Uzbin Parault

Roderick MacDuncan's page

165 posts. Alias of Rikash.

Full Name

Roderick MacDuncan


Male Humavian Empiricist 6

Know(Arcana) +10+1d6, Know(Dun) +8+1d6, Know(Eng) +9+1d6, Know(Geo) +8+1d6, Know(Hist) +8 +1d6, Know(Local) +10+1d6, Know(Nat) +9+1d6, Know(Planes) +8+1d6, Know(Psi) +10+1d6, Know(Rel) +8 +1d6


(AC 23/16Tch/17FF, HP 42/42, Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +6, Init +6, Per +12)
(AC 19/14Tch/15FF, HP 42/42, Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7, Init +4, Per +12)


Non-Know Skills:
Acrobatics +13, Appraise +8, Bluff +9/+13 lie, Climb +5, Craft(Alchemy) +11, Diplomacy +13, Disable Device +13, Fly +10, Linguistics +8+1d6, Ride +4, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +10+1d6, Stealth +12, Swim +1










Common, Auran, Elven, Halfling, Strix, ???

Strength 13
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 11
Charisma 11

About Roderick MacDuncan

Roderick MacDuncan of Clan McIntyre
Male Humavian Empiricist Investigator 6
Favored Class Investigator (+6 skills)
Initiative +4 (+6 with mutagen); Senses Perception +12 (+3 bonus when looking for traps)

Armor Class(Normal) 19 (+5 armor +4 Dex) touch 14 flat-footed 16
Combat Maneuver Defense(Normal) 19, flat-footed 15

Armor Class(Mutagen) 23 (+5 armor +6 Dex +2 natural) touch 16 flat-footed 17
Combat Maneuver Defense(Mutagen) 21, flat-footed 15

Hit Points 26/36
Saves (Normal): Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7
Saves (Mutagen): Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +6

Speed 30 feet, 40 flight (average)
Base Attack Bonus +4
Combat Maneuver Bonus +5
Melee Touch Attack +8 (+10 with mutagen)
Ranged Touch Attack +8 (+10 with mutagen)

Melee/Ranged (w/ Mutagen and TWF) [+10] +1 crystal xephyr knife (1d6 + 7) 18-20/x2 P/S and [+10] mwk crystal xephyr knife (1d6 + 6) 18-20/x2 P/S
Melee (w/ Mutagen and TWF) [+8] kunai (1d4 + 6) x2 B/P and [+8] kunai (1d4 + 6) x2 B/P
Melee (w/ Mutagen) [+12] +1 crystal xephyr knife (1d6 + 7) 18-20/x2 P/S; [+10] kunai (1d4 + 6) x2 B/P; [+11] xephyr knife [1d6 + 6] 18-20/x2 P/S

Melee/Ranged (w/o Mutagen and TWF) [+8] +1 crystal xephyr knife (1d6 + 5) 18-20/x2 P/S and [+8] mwk crystal xephyr knife (1d6 + 4) 18-20/x2 P/S
Melee (w/o Mutagen and TWF) [+6] kunai (1d4 + 4) x2 B/P and [+6] kunai (1d4 + 4) x2 B/P
Melee (w/o Mutagen) [+10] +1 crystal xephyr knife (1d6 + 5) 18-20/x2 P/S; [+8] mwk crystal kunai (1d4 + 4) x2 B/P; [+9] xephyr knife [1d6 + 4] 18-20/x2 P/S

Ranged (w/ Mutagen) +11 mwk revolver pistol (cap & ball) 1d6 x2 30'; +11 mwk composite shortbow[+1 STR] (1d6 + 1) x3 P 70'

Ranged (w/o Mutagen) +9 mwk revolver pistol (cap & ball) 1d6 x2 30'; +9 mwk composite shortbow[+1 STR] (1d6 + 1) x3 P 70'

Combat-Relevant Gear
gladiator's gauze (0.5 lbs, free) (From Connor)
Mutagen (+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 natural armor) (n/a) (Kept in iron vial in his right wrist sheath)
+1 crystal xephyr knife (1 lb, 2315 gp)
+1 mithral chain shirt (12.5 lbs, 2100 gp)
Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude +1/+2 (1 lb, 1500 gp)
Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 [Use Magic Items] (1 lb, 4000 gp)
2 x Natural Healing (ML 5) (n/a, free) (Given by Kyzin after crafting)
3 x Force Screen (ML 1) (n/a, 150 gp)

