(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


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As an FYI: I'm going away on vacation starting next Wednesday (2/4). I'll be around until 2/4 AM (~11 AM PST e.g. GMT-8) and then I'll be travelling until 2/6 AM (GMT + 7). I'll be able to post (with possible gaps) until 2/22 (GMT+8). I thought it was best to let you know before you pick me, just in case it makes a difference. :)

With this group? Ha.

Still waiting on responses from people who applied and were chosen.

If I don't get anything by Friday, I'll move on down the list.

Who was chosen?

Will post that when I get the last response.

Ashe - Adraniel "Adran"
GM Arkwright - Elara of Kore
Moonjuice7 - Kyzin Lialis
Rikash - Roderick MacDuncan

Ok, got all the PMs (Actually had them all earlier, but I missed one, DOH!). I actually ended up taking a fourth character, as there was a tie on the 3rd slot.

I'd like to thank Atlas for applying, and if I'd had enough room for an 8th character, I'd have added Volita in as well. I really hate it when all my submissions are so good, as I have to turn down someone. :(

Atlas, I'd like to keep Volita on as a go to if someone has to drop out, if you're ok with that.

As to everyone else, please enjoy the game and I'll have posts up tonight or tomorrow.

Ok, and we have more openings.

I'm looking for steady posters, and I'd like to add 2-3 more players to the game. I want at least 1 steady poster who's had 1000 or more posts, and if I get one, I'll take at least 1 new poster if there's one wanting to be in.

The group is sorely in need of both a damage dealer (they just lost their main cannon) and a healer.

The characters will be level 6, and I'd like concepts before you make crunch thank you.

Custom rules are in the campaign tab, and I and the current 3 players can answer questions. Firearms will use the firearms rules in the campaign tab.

This game has been going on off and on for several years, and even still has 2 of the original players, so it'll be around for awhile (I hope). It's a homebrew set in a custom world.

Characters will be made using a combination of Dreamscarred Press material and core Pathfinder. 3rd-party material is unlikely to be allowed, but you can ask.

Dark Archive

By shear coincidence.... =)

This build is both a damage dealer and a healer. It was actually an experiment to see if a Psion could replace a cleric. Between Summoning and the various 'transfer' powers, I'd say I could do ya your business.


Nice to see you again Atlas. I had asked if you wanted to be on the list to be contacted, but you never responded (see above). :)

Looks like you rebuilt her as a Blue? I don't think we talked about a Blue before did we?

Uhhhhh..... Hi! I've recently rejoined the boards! How's everybody been?

Dot! I'll try and get something up for submission by tomorrow night, if that's okay. I think I remember this campaign from your first recruitment. Not sure I applied last time around though.

EDIT: I might try and roll up a Soulbolt (the ranged archetype for the soulknife). I've had a ton of fun playing them in the past, and if the campaign's got a large flying focus, it could be AWESOME.

LOL, talk about a blast from the past. Glad you're life is going better Alister. Life's been.. interesting. :)

They just lost a soul bolt, so another ranged one might help. Note that gun's are common place for the PCs, although not for the NPCs.

The Exchange

It's funny, I was just thinking myself of trying to get a Soulbolt/Soul Archer working with two weapon fighting. I'll have to reacquaint myself with things, fluffwise, but I think that's the direction I'd like to take things (even though Mind Arrow is a one handed weapon)!

Dot! I'd like to submit something, mdt, if you don't mind. Are you still recruiting?

Yeah, probably until Friday, then I'll make a decision over the weekend.

The Exchange

It must have been back in...what, 2014 I left? I remember it was abrupt, but I'm glad to see y'all still gaming away! Bit late tonight, though, I'll look back into the clans and such tomorrow morning after I've had my coffee. :)

Looks good for you, there's a good bit of interest for replacement!

Edgar, if you want to go with a Soulbolt, go ahead-I've been looking over the rewritten gunslinger rules and think I might try out a Pistolero 5/Something 1 instead. Knowing me, I'd probably multiclass into alchemist, so that I could do some dual-revolver shenanigans with the extra arms discoveries. Or would that be considered too "magic-y" for the setting? I know there's a big distrust of magic, so I thought I'd ask about Alchemists before I start going in too deep with possible build options.

