(1) Atalantia - Scourge of Magic

Game Master mdt


'Ship' . . . 'House' . . . Connor's Log


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Prison of the Elements

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jhpace1 wrote:
Other than the fact that we're going to be transporting the equivalent of a metric ton of nitroglycerin across several hundred miles of unimproved rocky roads, yeah, sure, lots of flavor text. ;-P Where's my bomb suit, and does this job really pay enough?


Nah, they have people for that. And they don't bother trecking it in on foot.

They dangle the chest from chains, fly a ship a half-mile over Ash, and then pull the chain that releases the lid and dump the contents in the middle of the island. Nobody goes to Ash on purpose if they can in anyway help it. Being in a manastorm is NOT fun.

EDIT: What you guys get to do is track down the nitroglycerin that's sitting around on half-rotted shelves and hoarded by idiots who like to juggle it. Then you get to put it in cases and carry it through the city to the people who dump it by remote on Ash. :)

Sounds awesome, I like the tone of the posts so far. Nice descriptive action.

As for my character, I'll be working on it again later. Any monk 'dip' I do will be several levels later, so I hope we level fast. It'll be especially nice to have some awesome abilities.

I might change my race, I'm not sure I like strix as they are compared to what I thought they were.

You've got until Friday Tenro, so take the time you need.

And race is up to you.

To be up front however, I will use submission date/time as a tie breaker if I can't decide between two characters if we have more than 6 people wanting to play.

mdt, is somebody going to have to take a level of Sorcerer or Bard in order to get detect magic? Because without a lot of skill points in Knowledge: Arcana I don't see a team of "EOD" being able to find said magic items.

Edit: And what happens if we do cross-class into a "forbidden" field? Much like retired Special Forces being met by the county sheriff when they move to a new state, just to let them know they're aware of their special skills.

Fair enough. I should be done tonight.

I would have been done earlier bit I was bringing a lot of work home this past week. It doesnt slow my posting but it does preclude me from taking the time to put together a character, which is why I didnt complete initially until Friday night.

How do you feel about a humavian with some strix blood? Not enough to give him a statistical advantage, but enough to affect his appearance significantly enough to cause him some headaches from purists?

jhpace1 wrote:

mdt, is somebody going to have to take a level of Sorcerer or Bard in order to get detect magic? Because without a lot of skill points in Knowledge: Arcana I don't see a team of "EOD" being able to find said magic items.

Edit: And what happens if we do cross-class into a "forbidden" field? Much like retired Special Forces being met by the county sheriff when they move to a new state, just to let them know they're aware of their special skills.

No, casting Detect Magic would be like going around with a revolver with one bullet in it, spinning the chamber, and then putting the barrel against a barrel of Nitro and pulling the trigger. You'd detonate, rather than the magic items.

You'd have to get off the island to cross-class into magic, given how volitile it is. You'd be a pariah when you returned, or at least considered dangerously unstable (kind of like the Hulk is in Marvel). That is all possible of course.

As to finding magic items at low levels, the same psionic abilities that detect psionic abilities will detect magic (just as detect magic will detect psionic abilities), it's just that the detection is 'off'. It's like looking through 3-D glasses that have grease smeared on one lens. It sort of works, but it gives you a headache to concentrate on it.

Tenro wrote:

Fair enough. I should be done tonight.

I would have been done earlier bit I was bringing a lot of work home this past week. It doesnt slow my posting but it does preclude me from taking the time to put together a character, which is why I didnt complete initially until Friday night.

How do you feel about a humavian with some strix blood? Not enough to give him a statistical advantage, but enough to affect his appearance significantly enough to cause him some headaches from purists?

I'd be perfectly fine with that. I'd take the feat Racial Heritage. It let's you count as both Human and Strix (humavian and strix) for feats, class archetypes, equipment, etc. Strix actually have a fairly nice fighter archetype in the ARG you'd qualify for if you wanted to go for ranged attacker.

Figured out what I'm playing:

Elfavian, Marksman(Volley), Clan Resalia. Gonna take the Sprint Flier alt trait. Not sure which array I'll take, looking at 1st or 2nd.

Are you using Talents at all? If so, which method(s)?

If I went ranged, id take the gunslinging archetype of cryptic.

I was either gonna take that or the brutal disruptor archetype I chose. I liked the idea of getting my disrupt pattern attack on melee strikes. Sorta went well with the strix bestial nature.

I would like to see the guns home rules to decide. I was leaning to brutal disruptor as a strix because I was picturing a teifling, but as a humavian id be more inclined to the grammaton.

Perhaps I am now leaning more towards the grammaton now...

Yes, Talent's are in effect.

We'll be using the Automatic Talent option.


Firearm rules request submitted. This PBP will use houseruled Firearms. A subsection of the house rules (those that apply to Black Powder and Cap and Ball) will be posted in the Campaign Section as soon as I can get hem all transferred over.


Houserules for Firearms are up (and being betatested, aren't you all so nice to do that) in the campaign page. Linked to Google Drive download for ODT document (open office, libre office, Word). Also there is a link to the modified Gunslinger class.

One note, you can't reduce a black powder weapon below a certain reload time.

Black Powder: Black Powder firearms are all muzzle-loaded, requiring bullets or pellets and black powder to be rammed down the muzzle. Afterwards, more black powder must be applied to the strike pan of the firing mechanism. If a black powder firearm has multiple barrels, each barrel must be loaded separately. It is a Full Round action to load each barrel of a black powder firearm. The Rapid Reload feat reduces this to a Standard Action.

Cap and Ball: Cap and Ball firearms, while still being muzzle-loaded, can be loaded quicker and more safely due to the powder being pre-measured, and the percussion cap replacing the strike pan. Reloading a single barrel of a cap and ball weapon requires a move action. Alternately, as a full round action, the wielder can reload a number of barrels or cylinders equal to their dex modifier. The Rapid Reload feat reduces loading a single barrel to a swift action, and allows the loader to load up to their dex modifier as a Standard Action. Additionally, some cap and ball firearms come with a 'revolver' cylinder (see firearms for details). A revolver cylinder can be pre-loaded and stored, and later placed into a weapon. Doing so is a Full Round Action, and you must have a cylinder in hand to do so, that results in the previous cylinder falling to the ground. The Quick Draw feat will allow a cylinder to be drawn from a bandolier or other easily accessed location. The Rapid Reload feat reduces the time to switch out Cylinders to a Standard Action.

Note that these firearm rules are not intended to be a good approximation of reality. They are intended to be a nod toward reality but still playable.

mdt wrote:

Yes, Talent's are in effect.

We'll be using the Automatic Talent option.

This is new to me. Psionic Talents

Automatic: Manifesting classes automatically gain talents, similar to how spellcasters automatically gain cantrips or orisons. In this option, manifesters should receive talents at 1st level according to the list below.

Psion: Three talents (replaces discipline talents)
Psychic Warrior: Two talents
Wilder: One talent

For any other manifesting classes, use the list above as a guideline to determine how many talents they should receive.

Psionic Talents are basically the equivalent of Orisons/Cantrips. Little things you can do all day long as long as you have psionic focus.

What level of gun technology are we using?

Per the house rules, it'd be Cap & Ball. You can go Black Powder as well, if you prefer, but it's harder to use. :)

I mean like emerging guns, guns everywhere, etc.

Also, do we need me to go melee or ranged? I'm kinda on the fence.

Connor of McIntyre has 4 PP for 1 Inertial Armor and 3 2-round Astral Constructs, after which he is going to be shooting a lot of crossbow bolts at a distance. Up in melee he only has a quarterstaff and a dagger. Energy Splash is 1-2 points of damage.

So we need a meatshield, I think.

On the island, guns are everywhere. The highest level of technology available are Cap and Ball. The custom rules for that are on the link in the campaign tab of this PBP under 'Firearms Rewrite'.

The Paizo rules (including the emerging guns and guns everwhere) really aren't being used.

As to melee or ranged, go with what you prefer. I can adjust as needed.

Well with a d8 HD he wouldnt be a meatshield, but could get some good damage at lv6. I thinkIill stick with melee for now. Except ill be relying on Disrupt Pattern at range until lv6 anyway...

A suggestion for all other players: if you have a power, will you always list it by URL? For instance, detect psionics. Since most of us have not (yet) memorized Dreamscarred Press' books the same way as 3.5 or Pathfinder. Just a suggestion. I have a separate .txt file that I keep for each character so I can cut-and-paste these powers quickly.

For instance, I'm having to look up Tenro's Cryptic on the PFSRD quite a bit because it's new to me and I have no idea what his class powers do.

mdt, is the Cryptic's hidden pocket an analog for secret chest for handy haversacks and bags of holding? You set the manifester level for crafting. If Dreamscarred Press hasn't done this already.

I've already used mdt's suggestion of "magic-equivalent" powers by purchasing a signet ring with a poison pill compartment with continual flame inside, but instead of the magic, I'll just use crystal light with the Universal Items creation feat. Voila!

Tenro, I'll get the crafting feats, you get the powers, and we can make a lot of stuff. I'm already considering having my character pay you for psionic tattoos when we get 1.) money and 2.) downtime.

Yep, it is. Although they tend to make Beltpouches of Storage and Backpacks of Storage, rather than haversacks and bags. :)

And yep, tattoo's are basically like non-transferrable potions.

jhpace1 wrote:
Tenro, I'll get the crafting feats, you get the powers, and we can make a lot of stuff. I'm already considering having my character pay you for psionic tattoos when we get 1.) money and 2.) downtime.

Sounds good. I am crafting my character to start out as a skirmisher but work his way into being a brawler. Part of why i didn't switch to grammaton is that i didnt want to give up psionic tattoo, because i thought it was pretty fitting/cool for an eventual brawler type. i know i could have taken Scribe Tattoo as a grammaton but i couldnt take it until lv3 in that instance, and i'm impatient hahah.

I will scribe tattoos for you at cost when we get time and money. only thing is, Cryptic doesnt get a TON of powers known.

Additionally, Psionic Tattoos ARE transferable, they just aren't as easy to hand over as a potion is.

per the PRD: A psionic tattoo inscribed on a wearer is potentially more mobile than a mundane tattoo. As a standard action, the wearer can will the tattoo to move to a different part of his body or onto the skin of any willing (or unconscious) living creature he touches. If the wearer of a psionic tattoo is rendered unconscious or is slain, another sentient creature can touch the tattoo while willing it to leave the previous wearer and apply itself to the new creature as a standard action. Psionic tattoos cannot overlay one another.

Ah, I'd forgotten that. :)

Tenro wrote:
I will scribe tattoos for you at cost when we get time and money. only thing is, Cryptic doesnt get a TON of powers known.

I wonder if there's a power stone loophole, like taking a magic scroll with Brew Potion and making a potion out of it. As long as it's on the Cryptic's list, of course.

Edit: You're right, that's quite the restricted list. I guess I'll be getting Scribe Tattoo at 3rd Level as well as Universal Items at 5th. Psions don't have as great cooperative crafting abilities as magic users, I guess.

Well, i will have use magic device trained as a class skill.

and here is the link to my now-hopefully-complete character, Reaghar of Donough.

He is now a Humavian with strix blood. I didn't take the feat, not sure if i want the blood to awaken, but if i do decide to have his strix heritage to become a bigger part of his life, i'd like it to be a fairly significant in-game event. but i likely will not take the feat, and thus it will likely remain a sore issue of his past.

jhpace1 wrote:
Tenro wrote:
I will scribe tattoos for you at cost when we get time and money. only thing is, Cryptic doesnt get a TON of powers known.
I wonder if there's a power stone loophole, like taking a magic scroll with Brew Potion and making a potion out of it. As long as it's on the Cryptic's list, of course.

Well, any magic potion would be subject to the wild magic storms.

On the other hand, between tattoos and power stones, you've basically got potions and wands. Just not as easily trasnported in the case of tattoo's. :)

jhpace1 wrote:
A suggestion for all other players: if you have a power, will you always list it by URL? For instance, detect psionics. Since most of us have not (yet) memorized Dreamscarred Press' books the same way as 3.5 or Pathfinder. Just a suggestion. I have a separate .txt file that I keep for each character so I can cut-and-paste these powers quickly.

I also keep .txt files for all my characters. easiest way to keep the formatting right.

@jhpace1 (and others to a lesser extent): Here are some links to my psionic characters if you are interested in certain classes or are looking for ideas. Most of them are in actual games so you can also see kinda how they look in play.

Marksman (Shroud) 8 (never played)
Marksman (Shroud) 2
Dread 7
Nomad 5 (working towards Elocater)
Soulknife 5 (working towards Pyrokineticist)
Vitalist (Life Leech) 3
Psychic Warrior 6/War Mind 5
Dread 2
Aegis 1 (never got in a game)

I have a few other psionic characters but I left out the ones that were in games with heavy houserules and ones that were gestalt.

I was thinking Shroud, but not too sure. I kinda like Wind Reader..

Looks good Tenro

mdt, do Humavians get the Human extra feat at 1st level? I'm wondering if I have the right number of feats - 1st Level and Psion Bonus Feat. Do I add a Humavian feat at 1st?

Monkeygod wrote:
I was thinking Shroud, but not too sure. I kinda like Wind Reader..

i think wind reader would probably be better for this game, i personally don't know how much sneaking around there will be...

EDIT: play what you want of course.

just make sure you get this

Shroud gives you a bonus to hit on your first attack, and would work well with sneak attacking at range. It also gives you a way to sneak past people a couple of times a day.

Wind reader gives you a better ability to hit hard to hit opponents, and to hit at longer ranges.

Depends on whether you're going the sneaky route or the long range hitter route.

So far we have :

Whack-a-Rogue : 'Crow' von Resalia - NN Male Halvavian Dread
JHPace1 : Connor of McIntyre - CG Male Humavian Psion (Shaper)
TarkXT : Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia - NN Male Elfavian Tactician
Tenro : Reaghar of Donough - LN Male Humavion Cryptic (Brutal Disruptor)

So, four completed and submitted character's so far.

On a side note, remember, you can still craft psionic equipment without the power by taking +5 to the DC. Makes it harder, but doable. Much easier if someone can manifest the power, or use a stone or something obviously. :)

And yes, if person A has scribe tattoo, and crafts with person B, then I allow person B to provide the manifestation of the power. So there's no reason for multiple people to get the same crafting feat unless they really want to have some backup or be able to work on multiple items simultaneously.

I will be allowing the downtime rules as well, so you'll have time to do things, and also opportunity to make bases or own property.

Heard on an airship wrote:

"Now now, it says I am to use all resources to find my quarry, and you are a resource. Officially. Third Fleet is officially listed as a resource of McIntyre Enclave." Kalvant reminds her with some enjoyment.

Jalice tightens a grip on her sword pommel, but then takes a deep breath and relaxes. "Fine, I have no such people on my ships, I'd have them clipped and dropped if I did. So you have wasted a trip, unless your trip was simply to annoy me."

Kalvant shrugs. "Nope, just a perk of the job, I swear. And I didn't expect to find anyone from your ship, I came to ask you if you knew of any black sheep that might fit the bill. You deal with the families more than I do, and you get all the good gossip."

Jalice starts to growl a response, but then stops. She looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. "Hmm, on second thought, I may actually know of someone that would fit your bill. For sure he's useless for anything else, sctocking idiot he is. Wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy." She smiles at Kalvant sweetly. "Fortunately you're not my worst enemy..."

Connor sneezed twice. "Huh" he said to himself, looking around at the marketplace. "My ears are burning, and I'm sneezing for no reason. Now who's talking about me?" he wondered. His hand drifted to his coin purse on his belt. The weight was distressingly light, the few coins not making nearly enough jingle. Connor sighed. "Well, third time's the charm, if it was possible." he muttered, looking up at the stone-worked bankers' building ahead of him. "C'mon Connor, one more chance at getting a loan for a business." he said to himself, unfurling his wings as he leaped up to the wide doors above street level.

Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because she's McIntyre doesn't mean she's talking about you. :)

If you make the cut, she probably is. If not, it'll be someone else.

I'm setting up multiple 'conduits' so that not everyone is recruited the same way. :)

Introducing Sammark Bellefont, a man with exactly nothing to lose anymore. Trustworthy in his own way and provably dangerous. The plan is that he will fill a combat role similar to a magus but eschew most weapons entirely. Also, I had planned to take a feat from Psionics Augmented called Deep Focus at later levels. Psionics Augmented is the newest Dreamscarred Press Psionics book and I can provide a summary of the feat for you.

wow nice i didnt know they had a new book out! reading it now.

Sammark Bellefont wrote:
Introducing Sammark Bellefont, a man with exactly nothing to lose anymore. Trustworthy in his own way and provably dangerous. The plan is that he will fill a combat role similar to a magus but eschew most weapons entirely. Also, I had planned to take a feat from Psionics Augmented called Deep Focus at later levels. Psionics Augmented is the newest Dreamscarred Press Psionics book and I can provide a summary of the feat for you.

Looks good so far. The only things I want to note are (and these are not things you have to change, I just want you to be aware of them) :

1: Morrigu is a decent sounding deity, but, not part of the world. It's no big deal as the islanders have only the vaguest of concepts as to who and what the real gods of the world are (given that no cleric can live on the island for long and cast spells), so invented gods are fine. If you're interested in the actual gods, I'm perfectly happy to put them up in Campaign info as well though. The only difference it'd make is if you ever leave the island in game, and decide to multiclass into a divine caster class.

2: I'm fine with feats from DSP's books, even if I don't have them. However, I reserve the right to request they be changed if they end up being a problem in game (this mostly applies to everyone, so it's not you being singled out). I'll probably pick up the book at some point during the game, and PFSRD should have it too, so it's not that big a deal. But do put the info in your character sheet for now.

3: Let me know which two clans he was originally from in his background please. If they are minor clans (likely given he's a half-elf) then just make up the clan names/alignments/alliances and that works fine. I'm assuming he's only using given and family name (elven family name given humans don't have any) without clan tags at this time.

So far we have :

Whack-a-Rogue : 'Crow' von Resalia - NN Male Halvavian Dread
JHPace1 : Connor of McIntyre - CG Male Humavian Psion (Shaper)
TarkXT : Selvan Kilvani 'tel Mintakia - NN Male Elfavian Tactician
Tenro : Reaghar of Donough - LN Male Humavion Cryptic (Brutal Disruptor)
Ptolmaeus Arvenus : Sammark Bellefont - CN Male Half-elf Psychic Warrior (Martial Kineticist)

So, five completed and submitted character's so far.

Currently, the odds of your character being accepted into the game are 100%. These odds will of course vary as more character submissions are finalized, with the final odds determined based on the number of submissions. Submissions will be cut off on Midnight November 1st, with final decisions due by Midnight November 2nd, and the game starting before Midnight November 3rd.

Any characters not selected will give their owners a 'first shot' at any openings in the game at future dates. Since the makeup of the group may change over time, the unselected character may not be appropriate, but the submitter will be given an opportunity to submit a new character.

If a character dies in game, the controller of that character will be allowed to make a replacement character. If they choose not to, then a previously rejected submitter will be offered their place in the game.

The Exchange

I've gotten time to actually get things started, and so my character is incoming. I'll have him/her up sometime either today or tomorrow.

I assume that the answer to JHPace1's question regarding the Human Bonus feat on a humavian is a no?

jhpace1 wrote:
mdt, do Humavians get the Human extra feat at 1st level? I'm wondering if I have the right number of feats - 1st Level and Psion Bonus Feat. Do I add a Humavian feat at 1st?

Sorry, I missed this until Egar pointed it out. Let me quote the Humavian below :

Humavians wrote:

Humanoid (Humavian)
Size : Medium, Humavians have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
Speed : 30 feet, fly 40 feet (Average) (6)
Attributes : Humavians gain a +2 to any one stat.
Languages : Humavian's start with Common, Humavians with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Elven, Halfling, and Strix.

Human Blood : Humavian's count as Human for any effects related to race.

Human Ingenuity : Some humavians have inherited the voracious learning capacity of their human forebears. Such humavians gain 1 additional bonus skill point at 1st level, and one additional skill point each time they level.

Alternate Racial Traits

Human Curiosity : Some humavians have inherited the natural curiosity of their human forebears. They gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) become class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of these Knowledge skills as class skills, they gain a +2 racial bonus on those skills instead. This replaces Human Ingenuity.

Focused Study : Some humavians have inherited their human forebears ability to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces Human Ingenuity.

Human Versatility : Some humavians have inherited their human forebears ability to be extremely flexible in their approach to problem solving. Such Humavians gain a bonus feat at 1st level. This replaces Human Ingenuity.

As you can see, they do not get the human bonus feat at first level. Unless they take the alternate racial trait 'Human Versatility'. This replace Human Ingenuity and let's them get a bonus feat at first level rather than +1 skill point per level.

So, if you've given yourself a human bonus feat, you're fine. If you've given yourself a bonus skill point, you are fine. If you've given yourself both, you are unfortunately incorrectly built. You will need to decide between skill points and feat.

Race build rules have been moved into the Campaign tab, to make it easier to reference them during character creation. Link to Strix PRD entry also included.

i had chosen both for humavian, i have fixed that.

I'm giving characters a once over mechanics wise, and looking harder at background right now. Once final selections are made, I'll go over the mechanical side and point out any issues I see. If I see them during 'first looks' I'll point them out obviously. :) I'm hoping I would have caught all that during 'last looks'.

Yes, I do watch face off weekly.

Yes, I do find it funny. :)

The Exchange

I somehow completely missed the Alternate Racial Traits. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

I somehow completely missed the Alternate Racial Traits. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

No problem, part of the GM's job description. :)

What's interesting for me is that, other than the psion and psionics in general I have no idea how these classes work.

I rahter look forward to playing with this tactician.

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