
Weapon: Bite Weight: x lbs
At his current build he is using one campaign trait and one non-campaign trait, so if only one is allowed I will edit as needed. For easier reference his crush and focus of his trait is Shalelu.
![]() I was in a Jade Regent game that died recently when the GM vanished, came back, and then vanished again. The character I was playing was one of my favorites and was hoping to finally do something with them but alas the game died; which is sad since I love the whole concept of Jade Regent and would love to finish it. So I am hoping someone might be willing to run a Jade Regent game; and that I might be chosen to play in said game. ![]()
![]() Shadowborn wrote:
Yup you are correct. Fished out my old crit deck and dusted off the rules. I might actually begin using it again now. But just for the record even though I am sure no one cares, the rules offered three options. The above mentioned one, and then one where monsters waste a feat to be able to use the deck when they crit. The final one just says hey, whenever anyone(PCs,Mooks, and BBEGs alike) crits draw the appropriate number of cards. as for the cool replacement well I still think mounting a weapon would be cool, but maybe a more comedic tone is in order. Perhaps the Orc could use a spring loaded boxing glove with horse shoes inside it. ![]()
![]() If I remember correctly the rules in the crit deck say not to use them on PCs, so doing so is something a group does at their own risk. That being said I think it might be cool to somehow graft your weapon to the stub, think of how hard it would be to disarm someone, you would litterally have to dis-ARM them to make them drop the weapon. ![]()
![]() I suppose I will toss my two cents in if it will actually matter. I love minis and according to an earlier post I would be a type A customer. That being said $500+ is way to high, I will buy this set since I have plenty of time to save my pennies but if the $500+ becomes the norm I will unsubscribe, I mean there is just so much I could buy for $500, and it isn't all that easy to come up with that much money for disposable income purposes. While I like the multi-mini packaging that this set will have I vote for small cheaper sets. Like the first one. /end two cents. ![]()
![]() I would also be interested in playing this game. I have the entire adventure path minus the one yet to come out and haven't even read them, I figure what is the point since I will likely not be running them for the next year or so... So I would be very interested in playing in them instead. I would be interested in playing a Half-Elf Druid Background:
Name: Eden Nightseed Eden was the offspring of a rather unholy matrimony in which his father was an Anti-Paladin and his mother an Elven woman who happened to catch his eye. Needing a vessel or host for his evil deity (leaving which one up to the GM) to inhabit for evil purposes unknown he had his way with said Elven woman who once pregnant escaped back to her people in the Churlwood. The Elven woman asked the elder druid to forgive her for leaving and begged that she be allowed to come back. He agreed and had the clerics cast divination spells focused on the boy. To their horror they discovered the boy had no soul and was simply in essence a stillborn. The woman begged the druids to do something and the elder cast a miracle spell hoping that it might give the boy life and purge him of the evil taint about his body. The spell worked and the boy was born normal and healthy, but the mother died during the childbirth; which the druids took as a bad omen. The boy, who was perfectly normal with the exception of bright golden eyes, the evil that the druids feared was completely gone.
At the age of 14 he was sent to gather the local Nymphs and Satyrs for a winter celebration, and while out searching he was ambushed by evil cultists working for, unknown then and still unknown to him, his father. They beat him and began transporting him back to Magnimar where his father waited. The cultists didn’t make it very far. Tisa the old and rather worn out looking she-wolf sensed Eden was in trouble and interceded. Like a nightmare unleashed from the Hells Tisa ripped, clawed, and tore at the cultists killing all but one who managed to flee. When Eden made it back to the grove and the Elder learned what had happened he forbade Eden from ever leaving the grove again. Eden was forced to find ways to keep his mind busy which he did mostly by playing with the animals and exercising his body. One day the Ranger Shalelu dropped by the grove as she did from time to time. But this time she dropped by when the others were all off immersed in one of their major rituals, leaving Eden of course behind to watch over the grove. Eden had been asleep under a tree as was his routine during this particular religious event. Amused by the Half-Elf whom she had seen before but never really spoken with, she cleared her throat startling him awake. She introduced herself and asked where the Elder was. Eden replied and told her that the druids were off performing a ritual and when asked why he was not there explained that they didn’t really want him there or anywhere for that matter. One thing led to another and in the end both began talking about their pasts, in no great detail on Shalelu’s part but she did listen and enjoyed Eden’s company while she waited for the Elder. When he arrived she thanked Eden and tossed him a necklace with one tooth on it from an animal not native to the forest (lion) and told him to keep it, it was a gift she told him to remind him never to give up. Eden was confused but happy, he had never made a friend before and after that eagerly began awaiting her infrequent visits. (Trait: Childhood Crush-Shalelu.) After two years and on his 18th birthday Eden couldn’t take the isolation and disdaining of the druids any longer. He packed up his bag and decided to go find Shalelu, the only person who ever really seemed to enjoy his company. However he was stopped by Tisa. Eden made an impassioned plea to the she-wolf about wanting to live not just survive. In the end Tisa relented but decided to stay with the boy she had all but raised and ventured off with him.