Alchemists are allowed, but they don't use spells, they use psionics powers instead, to power their alchemy. I worked up a list for one of the player that got lost. If you get picked, I'll give you a list of them. The last player thought they were good selections.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

It must have been back in...what, 2014 I left? I remember it was abrupt, but I'm glad to see y'all still gaming away! Bit late tonight, though, I'll look back into the clans and such tomorrow morning after I've had my coffee. :)

Looks good for you, there's a good bit of interest for replacement!

Yep, 2014 I think. And yes, interest is better than shutting it down. :)

The Exchange

mdt wrote:
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

It must have been back in...what, 2014 I left? I remember it was abrupt, but I'm glad to see y'all still gaming away! Bit late tonight, though, I'll look back into the clans and such tomorrow morning after I've had my coffee. :)

Looks good for you, there's a good bit of interest for replacement!

Yep, 2014 I think. And yes, interest is better than shutting it down. :)

Easily! Hopefully I can get a worthwhile submission ready, and actually have a shot ay getting back in!

The Exchange

It feels like my first idea, at least for this campaign, was a little overzealous, but I'd like to keep with the same theme. I think I'd like to mix up melee and ranged combat, together, by taking the Brutality Blade archetype, but I'd be focusing on ranged combat with the Soul Archer prestige. The Brutality Blade, if you don't have it, has a lower base enhancement bonus overall, but gradually gain the ability to push the mind blade a bit farther than a regular mind blade, albeit for a limited number of rounds per day, as per barbarian. They can also pick up a few archetype-specific blade skills, but otherwise, they use Charisma for soulknife-related things, and that's about it. Now that I look at it.... the Rage Blade class feature itself doesn't seem to be advanced by classes that advance mind blades. This bodes poorly, but I'm sure it wouldn't end up being /that/ big a deal, just a bit of missed opportunity.

Nonetheless, I think that's the direction I'd like to take, mechanically. Fluffwise, I think I'd like to be a minor clansman of the Celestradan Halvavians, looking to prove his worth to the clan proper and increase the rank, wealth, and fame of his family, one way or another.

Hi mdt,

Here's my idea:

My character is a Humavian from the old McIntyre clan; a man deeply bound by honor and loyalty, and a peaceful yet fierce warrior with old manners. All his psychic power works exactly as Chi, and his way is that of profound meditation and thought. He's more on the shy and quiet side, and even though he comes from the largest clan on the entire Atalantia, he's humble and contemplative.

He spent most of his life seeking balance on monasteries at the top of the big island mountains at the northeast (closer to the mountain range at the center) - which existed since the Great Arcanium - and even though the life of a monk is more simple and not too technological, he isn't oblivious to the ways of the world. For his companions, he mostly sounds slightly time dislocated.

In terms of Game Mechanics, I'd like to build a white winged, lawful good monk/brawler, assuming the ki powers are also "psionic"-based, who would fight with a rope dart or shurikens. He's more of a ranged damage dealer, focused on throwing (so, Strength for damage) - he would have capabilities of operating in melee as well, if needed.

I'd like to have him do a combination of styles - probably Ascetic and either Dragon or Crane - via the Master of Many Styles, and would flurry with the Brawler's ability.

Anyway - here's my pitch :)

You'd likely need to take the Enlightened Monk archetype as well, to get the Ki/Psi benefits, assuming you can take Many Styles with that I'd be fine with that build.

This one here? I see! Without this archetype, then, Ki wouldn't work at all? I was just saying it was psionic for "fluff" reasons, but if it wouldn't work, then I can think about building it up with this archetype. Is there a similar one for Brawler, Ninja, the other Ki users?

That's the one. You would only need one class to allow ki/psi to work together. The way the ki pool works is you stack them all up together, so any ability that works on one of them works on all of them.

There's nothing stopping the character from thinking it's all psi. However, without that archetype, he won't count as a Psionic character, and won't be able to use items that only work for psionically active characters, can't use autohypnosis, etc.

Gotcha! It makes sense. I'll build something on these lines, then, and present for my submission - assuming you like the concept :)

Dark Archive

Hi there! =)

*hee* Sorry about that. But I'm here now and that's what's important. ;)

Yeah, well, I sorta was in another game. And it was...very bad. But I got to test out the build and find it to my liking.