2 x antiplague (n/a) (crafted, kept in handy haversack)
2 x antitoxin (n/a) (crafted, kept in handy haversack)
20 x arrows (3 lbs, 1 gp)
ghast retch flask (1 lb, crafted)
masterwork crystal xephyr knife (1 lb, 315 gp)
2 x Kunai (4 lbs, 4 gp) (On bandolier #2)
2 x masterwork composite shortbow[+1 STR] (2 lbs, 450 gp)
masterwork cap & ball revolver pistol (3 lbs, 700 gp)
2 x tanglefoot bag (4 lbs, n/a) (crafted)
2 x xephyr knife (2 lbs, 30 gp) (On bandolier #1)

Active Effects

Special Attacks -
Inspiration (7/7 per day) (+1d6)(Ex) - Use a free action (immediate action for saving throw) and 2 inspiration points to add inspiration bonus to an attack roll or saving throw.
Mutagen (Su) - Mutagen adds +4 to a physical stat (DEX) and -2 to a mental attribute (WIS), and +2 nat. armor for 10 minutes per Alchemist level.
Studied Combat (+3, 4 rounds)(Ex) - As a swift action, study foe to gain insight bonus to attack and damage for duration.
Studied Strike (+2d6)(Ex) - As a free action on a melee hit, end Studied Combat vs. a foe to add precision damage to the attack.
Unfailing Logic +2 (Ex) - +2 save vs. illusion and disbelievable effects

Mutagen (+4 DEX/-2 WIS/+2 Natural armor) - 1/1 prepared. 50 minute duration. [Kept in iron vial in his right wrist sheath]

Power Points
Total available: 27 (12 base + 15 INT)
Power points used: 18/27

Prepared Extracts -
Spell Level (Base cost per extract): Extract (power cost/notes) [Always kept in iron vials]
Level 1 (1): Elfsight (1), Force Screen (1) [Kept in iron vial in his left wrist sheath], Fortify (3/+3 saves), Minor Metamorphosis (3/small, +2 DEX, Cleave)
Precognition (1), Natural Healing(5, 15 hp), Natural Healing (4, 12 hp)
Level 2 (3): n/a

Special Abilities -
Alchemy +6 (Su) - +6 to Craft(Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can id potions by touch using Craft(Alchemy) as if using Detect Magic
Ceaseless Observation (Ex) - Use INT for Diplomacy (to gather info only), Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive and Use Magic Device
Inspiration (+1d6)(Ex)- Add bonus to trained Knowledge, Linguistics and Spellcraft without spending Inspiration point. Spend point for bonus to other skills.
Student of Philosophy (Trait) - Use Int instead of CHA for Diplomacy to persuade others and on Bluff checks to lie.
Trap Sense +2 (Ex) - +2 bonus on Reflex saves and +2 dodge bonus on AC against traps
Trapfinding +3 (Ex) - Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones equal to 1/2 Alchemist level.

Languages - (S) are starting languages (L) are linguistics languages
Auran (S)
Common (S)
Elven (S)
Halfling (S)
???? (L)

Born to the Wrong Clan - Your struggle of wills with your family and ostracization from your clan have fortified your strength of character. You gain +1 trait bonus to Will saves.
Student of Philosophy - Your study of the dead debate and verbal misdirection techniques of ancient Arcanium have given you a particular gift to persuade others using logic and reason. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true.

Investigator Talents:

Mutagen (L3)
Quick Study (L5)


Armor Proficiency(Light) (Investigator)
Simple Weapon Proficiency (All)
Exotic Light Blade Group Proficiency (Investigator)
One-Handed Firearm Weapon Group Proficiency (Investigator)
Weapon Finesse (L1)
Two-Weapon Fighting (Humavian L1 alt bonus)
Weapon Focus [xephyr knife] (L3)
Deadly Agility (L5)