Eden is a 5’8’’ Half-Elf who wears no armor or clothing on his well muscled upper torso and a pair of well worn leather pants and leather boots. He has piercingly bright golden eyes and an unkempt head of brown hair. He is almost always seen carrying yet another well worn item, a backpack full of items with a quarterstaff attached to it by a leather strap.
Eden is always followed by the old she-wolf Tisa who seemingly would rather lie down than do much of anything else. But if she senses a threat to her or Eden it becomes quite clear that there is still a very deep reservoir of hurt left unleashed in this particular wolf. Eden is very much a puppy in his actions he almost always has a smile on his face and loves to have fun, but lacks some very fundamental social skills and bits of common sense. For example he doesn’t quite understand why people have such a big problem with nudity after all animals don’t wear clothes, but after a few run-ins with authorities he has come to understand that at the very least the pants stay on. He is also a talker, not having had much interaction with other people Eden enjoys talking to others and even the slightest hello can lead to hours of mind numbing conversation. Eden also seems to have quite a crush on Shalelu, which he thinks he hides well, but is pretty obvious to everyone. Eden is always the first to make a friend and once done a solid unwavering ally. He is also not much of a fighter, he would much rather everyone get along, but when push comes to shove he does in-fact have the powers of the wilds on his side.
Stats: Str:10 HP: 10 Dex:11 Alignment: NG Con:13 Druid 1 Int:15 Wiz:16 Cha:15 Traits: Childhood Crush-Shalelu Birthmark: Golden eyes +2 on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects Offense
![]() I like many others here am completly against a 2.0 I would simply stop buying pathfinder if that happened. I am growing very tired of my favorite games being abandoned after a few years for a new shiney model that makes me shell out a hideous amount of money all over again. I am personally in favor of reprinting the core books and such with the errata and rules update/fixes so that you can either buy the updated model and possibly fix what has been bugging you or leave it alone and continue with what you have and just keep buying the minis, modules, and suplements. ![]()
![]() Wow, there seems to be a lot of hostility or at least tension (hmm both are bad words, perhaps some what reserved but not quite disdain about their ability to do what they say. Phew that was a mouthful but fits better anyway.) floating around 5th edition. And so soon after the release of the fact that it is coming out. Me personally I don't really care what it is going to be like. I do not play or own and any 4th ed books nor will I. I did however give 4th a shot when it first came out, and did not like it, I really hated the way I felt they treated their fans but that is another story and a long dead horse. So the release of 5th Edition does not sting me in the same way it might those who invested great gobs of money into 4th. However I will play the 5th edition when it is released, I may not buy it, but I am sure my friends and group will and I will inevitibly be forced into at least one game using the system. But to be fair and give WotC another shot I went onto their site and I applied to be a playtester. So I mean I can see why some people might be a little upset about it, but I think condemning it before anyone but a select few have even seen the rules and the way it plays is a bit harsh, it could turn out to be awsome. My only worry is that it will be so awsome my group will not want to play Pathfinder anymore and all of my money spent on it will be for not. ![]()
![]() Cheapy wrote: Oh hai der Body Bludgeon. Wow I own that book and never even knew that was in there. That will indeed be how I handle the whole situation. Thank you. ![]()
![]() I have often wondered this, why are there no rules for using people as weapons. Say the frost giant (or some other BBEG) grapples and beats the PCs opposition of the grapple, could he therefore not be able to swing the PC as a improvised weapon? I see this all the time in comic books and sometimes in other forms of media, and it has always struck me as odd that there would not be at least a blurb somewhere about how to do so. So I ask what do you think would be the best way to handle the attack as a whole and the amount of dmg a person would inflict and/or take if slung around as a ragdoll weapon? ![]()
![]() I can't say that I like 4th Ed. But I can say that most of my dislike does not really have anything to do with the game system it's self. I don't like trudging along mindlessly slaying monsters with little story involvement, it really to me feels like playing WoW and even the artwork was in my opinion heavily influenced by the artists at Blizzard. But thats just me, no the real problem I have with 4th Ed was the way I as a customer felt treated by the whole announcement and release of the game. Every thing they did it seemed was like one giant F-You to me, even the cartoons they released while humerous were in-fact pointing to people who liked the older things in the game and laughing at them. I remember being most annoyed about the announcement that the gnome would now be a monster race and you just had to suck it. The cartoon even mocked the gnome and by extension all the people who really like playing them. And hapazardly threw in a teifling and half dragon race. Then there was the refusal to release a conversion sheet, as hard as it would have been it would at least have been an olive branch, followed by the not having all the prior base classes in the main release player's handbook. After a while I refused to buy the books just based on the way I felt treated, not even really based on the fact that I didn't like the system much. I probably would have played it since at least two of my friends did and the others at least had the books, but by that point I had such a bitter taste in my mouth that when Pathfinder came along I devoured it, and I support it heavily because I don't want it to go away, they seem to me at least to listen to their customers and even request feedback, they really if not in practice at least make me feel like I am being listened to and that they truely want to promote what I already enjoy and make it better, rather than saying we know better and since it is such and such you will buy it so just shut up and buy it already! |