Okay, there, I've re-re-updated back to Humavian...as it should be. =)

Tally ho?

Interest so far :

Volita Involo - Atlas2112 - Humavian Psion-Shaper - Complete
????????????? - The Chess - Enlightened Monkish type - WIP
????????????? - Edgar Lamoureux - Ranged Soulknife type - WIP
????????????? - Alexgndl - Gunslinger/Alchemist - WIP

Sorry to hear your other game turned out bad, Volita. PM me if you want some pointers on how to avoid that in the future.

The Exchange

I had forgotten how disproportionate the stat allocation was for this game. 10/10/12/13/18/18 is quite the array. That's a shame, I wanted to spread them out a bit more. I've got a basic statblock, sans gear, that I can post whenever, and with that, I think, Arthur "Art" Coleda is finished other than some more fleshing out.

I've just realized what time it is, and I've got to get ready for work. When I get home tonight, I'll do whatever last minute finagling I need for the sheet, as well as some fleshing out of Art, the Coleda clan, small though it is, and anything else I might need, mdt. If anything comes to mind, just let me know :)

How're we doing ability stat generation, by the way? I'm possibly blind and can't seem to find anything about it in the first few posts of recruitment. I know you didn't want any crunch right now, but having at least the rules tends to help me develop a character a bit better, I think.

That was for the first time I ran it Alex, this is a re-recruitment, crunch is absolutely desired. :)

Character creation guidelines start in this post

Stat rules are in This post

Full information on the custom races and clans are in the campaign tab.

Be sure to look at the House Rules section at the bottom of the Campaign Tab when trying to build a character (especially the weapons groups)

The Exchange

I plan on doing solid ranged damage, though likely nothing super spectacular, along with some lesser Crowd Control, mostly movement impairing effects. How should we handle gear?

You can buy any gear using the normal guidelines from the Dreamscar press rules. Firearms from the custom rules on the campaign tab.

If there's magic items you want, you have to find a psi power that would replicate (or closely mimic) the spell that powers the magic item to get a psionic version of it.

The Exchange

Regular wealth by level for level 6, then?


Chess here... Temporary profile for my submission. Still working on the fluff details and whatnot.

Wow. That second stat array is pretty awesome, definitely going to have to go for that. I'll try and have something up either tonight or tomorrow.

The Exchange

Art Coleda
Halfavian brutality blade soulknife 5/Soul Archer 1
N Small humanoid (halfavian)
Init +6; Senses Perception +11
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 11 (+5 Dex, +1 size)
hp N/A (6d10+11)
Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +5; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft. Land, 60 ft. Flight (Average)
Melee +1 Mind Blade (1h) +14/+9 (1d6+7 19-20/x2)
Ranged +1 Mind Arrow +12/+12/+7 (1d6+7/×3) or
+1 Mind Arrow +14/+9 1d6+7/x3
Special Attacks enhanced mind blade, form mind blade, psychic strike, quick draw
Str 11, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 21
Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 20
Feats Mindblade Proficiency, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Wild Talent
Traits Perceptive Talent, Well-informed
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+3 to jump), Climb +0, Diplomacy +15, Fly +16, Perception +11, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +18; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ blade skills (focused offense), form mind arrow, mind blade, ranged blade skill (Freezing Bolt), shape mind blade, throw mind blade
Other Gear +1 mithral breastplate, mithral heavy steel shield, belt of mighty constitution +2, Cloak of Resistance +1, headband of alluring charisma +2

Special Abilities
Enhanced Mind Blade +1 (Su) You can enhance your Mind Blade with a total enhancement bonus of +1.
Fearless +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear.
Focused Offense As long as the soulknife maintains psionic focus, he adds his Charisma modifier to his attack and damage rolls instead of his Strength modifier.
Form Mind Arrow Shape your mind blade into a semisolid arrow of psychic energy.
Form Mind Blade (Su) Form a semi-solid weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from your own mind.
Freezing Bolt As a free action, deal cold damage instead of physical. If it successfully deals damage, Fort save DC 18 (10+1/2 Soulbolt Level+Cha Mod) or have speed reduced by half for one round. Multiple attacks do not extend this duration.
Mainfest Rage Blade +1 [13 Rounds per day] Can only form one blade, cannot be thrown or disarmed. +1 Enhancement bonus, may be spent on special abilities, may push maximum enhancement to +6 when using crystal focus. Loses psionic focus and is fatigued for 1d4+1 rounds afterwards.
Mind Blade Increase your Enhanced Mind Blade class feature.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Psychic Enervation 10% chance when manifesting rage blade that the soulknife takes 2HP of damage per Brutality Blade level.
Psychic Strike +1d8 (Su) +1d8 to your mind blade damage.
Quick Draw (Su) You can manifest your Mind Blade as a free action.
Raging Surge (Su) At 4th level, may invoke raging surge while manifesting rage blade, maintined while manifested. Gain a +4 morale bonus to strength. Increases Psychic Enervation chance by 10%, to 20%.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Shape Mind Blade Change the form of your mind blade, or reassign its abilities
Soul of Wrath (Ex) A brutality blade uses his Charisma instead of his Wisdom for any soulknife ability he gains, such as blade skills that rely on Wisdom for determining save DC. He also uses his Charisma instead of his Wisdom for abilities gained from prestige classes that advance his mind blade
Wild Talent You are a psionic character and gain 2 power points.

If there's anything missing, or if I've got something noted incorrectly, or whatever else, just let me know.

Still working on making my character-had a long day at work, and it's taking a little longer than I thought it would. Here is what I have so far, still working on the inventory. Hank is definitely going to be part of Clan Reville, he loves causing mayhem. He's also got a very strong sense of wanderlust, which is why he isn't currently raiding and pillaging with his buds. Call it his gap year, or whatever. He wants to try and see the world, though. And shoot anything that looks at him funny.

Just have it wrapped up tomorrow Alexgndl and you'll be fine.


If you have not completed a submission, you have until tomorrow night to finish it up. If you haven't posted in the thread yet, too late, sorry. if you have, you have until tomorrow night to finish up.

Thanks for the interest and quick response.

PS : I'm leaving it up to my resident expert in Dreamscarred Press to look over the submissions for any obvious issues and PM me with them. :)

Oh sure, no pressure. ;)

I'm gaming/traveling this weekend, I won't be back until Sunday night.

Ok, then the deadline is extended till Sunday Night to get characters in. :)

Okay, I'm almost done, only have about 6k more gold to spend. And I have to do HP still, I believe. It's full HD at first, then average afterwards, am I correct?

Also having a bit of a tough time with the magic item system. So if we want a "magic" item that doesn't explode when we try to use it, we have to find a suitable psionic power to use with it, correct? I'm trying to find a good replacement for magic chest so that I could get a beneficial and bottomless bandolier. Also, do you allow combining magic items for 1.5x the cost? I'd love to combine a beneficial bandolier with a belt of Dexterity.

You can combine them per the base rules as long as they take up the same slot.

For beneficial bandolier you'd need Hidden Pocket to get the extradimensional storage. Hidden Pocket also works for things like Beltpouches of Holding (equivalent of Handy Haversack) and Backpacks of Holding (Equivalent of Bags of Holding).

Alright, I'd like to present Hanklin Reville, Humavian Gunslinger/Alchemist. He was born to a poor pirate family, basically whatever passes for white trash in Atalantia. He hated his family growing up, since he was always clearly smarter than them, but still had a solid respect for his clan and what they did. Once he got old enough, he decided to go off and explore the world a bit more. Now, he's finally free of his family and is trying to make a name for himself.


Ok, so, after looking over the characters, and some thought, I think what I'm going to do is take all 4 applicants. However, there are some issues around the current submissions. These are a mix of mechanics, background, and party dynamics. So we'll hash them out in discussion this week and get everyone squared away. I'll put up something after work in discussion. All the newbies dot the discussion and gameplay thread (delete dot in gameplay after saving it).

Friend of Atlas' here.

Looks like I'm late, but I'll work on a character in case an opening comes up. Crunch takes me tons of time with Pathfinder anyway... I'll keep an eye on gameplay to get a feel for the team dynamic.

Leaning toward a Halvavian Soulthief Vitalist if that doesn't step on any toes...

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