Acrobatics +13 (6 ranks + 4 DEX + 3 class) (+2 Mutagen)
Appraise +8 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Bluff +9 (5 ranks + 0 CHA + 3 class) (+4 INT bonus to lie)
Climb +5 (1 rank + 1 STR + 3 class)
Craft(Alchemy) +12 (4 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class + 1 circumstance) (portable lab)(+6 competence bonus when crafting alchemical items)
Diplomacy +13 (6 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class) (Trait/Empiricist apply INT to Diplomacy for all purposes)
Disable Device +13 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class + 3 trapfinding + 2 circumstance) (MWK tools)
Fly +10 (3 ranks + 4 DEX + 3 class) (+2 Mutagen)
Knowledge(Arcana) +10 + 1d6 (3 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Dungeon) +8 + 1d6 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Engineering) +9 + 1d6 (2 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Geography) +8 + 1d6 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(History) +8 + 1d6 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Local) +10 + 1d6 (3 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Nature) +9 + 1d6 (2 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Planes) +8 + 1d6 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Psionics) +10 + 1d6 (3 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Knowledge(Religion) +8 + 1d6 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Linguistics +8 + 1d6 (1 rank + 4 INT + 3 class)
Perception +12 (5 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class) (+2 bonus to locate traps)
Ride +4 (0 ranks + 4 DEX) (+2 Mutagen)
Sense Motive +13 (6 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Spellcraft +10 + 1d6 (3 ranks + 4 INT + 3 class)
Stealth +12 (5 ranks + 4 DEX + 3 class) (+2 Mutagen)
Swim +1 (0 ranks + 1 STR)


Detailed Gear:

Cash: 41gp 8sp
Carried with Roderick
Handy Haversack (5 lbs, 2000 gp)

Mundane Items marked * bought with investigator's kit
Alchemy crafting kit (5 lbs, n/a)* (in HH)
Backpack, Masterwork (4 lbs, 50 gp)
Bandolier #1 (n/a, 5 sp)
Bandolier #2 (n/a, 5 sp)
Bedroll (5 lbs, n/a)* (in HH)
Belt pouch (0.5 lbs, n/a)
Black ink (n/a)* (in HH)
Inkpen (n/a)* (in HH)
Charcoal stick x 6 (n/a, 3 gp)
Explorer's outfit (n/a)
Flint and steel (n/a)* (in belt pouch)
Iron Vials x 7 (5 lbs, 5 sp) (2 in wrist sheaths, 3 on bandolier # 1)
Journal (1 lb, 10 gp)
Mess kit (1 lb, n/a)* (in HH)
Parchment x 10 (n/a, 2 gp) (in scroll box)
Scroll box (1 lb, 5 gp) (in HH)
Silk rope, 50 gt (5 lbs, 10 gp) (in HH)
Spare cash (1.3 lbs) (in belt pouch)
Spring-loaded wrist sheath x 2 (2 lbs, 20 gp) (One on each arm)
Torch (1 lb, n/a)* (in HH)
Trail rations x 5 (1 lb, n/a)* (in HH)
Travelling formula book (main book) (1 lb, 10 gp) (in HH)
Waterskin (4 lbs, n/a)* (in HH)

Roderick Encumbrance: Light (48/175 lbs) (Medium at 58 lbs) (Heavy at 116)

Left in a safe location Items marked * bought with investigator's kit

Alchemy crafting supplies (n/a, 133.33 gp)
Backpack (2 lbs, n/a)
Formula book (free, backup) (3 lbs, n/a)
Iron pot (4 lbs, n/a)*
Iron Vials x 5 (7 lbs, 7 sp)
Portable alchemist's lab (20 lbs, 75 gp)
Psionic crafting supplies (n/a, 200 gp)
Large chest with good lock (101 lbs, 90 gp)
Soap (0.5 lbs, n/a)*
Torch x 9 (9 lbs, n/a)*

Formula Books:

Link to the psionic formulae list

Carried Travelling Formula Book (15/50 pages)
Level 1 - 9 pages
Call to Mind
Conceal Thoughts
Force Screen
Metamorphosis, Minor
Natural Healing
Thicken Skin

Level 2 - 6 pages
Animal Affinity
Cleanse Body
Energy Adaptation, Specified


Backup Formula Book (free) (13/100 pages)
Level 1 - 9 pages
Call to Mind
Conceal Thoughts
Force Screen
Metamorphosis, Minor
Natural Healing
Thicken Skin

Level 2 - 4 pages
Animal Affinity
Cleanse Body
Energy Adaptation, Specified

Detailed Stats:

Starting stats - Racial Mod - Other Mods:
Strength 13 - 0 - N/A
Dexterity 18 - 0 - N/A
Constitution 13 - 0 - +1 level 4
Intelligence 16 - 2 - N/A
Wisdom 11 - 0 - N/A
Charisma 11 - 0 - N/A

Ability Score Increases
Level 4 - Constitution

Hit Points Calculation
Total Hit Points 36 = 8 + 4.5*5 + 10 CON

Useful macros:





Prized Possessions: